Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Server And User Permissions

Dec 30, 2010

I have a Samba server running on a box where I login to admin as user:
The Samba users are
JOE - Read only for specified paths (media playback access only user)
SUE can read/write to any directory under the share: Media

So all that is working fine. As long as I do file operations remotely as SUE everything works remotely. How can I make it to where everything SUE does over Samba FRED automatically has permissions to edit when logged in locally (or SSH)? Also, remember, Joe needs to be able to read where specified.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Change User/group Permissions On Samba Shares?

Jul 3, 2011

this is my first real problem that I can't solve my self.I've a test samba share called "Share" and I've created three users:



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Server :: Log User Samba Who Delete Or Move Files/folders On Samba Server ?

Feb 8, 2010

I need to know is there any way to record or tracking or make logging if when user samba delete files or folders i can know that, cause sometimeon samba server some users complain they lost files, though i have daily backup and i can restore their files, i just want to know if or maybe some other users in one group accidentally move or delete the files.

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Server :: Samba And VSFTPD / Create Folder Rights That Samba And Ftp User Will Have An Access To All Directories?

Oct 20, 2010

I would like to configure an access to folder


for two services : Samba and VSFTPD

How to do it ? How to create folder rights that samba and ftp user will have an access (read/write/delete) to all directories in /fileserver.

My system is CentOS. I`m starting samba and vsftpd like a root (/etc/init.d/vsftpd start etc.)

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Server :: Setting Up Samba On Ubuntu - Permissions?

May 20, 2010

I'm attempting to set up a Samba share on my lab's small server (Ubuntu Server Edition, 10.04). It looked easy enough, but the share that I set up didn't allow anyone to actually put anything on it: no uploading stuff, etc. (You can still upload files via the command line, so I implemented the unix extensions = no fix). The share is writeable and visible, and anyone can access it (according to the Samba GUI). According to the smb.conf:

path = /home/something/Share
writeable = yes
;browseable = yes
guest ok = yes

The other Windows machines in the lab see the new server and its share automatically, although they can't make changes to it, like create a new folder in the share. Most of my lab uses Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6), and a few others use Windows. I can connect to the server using my MacBook either through the terminal or Finder -> Go -> Connect to server -> smb://blah.someplace.edu without problems.

I can do pretty much anything via the command line, but not through the Finder! If I want to create a new folder, it gives me an old-school error message (stupid blue face): "The operation can't be competed because you don't have the necessary permission." If I want to drag-and-drop a file from my desktop to the Share folder, I get a pop-up window (lock + blue face): "Type your password to allow Finder to make changes." If I do, then I get another pop-up: "One or more items can't be copied to "Share" because you don't have permission to read them. Do you want to copy the items you are allowed to read?"

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Server :: Samba And Group Permissions

Sep 11, 2010

This is a interesting confusing problem.Ok I have group with 3 users.I have a folder in /home with owner as root, and group that has read/write permissions.However if a user opens up a file and saves it via samba, the owner changes to the user, and the group members only have read permissions on the file.

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Server :: Samba And NTFS Folder Permissions

Nov 17, 2010

I have a file server setup with samba integrated with swat management. The server isn't a domain controller. The file server is working well with the shares all working correctly except for one problem. I would like the users be able to manage the folder permissions from a windows PC. This can be done from a login as the root user if need be but, the key is that the system be manageable from the windows PC.

I have followed the instructions of multiple how to's but still get and error that access is denied when trying to apply permissions. I am able to search the server for users to add and the names resolve. What are the configurations that I should be looking at where the NT permissions in samba are configured. nt acl support is set to yes and any other acl settings used produce the same result.

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Server :: Samba Permissions And UID Mapping Woes

Mar 15, 2010

So I am trying to setup a Samba server to share out our SAN environment to our windows clients. This is my first time playing with samba, so running into quite a few obsticals along the way.

