Ubuntu :: Not Getting Visual Affects?

Nov 7, 2010

I recently reinstalled Ubuntu 10.10 in virtual box 3.2.8 on Windows 7. I did a clean install, did the major updates, checked for updates after via the terminal and then installed the guest add-ons, re-booted and nothing, it keeps telling me it cant enable desktop affects.

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Fedora :: Install Visual Affects In Fedora?

May 12, 2010

i need some visual affect for fedora 12.if have tried ubuntu then you are familiar with a rubber visual affect in ubuntu so where is the visual affect option in fedora

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: What Affects Video More GPU Or CPU?

Jun 16, 2011

I have a laptop with Ubuntu 11.04 on it. It has a built in graphics processor. I am not sure of the specs on it, but I was able to run DVDs easily on it when I had Windows XP as the OS. I am now trying to load and edit video, but am having difficulties. My questions about that are in another thread. My question here is this: What affects video on a computer more, the GPU or the CPU? I have received advice pertaining to the video card, but was under the impression that the CPU had more to do with the computers ability to handle video, especially getting into the hi-def range. I recently rebuilt my desktop with a much newer processor, but with the same PCI Express video card. My old rig could not handle even 720p, but the AMD dual core I installed can play 1080p no problem. Different CPU same video card.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Affects On Thundrebird / Firefox In Upgrading From 8.10 To 9.04

May 26, 2010

Several days ago I posted a query about the effects of upgrading from 8.10 to 9.04 in regards to Thunderbird/Firefox emails and settings. I wondered if I would lose all of my emails, addresses, bookmarks if I make this upgrade. So far there have been no responses. Maybe it is such a dumb question that no one cares to take the time to respond. I understand that I can save addresses as ldif files and I can save bookmarks and re-import them, and I can save my profile (which should contain all of my old emails), but I've never gotten the profile thing to work properly.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Latest Update Affects Shutdown And Volume

Sep 3, 2010

There's some bug or other error in the updates I've just installed. I run Update Manager very frequently (almost daily). The last time I ran it was 2 days ago, so this bug can only have been released into updates today or yesterday. I ran it this evening and there were quite a lot of new updates (around 50mb in total), and I installed them all without really checking to see what they were - but as I'm new to Linux I don't exactly have any weird or rare software running on my laptop, so they only would have been for Ubuntu itself or some very common programs.

After installing it required a reboot. Upon booting up again, the volume icon has turned to 'Mute All' and I am unable to turn my laptop off. Telling it to shut down simply causes the screen to go black for a couple of seconds and then return to the login screen. I also notice that the Suspend/Hibernate options have disappeared, and I now only have the option to Log Out, Restart or Shut Down. {As I'm new to Linux I have no idea how best to proceed, or even how to officially 'report' this if indeed it is a bug contained in one of the updates.}

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General :: How Increasing RAM Affects Kernel Parameters

Nov 16, 2010

We just doubled the RAM on our RHEL 4 production servers...Oracle from 16gb to 32gb and Apache/JBoss from 8 to 32 gb. I am trying to figure out how to get the biggest bang from the increased RAM. Should kernel.shmmax be upped to be 50% of the 32gb....from its current 8gb? I need to create the largest possible SGA and was unable to do so, apparently because the kernel.shmmax value had gone unchanged.

And for the JBoss web servers, also RHEL 4, and particular kernel changes which can take advantage of the increased RAM and provide an immediate performance improvement?

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Debian :: Does System/preff/network Proxy Affects Anything

Apr 9, 2010

I want to set proxy for debian lenny, I went to sys/pref/net proxy, but still APTITUDE does not use this setting. Is it even possibile to set up proxy for global usage?

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Debian Configuration :: Xorg Affects Console Resolution?

Nov 2, 2010

I've been scouring the internet for an answer to this problem. I am using Squeeze and have properly configured Grub2 to set my console screen resolution to 1024x768x32 (as per updating /etc/default/grub to contain 'GRUB_GFXMODE=1024x768x32' and updating /etc/grub.d/00_header to contain 'set gfxpayload=keep') and everything works wonderfully. My resolution is set as it should be. However upon installing Xorg (aptitude install xorg ratpoison), my console resolution gets changed to what appears to be 1280x1024.

I thought that this was due to xrandr, however when I issue:

# xrandr -s 1024x768

only the X resolution is changed. When I then CTRL-ALT-F1 back to the console, the resolution is still at 1280x1024 (I am aware that xrandr only affects X, but I assumed that because my console resolution was correct before installing X there might have been some correlation).

I would like for my console resolution to stay at 1024x768 as per Grub2's configuration and for X's resolution to be at 1280x1024.

PS I also noticed that prior to installing Xorg, my CPU boots up without any screen blanking (only for a second or so). However, after installing Xorg, during the boot process the screen does blank briefly. It is at that time that the resolution gets changed to the 1280x1024 setting.

