Ubuntu Networking :: Connection Failed And Suddenly Stopped Working

Jul 4, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.4 side by side with my Vista. This is on a PC I leave on permanently and use as a sort of Sever, so Security and Network connection are VERY important on this device. I use it for documents and IP PBX (telephone system). I currently use Vista and 3CX, but I plan to roll it over to Unbuntu full time once its up and runnng correctly - I will just need to change the Grub2 conf priority. After install, all was fine and I managed to make many changes to settings, apps and updates, but I have noticed in the past week when going in to make further changes the network has suddenly stopped working! According to Network Manager and the icon on the panel it is connected and I can not see anything obvious that is not correct. I tried doing a PING ( from Network Manager to the main router, but it failed. I know that there is nothing wrong with the network nor the card or PC it all sits on. It's working now with Vista and my other machines. It must be a config some-where.

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Software :: Vnc Server Used To Work Suddenly Stopped Working With Connection Refused Errors

Feb 22, 2011

I have a machine running with slackware64 13.1 and vnc servers is installed on it. It worked for months until yesterday, when I couldnt connect to the machine remotely.

I have 2 vnc "users" on this machine, root and "user". Each have their own desktop. Root has desktop :1 and user had desktop :2. Simple enough.

VNC servers is started via /etc/rc.d/rc.local with the command:



It worked flawlessly. I use the very same configuration on my home server, never had a glitch.

From the "distant" machine, I get this error when I try to connect:


Unable to connect to VNC server

What has changed so it no longer works? I assume its not a network problem since the machines are all located in my home network and there is no firewall or router in between them.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Suddenly Stopped Working AND Rfkill Command Not Working

Jul 13, 2011

When originally installing 11.04 I had problems getting my Ralink 5390 wireless card to work.

Today my computer froze completely and I had to turn it off via the power switch. When I turned it back on, wireless was no longer recognized! My iPod can connect to the network just fine, so it must be an Ubuntu problem. There are no problems with my ethernet connection either.

I researched this and found several threads about blocking and unblocking wireless devices using the rfkill command. Well, unfortunately for me the rfkill command doesn't work. When I type sudo rfkill list or sudo rfkill unblock all, nothing happens; it just returns me to my bash prompt. I even tried uninstalling and reinstalling rfkill...nothing.

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Networking :: VNC To Ubuntu 10.10 Suddenly Stopped Working?

Oct 13, 2010

I've started to set up a server at my house, where I eventually want to run it headless, and I can just VNC in from my other Desktop. I installed Ubuntu 10.10, setup remote desktop on the server, and from there was able to do any work remotely. That was nice. I turn the computer off at night, and the next day when I was going to work on it, I cannot VNC in anymore. One day passed, and now every time I try to use VNC it comes up with "Failed to connect to server" I also set a static IP address on the server too, so I know the address isn't changing every so often.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Suddenly Stopped Working?

Jul 24, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu 10.04. I was happily connected to internet and surfing some forum, when wireless connection suddenly stopped working.

Now I can't find any access point, and I'm pretty sure I didn't do anything to justify this behaviour.

It already happened a month ago, but I had to format my drive, so I didn't really bother to try to solve the problem.

Anyway. I'm posting here the results of the commands I think I can help with a diagnosis; if something else is needed.

I'm using a different computer to post this thread, so I'm manually writing the output.

sudo iwconfig wlan0
wlan 0 IEEE 802.11bg ESSID: off/any
Mode:Managed Access Point: Not-Associated Tx-Power=20 dBm
Retry long limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off
Encryption key:off
Power Management:off
sudo iwlist wlan0 scan
wlan0 No scan results

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Ubuntu Networking :: Ethernet Just Stopped Working Suddenly?

Aug 12, 2010

Version: Ubuntu 10.04 Relavant hardware: P5QL Pro built-in ethernet, cable modem with linksys wireless-G router (although problem is with ethernet connection, not wireless)

One minute my ethernet was working, and the next it stopped working. The only thing that I did between it working and not working was install electricsheep from Synaptic and then I shut down the computer. When I restarted a bit later, no ethernet connection shows up.

I checked the cables, made sure they are in tight.

My laptop connects using the same ethernet cable fine. So its not the cable or the router.