SLES 10.3
Samba 3.0x (Original RPMs in distro)

My end goal is to allow anyone in our Active Directory environment to access the shared folders from Samba and map the File permissions to 755 and Directory to 777.First I tried just using Kerberos client and winbind and added it to the AD domain. This worked, but mapped the wrong UIDs (the standard 10000 series). Also the permissions were mapped all wrong.Then I had the great idea to use the Server for NIS on windows 2008, it makes the PDC run a NIS domain that is conjoined to AD. This really didnt work at all. I loaded the AD schema with the correct UIDs and all that good stuff, but didnt seem to take.

So how would any of you approach this?Should I keep trying the NIS config, or use Kerb and winbind? Can a box be part of a NIS domain and AD at the same time?

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Server :: Samba Share File Permissions?

Mar 19, 2011

I have set up a computer to use as a file server using Samba. I attached a 1TB hard disk to it and had the system to mount it automatically. I have 4 user accounts which will be able to access this network share. An administrator account is called "server". I'll call them user1, user2 user4. This is the folder structure:

backup files (accessible only to "server" user)
music1.mp3 (read only files for all users)


I don't know which groups I should create. I'm having a hard time setting file/folder permissions. And I wanted to know how to set Samba so that it won't ask for a password when accessing public/group files, but asks for it when accessing private user files.

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Server :: Ubuntu Workstations Connects To Samba Pdc But Gets No Group Permissions?

Dec 30, 2010

The current situation:there is a samba PDC with ~50 XP workstations, all working fine for the last two years.The goal:Cycle older hardware back into production by installing ubuntu on them. These workstations must authenticate against the domain, and must automatically mount a public, a user, and a department share that contains folders with various group permissions.The added challenge:Since the office where this lan is located is closed for the next week or so, the ubuntu workstation I am testing with is connecting via a site-to-site VPN. This is soon to be mandated as a requirement anyway, so if not done now it will have to be done later anyway. I mention this since it *may* be something that could be interfering with the success of my mission, however, given what does work, I do not think this is my culprit.

What does work:Thanks to winbind, I can log into the ubuntu workstation via gdm with my domain credentials, and thanks to pam_mount my shares do mount correctly. I take this to mean my pam conf files are correct, along with nsswitch.conf.wbinfo -p, -a, -t, and -u work on the workstation. getent passwd returns DOMusers.listwbinfo -p, -t, -Y, -S, -G, -n, -s, etc, all work on the PDC. getent passwd returns a list from /etc/passwd and getent group returns a list from /etc/group.A remotely controlled windows workstation on the lan works as expected.

It appears that winbind is not able to parse the group permissions at all, not for the user, nor for the folders.The hope:is that someone can say that this problem of group permissions not being recognized has a typical cause (though several hours/days of google searching has revealed no such thing). However, I can provide a great deal of supporting information, as I have gone through documentation and testing extensively (though not extensively enough, apparently). For my own sanity, I put most things I tried into a text document so I could review it and look for errors in judgment, that doc ended up being some 1500 lines long, and doesn't include conf files. Rather than flooding this post, if someone is up for reviewing it, I can definitely make it and further supporting info available...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Get Permissions In Samba Share?

Jun 6, 2010

When I create a new folder on my ubuntu machine and share it with my windows 7 machine using 'net usershare add <dir> <path>', I can't get write perms in Win 7. It keeps giving me a "You need permission to perform this action'. I've chmod the folder to 777 but still no luck.

The funny thing is, it was all working fine until I tried to add a new usershare yesterday (Can't think what I've changed). I use this sharing method to share all of my development /var/www/ folders so I can work on them from my win machine.

I have had a few problems with my samba smb.conf, and it nuked and rebuilt yesterday. I'm fairly new to the Linux game, and this permissions problem has me baffled.

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Server :: SAMBA To Share Network HDD With Permissions To Clients?

Jan 12, 2011

In my work I want to build up a Linux based network, where windows and linux clients are going to share a Thecus network drive.Each client will have specific permissions for accessing the samba shares. I have installed Ubuntu SRV 10.4 with gui and webmin.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Share With Differing Permissions?