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Fedora :: Bad Font Rendering Affects Numerous Applications

May 26, 2011

I just preupgraded from Fedora 14 to 15 on my Toshiba NB205 netbook (the preupgrade went smoothly by the way).

Immediately upon logging in, I discovered catastrophically poor quality of font rendering in every terminal window program I tried, (and I checked plenty like LilyTerm, Sakura, gnome-terminal, etc) and in web-browsers.

The symptoms are the same for all applications: the glyphs are very thin, anorectic, and very ugly.

The described behavior is desktop independent: same in Gnome (3 and the fallback mode), fluxbox, Openbox.

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Ubuntu :: Visual Effects Tab Is No More?

Jun 6, 2011

I like the Visual Effects tab feature. I noticed that is gone from Ubuntu 11.04 and subsequently from distros based on it such as Linux Mint 11.The image attached is of Ubuntu 10.10. How would I get the None and Normal effect settings in Ubuntu 11.04Linux Mint 11?

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Ubuntu :: Slowdown With Visual Effects

Jan 11, 2010

I am having a bad slowdown issue when I enable Visual Effects with the Ati proprietary drivers that come with the installation. Everything runs very slow maximizing and minimizing take about 3-5 seconds per click and the effects get all choppy and don't look right like they did on my x1950 video card. I have tried downloading the current drivers from the ATI site but they don't seem to be initialising correctly after I perform the install.

I also know that the graphics card is not the culprit as it works perfectly fine on my Windows 7 64 bit install. There is no reason that my video card cannot handle the Visual Effects as it is a 1GB 4890 should have more than enough horsepower.

My machine is:

AMD Phenom II 965 Black Edition
8 GB G. Skill 1600 DDR3 Memory
1 TB Western Digital Caviar hard drive
1 GB 4890 Graphics Card ATI.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Set Visual Effects / Resolve This?

Mar 5, 2010

I have acer 5738 laptop running on ubuntu 9.10...my problem is the visual effects are not being enabled.

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Ubuntu :: Visual Effects Won't Save?

Mar 26, 2010

Just installed an ATI Radeon 9500 Pro graphics card (128 Meg). Linux just seemed to work fine with it - I didn't need to install any extra drivers or anything.

Before, when I was using onboard graphics, if I tried to choose "normal" or "extra" visual effects, it told me that I didn't have sufficient hardware. Now, since installing the card, it first said "installing drivers" then a message came up saying "do you want to keep these settings .... respond in 30 secs etc...

I chose yes to keep settings but when I close "Appearance preferences" it does not retain my settings and no visual effects are activated. If I open up Visual effects again the check box next to "none" is ticked.

I looked around and there seem to be drivers available direct from ATI but are these newer than those available already on Ubuntu 9.10? It is very confusing. It seems that I have might have to uninstall existing drivers before I can install new ones and I am reluctant to do that because - at the moment, apart from visual effects, everything works And would doing this even help anyway?

In fact has anyone succeeded in getting a Radeon 9000 series card to show visual effects in Ubuntu 9.10 or should I stop wasting time and assume that it is not up to the job? I can live without visual effects (although it would be nice)

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Ubuntu :: Using A Computer With A Visual Impairment?

Apr 12, 2010

Using a computer with a visual impairment.

I've been trying to use Linex for a year or so now. Having a visual impairment makes accessing a computer ratther tricky. I learn't my way around a PC with screen reader software called JAWS. This is ok but not perfect. So having a small level of sight i can use magnification software. This enlarges a small area of the screen. I've come to use magnifier in M% OS. It works very well as it can move the entire desktop down. A small area of the screen is enlarged. Showing where the curser is. The program is successful because it runs along side most applications.

I'm still struggling to find a screen magnifier that enables me to use Linex. Kmag seems to be the best choice so far. Its fundemental flaw is that it obscures the desktop. So your forever moving the programs around the screen. This then makes the system unstable. If it could run at the top of the screen. Kind of like a rear view mirror. Also a short cut to access the disability options would be good. When trying out a new version i need a sighted person with me to set up options.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Change Visual Effects

Jul 11, 2010

I have 1 GB ram,256 MB graphics. I installed ubuntu 10.04. first I was able to change visual effects. Now I am not able to do that.

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Ubuntu :: Visual Effects Don't Retain.

Aug 30, 2010

My Acer laptop Travelmate 290 was fine till yesterday (ie) before full update.No Error.I have the recent Ubuntu. Later When I boot I can't find my cursor but I could randomly see pop up notification of Application----Places--- System could be read.When I open any folder its fixed to top of the screen and no button for minimise,max and close.When I dig thro all the forums and solved by reinstalling metacity and change the setting of Appearance-Visual Effects to Normal.When I set to Normal it scans for the driver and asking me to confirm the setting.Once confirmed all the above problems solved but it don't reatain it,it is jump back to none. I need to do this on every boot.Is any way to avoid this? Is anyway to clean all the compiz files and setting from the PC?I vaguely remember it may be because of uninstall of compiz.

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Ubuntu :: Turn Visual Effects Off?

