Ubuntu Networking :: PPPOE Cant Run?

Jul 16, 2011

I use win7 bit and input the ISP username and password, it runs well,but after I swap system to Ubuntu 11.04 64bit, I cant use the username and password to run DSL successfully.I use the

PHP Code:
sudo pppoeconf 

A text-based menu program will guide you through the next steps, which are:

Confirm that your Ethernet card is detected.
Enter your username (provided by your ISP).
Enter your password (provided by your ISP).

If you already have a PPPoE Connection configured, you will be asked if it may be modified.Popular options: you are asked if you want the 'noauth' and 'defaultroute' options and to remove 'nodetach' - choose "Yes".[code]................

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Ubuntu Networking :: PPPoe Not Working In 9.10 / What To Do?

Jan 10, 2010

I am a newbie to Linux just installed Ubuntu 9.10 using WUBI. I am not able to connect to Internet using PPPoe. I went thru some of the threads and tried PPPoeconf and it works. So how to configure Network Manager so that it works.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Lan And Net Not Working Together Using Pppoe?

Jun 5, 2011

i configured net and LAN setting for it but i cannot make them work together using pppoe....how do i dailup both together and work properly..!!

in windows xp i use to untick use default gateway to make them work simultaneuosly but there is no option like that in ubuntu..!!

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Ubuntu Networking :: PPPoE Through Router EDIMAX In U 9.10?

Feb 21, 2010

I have 2 PC's : a desktop and an notebook(IBM).On my desktop i have Windows 7 and Ubuntu 9.10,and on my notebook(IBM) is Windows XP SP3. Both of the PC's are conected to internet over an PPPoE conection in Windows thorugh my router(EDIMAX).

My desktop has the following :
IP adress :
Subnet mask :
Default gateway :
Preferred DNS server :


When i boot to Ubuntu 9.10 i dont have internet...but if i restart the PC and enter in Windows 7 there is internet,and is the same connection,the same adresess. How can i make the connection in Ubuntu 9.10 with the same adress,i mean like is in Windows 7?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Loading Pppoe After All Processes

Apr 22, 2010

I just got lost. I have set up a server with two nics. eth0 for the lan and eth1 for the Internet. I have dhcp running on the server. I am using adsl and have run pppoeconf to set up my connection. I have turned off dhcp and nat on the router so the device works as a modem using bridge mode.The problem I have is that the server keeps hanging when loading pppoe or at least when pppoe has completed getting the public DNS addresses.What happens is that the Internet connection can be opened from the /network/interfaces file. This seems to work but it does not return control to the server - the process runs, the DNS addresses obtained but the rest of the processes following at start up never load (i.e. power on the server and the processes that load then).

So I thought that this must be in the wrong place. I commented out the items in the interface file and added a couple of entries to end of rc.local, my logic being that this will load after everything has finished. Nearly right but not. What happens is that all processes run and then the pppoe program runs and the DNS addresses obtained (seen from a screen connected to the server). But the system then stops. What should happen is that it continues to load and at the end return the login prompt.From a client I can see that dhcp has loaded since a private IP has been allocated but I cannot login from that client since the server has not finished loading.I am not sure what I have not done here since reading round I can see that what I have followed is the same as everyone else but I get a different result.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setup A PPPOE Connection On 10.04?

Apr 29, 2010

I've just done a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.04 lucid lynx and how to setup a pppoe connection in ubuntu. ( thats after 2 hours of googling and trial and error)

system info: its a laptop : Dell Studio XPS 16 connected to a Ethernet hub thats connected to a dsl modem..

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Ubuntu Networking :: Pppoe Connection Through Wan Miniport?

Jun 26, 2010

i am completely new to the world of Linux. But i want to learn it. My problem is , i cannot connect my PC to internet. I have a shared broadband connection which needs username and password to connect to internet. I don't know clearly but its something pppoe connection through wan mini port. or xdsl. I contacted my isp but in Our country (Bangladesh) a very few people use Linux or Ubuntu so they cant help me out. i searched many forums,, googled everywhere but cant make it working. i tried some command like "sudo pppoeconfig" but still dont understand. I know there are many people who know how to do this. My Pc configuration:

Processor: Intel Core2duo E8400 3.00GHz
Motherboard: Intel DG41TY
Ram: Transend 2GB 800 buss
Hdd: Samsung sata 400gb
Lan: Realtek PCie GBe family (built-in)
Ubuntu 9.10

I have Fedora 13 also. It looks almost similar to ubuntu at network connection.. is the settings will be the same.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Pppoe Over Wireless Network?