Sep 9, 2010

what I am trying achieve is read/write access for my MS domain account and read-only access for everyone else. In smb.conf I have this:


map to guest = bad user
usershare allow guests = yes
username map = /etc/samba/smbusers


I can access this fine with my MS domain account, what I can't work out is how to give others read-only access to the same share. I guess I could create a second share for the same folder with a different name and permissions, but that seems a bit clunky and I'd have to remember to pass on a different name to the one I am using. I also tried using the Nautilus right-click "Sharing options" and then setting the folder permissions. This works fine for giving others read-only access, but loses capitalisation of the share name and doesn't seem to recognise my MS domain account as being valid.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Configuration And Setting Permissions

Nov 16, 2010

First let me say that Lubuntu is a lightweight version of Ubuntu, so there is not much point in loading it up with unnecessary packages. If you just want to share printers on a Linux network, you don't need Samba. And if you just want a way that users can "push" files to others on a network, use Giver (+ Avahi) as this is a better option. Especially as it sorts out file permissions for you.

To enable file sharing on a Lubuntu 10.10 machine, go to Preferences > Synaptic Package Manager and add the following:-
* samba
* system-config-samba
* gvfs-bin
* gvfs-backends
...accepting any dependancies, 11 packages in total.

I suggest you re-boot now. As an initial test, go to file manager (pcmanfm) and enter:-
You should see the local print$ folder listed.

To access folder shares remotely
* open file manager (pcmanfm)
* enter the IP address or computer name of the machine you wish to access
e.g. smb:// or smb://print-server

To share a folder:-
Go to: Preferences > Samba (enter password when requested)
In the Samba Configuration screen:-
* File > Add Share
* use Browse... to select folder to be shared
* Tick "Visible" and (if required} "Writable"
* In the "Access" select "Allow access to everyone"
Set the Linux permissions:-
* locate the folder to share in file manager
* right click on the folder and select Properties > Permissions
* set the required permissions, e.g. Other: Read & Write (to allow anyone full access)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Setting Permissions Not Correct

Jun 28, 2011

I am experiencing strange difficulties with Samba. The permissions aren't set correctly, when creating a file or a folder on the mounted samba share.

My smb.conf looks as follows:
path = /home/shareOffice
writable = yes
browseable = yes
create mode = 0777
directory mask = 0777
force create mode = 0777
force directory mode = 0777

Now if I create a regular file on the folder:
touch testFile; ls -l
The permissions turn out to be:
-rwxr-xrwx 1 simon share 0 2011-06-28 21:42 testFile

Why the w bit on the group is missing? If I play around with the create mode / force create mode, I get every other possible permission output --- except the write access for group members.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Losing Permissions On Samba Mount Points?

Jul 8, 2011

I have an Ubuntu 11.04 laptop that I use to connect to a Windows 7 server. Everything was working fine until the hard drive on the server crashed and it was replaced with a backup. Now I intermittently lose access to the shares with Nautilus giving me the following message:

"The folder contents could not be displayed.You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of Folder"

When I look at the mount points in terminal I see the following:

drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 2011-07-08 13:12 .
drwxr-xr-x 23 root root 4096 2011-05-03 11:17 ..
d????????? ? ? ? ? ? Folder

Where Folder is the mount point.My fstab looks like this, although I must point out that I have tried virtually every possible permutation with no change.

// /media/Folder cifs rw,_netdev,iocharset=utf8,credentials=/root/smb/credentials,uid=1000,gid=1000,noperm,file_mode=077 7,dir_mode=0777,sign 0 0

Sometimes the permissions will revert back by themselves, sometimes I need to umount and mount to get back in.I have tried deleting and recreating the mount points. No change.It is driving me up the wall, I have tried everything I can think of, installing/uninstalling winbind, the fuse modules etc etc. I use this machine as a production machine in a heterogeneous environment and everything works awesomely except for this. I love Ubuntu, I can't even think of booting Windoze these days but not being able to access the network shares is a right show-stopper for me.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Grant Write Permissions For Samba Shares

Aug 27, 2011

I have a Natty headless server that I would like to set up shared directories and grant specific users write permissions. I use a Windows 2008 R2 machine with Active Directory for authentication and have created a group GroupWithWriteAccess which I want to have write access to the shared directory. I want all other users to have read only access. I have edited my smb.conf file with the following

path = /media/share/Media/TV
writeable = yes
write list = primaryuser @GroupWithWriteAccess
create mode = 0660
directory mode = 0770

The machine is fully setup to work with Windows authentication and I can access shares from the ubuntu machine, it's just sharing local directories with the correct permissions that I can't work out. So far I can access the files from my other machine, but I do not have write access even though I am logged on as a user who is a member of GroupWithWriteAccess.