Nov 27, 2010

there I turned on my Visual Effects to Extra or Normal and when I do that both the top and bottom taskbar goes away. The only way I can get them back is to turn visual effects off. Does anyone know how I can fix this issue?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Turn Visual Effects?

Dec 21, 2010

Can't turn Visual effects?

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Ubuntu :: Enable Visual Effects

Jan 26, 2011

I just got a new graphics card (Well, I guess you shouldn't call it a graphics card, it's more of a workstation card) Anyway, the card is the PNY Nvidia Quadro FX 580 and I installed the proper drivers for it (Nvidia 177) But, I'm encountering a problem with enabling the visual effects.Everything was running fine and I was able to use the effects until I enabled "Xinerama" two support both my monitors. Xinerama works fine, but the Visual Effects were reverted back to "None." When I click on "Extra" it searches for graphics drivers then tells me that I should switch to the graphics driver for my on-board graphics (ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver).

The ironic thing is that in the description for the Nvidia 177 driver it says "If you wish to enable desktop effects, this driver is required." It does not say that on the board graphics driver. Any suggestions? I want to start feeling like an Ubuntu user again rather than a windows user.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Visual With Nvidia 260.19.06?

Mar 17, 2011

Ever since I let the update manager install the 260.19.06 Nvidia driver I have had page tares about 1/4 of the way down the screen when vsync is enabled, if i disable vsync I get tares all over the screen, with vsync on only 1/4 of the way down the screen. Same in Video playback, flash, games, window draging, always the same location. Its not a big issue as I'm not doing multimedia or games under Linux. I'm more wondering if this is just effecting me or if it's a known issue.

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Ubuntu :: Change 11.04 Visual Effects?

Apr 28, 2011

Where can i change visual effects in 11.04. In previous versions i could do it under apperances?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Enable The Visual Effects

May 30, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 64bit on my system. Upgraded the NVidia driver to the latest one on the NVidia website: 270.41.19 to see if it corrected a problem of when VEs were enable (even Normal not Extra), I got a white or blank screen. I could tell the system was still working because I got the text info bubbles when I moved the mouse; but when I open an app or a window, the screen was blank. After updating the driver; I can see a sharper and faster rendering image but when I enable the VEs I still get the blank screen.

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Ubuntu :: Visual Studio Equivalent In 10.4?

Sep 23, 2010

i am looking for an alternative to the Microsoft's Visual Studio 2010 in Ubantu 10.4, is there any similar applications available in Ubuntu 10.4,

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Ubuntu :: How To Install Microsoft Visual Basic

Jan 18, 2010

How do I install microsoft visual basic on ubuntu....(using wine etc)

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Ubuntu :: Visual Effects Options Grayed Out

Mar 5, 2010

Problem with the Visual Effects under Appearance is grayed out. The options were available until after removing Compiz. Is there a way to restore back to the original setting of ubuntu 10.10 prior to installing Compiz?

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Ubuntu :: Visual Effects Reset On Reboot?

Apr 29, 2010

A few hours ago I upgraded my system, from Karmic to Lucid and I'm glad with it.But I have a problem, (two actually, I posted the second in other thread), Gnome is not remembering my Visual Effects configuration. I mean, I select the "extra" option and when reboot, it's back to "none".It will be a pain having to edit this every time my laptop starts.

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 & 10.04 - Open Visual Effects On As Normal

Apr 30, 2010

i have ubuntu 10.04 installed on my pc but when i try to open visual effects on as normal or extra my pc stoped and must restart my pc manually same problem when enter on live cd same problem with 9.10 only but when try kubuntu 9.10 work normal

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Ubuntu Installation :: Visual Effects Cannot Be Enabled?

May 2, 2010

I have recently updated to Ubuntu 10.04 (version of Gnome Desktop environment: 2.30.0, version of Linux kernel: 2.6.32-21-generic).My problem is that when I try to enable "Visual Effects", I receive an error message: "Desktop effects cannot be enabled". When I attempt to enable Visual Effects, my system starts searching for external device drivers but finds none. I don't believe that the source of the problem should lie in my graphics card (I have a DELL Inspiron 1545 notebook with an Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 4500MHD graphics with up to 1750 MB of dynamically shared memory allocated by the system). With the earlier version of Ubuntu, the 9.10, I didn't have this problem.

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Ubuntu :: Visual Corruption Of Some Qt Apps In Gnome?

May 20, 2010

G`Day, I`m getting corruption of some kde apps in gnome. While k3b & vlc look fine, others like KRDC & kolourpaint are corrupted. Problem remains if I enable compiz or not.Ubuntu 10.04 nvidia card . Have two boxes (32 & 64 bit) both with nv cards, and problem happens on both

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Visual Effects On PowerBook G4?

Jun 27, 2010

I am trying to find out how to get the visual effects working on my PowerBook G4. I have 10.04 installed, and it's running an ATI Mobility Radeon 9600 M10. I can't access the xorg.config because it doesn't exist.

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