Dec 3, 2010

I use pppoe connection over wireless network, for long time I've used console, so I didn't had any problem with it, BUT - after installing gnome, I can't connect to the wireless ISP. On my network manager I see my wireless network, I can connected to it, but when I do it, I don't see DSL connection on my menu, If I only connect cable to it, DSL connection is showing again. What should I do to see the DSL connection when only wireless is connected ?

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Ubuntu Networking :: DSL/pppoe Connection Script Fails?

Apr 18, 2010

i have setup my connection with pppoeconf command ...i had not started it at boot time..i make a script like this....

echo "Connecting"


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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Setup PPPOE Connection Over Wireless

Apr 22, 2010

My adsl modem is in bridge mode. I can connect to internet via pppoe . pppoeconf recognise the pppoe in eth0 and setup a connection and I can use it. How can I setup a pppoe connection using pppoeconf so that it uses wireless ? I set the wireless mode to bridge in modem settings. But, after that the access point stopped appearing in "aps in range" in network manager and I can't connect to it. pppoeconf also doesn't recognise wlan0 as a valid pppoe link . but dat is normal since i don't think it can check if wlan0 is pppoe without wlan0 being connected to the modem's wireless network. How can I connect to Internet with modem in bridge mode and connections via wireless interface of modem? Is pppoe over wireless even possible ? coz the datalink layer of wlan is not ethernet rite?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet With A Pppoe DLS Connection Does Not Work

Jul 5, 2010

i have a routed and a PPPoE type internet connection, recently i tried a thing in terminal with the pppoeconf option since the network manager has problems with connectiong to the internet with a pppoe DLS connection, or anyway in my case it does not work. Ok i did the pppoeconf thing i inserted my pass and my user and left the program to do its thing, ok it all worked fine but then i restarted my system and suddenly the network manager did not want to recognize my network it hat as options some weird ipupdown options for connection and when i tried the pppoeconf thing again it did not work. what could i do to reactivate at least one way my connection, if i understood correctly the terminal type connecting and the network manager are two different things. now i am using my router and it should connect but the network manager still does not see the connection.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Create Pppoe Client With Servicename

Nov 25, 2010

i m new to ubuntu i want to create a pppoe client with a service name. i used to create it with pppoeconf but it is not asking me for the service name. i went to /etc/ppp/peers then i typed gedit dsl-provider. i opened the file


i put in the bottom servicename="ROG". when i pon dsl-provider it said unrecognized option servicename. i put in the header of the file this line : pty "/usr/sbin/pppoe -I wlan0 -T 80 -m 1452 -S ROG". nothing changed i still cant connect.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Application For Connecting To WAN Via PPPoE Over WLAN?

Dec 4, 2010

Does anyone know of an application other than NetworkManager that will allow me to connected to WAN via PPPoE over WLAN?

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Ubuntu Networking :: 20' Sec Lag For Opening Any Websites In PPPOE Mode?

Feb 27, 2011

ubuntu: 10.10 Updated
Modem: Dlink DSL2740U
Internet: ADSL
Phone: Galaxy S I9000 (WiFi)

I set username/password in modem (PPPOE mode) and when modem is Turn On, I connected to Internet. but in opening site or download file (any send packet) I have to wait ~20 sec to replay server. but if I use Bridge mode in modem I connect to Internet by ubuntu pppoe connection everything is fine and speedy.

I need to set username/password in PPPOE mode cuse my phone is thirsty of Internet.

I don't have this issue in Phone or Windows.

I can't send this thread, after ~20 sec waiting, Firefox wants to download a "newthread.PHP" file ! I have to Exchange to bridge mode!

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Networking :: Pppoe Firewall Security ?

Apr 18, 2010

I got a new ISP, and it uses PPPoE. Let's say it's over eth1. After I connect there is a ppp0 -or similar interface. My question is what kind of firewall policy should I use on eth1? (block all, allow ppoe passthrough only or should I just do nothing?)

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Networking :: PPPOE Over Wirelesss Modem

Apr 24, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 ..