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Server :: Samba Permissions - Files & Directories Can't Be Renamed / Moved / Deleted

Feb 10, 2010

After what feels like weeks have tinkering around trying to get a Samba file server set up, I've finally given up! I have 4 drives and 2 groups:

1) Dev - Available to all users in both groups (normal and admin)
2) Misc - Available to users in admin group only
3) Admin - Available to users in admin group only
4) Accounts - Available to users in admin group only

Drives 1 and 2 are working fine, with the correct access rights. Drives 3 and 4 can be browsed by admins only, but no changes can be made at all - files & directories can't be renamed/moved/deleted. What is most confusing is that Drive 2 is set up exactly the same as Drives 3 and 4. The process I went through to get them working:


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Server :: Weird Permissions In New Folder Created Over Samba When Extended ACLS Are Used

Nov 24, 2010

i'm setting up a common public folder on a file server, but I seem to be getting some permission differently to what I expected. The folder is /temp which is a separate drive. The fstab entry is:


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Networking :: Samba - Permissions Of Shared Directory And Directories Above It?

Oct 20, 2009

I am running Ubuntu 9.04, and wish to share a folder to be accessed without logging in via Windows Vista. If I set up the share through the nautilus right-click menu and enable "Guest Account", the share is inaccessible. The folder shows up, but it fails to mount. Vista says that it can see the computer, but not the shared folder.

The folder is


The only way I can get it to work is if I change the permissions of the folder /home/william to allow Others to access files.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Windows Permissions On Samba Share?

Apr 30, 2009

I have set up a Samba share via my CentOS 5 server (the samba share is actually a mounted filesystem, not local machine space). I have been successful in adding permissions for my windows users within the smb.conf, but have an additional need that I cannot figure out. I would like for my Windows administrators to be able to create folders and assign permissions from their machines (and their Windows GUI). Ultimately I need the folders on the Samba share to behave correctly when Windows group permissions are applied by these administrators.

When the folders are created, the "Everyone" identity cannot be deleted and sometimes "Creator Owner" or "Creater Group" show up. I have seen several threads start down this path, but haven't seen a definite answer (I may have just missed it!).

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Server :: User Folder Permissions For FTP?

May 4, 2010

I want to host a public FTP on my server, but i cannot get it so that people can read and write but not delete ANYTHING from it.
I have tried:

chown root /home/ftpdir
chmod 1777 /home/ftpdir

but people can still delete the files in it, i have no idea what to do next. that's the only thing i can find on Google about how to do it.

the users are logging in with the same Account, i cannot make a new account for each one.

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Networking :: Samba Automount With Full Read / Write Permissions

Mar 24, 2009

I have 4 machines; all multiboot. I want each machine to have full rw access to file shares on each other machine, AND, full rw access to the other partitions on the same machine home folder for UNbooted OS's. I imagine Samba will NOT handle all these configurations? What else do I have to do, so that, for example, if I have 2 machines on, and I boot up a third machine in another room, it will auto mount the other 2 machines' shares, and it export it's own shares to the other 2 machines? I want also each machine to have full rw access to shares on the UNbooted partitions of each machine.

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Server :: Creating Ftp User In Centos With Permissions?

Jul 12, 2011

I have created a ftp user in centos 5,but it got all permissions to delete files in other location,view the entire directory and create any folder in every place. How to deny this permissions to the particular user.And please help me to give permissions only to a specified location given by the root.

