Ubuntu Networking :: What Is For "Search Domains:" Field In NetworkManager

Sep 4, 2010

I searched over the INTERNET but I can't get an exhaustive description of that function ("Search domains:"). Are you able to explain to me what it is for?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Connection Search Domains Field?

Sep 3, 2010

I have installed ubuntu netbook addition and all is good, but when I try to connect to internet I get comcast(my service provider) site. Which means I am connecting to outside world just need to know what to enter in Search Domains field.

All my pc's/laptops at home have 2 DNS names entered for ipvr4 listed in the field but no Search Domains field value specified and it works great off of wireless router.

Well here when I go to IPvr4 tab it seems like I am required to enter value in search domains field. The question is what do I enter there COMCAST domain? Like this one: hsd1.il.comcast.net?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Manually Add Additional DNS Search Domains?

Feb 25, 2010

I am having trouble adding additional search domains to ubuntu. I can add them to resolve.conf, but networkmanager will keep overwriting it. Is there somewhere else I can add the search domains?

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Fedora Networking :: Enter In Blank For Search Domains?

Apr 17, 2009

What are they? Before they were not required to set up an internet connection(wired, I'm giving up on wireless for the moment) and now they are. I asked the lady at my isp and she didn't know. What should I enter in the blank for search domains?

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Ubuntu :: Deskbar - Search Field Present At All Times In My Lower Panel

Jul 15, 2010

I installed deskbar and really like it as a multi search tool. But I would really like to have the actual search field present at all times in my lower panel. Right now, I just have the deskbar icon, which is like a magnifying glass with an orange little "electrical shock" (kind of reminds me of like a cardiogram line) coming out of it. I have seen screen shots before of other people's desktop with the actual search field constantly in the lower panel. And it was mentioned in those screen shots that it was in fact deskbar.

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General :: Search A File To Find If Variable Belongs To A Field?

May 18, 2011

I have a file that contains 5 fields and anothen one with two I want to take the value from user and search file1 and if the value exists then write in file2 to the $2 to the line that $1=value

file 1


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General :: Add Additional Search Domains To The Resolv.conf Created By Dhclient In CentOS?

Feb 19, 2010

When my CentOS virtual machine boots it uses DHCP to get an IP address. It also overwrites resolv.conf with the DNS settings provided by the DHCP server. The DHCP server doesn't supply any search domains so I would like to get dhclient to put in a list of search domains when it writes it. How can I configure dhclient to do this?

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General :: Field-terminating Char Appears Within Field Values?

May 18, 2010

I've had a very colorful morning learning the innerparts of Linux's sort command, and have come across yet another issue that I can't seem to find an answer for in the documentation. I'm currently using -t, to indicate that my fields are split by the comma character, but I'm finding that in some of my files, the comma is used (between double-quotes) within values:

Jonathan Sampson,,foo@bar.com,0987654321
"Foobar CEO,","CEO,",ceo@foobar.com,,

How can I use a comma to terminate my fields, but ignore the occurences of it within values? Is this fairly simple, or do I need to re-export all of my data using a more-foreign field-terminator? (Unfortunately, I do not have any control over declaring a different terminator with this particular project).

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Programming :: Awk - Print A Field When Field Position Is Unknown ?

Mar 28, 2010

I'm trying to display fields from flat files where the first 8 fields are always the same. Fields 9 - n are varied but will contain specific patterns I'm after. I'm using this so far because "mySearch" is on each line I want to examine.


How would you pattern match and include 2 additional fields above field $9 but change field position from line to line?

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Programming :: Awk Printing From Nth Field To Last Field

Jan 8, 2010

How can print the, let's say 5nd field to the last field of every record (let's say we have 10 fields)?

I mean: I cant avoid to have to do:

print '{$5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10}'

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Programming :: Php - Get A Return From A Field Within A Field?

Apr 27, 2009

I am creating a game with random variables. In the game I have created a dialogue exchange to players. I have set up a table with various returns and I inserted {$fields} to represent various random variables. When I call on the requested fields, I only see the field text and my field names. Am I supposed to parse something and call it back another way?

ie: myfield is: "You have won {$random1} silver! <br />{$wi['gender'] majesty rewards you well." the code I am using to call that field is:

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Ubuntu Networking :: Use Variables In The Url Field In Firefox?

Mar 27, 2011

"Once upon a time", I think heard of a way to use variables in the url field in firefox(or maybe it was ubuntu in general?).Anyways, if one would type, for instance, "google pokemon," the url would be changed to

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Access To Some Domains

Oct 30, 2010

Here the problem Ping to [URL]... works ok.


I thought, perhaps from one and one, have public IP blocked, but the funny thing is that from another PC that I have at same room (with Ubuntu 10.04 too) connected to the same internet connection (with the same public IP Address) works perfectly. What else can I check?

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Programming :: Get A Field Value Corresponding To Another Field Value?