My adsl modem is in bridge mode . I can connect to internet via pppoe . pppoeconf recognise the pppoe in eth0 and setup a connection and i can use it .. Now , the Problem :

How can I setup a pppoe connection using pppoeconf so that it uses wireless ? I set the wireless mode to bridge in modem settings . But , after that , the access point stopped appearing in "aps in range" in network manager and i can't connect to it . pppoeconf also doesn't recognise wlan0 as a valid pppoe link . but dat is normal since i don't think it can check if wlan0 is pppoe without wlan0 being connected to the modem's wireless network .


sidenote : hey , is pppoe over wireless even possible ? coz the datalink layer of wlan is not ethernet rite ?

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Networking :: Pptp Vpn And PPPoE Over Dial Up

Mar 21, 2011

I have an internet connection with dial up created with pppconfig that I use Code: #pon connection_name to connect to internet in my ubuntu 10.10 platform and it creates me a connection over ppp0. I want to use a PPTP vpn, so I used this command


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Networking :: Odd PPPoE Packet Redirection Networking?

Feb 7, 2010

I have a machine with two network cards running linux mint 8 XFCE (which is compatable with Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex). eth0 gos out onto the network propper, has a static IP address of and serves DHCP requests for the 10.10.10.x subnet.

eth1 is pluged into a PPPoE concentrator, and has a static address of (I would have left it alone but pppoeconf wouldn't work unless it had an address).

ppp0 is the piont to piont over ethernet conection that is corectly created when I run pon. I have both guard dog and guide dog installed but they are both disabled.

Now, the weird part: I can ping the IP number of the machine at the other end of the pppoe conection (when it changes I can still ping the new number), the local IPs (10.10.10.x), but *nothing* else not even the DNS servers passed to the machine during ppp conection which are in the same sub net as the machine I can ping.

When I try to ping or trace the route I get an error message like: reply from desination unreachable There is nothing wrong with the network at the other end, as I can make an Identical PPPoE connection from other machines on the network if the the concentrator is pluged into the hub (a rather unsafe place for it to be) and it all just falls into place.

What seems to be happening is that the machine is treating eth0 rather than ppp0 as the internet gateway, and passing the packets round in circles.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Autodial Pppoe Connection At Scheduled Time?

Jun 14, 2010

I've been trying to use gnome-schedule to create a scheduled task that would dial my pppoe connection automatically. For this I used "sudo pon" command (after configuring the pppoe connection using pppoeconf ). Although the command gets executed, but then it waits for me to enter the password. I want it to be automatic & shouldn't require me/anyone to authorize it. Is there a way to enter this password automatically for the scheduled tasks?

Also, I'd like to use network manager, instead of pppoeconf, for the same purpose. How can I set network manager to dial a pppoe connection at scheduled time?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Modem Upgraded - PPPoE Config Won't Work

Jun 23, 2010

I've been using an old modem from 2007, which my ISP calls Type I. It didn't have wireless connectivity and I used pppoeconf to setup my connection - username and password and set it to connect at boot time and everything was fine till today. I bought a Type II modem from my ISP and had to return the type I modem to them. Since the technician had no knowledge of Ubuntu (or Linux in general), he configured the modem in Windows 7, tested that the connection was working, tested the wireless connection in my netbook running XP and then he left.

Now I can't connect through pppoeconf in Ubuntu (running 9.10). The terminal says eth0 is listed but the 'access concentrator' or something like that isn't responding (no other process was running at that time). I feel very vulnerable while browsing in Windows so I want to get back to Ubuntu ASAP. Oh, and here's the output when I run "dhclient eth0"

Listening on LPF/eth0/00:16:76:33:d2:70
Sending on LPF/eth0/00:16:76:33:d2:70
Sending on Socket/fallback
DHCPDISCOER on eth0 to port 67 interval 7

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Ubuntu Networking :: Uses PPPoE To Configure A Connection To Their Wireless Broadband?

Jun 26, 2010

I am deployed to Iraq and the Earthlink ISP here uses PPPoE to configure a connection to their wireless broadband. His english skills are pretty good and from what I gather, he's got a DSL connection that he's trying to connect me to. He showed me how he does it on a Windows machine but I can't figure it out on my ubuntu laptop. That windows machine didn't need any IP addresses or server names. It only used a username and password to connect. Of course a strong wireless signal detected was also pre-requisite.

