Ubuntu Networking :: Share File On Ntfs?
Sep 6, 2010
i have a partition that i have ubuntu file sistem on, and couple of others that are NTFS because it had windows before. i tried to share an old folder from one of NTFS partitions but couldnt...could not change permissions on right click. Also could not change usingsudo chmod.... nothing changed permissions.
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Feb 28, 2010
I have a computer that's booting Ubuntu 9.10 from the first of 4 drives. The other 3 drives are formatted as NTFS. Is it possible for my 9.10 to share the NTFS drives to the network so my other network users can access my NTFS drives while I'm booted to 9.10?
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Aug 10, 2010
I have this samba share for ghosting images to (backing up computers at work) and I can read the ghost images just fine from the share, but I am unable to write to the share. From any windows environment I have tried, I get a disk is full error. I have 200GB+ free space, so this is not the actual issue. I believe there is a write permission somewhere that I am overlooking. My setup basically lets me log in under the username samba from a client machine.
Here is my smb.conf file:
#======================= Global Settings =======================
workgroup = discount.local
server string = %h server (Samba, Ubuntu)
I've tried chown on /media/Images to make it owned by samba, but it just reverts once I remount the partition. Either that or my eyes are playing tricks on me.
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Sep 15, 2010
I managed to install samba and it's GUI. I tried to share a directory within the pictures folder (at home/mark/pictures/share) just as a test. I had everything set up right, but it was inaccessible from a windows XP machine on my network. After some digging I found the problem lay with the permissions of it's parent folder. I right clicked on the parent folder then clicked properties, then clicked on the permissions tab. I changed the permissions for others and it's working fine.
I'm having the same problem now but with a share on a NTFS drive called storage. I cannot change the permissions for the shared folder or any of it's parents by right clicking. Any changes I make revert immediately back to their previous setting. Is there any way to change the permissions to allow read access to everyone?
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Mar 14, 2010
I have an ntfs external hd; I can mount and use it fine, without entry in fstab, but not share stuff. That is to say: I can use nautilus / thunar to share folders on it without errors, but they are not accessible via the network. The issue may be that the mount point has permissions 700. I can solve that by Code:sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/Databank -o umask=0,nls=utf8or by setting umask=022 in fstab, but then I can't mount it as user anymore; if I set fstab to
/dev/sdb1 /media/Databank ntfs-3g user,umask=022,nls=utf8,defaults 0 0
I get this when I try to mount it as user in the filebrowser:
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Oct 20, 2010
I have a desktop with Ubuntu and I've set up Samba to share files with my Windows 7 laptop. I can access my home folder just fine except for my NTFS storage partitions on the desktop's HDD and my home folder's Downloads folder (which times out whenever I try and open it).
Is there an alternative way to share files between Linux and Windows 7?
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Jun 12, 2009
The file permissions on the folder are RW for user,group and world.(umask=0000) My main problem is with SELinux, I've tried to audit2allow and that seemed to work, all I had to do then was chcon the directory and files to type samba_share_t but the tool fails with Operation Not Supported. Am I to assume you simply cannot share files from a mounted ntfs drive under SELinux? Because I've just spent 2 hours trying and I've just about ready to just give up and just go back to windows when I need to share those folders. There's no way i can copy the folder contents to my Linux partition, far too big for that. Has anyone EVER been able to do this? Do I have to disable SELinux to do it?
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Jul 22, 2010
So I have the strange task of trying to make something like I said above work in Lubuntu 10.04. But every time I do, the share is not accessible because none of the important permissions (other) can be set because its, well, NTFS in linux. And I know of no way to fix it.Is there an easy way, preferably with Nautilus since the person I am setting this up for isn't a computer expert, to setup this share so thats its accessible and writable by other computers on the network?
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Aug 7, 2010
i want to share a file from LAN but when i open my network from places it showing the pc of my freind but when i click on it it prompts for password i entered that but still not able to open that. friend is working on Windows 7
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Dec 3, 2010
How can i transfer file or connect to other system in order to perform file transfer etc.