Dec 14, 2010

i have a file : file.dat with following data



/storage_01 64% 0
/storage_02 17% 1
/storage_03 10% 0
/storage_04 50% 1

I need to get the value of PERCENTAGE in a variable for a value of storage passed as variable i have tried the following without success like :


percentage='awk -vx="$defaultStorage" '{FS=OFS=" "}$1==x{print $2}1' file.dat

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Ubuntu Networking :: About Several Domains Pointing At One Server?

Feb 27, 2011

I'll post an scenario and hopefully you can help me understand the concept and put me in the right track and do what I intend, if possible. Let's say I have a dedicated server with 2 static IPs each with an associated domain, let's call them www.site1.com and www.site2.com. Now, apache is running on it, I'd like to redirect anyone coming from site1.com to /home/site1/public_html and anyone coming from site2.com to /home/site2/public_html.In short, apache serving 2 entire roots depending on the accessed IP/domain. Whether the sites root are in the same parent folder, such as /home/site/site1_public_html and /home/site/site2_public_html or like above doesn't really matter, as long as it works.Additionally, do something similar with Postfix, so that I can have it running imap/smtp for foobar@site1.com and foobar@site2.com on the same server.At this moment, both apache and postfix are working, and we host only www.site1.com with the respective foobar@site1.com. But I'm not sure how to proceed or even if it's possible to achieve the above solution.

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Ubuntu Networking :: MySQL Gammu - Unknown Column Signal In Field List

Feb 12, 2011

I seemed to configure my gammu and changed the version indicated version on my gammu table from 10 to 11 to match the version of my sql, upon starting my gammu-smsd the error:
gammu-smsd[3429]: Error code: 1054, Error: Unknown column 'Signal' in 'field list'
gammu-smsd[3429]: Error code: 1054, Error: Unknown column 'Signal' in 'field list'
gammu-smsd[3429]: Error code: 1054, Error: Unknown column 'Signal' in 'field list'
Kept on repeating on an infinite loop

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Resolve .local Domains Anywhere Except With Nslookup

Nov 29, 2010

I'm finding that I can not resolve .local domains anywhere except with nslookup and found on the LucidLynx release notes that there is a problem with avahi causing this. Although the avahi service is convenient for locating printers and such can anyone else tell me what other services/options will be impacted on a default installation of Ubuntu if I disable this service?

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Networking :: Reserve More Bandwidth For Some Domains

Jan 25, 2011

Can ubuntu be configured to reserve more bandwidth for some domains at the expense of others?

Eg you are browsing facebook and data comes faster than on a tab where you are browsing ......

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Fedora Networking :: DNS - Any Addresses Type In The Field Is Returning Server Error

Sep 10, 2009

I installed fedora lastnight, but any addresses I type in the field is returning server error, but if I type the IP address it will work, I reinstalled Fedora 11 about 3 times, samething.

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Networking :: Ssh Isn't Working For Some Domains (VPN), But Virtualbox Can Connect?

Jan 4, 2011

As of yesterday I have this perculiar problem. When I try to ssh into my account I have on a linux server where I keep some of my files (I'm using Cisco VPN) ssh claims it can't find the address.It's worked fine before, and if I connect using putty in Virtualbox on the same machine it works.The problem applies both to command line ssh and NetBeans (which uses a java client).I've tried setting SSH not to resolve DNS in the config file but it doesn't help.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Multiple Domains On 1 System?

Dec 22, 2010

I have a virtual machine with two network interfaces. Now I wanted that both are part of different domains and tried to configure that with system-config-network. But there I only could change the the domain for the entire system. Is it possbile to edit the Domain for each network interface. If yes how?

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Networking :: Two Hosts On DDNS - Can Send Two Domains Through One Router

Feb 11, 2011

I have two virtual hosts that I want to be able to send through one router. I have two seperate dynamic hostnames on dyndns.

Apparently my router allows me to enter two seperate hostnames locally as well: DynDNS Host and Domain Name


How do I tell the router which is which? Currently I see the same site with both URLs

Do I have to set one vhost to do some 'funky' stuff (black hole in my head when it comes to static routes or BIND? ). And then set the other vhost to host both sites?

I'm running CentOS and an apache webserver. I want to demo a web site 'externally' from two different sub-domains.

I've looked high and low but most examples don't seem to be simply trying to put two different web-sites up to two Dynamic DNS Hosts.

It must be possible, all the pieces are there. I'm just missing the link!

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Sharing Logical Volume Across Xen Domains?

Oct 16, 2009

I have a network (192.168.x.x) that I want to keep closed and private for the most part. I need however to get access to some files generated on the machines in this private network. So I first tried putting two cards in a machine running centos 5.2 and connecting one to the private newtork and the other to the public network. This worked somewhat but I was not able to see this bridging machine in the private network because I could not run 2 samba instances on this machine ( I need one for the public network). So I setup xen on a machine with the 2 NIC's and assigned one card to the host dom and the other to the guest dom which was connected to the private network.

