Ubuntu :: Panels Lost After Increasing Screen Resolution / Restore It To Original?

May 18, 2010

I have a weird problem that after increasing the screen resolution from 1024x786 (4:3) to 1280x900 something (also 4:3) that both top and bottom panels have disappeared. I am not familiar with the keyboard shortcuts to much but managed to get a terminal running so I should be able to do some command line stuff but as I am not too familiar where to edit perhaps someone can give me some pointers.

I guess first step is to restore the resolution to the original. Anyone any ideas?

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General :: Increasing Screen Resolution To 1024x800 In Ubuntu - No Xorg.conf File?

Mar 2, 2011

I have set up my Ubuntu virtual machine and am trying to adjust the screen resolution because it's stuck at 800x600 presently and there are no higher resolution options. I've looked at numerous similar forms and tutorials online and they all seem to involve editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf. However, for whatever reason, this file seems not to exist on my machine. I found another tutorial on how to add a screen resolution using xrandr --addmode which added the resolution I want to the list that appears when I type the command xrandr, but when I try to apply it I get an error about CRTC 262 failing.

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Ubuntu :: Two Panels At Screen Top - Panels Lose Order On Reboot

May 12, 2011

I find that I prefer have both panels located at the screen top. That way I don't have to go to the bottom of the screen for one thing, then back to the top for another. I arranged the panel so the regular top one is on top,then the panel that contains the open applications is underneath.The problem is, when I reboot, the panels lose their order. First, the regular top panel initializes, then the bottom ones starts and pushes the first panel down, which becomes what you see in the picture: I would like to find a way to keep them in the opposite order of what you see in the picture, but every time I reboot they end up in that order.

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Fedora :: 12 KDE Screen Resolution Lost Settings After Reboot

Feb 2, 2010

I've installed Fedora 12 KDE using VMWare, but I can't for the life of me get my display settings to stick. When I change the resolution, my display responds appropriately but upon logging out or rebooting, these settings are lost. Am I missing something completely obvious here?

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Ubuntu :: How To Restore All Panels - 9.04

Feb 15, 2010

I deleted all my panels and have been using AWN. Well, Ive decided that I want my panels back. I can get the panels to run through terminal but if i restart, they disappear again. How do I permanently restore my panels? I know that I had to turn off the values for Gnome-panel when deleting the last panel, and I just dont know where I went to do it because I was following instructions from another thread.

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Ubuntu :: Increasing The Monitor Resolution?

Aug 14, 2011

I was playing around with the NVidia settings control panel today and I saw that its Resolution dropdown was giving me options for


My monitor supports up to 1440*900. When I selected one of the higher resolutions, it didn't look very sharp, and the text was somewhat fuzzy and lacked clarity. Was this rendering being done by the graphics card but 'compressed' by the monitor?

The status said 'switched to metamode'. I tried searching but found nothing - what exactly does MetaMode mean? I'm more interested in understanding what was happening, only experimenting with the higher resolutions. What monitor and resolution do you have?

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Ubuntu :: Increasing Desktop Resolution Options?

Mar 13, 2011

Is there anyway to get more options for desktop resolution? The max I have available right now isn't high enough. Ive read a couple of different ways to do this, but nothing that I have been able to follow.

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Ubuntu :: Restore Panels Like They Were In Previous Versions?

Apr 29, 2011

I just upgraded to ubuntu 11.04. now panels disappeared. everything looks too much like mac, it's way too confusing for me. is there a way to restore panels like they were in the previous versions?

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Ubuntu :: Increasing Monitor Resolution To Startup Menu

Jan 24, 2011

I have followed this post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.p...lay+resolution And when I restart it goes back to having the edge of my window (scrollbar) cut off. I added the increase_resolution.sh to my startup menu but I guess I don't know the command to MAKE it start at startup. (That is what "command" means in the "Edit startup program" menu, correct?) If I go into usr/local/bin and click run it works, but if I can execute it automatically, that would be great.