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Server :: MySQL Root User - Administration And Permissions

Jun 22, 2010

I'm using an older redhat system (2.6.9-22.ELsmp) here which is running an older mysql (server version: 4.1.12). I don't think that's the source of the problems. I believe that have understood things rightly when I say that the mysql root user is unrelated to the linux root user ... in my case I believe the root user to be the unix user mysql. So when I connect to the server (local host from a local terminal) I use:
-bash-3.00$ mysql -u mysql -p
and enter a blank password

This gets me on, however I seem unable to do anything like create database or alter privilege. I wonder if its related to my finding no database called mysql?
-bash-3.00$ mysql -u mysql -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or g.
Your MySQL connection id is 11 to server version: 4.1.12

Type 'help;' or 'h' for help. Type 'c' to clear the buffer.
mysql> show databases;
| Database |
| test |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Although I understand that show databases will not show things I have no priv to see. Does this mean my settings for the users are all screwed? How do I rectify this situation? Some other (perhaps) useful information.

[root ~]# cat /etc/my.cnf
# Default to using old password format for compatibility with mysql 3.x
# clients (those using the mysqlclient10 compatibility package).

So my BASEDIR seems to be nothing like is suggested in the documentation at [URL].

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CentOS 5 Server :: Setting User Permissions In NFSD

May 19, 2009

I am currently trying to replace my Windows Server with a CentOS 5.3 box running nfsd for file serving. I have it all up and running however I cant see anyway of securing user access rights to the shares as all you need to access them is just clone the User ID of a user authorized to access the share of any Linux system which seems a bit insecure to me? I was wondering if there was any advice on securing access to server shares in CentOS.

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Networking :: What Are SFTP'd User Permissions?

Apr 6, 2010

if lets say 'someuser' sftp's into the box what is he actually able to do?Looking at my tests he can browse any directory to which he has read permissions but is only able to delete files in /home/someuser, even if they are owned by root. On the other hand in any folder above /home/someuser he would NOT be unable to delete a file even if its chmoded 777. Can anyone please confirm these findings.

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Server :: Can't Add A User To Samba ?

Jun 8, 2010

I am using ubuntu lucid lynx and when i issue the command: sudo smbpasswd -a <username>

And type in the password twice like it says i get this message: Failed to add entry for user <username>

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Networking :: Mounting Cifs As User - Permissions With SUID Bit?

Jan 11, 2010

I have looked at a LOT of forum posts and other sites trying to solve this problem but I have had no luck. I've seen the following:[URL].. I have an entry in my fstab that lets root mount a samba share on a Windows Server 2003 machine and gives users full read/write access to the share. The fstab entry looks like:

//servername.net/share /mnt/share cifs rw,user,umask=000,username=someuser,noauto,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0
However, when a normal user tries to mount the share they get one of two errors:
1. If I have /sbin/mount.cifs set to 777
mount error(1): Operation not permitted
Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)
2. If I have /sbin/mount.cifs set to +s

Code: mount error: permission denied or not superuser and mount.cifs not installed SUID Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I would go about getting a user able to mount this samba share?

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Server :: Samba Not Accepting User Logins?

Feb 23, 2011

I have a samba server that I had setup using the default smbpasswd backend, and it worked fine. So long as I remembered to use smbpasswd/passwd to setup a user with a username and password matching the account name of a Windows 7 user, then that windows 7 user would be able to navigate the shares with their permissions correctly.I have switched over to using ldap, and: the console/ssh of the machine can correctly use any of the ldap logins getent passwd/group both show the complete listing my Windows 7 machines can all ping the samba server by its netbios name my Windows 7 machines all prompt for authentication if I type \MACHINENAME into explorerHowever, all attempts to access the shares now continually ask for you to enter your username/password, and then fails anyway.No errors appear to be generated on the server (unless I'm missing a log somewhere). Having hunted around on the web, I'm wondering if it has to do with generation of machine accounts (since it tries to access from MACHINENAMEUSER). Without ldap setup, I didn't need to worry about the machine name, but I'm thinking that maybe smbpasswd took care of this somehow.I use the smbldap-useradd tool to setup a user account, which appears to correctly setup the user in ldap, such as:

dn: uid=sharer,ou=Users,dc=intbus,dc=net
objectClass: top


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