I reset the router and the computer at the same time. Still doesn't work.

I don't know where to even start with troubleshooting this sort of problem. Everything to the extent of my computer knowledge seems to be working fine.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 - Wireless Suddenly Stopped Working

Apr 18, 2011

I'm running a gateway lapbook w/10.04 LTS and an etheros wirless card. Card has been working fine for almost a year - from cold boot, warm boot, and recovery from standy (shut lid, open, press power button). I was fiddling with setting a static IP for the wirelss card by modifying the interfaces text file. I made some changes, and restored the file to its original contents after some noodling around. Wireless still worked fine after that. Last night I took the laptop out of suspend as usual - lifted lid, pressed power button - but the wireless indicator remained grayed out and I haven't been able to reenable wireless connectivity since. ifconfig shows the wireless card is there, and cabling the e-net port directly to my hub works fine.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Worked Before Update But Suddenly Stopped Working

Oct 14, 2010

I have an HP a670y desktop computer using the included wireless antenna (looks like a big Sorry game piece). I am running Ubuntu 10.04 x64 dual booted with Windows Vista x64. I haven't had internet for a while but just got it today and decided to do some updating in both Windows and Ubuntu. It had detected my router and I copied and pasted the WEP key then it asked for my password, but my keyboard wasn't connected so I clicked cancel for the password window and it connected anyway.

I opened the Synaptic package manager and started downloading some updates while I did some browsing on the internet. I had restarted my computer when the updates were done and it asked again for my WEP key. I copied and pasted just as I did before and entered my password and after it tried to connect it asked for my password again. I thought maybe the internet was down so I decided to boot up Windows and it connected right away. I wonder if one of my updates messed something up. Has anyone else had this happen?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Or Router Suddenly Stopped Working

Nov 25, 2010

Right so yesterday my internet worked fine. Today - no connection at all. The light for my cable on the router doesn't even show up. I originally had indicator-network installed, so when the internet first stopped working, I tried a few other options such as tethering to my phone via usb and bluetooth (which I have successfully used in the past). However, these didn't work, and I figured that as connman is still in beta, maybe that was why. So I reinstalled network-manager and network-manager-gnome via a usb stick, uninstalled indicator-network, and rebooted the computer. Still no internet.

When I click on the applet, it says "No network devices are available". This is odd, as I definitely have a network device... it is part of the motherboard. So I thought I'd do the SMARTlan test or whatever it's called. It's part of my BIOS, so I ran that and it returned results that I (kinda) expected: when the cable wasn't plugged in, it returned one set of results. When it was only plugged into my computer (and not the router), it returned another set of results. And when it was plugged into both my computer and the router, it returned a third set of results. So that leads me to believe the cable itself is fine.

And when I move the cable to a different port on the router, nothing changes. The corresponding light still doesn't come on. Network-manager, telling there are no network devices. The BIOS can see the ethernet port and the cable. And the router is functioning perfectly for my parents' computer and my ps3. And I have checked the cable to my computer for physical damage - it follows the same path as the one to my ps3, and on top of that, nothing physical can possibly have happened to it in the last day. This happened once before, except I don't think the network devices were lost.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Stopped Working Suddenly After Updating The Packages

Apr 8, 2011

my Internet connection stopped working suddenly after updating the packages using synaptec package manager and rebooting it..can anyone say me why did this happen.BTW,mine is ubuntu 10.10 and i am absolute new to linux.I had to configure my n/w connections right from the scrap again

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Fedora Networking :: Broadcom WLAN Suddenly Stopped Working?

Feb 9, 2009

I have an HP Pavilion notebook with a Broadcom WLANcard that had been working very nicely in Fedora Core 10 until this evening, when I took my notebook to a conference room where there was no internet access. (I tried to connect to wireless networks, but there were none in the area, as I discovered.) am now unable to connect to my local (home) wireless network as the device is now non-existent . Can someone please walk me through the steps to fix this or re-install it (I have tried reinstalling broadcom-wl, but that didn't help). My lspci listing is reproduced below:

00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/PM/GMS, 943/940GML and 945GT Express Memory Controller Hub (rev 03)


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Fedora Networking :: Eth0 Suddenly Stopped Working On FC10