Also, I have added an account(?) for my daughter and when she is finished and I try to log her out the display goes nuts and does not correct itself. I assume it has to do with this since when I restart the machine (and the script isn't running) the picture is fine again. Is there a conflict between the two accounts and this script? I'm sorry if this is not making sense, I know what I want to say, but don't have the lingo/jargon down.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Restore To Its Original Setup?

Feb 28, 2010

They were controlled by BIOS for start-up without problem.Just wiped out Fedora and installed Ubuntu 9.10 64bit. During installing GRUB I saved it on Master, IIRC.Now Ubuntu and Vista startup are controlled by boot loader. I have to start Ubuntu first and on kernel selection select (loader)(on/dev/sdb1).Then Vista starts.It works.How can I restore to its original setup?Their booting is controlled by BIOS.

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Ubuntu :: Restore 11.04 Back To Its Original State?

Aug 15, 2011

I recently had a problem in Ubuntu 11.04. I had just installed GNOME 3, however, I didn't really like it as much so I decided to go back using GNOME 2,but then a whole bunch of things happened. I tried re-installing GNOME 2,but then I lost the Ubuntu enviorment and stuck only with GNOME and now I'm only left with a terminal whenever I log in. how to restore Ubuntu 11.04 back to its original state, like as if it had a fresh installation?

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Fedora :: Restore Original Yum Config?

Aug 17, 2009

how to restore the original yum settings?

I followed a walkthrough that set the yum config to be more robust(?) or harder to break F11 and since have had major problems installing things.

Can I roll this back or reinstall the yum parts of the OS from scratch to regain normal operation?

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OpenSUSE :: Restore Original KDE Desktop As It Was From The DVD

Apr 9, 2009

When i click the green frog head, things dont behave as before. When i moved my mouse from the Favorites to Applications or to Computer/Recently Used/Leave tabs, the desktop enviroment would automatically switch, without me having to click them. Another thing is if i want leave the green frog toolbar i have to click somewhere withing the green frog head window to close that window. Before i was able to get out of it by clicking on any window out of it, like a firefox window. Also when i go to desktop setup , the only themes remaining are Oxygen and Aya.There were more before. Finally similar programs on the taskbar are grouped together which i don't like. how i could over these problems without having to reinstall the OS , preferably using the opensuse dvd.

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OpenSUSE :: Restore The Original 11.3 KDE 4 Desktop ?

Apr 8, 2011

I have managed to delete my default openSUSE 11.3 KDE 4 desktop. I also ended up with this seemingly unchangeable desktop set up. How do I restore the original openSUSE 11.3 KDE 4 desktop ?

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Ubuntu :: Deleted Top Panel - How To Restore In Original State

Aug 5, 2011

The top right panel item contains the shutdown, time, network icons, etc. I don't use the messaging icon so right-clicked and chose 'remove from panel'. The whole lot disappeared! How can I restore things to their original state?

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Fedora :: Restore KDevelop To Original F11 State?

Oct 23, 2009

I tried to install KDevelop4, decided I didn't want to use it, and now I am having trouble getting KDevelop3 working again. The only steps to installing kdevelop4 were installing a new version of kdevplatform and then kdevelop itself. I did this:

1) sudo yum remove "kdevplatform* kdevelop*"
2) disable updates and testing repo
3) sudo yum install "kdevelop"

The problem is that there is something wrong with the menus (File, Edit, etc). There are many important items missing, as well as one of them says "No text!". This indicates that this is not the original packaged version with F11 because I used it for a year and it was certainly not like this. Is there a better way to get back to the original version than I showed here?

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 - Continuous Crashing - System Restore To Its Original Settings Or Something?

Dec 30, 2010

I recently had my laptop which ran windows xp, wiped and ubuntu installed in its place. I was told of all the grand benefits of ubuntu so I thought yeesss. Everything was running beautifully, everything was heavenly, until i encountered "a flash website ". This was strange because ..... worked fine.

Anyway ever since I encountered that site Ubuntu crashes on startup. I log in then crash. Its strange because sometimes it takes a while to crash e.g. when trying to open any application, or sometimes its instant.