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Jan 4, 2011
I'm struggling to file share between windows 7 desk top pc and Ubuntu 9.10 laptop. I posted the same question over on the W7 forum but i'm not making any headway yet.
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Apr 1, 2011
I've setup my PC using ubuntu 10.10 (desktop) as follows:
1. On my system, I Have 2 user account. One is Administrator, another is User.
2. create an NTFS partition (/dev/sda3) on the system.
2. install virtualbox-4.0 using Administrator account.
3. Install windows7 on virtualbox using Administrator account.
4. The windows7.vdi is located in the NTFS partition.
5. I try to login as user, and mount the NTFS partition in which the windows7.vdi resides, but it prompt me to enter Administrator password not the user password.
1. How to change the permission permanently on the NTFS partition so that both administrator and user can mount it when they login to their account.
2. How to share windows7.vdi to the user.
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Jun 5, 2010
How to File Share in Ubuntu 10.04 Easily and using GUI's only.Disclaimer: Sharing files in this way is not secure; so please make sure you only do this on a private network that has been properly secured. Otherwise any user on the network can access and modify your shared files; you have been warned!
1. "Applications" menu ->"Ubuntu Software Center" -> in the search box type "Samba" then install "Samba".Because even though you enabled file share and tried to share the files 10.04 seems to not actually install "Samba". Plus this installs the "Samba" GUI.)2. This step was removed to prevent confusion.3."System" menu -> "Administration" -> "Samba". Enter your password. In the GUI that opens up choose "Preferences" menu -> "Server Settings" then the "Security" tab change the authentication mode to share and the guest account to your user name account. This prevents permission problems later on.4. Choose the "Add a Samba Share"; the green plus icon; browse to the directory you wish to share. Place a check mark in "Writable" and "Visible". Then on the "Access" tab choose "Allow access to everyone".
5. Press OK; now your should be able to see the share from the other computers just choose "Places" menu -> "Network" then either the computer name if it shows up or select "Windows Network" -> "WORKGROUP" ->omputer Name then the Shared folder.Quote:2. Share the selected folder via natuilus, right-click on the folder and choose "Sharing Options" or "Properties" -> "Sharing" Tab. This may be an unnecessary step but at least we know Nautilus has applied the proper permissions for us; on the pop-up choose "Automatically Update Permissions".I hope that this helps as many of you as possible. If anyone has any updates please let me know. I am glad to see that this can finally be done all using GUI's now but it still should be as simple as sharing the folder with the "Sharing Options" selection in Nautilus. There is still work to be done on this in Ubuntu.
I am going to jump on Launch Pad and look for all of the bugs that I can find related to these issues and see if I can contribute what I have learned and maybe I can try to organize some of the bugs to get a collective fix in the works. I will post back any updates.Please If you used my method please note this is not the way it is supposed to be done in 10.04 so you are affected by the bug. Please go to this bug and be counted.
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Sep 8, 2010
Ive been trying for a week now to connect my ubuntu laptop to my windows xp desktop so that I can copy my pics on the desktop over to the laptop. Im using a crossover cable and ubuntu 10.04
I have tried too many things to bother explaining... including reinstalling ubuntu.
I have managed to get ubuntu to ping to xp. I had to set the ip address and netmask (?) manually.
From here i cannot get to my shared file on the windows computer.
Ive tried using nautilus and clicking on network.... I get an icon called "Windows Network" but cant browse further. Ive also tried clicking "file", "connect to netowrk" and typing in the ip address with/out share name. Ive tried using the desktop's computer name etc. Ive enabled the Guest account on windows. I have run sudo apt-get install smbfs and installed samba from the software centre. There are lots of "sambas" in the software centre... i installed the one simply called "samba"
Explain to me what I have to do to move my pics from xp to ubuntu.
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Aug 29, 2010
I have samba installed. I also have a Windows NTFS disk mounted on Ubuntu. To share the file, I migrate to the folder with the file manager, right click on it and select "Sharing Options". I get the message
'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: cannot share path /mnt/Windisk/<path> as we are restricted to only sharing directories we own. Ask the administrator to add the line "usershare owner only = false" to the [global] section of the smb.conf to allow this.