Aug 4, 2009

my eth0 suddenly stopped working on FC10. i have been using it the whole time, and now it refuses to even ping the gateway. dhclient is not receiving a dhcp offer and when i put in the information manually, it is not even able to ping the gateway. netstat -rn shows that the destination of the router is going nowhere.

i do not think it is the hardware/software, but rather maybe the provider? i am from central europe but just moved up to great britain and working at a friends place. i can connect the mac powerbook without a problem (it will get an ip with dhcp), but not the linux machine.it is a normal ethernet modem connection here. can it be, that it checks MAC addresses or even the computer names? the powerbook also has a really weired IP address: 77.102.xxxxx

i am not using network manager, but command line tools and have nm uninstalled. does anyone have a clue, what this could be about? i am not a newbie, but this is really puzzling me.....

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Fedora Networking :: Wireless Suddenly Stopped Working - FC11?

Sep 23, 2009

A few days ago (september 7) my wireless suddenly stopped working. I am using FC11, and have an Atheros AR5211 wireless card and have been using the ath5k driver with GNOME NetworkManager. Wireless networks are detected by NM perfectly fine. When I try to connect, the icon spins around those two dots, and one of them becomes green. If the network is wep protected, it asks for the password. After a while, it times out, regardless of the protection. I don't remember changing pretty much for the last two months, so I'm sort of surprised. I did download and install a kernal, along with an selinux-policy update.

If I run dmesg, relevant looking lines included:

ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
and a long series of these at the end:
wlan0: direct probe to AP 00:0b:86:4f:8a:20 try 1
wlan0: direct probe to AP 00:0b:86:4f:8a:20 try 1


Note: I previously posted this in "Laptops," but Networking seemed like a better place to do it.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.10, ThinkPad T60p, Atheros AR5008 Suddenly Stopped Working?

Feb 7, 2011

I've been running Ubuntu 10.10 on this ThinkPad for a couple of months now, with absolutely no problems at all.The wireless was working fine earlier today out at a coffee shop. When I got home and turned the computer on, the network applet just showed a "Wireless is disabled" message.I poked around for a while, mucking with whatever I could (limited, unfortunately, I don't have great linux-fu) and doing the ritual reboot to see if that would get things going.I then spent some time reading through forum threads here, but didn't find any answers.Below are the results of the various commands as described in HOWTO post a Wireless issue (ticket) sticky threadMachine brand and model

Lenovo ThinkPad T60p
lspci -nn | grep Atheros


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Ubuntu Networking :: Huawei E1552 Modem To Connect To The Internet, Everything Was Going Well When Suddenly Modem Stopped Working?

Feb 8, 2010

i'm running Kubuntu karmic and i've been using a 3G Huawei E1552 modem to connect to the internet, everything was going well when suddenly my modem stopped working. I've tried reconfiguring everything, i even reinstalled kubuntu from scratch with no success.Here's a part of my /var/log/debug

HTML Code:
Feb 8 17:14:01 alberto-laptop kernel: [ 1532.099883] usb-storage: device found at 7
Feb 8 17:14:01 alberto-laptop kernel: [ 1532.099888] usb-storage: waiting for device to


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Ubuntu :: [sound] Suddenly Stopped Working?

Sep 3, 2010

Ubuntu and I'm using the latest stable version. Yesterday I had my sound working, but today my sound has stopped working.I've taken the following steps without success:System -> Administrator -> Hardware Devices (finds nothing)

sudo apt update
sudo apt-get update


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Ubuntu :: LAN Suddenly Stopped Working, Wireless Still OK?

Nov 19, 2010

A couple days ago I booted up my Ubuntu 10.10 machine as usual,but the wired LAN connection did not work; it doesn't seem to see any wired connection devices. I can still connect to a wireless network with no problem, and if I plug that same ethernetable into another machine it works fine. I've been happily using this setup for weeks; the LAN only stopped working a day or two ago. So I figure there's two possibilities:A recent update caused NetworkManager to stop working with wired LAN connections, but I'm e only persothed affected (unlikely)My motherboard's ethernet port died (this motherboard only a couple weeks old, so this also seems unlikely)I'm not good at diagnosing problems with networking, so who can tell me where to st

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Ubuntu :: Unity Suddenly Stopped Working?