1. How i diagnose this problem so it can be fixed, remember it may have to be before the log in.
2. Is there someway I can do a system restore to its original settings or something?

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General :: Restore Original Chown Permissions On VPS Centos?

Jun 29, 2010

well, by mistake i ran a command and chown the whole server apache:apache

now, i can't do anything... is there a way to restore the original permissions??

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Software :: Restore To Original State After A 'make Install' ?

Feb 26, 2011

I was in real doubt where to put this, so I hope I picked the right forum; otherwise, my apologies!

I want to build Roadsend PHP on my system. There seems to be no way to do this with the package manager, so I have to build it from source.

Turns out it depends on something called 'Bigloo'. Again no luck with the package manager, so I had to build this one from source too.

I took version 3.0c (Roadsend website recommends this version), did a

./configure && make && make install

, which did the job. Builing Roadsend worked, but I got a runtime error, which had to do with the Bigloo version.

No problem, I tought, then I'll just install Bigloo 3.1a. I did a "make uninstall" in the 3.0c dir, and tried to build 3.1a. This also worked, but now when I try to make Roadsend, I reports:

*** ERROR:bigloo.heap:
Release mismatch -- Heap is `3.0c', Bigloo is `3.1a'

So, somehow, there are still traces of 3.0c on my system. Maybe some file that didn't get deleted or some table entry that hasn't been undone?

My question is: How can I remove all traces of this version? Apparently, "make uninstall" is not thorough in this case.

And: Is there a general solution to remove everything when I did a "make install". So that my system is in the same state as it was before I ran the command?

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Fedora Installation :: How To Restore Audio Files To Original State

Jan 27, 2009

I installed F9 for a friend. She wasn't getting any sound. I ran aplay -l, but got no sound card listed. I ran lspci -v, but got no sound card listed. However,the output of lspci -v said the computer had a particular motherboard. I Googled for it and was told it had an onboard sound card. That led me to the package called realtek-linux-audiopack-4.06a, which I installed. It included an installation script, which I ran.

The script didn't work to compile various files it was supposed to, but it did work to delete various files from my friend's system. Here are the bits of the script that removed files:

echo "Remove old sound driver"
if [ -d /lib/modules/$KERNEL_VER/kernel/sound ]; then
rm -rf /lib/modules/$KERNEL_VER/kernel/sound/pci > /dev/null 2>&1


In the result, the failure of the compilation didn't matter, because lspci -v lied. She didn't have the motherboard shown, but a different one without an onboard sound card. Of the files deleted by the script.

I was able to reinstall libasound.so.2 and libasound.so.2.0.0, but I haven't yet tried to reinstall the other ones deleted by the script. Now, I want her to buy a sound card, but I'm afraid it won't work unless all the deleted files are reinstalled. I'm looking for guidance as to how I can reinstall the files deleted by the bits of the script I set out above, without completely reinstalling Fedora.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Chmod Command To Run To Restore The System To Its Original State?

Jun 15, 2011

we have a customer that ran a sudo chmod +x -R * command on his / filesystem by mistake and now the machine cannot be accessed on the network Has anyone any idea what chmod command to run to restore the system to its original state ?

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Debian :: Restore Original Boot Record After Grub Installation?

Mar 11, 2011

A few days ago I installed my first Linux product, which is Debian 6.0, and I installed the GRUB booting device on my main boot record, as it was suggested that it was a harmless step to take. Unfortunately, some quirk in my system made GRUB believe that I had XP when in fact I have Vista, so the options I have now are to boot Debian or to boot XP which is not on my computer. In other words, I have to get rid of GRUB now, but I'm realizing that he's not such an easy customer to kick out. I have moved my Linux installation to another drive, but the old GRUB always stays in place, and my Vista is stuck there frozen for eternity. So after considering all kinds of possibilities, I have come to the conclusion that the easiest way to restore my original boot record would probably be to find its backup copy that I assume the installation program made, and to copy it back into the right address at the beginning of the disk. I don't have the Vista recovery CD, so I really have to do this manually. So now my questions are these: did the installation program make a copy of the boot track, and if so, where did he put it and under what name, and finally, what command can I use from within the Debian terminal, which is now my only tool left, to copy the content of thesaid file into the first 512 bytes of the hard drive? I know that would be a simple matter for any serious geek, I guess I must be a little rusty. Anybody feel up to it?