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Apr 18, 2011
I've been searching for a way to do this with no luck. I've got a 1TB external hard drive I used to share over the network from my Windows desktop -- which is now a Ubuntu desktop.I've tried setting it up as a samba share, and the closest I've gotten is mount error(12): Cannot allocate memory. I've tried the suggestions (editing /etc/security/limits.conf), and that removed the warning I got from testparms but didn't fix the mounting on my mythtv box.
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Jul 7, 2011
I am running ubuntu 10.04 .How the file sharing through wireless network.
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Apr 3, 2010
I'm trying to setup a small network between my old and new laptops to transfer my personal data. They are now linked with a crossover cable and they see each other.The old one has a dual-boot setup with WinXp and Ubuntu 9.10.The new one with Win7 and Ubuntu 9.10.I tried samba but it was very slow even using Windows in both computers: maximum transfer rates were about 1,5 Mib/sec.I tried SSH using ubuntu on both pcs and it is reliable and much faster, 5 Mib/sec. But I wanted more...I installed the NFS server on the old one and exported the NTFS partition where my data resides with sync and ro options.
I installed the NFS client on the new one and i'm able to mount the remote partition.Now, when I transfer my files I get very high speed, more than 10 Mib/sec but after a while I get a "Stale NFS file handler" error but I really didn't touch any file in the old pc and the connection is always up.Searching on the web I found that NFS had some troubles exporting NTFS partitions in the past but should be fully compatible with them since the last versions of ubuntu.
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Feb 16, 2010
I'm swapping from an OpenBSD 4.5 DHCP server to using Ubuntu 9.10 I notice in /etc/samba on Ubuntu there is a file called dhcp.conf with the singular line "wins server ==" There is no corresponding file in OpenBSD so how do I configure this file
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Feb 23, 2010
I have a folder on my linux server and I want to be able to share files to windows users in this manner :
1. Require login with username and password when accessing file share.
2. Files created by logged in users become owned by them (I can create local accounts for this matter to all the users).
3. Depending on permissions files created by other users can be read only by logged in user.
I thought of going in samba way for this but I'm not familiar with samba enough to make something like this. If any other sharing method is required I can go for it since I'm doing this from a scratch but that only if its not possible with samba.
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Feb 5, 2011
My internet is provided by a 3g modem usb. I am sharing the internet connection through my desktop into a router and then to the rest of my Ubunut machines. Currently if I want to file share I have to go into the network manager and change the eth0 settings from shared to dchp automatic and then unplug the cable from the internet port on the router to one of the network ports. Is it possible to add another network card to the main machine and use that exclusively for either internet or file sharing.
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Jun 14, 2010
I have an NTFS file system nfs-automounted on our RedHat servers. Users can read and write to the file system no problem, and can create new files, edit them, and delete them to their heart's content. The only issue is that utilities such as "dos2unix" cannot create temporary working files:
$ dos2unix events.0818.dat
dos2unix: converting file events.0818.dat to UNIX format ...
Failed to open output temp file: Operation not permitted
dos2unix: problems converting file events.0818.dat
This isn't limited to "dos2unix"; any other utility that creates a temporary working file gets the same problem. If I copy the file to a local file system like /tmp, it works fine. Here's the kicker: this works fine on Solaris systems. I can take the "dos2unix" utility over to a Solaris system that has that exact same NTFS file system automounted via NFS, and it works. No issues creating temporary working files at all.
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Aug 11, 2010
There are a number of shares on the destination system; for the purposes of this thread I used D$ and F$ (corresponding to those partitions). These shares are mounted permanently via CIFS (entries in fstab) on the source system.Today I copied an ISO image of some 3.5 GB from source (S) to destination (D). md5sum on S gave a different checksum for the source ISO than that calculated by HashCheck Shell Extension for the destination ISO. I know some would argue that I shoud use the same md5sum programm for both images.