This worked ok, but the only issue was the shared disk space. I couldn't use nfs because each machine operates in a different subnet and I don't know how to export a nfs drive across domains. So I created a logical volume on a disk and mounted this in both domains.

Here comes the question now. This works some times,. but at other times I copy files from the private machine to the shared volume but i can't see them from the other domain. Also sometimes the guest domain which houses the private network server hangs during boot up saying that the logical volume has been assigned and cannot be mounted.

1) Is what I'm doing using logical volumes across domains legal (best practise, etc)

2) Is there another way for me to achieve what I want (sharing a disk partition across domains).

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Networking :: DNS Installation And Configuration: A To Z / Register The Name Servers / Resolve Different Domains?

Apr 9, 2010

Anyone can point me to a document, page, or something that will tell me exactly how to implement DNS step by step. I don't mean just the concept, i.e. you'll need two name servers, and to download BIND, etc. NO, I mean command line commands and all. Step 1, step 2, how to register the name servers, how to resolve different domains, etc.

I'd really appreciate it, as I need to implement internal DNS and external DNS for my company soon. Our set up is pretty standard: Firewall, DMZ, Solaris/Linux/Windows servers, and Windows clients, etc.

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Networking :: Build Fast Home Network With Domains And Workgroups?

Jan 4, 2010

At home we have a small home network, but it is very slow. I believe it is, because some computers are placed in a workgroup, called WORKGROUP and others are placed in a domain called TUE. The domain is because many of the laptops at our house also have to work on our university, and I can't simply put them in a workgroup.

The reason why I believe it is slow because of this, is because file sharing between the computers in the workgroup goes with 5 MB/s. File sharing between a domain computer and a workgroup computer goes as fast as 160 KB/s. This is the upload speed of our internet here. How to make the connection with the domain computers the same speed as the workgroup computers? I can not simply put the domain computers out of their domain and in the workgroup (as explained before)

Our network looks as follows:



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Ubuntu Networking :: NetworkManager Is Not Running?

May 20, 2010

I'm using version 10.04 of Ubuntu and for some reason, when I install a copy of Ubuntu or Ubuntu Server, I get a 'NetworkManager is not running' message in the notification bar where the network icon should be.What could be causing this? This is happening as soon as I finish installing the OS and I've not changed anything at all.I've been wrestling with this for weeks, trying different commands and trying different ways of setting up the OS to begin with, scouring the internet for answers, but nothing

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Ubuntu Networking :: Networkmanager Not Giving WPA Passphrase

Feb 21, 2010

I've set-up a Linksys WPC54G v5 wireless card using ndiswrapper and the appropriate Marvell driver. It seems to work ok. On my other laptop running Kubuntu with built-in wireless the routing all works fine - I just get prompted by Network Manager for the WPA passphrase and I'm away. However, when I try to connect to my wireless router on thix Xubuntu-based laptop I get really odd security options.

When I try to connect I get a security prompt asking me for a bewildering array of information. There are four basic authentication options under "WPA & WPA2 Enterprise": TLS, LEAP, Tunnelled TLS and Protected EAP. None of those offers a simple passphrase, they all have some combination of username & password with certificates and keys. If I try to connect to other networks in my area, some do just ask for a WPA passphrase, not that I know them to check!

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Ubuntu Networking :: No AP In NetworkManager With Broadcom BCM4306 (B43)?

Apr 24, 2010

I have problems with my Broadcom BCM4306 (rev 03) on my HP nx6110ng Karmic.NetworkManager does not list any AP, even if there should be some. It did work for some days without problems, but suddenly stopped working. I made a kernel update with the update manager, but I am not sure if this caused the probem (I also used the wired connection, so I don't exaclty know when wireless stopped working). Reinstalling fwcutter wasn't successful. So I tried as suggested in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wi...oadcom_BCM4306 and added the following lines to /etc/rc.local

modprobe -r b43 b44 ssb
modprobe ieee80211_crypt_tkip
modprobe b44


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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Kill Process Of NetworkManager

May 12, 2010

when i unload and reload my module ath5k, something is setting my wireless interface in managed mode. I suspect is NetworkManager but when i try to kill this process (using -9 parameter) it restarts. how to kill it or which process is starting it over and over again?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Accidentally Disabled Networkmanager

May 27, 2010

Using kubuntu 10.04, I accidentally disabled networkmanager on startup for one of the users of my system. This user now has to manually start networkmanager each time after logging in. How can I make kde run networkmanager automatically again?How this happened: when I started a parallel session as an other user, while already connected via networkmanager in my own profile, kde detected this and asked something along the lines of "There's already a networkmanager running, run networkmanager automatically in the future?" Since I was a little confused, I clicked "no", and that's how things are ever since. I thought there would be some system setting that would allow me to restore this setting, but I haven't found it yet...

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