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Slackware :: Desktop Fonts Got Tiny - How To Restore Original Size

Jun 8, 2010

When booting into my slack12 fluxbox desktop today my fonts were so small they were hard to read. The same is true if I use kde. I didn't change anything that I can think of. I tried running fc-cache but it didn't change anything. My xorg.conf hasnt changed. Interestingly, my xterm font didn't change size, but the konsole font is tiny like my other desktop fonts.

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Ubuntu Security :: Restore The Original Image File That Have Hidden Data In With Steghide

Jan 27, 2011

i'm wondering if it's possible to restore the original image file that you have hidden data in with steghide. The basic Idea is you have a photo using gpg sign it and then embed the signature. then remove the signature at a later time and check it with the signature. I hope another "inverse" algorithm doesn't need to be written to undo the first (if a "inverse algorithm is possible). This assume you already have the pass phrase or that there is no pass phrase. I already know how to retrieve the original file just want to remove the hidden data from the Image and restore it's attributes.

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Ubuntu :: Lost BOTH Panels / Command Line Instructions To Get Them Back?

Mar 26, 2009

I tried a program called BarPanel, which replaces the Gnome Panels. The installation instructions told me to download the program installer (the program installs automatically for Debian/Ubuntu users). Then I had to go to System > Preferences > Sessions to remove the gnome-panel entry and add the BarPanel one. So far so good. On re-starting, the new panels were installed to my desk top in bright green! The problem was that a lot of the icons don't work. The action menu does nothing and there is no entry for Sessions in the System menu, so I can't go back and undo. I have re-installed gnome-panel under Synaptic, without any success. I un-installed BarPanel, so I now don't have any panels at all now! One good thing is that I have Cairo-dock on my desktop, so I have access to several programs, including the terminal.

Can someone out there give me the command line instructions to get the gnome panels back.

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General :: Deleted Panels, Lost The Network Center?

Dec 7, 2010

I'm on my other computer right now because I stupidly deleted the panels (taskbar).I tried to bring them back, but it leaves a blank space now.Also, I tried going on the internet but it said it's not connected.Clicking the Network Center in the Settings option doesn't respond either.IT: Also, this panel is supposedly from the Xfce. Whenever I try to add something like right click on it, it doesn't respond.

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 Update Manager Lost Original Software Source List

Aug 22, 2010

I'm using Karmic 9.10 and think my original software source list has been removed. Have done all updates recently including Gnome do and standard ones. Think my software update karmic main and restricted universe list is somehow corrupted. With Karmic main showing Open office through the middle of the line. Tried putting in the Ubuntu 9.10 cd to update list but I don't know where to go from there as I'm new to certain stuff.

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General :: Write A Bash Script To Restore Deleted Files To Original Location?

Dec 5, 2010

I have managed to write a bash script that moves files to the recylce bin instead of being deleted. Then (with a bit of assistance) wrote another bash script that deletes the files from the recycle bin. Now I need to write one that will restore the files preferably to their original location? I am very new to linux and stuggling with where to even begin...any ideas? There seems to be some advice about creating a cloning tree, but I've never heard of them?

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Ubuntu :: Messed Up The Original Configuration Of Xorg Though Because The Highest Resolution Is 800x600?

Mar 31, 2010

I clean installed xubuntu on an old laptop. I think I messed up the original configuration of xorg though because the highest resolution is 800x600.

# dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg


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General :: Remove The Plasma Desktop In SuSE 11.1 And Restore The Original Desktop?

Oct 1, 2009

Is there a way in SuSE 11.1 to have the conventional desktop, instead the plasma desktop? I thought that installing KDE 3.5 will fix it, but I was wrong. I really don't want to download back SuSE 11.0, just to have my old desktop layout. SuSE developers should at least leave it as an option than to force people to install it

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