May 13, 2011

I have no idea what happened. When I restarted my laptop a message telling me that my hardware cannot support Unity came up. This is quite impossible, because I've been running Unity with no problems since 11.04 was released.

Compiz says that the interface is unity, and when I checked in login screen, it's not set to Ubuntu Classic or anything, just Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04- Wifi Suddenly Stopped Working?

May 23, 2011

I have an asus EEE 1015N. Everything worked fine yesterday. I packed my computer, and went back home. After turning it back on, not only it didn't connect to the wifi network, but it did not even detect it. I know it's not broken or anything like that because when I boot into windows it works fine.I've been trying every solutionven in the "sudden wifi problems" threads in the forum (including checking the wifi power button, and trying to manually assign an access point to it), but to no avail.

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Ubuntu :: Skype Not Suddenly Stopped Working 11.04?

May 27, 2011

My skype has suddenly stopped working. It starts then stops halfway though the startup. If i run it from the terminal it say Aborted as it stops. I've triedupdating the whole system, including enabling thee and backports options in software sources. I've tried re-installing skype, I've even re-installed the whole system.

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Ubuntu :: Sound Suddenly Stopped Working?

Jun 25, 2011

I'm running 64-bit Ubuntu 11.04. I recently updated virtual box and wine. I also installed the expansion kit for the virtual box. Now Ubuntu doesn't read my sound card. I tried reinstalling alsa and pulseaudio but that did not help.

aplay -l shows no sound cards.

I have a Realtek ALC892 8-Channel HD Audio sound card.

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Ubuntu Networking :: PPTP VPN Connection Stopped Working?

Oct 6, 2010

I managed to set up a PPTP VPN connection in Ubuntu 10.04, and it worked first time.This was about 3 months ago. It was working yesterday (Oct 05 2010), but when I came to log in to the VPN today it doesn't work. I tried the same VPN connection on my wife's laptop which runs Vista and it works. I have tried re-entering the details, even deleting and setting up from scratch via network manager. And yes I have the correct VPN plugins. what I should do. Is there a log file so I can have a look at it to see what the problem is. If there is where is it located. The computer is able to connect to the internet without any problems, just can't connect to the VPN. The only thing I can think of is that the update manager popped up this morning so a few things have got updated today. maybe something in there broke the VPN connection.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Connection Stopped Working?

Oct 20, 2010

About a week ago I upgraded to Maverick from Lucid.

All networking worked fine on Lucid.

I am using an Acer Laptop with the Atheros AR928X Wireless Network Adapter.

I can connect to my home network (visible, with WPA2-Personal) fine. However, I cannot connect to my university's wireless network. The only difference I noticed is that its network is using WPA2 Entreprise with Tunneled TLS Authentication and MSCHAPv2.

I tried dmesg and I got:

wlan0: authenticate with 00:1a:1e:ef:f4:e1 (try 1)
wlan0: authenticated
wlan0: associate with 00:1a:1e:ef:f4:e1 (try 1)
wlan0: RX AssocResp frin 00:1a:1e:ef:f4:e1 (capab=0x431 status=0 aid=2)


Unless the driver has changed, I suspect this is not a driver issue, since it worked fine on Lucid. Is this a NetworkManager issue?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Connection Stopped Working?

Mar 20, 2011

I'm running 10.10 on a brand new computer, and up until this afternoon the wired connection was working fine. All of a sudden it stopped working (and doesn't work in Windows either).I ran sudo dhclient and it gave me:

DHCPDISCOVER on eht- to port 67 interval 3 (7, 9, 10, 18, 13)
No working leases in persistent database sleeping


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Networking :: Network Connection Stopped Working ?

Nov 24, 2009

I have Debian installed a year ago, working perfectly until last week when network card connected to internet stopped to communicate. I did no change in configuration. It just stopped to work while I was reading an online web page. Network card connected to local network still works fine.

I thought it might be a NIC failure so I installed a new PCI NIC but no change, still no communication throught this NIC.

I verified/changed cable between NIC and the router, no luck. If I connect the same cable from router to a Windows PC, everything is OK. If I connect back to Debian machine, it does not work.