To circumvent that I 7zipped the ISO, verified it's integrity and copied that archive from S to D. Verification of the acrchive by the Win version of 7z failed.To see if it's a protocol problem I copied both ISO and archive of ISO to another D this time using sshfs (it's an Ubuntu server). Flawless copies.Then I copied both files to another Win-based server on the same network. Flawless copies.Mystified, I checked the partition's file system integrity (NTFS) where the errors occured. Minor inconsistencies (no errors according to chkdsk). So I copied both files again, once to another partition (D:) of the original D, once to that partition causing the error in the first place (F:).
(D:): archive corrupt, checksum okay
(F:): this time around both okay.
What the hell can I do to nail down the problem?! I don't even know whether it's a problem of the source system or the destination.
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Mar 10, 2011
I'm trying to share a file via Samba on a Ubuntu server that is actually stored on a FreeNAS box. The FreeNAS drives are mounted via NFS and the Samba share contains a symlink to file on the FreeNAS drive.Browsing the Samba share I can see the file and size, but any attempt to read the file fails. It complains about authentication but all credentials across all machines are the same.So, is it possible to share a file this way or is there another way to do this?I know I could create all the profiles on the FreeNAS box but for convenience and ease of maintenance I was hoping to do this via the Ubuntu server
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Apr 14, 2010
I'm using 10.04 beta...
If I go to system - preferences - personal file sharing, I cannot select "share files over the network." The panel is greyed out and the message "This feature cannot be enabled because the required packages are not installed on your computer" is shown
It ever so usefully doesn't tell me what those packages are though! - It'd be nice to have more useful error messages or the ability to click to install them...
Anyway, what do I have to do to get this going again?! I've installed everything to do with samba, webdav that I can find but still no cigar...
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Feb 1, 2010
share an external USB NTFS drive on my home network. The drive is attached to my desktop box running Debian Lenny. It's accessible on the desktop. I have a directory on the drive that I would like to make accessible to a Windows XP laptop. Read-only would be fine. The laptop has wireless access to the network.
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Jun 24, 2010
I'm using cifs to mount windows share.I have created one credentials file and given the path in fstab to mount at boot time. Now i want to encrypt the credentials file and place that in the fstab file.But it is not accepting.. how to use encrypted file to use in fstab,so that normal users can not watch the credentials inside the file.
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Sep 24, 2010
I have been having off and on issues with my samba file shares. I am sharing a NTFS formated hard drive where the mount point is in my home directory, as well as a printer connected via USB. I am to the point where printing works (using it as an ipp print share, samba is configured for it, but I don't know if it works or not), and I can access the shared folder from Windows, but I can't access the shared folder from any Ubuntu machine. I get the error:
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Jan 18, 2010
I am triple-booting the OS mentioned above. I only recently decided to try Arch. The issue however is with Arch & Ubuntu. My hard drive contains a common swap partition for Ubuntu and Arch, the home directories of both Linux, the C: drive for WinXP and a partition called 'Share' which as the name suggests I use to keep all the files (work, music, vids etc.) that I want to share between the various OS.
Till before Arch, I could easily share files between Ubuntu and WIndows. It seems it was possible because Windows does not respect the file permission restrictions, or may be not at least the ones imposed by Ubuntu. However now that I have Arch on a partition, Arch can not read the files owned by my user on the ntfs partition. This basically blocks my access to everything on the Arch system except for the system files.
I would like to know how I can securely share my files between the too Linux. If it is advisable and also if it is secure. For the workaround, I am not worried about using the cli, however one shall have to be patient with me since I am not a veteran at Linux.
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Sep 20, 2015
I want to back up an entire Linux system on a 3Tb external Western DIgital USB3 drive.
I do not want to reformat it from what it is, apparemtly NTFS.
Is there a utility that can act like a file manager like mc, that will permit me to create an ever expanding (to 320Gb) TAR file that will retain all the original file permissions. I have had nothing but disappointment with Linux backup utils with a FAT32 external drive, and I am concerned if I just try an tar the entire drive at once, with around 3 million files, I might run out of memory.
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