I know my laptop works because I've had great success with it here lately, just not on the Earthlink service.I see their wireless is broadcast and I can connect to it. I just can't figure out how to post my credentials and authenticate.I don't see a way of entering my username and password because I don't know how to install (or configure) for PPPoE.I did use the pppoeconfig and got to the part where I add my username and password, but most of what's going on up to and after that, I do not have the knowledge base to use. So I figured that allowing the defaults and recommended settings would be acceptableYou'll have to forgive me if I've asked another dumb question here. I'm another one of those Linux enthusiasts who is learning and I'm just not willing to switch back to MS just to get internet while deployed.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Error Connecting To PPPoE Over Wireless With Pppoeconf?

Dec 5, 2010

I am trying to connect a computer running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS to the internet via PPPoE over WLAN and having trouble connecting. The device that connects to WAN is a D-Link DSL-G604T. WAN connection in this device is configured for bridged mode. This is what I have done:


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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Configure Pppoe With Advance Settings For WAN Connection

Mar 14, 2011

I have an internet connection which requires pppoe setup to login with the specified username and password ip address is dynamic.Above are the screenshots for your reference for which I establish the internet connection.the pppoe settings can be done through "sudo pppoeconf" but for the screenshot No. 2.what is the procedure? I need to specify the service name for my internet connection.how to configure my internet connection.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Get Wired Internet Connection To Work Over PPPoE

May 1, 2011

I cant get my wired internet connection to work. The command 'dpkg -s pppoeconf' returns ' installed ok installed'. My connection is through a router which is probably in a semi-bridge mode and I need to dial a connection to get the net started. The connection Auto eth0 is setup properly with the correct cloned MAC Address (that of my laptop).

I've also executed 'sudo pppoeconf' and ran the whole series of steps which towards the end said that my connection will be set on boot. However, the net doesnt work directly and I dont know how to dial manually either. 'sudo ifup eth0' returns 'interface eth0 already configured'. I tried some 10-15 threads but none worked. Ubuntu is handicapped without internet.

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Fedora Networking :: F11 - Routing Two PPPOE Connections

May 24, 2009

On a Fedora 11 machine, I configured ppp0 on eth0 and ppp1 on eth1, each one is connected to a modem, I also defined ppp0 as the default gateway.. Should I do anything else to load balance the 2 connections or will ppp1 take some of the load by default? Should I add any other routing rules? If yes then please tell me what should I add, keeping in mind that for each pppoe connection both the pppoe address and the remote address are not static so I actually needed some scripting to change the default gateway each time the remote pppoe address changes.

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Fedora Networking :: Not Able To Create PPPoE Connection

Jun 16, 2009

I have just installed FC11 from a DVD I created from an ISO.I also have FC10 (using here) and Windoze XP pro all on separate HDDs.I have not been able to configure my internet connection, when I try to create a new xDSL connection I get an error message; package needed 'rp-pppoe'.I don't now how to get the package without a connection.I have tried with and without Network Manager.

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Fedora Networking :: PPPoE Not Working After Update?

Feb 26, 2010

I'm running Fedora 12. After installing the following updates (from yum log):


Feb 24 14:34:25 Updated: xorg-x11-server-common-1.7.5-1.fc12.i686
Feb 24 14:34:45 Updated: 1:qt-4.6.2-1.fc12.i686
Feb 24 14:34:50 Updated: compiz-0.8.2-24.fc12.i686
Feb 24 14:34:51 Updated: 1:qt-sqlite-4.6.2-1.fc12.i686
Feb 24 14:35:13 Updated: 1:qt-x11-4.6.2-1.fc12.i686


P.S.: I have another F12 system, on a second HDD, that I haven't updated since two weeks ago and I can connect to the internet with it. So this seems like a package correlation problem. I think it might affect more users than just me, especially those who only have F12 installed on their computers.

If this affects more than just me, I think the guise at Fedora should offer a script or a rpm to be used offline to, whether downgrade the "ppp" package, or to update the "/usr/lib/pppd/2.4.4/nm-pppd-plugin.so" plugin.

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Networking :: Client Application For PPPoE Connection ?

Jul 14, 2010

What is the best client application for connecting through PPPoE (DSL connection)? Gnome's default network manager isn't very useful. I created a DSL connection but don't know how to use that.

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Networking :: Creating PPPoE Connection Using RHEL5

Apr 6, 2010

i need help to create a PPPoE Connection ( Breoadband)using RHEL 5 cz my ISP use this type of connection .Plz if there is someone can show me the procedure step by step.

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Networking :: How To Configure PPPOE Internet Connection?

Nov 15, 2010

I have wireless adapter USB rt1878 working fine.I have to setup pppoe to make internet connection?I need this help?

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