I tried connect this NIC with a different router with DHCP enabled, nothing, NIC will not communicate with DHCP server.

I tried to set static IP, no change.

Today I booted a Knoppix 6.2 and this NIC worked perfetly! It set up using DHCP, I could access the internet.

I booted machine as usual and the problem still persists of course.

This is information captured immediately after boot. The trouble NIC is eth0 after boot finishes.

All this was captured with eth0 connect to a router with DHCP enabled. There is no DHCP entry in syslog related to eth0. Reinstall is the very last option.

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Ubuntu :: Cairo-dock Suddenly Stopped Working?

Mar 9, 2010

I am a proud user of ubuntu and basically this is my desktop: I have got rid of the bottom gnome taskbar and replaced it with cairo-dock and the top toolbar is only showing one pixel with a delay scroll down so when i hover by it it doesnt keep popping down unless i leave the mouse there. anyway thats besides the point. i use cairo-dock and have done for over 4 months. then all of a sudden it stopped working. I don't have a clue why, perhaps you have encountered this problem and know of a solution. im using 9.04 jaunty and latest cairo-dock. when i type cairo-dock -c into terminal i get:


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Audio Suddenly Stopped Working?

Oct 24, 2010

I can't get any sound from either online audio or from a CD in drive. I've watched videos with sound with only occasional problems until today. I have been using MPlayer with internal audio 1 output - analog stereo output. When I start a vid, it will begin to D/L and play, but without sound. When I try to check the volume level everything pauses and then my system freezes. Sometimes it will release in a few seconds, but mostly it won't allow me to close Firefox and if I try to close the tab or window or Firefox, I have to reboot. Sometimes the vid will D/L without a problem, but no audio on playback. Oddly, when I bring up the system monitor, processors will show 1 or 2 cores stuck at 100% while the others fluctuate wildly. Download speed falls to almost nothing with occasional blips or nothing. I checked several sites and they all have the same problem. I have checked my physical connections, and bios settings.

There is an option for a RS780 Azalia controller 1 output Digital Stereo (HDMI) output, but I have not been able to make it work since the system was new. I don't know why.

This is the most recent SYSLOG file. The pulse audio errors have always been there, but since it didn't seem to affect playback, I didn't run it down.

Oct 24 16:04:19 jess-desktop kernel: [ 889.588898] cdrom: This disc doesn't have any tracks I recognize!
Oct 24 16:04:19 jess-desktop kernel: [ 889.609167] sr 0:0:0:0: [sr0] Result: hostbyte=DID_OK driverbyte=DRIVER_SENSE


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Sound Suddenly Just Stopped Working ?

Jan 5, 2011

I'm using Ubuntu and my sound was working fine and then suddenly it just stopped working.

It does however, have odd spells where its working (for like 2 minutes) but those spells are few and far between. So basically the sound is not working.

When it isn't working my speaker seem to be making these hissing/screeching noises.

I've tried looking up on Google on how to fix it, i.e. running terminals, etc. but still haven't come round to fixing it. Could someone explain to me how to fix the sound please?

And no, the speakers aren't on mute. I checked volume control and everything is full.

Laptop: Acer
OS: Ubuntu 9.something
Sound card: hda-intel
Problem: Sound not working

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Shortcuts Stopped Working Suddenly?

Mar 18, 2011

I have recently noticed that my keyboard shortcuts stopped working.Things like F2 to rename files/folders, I think its ALT+F1 to bring up applications menu, however it comes up with a dialog saying Power Information. I also can not use backspace in FF to go back a page and things like that, which I find very annoying because I prefer to navigate with the keyboard and that deal.Yes I have Compiz installed however I have for a few months now without this problem which appeared only within the last fw days. I have had k at the keyboard shortcuts in Compiz and set them to default but nothing changed

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Ubuntu :: Dual Monitor Suddenly Stopped Working

May 5, 2011

Earlier in natty this was working completely. It's only just started happening about a week ago. I don't know what changed, all I know is it suddenly stopped working. Basically the bar at the top is still there but there is black underneath. I can put windows there but I cannot see them (Just black). If I click on an indicator it looks on the bar as if it is being clicked but I cannot see the menu. I have attached a screenshot.

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