Ubuntu Networking :: Asus EEEpc 1000H Wifi In WPA-PSK Mode No Longer Works

May 5, 2010

I have an Asus EEEpc 1000H netbook with both Ubuntu and WinXp. I just updated from Ubuntu 9.1 to 10.04 and I can no longer connect to my home WiFi!

I have a Netgear router and the network is WPA-PSK password protected. All other devices can perfectly connect. The netbook can under WinXp and could with Ubuntu 9.1. Now, with the 10.04, it keeps asking for the password but never connects. Obviously I triple checked the password and there's no chance of a mistype error.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Asus Eeepc 1000H Wireless In 11.04?

Jul 25, 2011

I've tried a few suggestions in similar threads.. to no avail. I thought I had it fixed a few days ago when I noticed that the wireless would randomly disconnect only on battery power. So I tried "iwconfig wlan0 power off" and then reconnected. It worked, for a while, but then after minutes/hours later it will disconnect and stay disconnected until I restart. If you need anymore information, let me know. I might need to be walked through the process; though, as I'm a worthless noob.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.10 / Asus EeePC 1001P - Can't Connect To Internet - Only Wifi

Feb 5, 2011

Just got a secondhand Asus EeePC 100P netbook, fresh install of Ubuntu 10.10, and while I can connect to my wireless network and access the router through the browser, I can't connect to the internet. Pinging any other sites, either by domain name or IP, doesn't work. I've tried various things suggested in similar threads (putting in the DNS server info manually, disabling ipv6, restarting about a gazillion times), but nothing's worked so far. (My other computer, a Mac, can connect just fine.)

Attempted to install ndiswrapper, failed miserably, and I'm not sure if that's just for situations where the wifi itself doesn't work?

I'd be very grateful for any suggestions.

Here's what's under Connection Information at the moment:Interface: 802.11 WiFi (wlan0)

Hardware Address: 1C:4B6:85:13:F4
Driver: ath9k
Speed: 1 Mb/s
Security: WEP


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Ubuntu Networking :: Bluetooth 1000H EeePC Paired But Not Connected

Oct 31, 2010

It reads on my phone device, "Paired but not connected". With my icon I can set it up just fine, I can click "Connect" but nothing happens. I was able to pair & connect my Motorola SD9 Headphones but was unsuccessful in actually getting any sound from the head phones or the microphone to work. (But it does say paired and connected).

I know nothing about bluetooth issues. We do know it's not soft or hard blocked.
1: eeepc-bluetooth: Bluetooth
Soft blocked: no
Hard blocked: no
2: hci0: Bluetooth
Soft blocked: no
Hard blocked: no

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Ubuntu Networking :: Update Killed All Network Con. On Asus 1000h?

Feb 25, 2010

Some data:Attached because on posting I get an error even though there is not a singel image or smiley:You have included 11 images in your message. You are limited to using 8 images so please go back and correct the problem and then continue again. Images include use of smilies, the BB code [img] tag and HTML <img> tags. The use of these is all subject to them being enabled by the administrator.Couldn't upload either it gives invalid file so I resort to Google docs now [URL]

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Fedora :: 14 - EEEPC 1000H And Wireless

Jan 16, 2011

I recently installed F14 on my EEEPC 1000H. Fedora is the distro that fully supports it, at least F13 (with the wireless drivers installed seperately). I noticed that F14 worked totally out of the box, without even having to install wireless drivers. However, there is a problem: If I turn off the wireless (using Fn + F2, I haven't tried any other ways) I then can't turn it back on. I mean, the lights indicating the wireless is working are on, Fedroa still says "Device is not ready".

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Access Internet With Asus Eeepc 1015p

Nov 18, 2010

i've just installed ubuntu netbook remix 10.10 on my asus eeepc 1015p. whether i use an ethernet cable or wireless, i can establish a connection, but i can't access any websites through firefox or get software via the software manager.

i've attached some terminal screenshots from my attempts at troubleshooting, which i think contain all the relevant hardware info.

i've already searched the forums and see a lot of problems similar to mine, but none seem to involve the same combination of hardware / ubuntu version as me. since i have no experience, i'm hesitant to try to apply solutions that i don't understand and in which i'm not totally confident.

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Fedora Installation :: Live User On Asus EeePC - No Wireless Networking?

Mar 12, 2011

On a new ASUS eee PC 1015P, the Windows 7 o/s supplied works fine. Experimenting with a Fedora 14 Linux o/s, currently just booting to a Live User system on a USB Stick, there is no wireless networking. In case it is relevant, the wireless LAN Card details (as reported from lspci) are: Ralink RT3090 802.11n 1T/1R Wireless LAN Card Driver Version Should I be expecting wireless to be working on the USB version, do I need to do a full install to get wireless or is it maybe a drivers problem?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Asus EeePC 1001HA - Install Netbook Edition 9.10 - Can't Get Wireless Network To Work

Jun 3, 2010

I have just purchased an Asus EeePC 1001HA netbook and I would like to install Ubuntu Netbook Edition 9.10 (love the look and the brilliant interface), but I can't get the wireless network to work. I am currently running from a 4Gb USB stick that has the LiveCD on it with a 1Gb persistence. The network notification area only shows wired and VPN connections. I have tried installing the Ralink 3090 driver but I have had no luck in getting the wireless to work.

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Ubuntu Networking :: EeePC 901 Dropping WiFi Connection - Need New Driver?

Jan 5, 2010

Here's the situation: I've got an eee pc 901 running Ubuntu 9.10 netbook remix. I'm using it to connect to a WPA-encrypted wireless network on a WRT54GL running dd-wrt. It mostly connects and works ok, but sometimes it just stops working for no apparent reason (the netbook still shows itself as connected), but you can't get anywhere until you manually disconnect and reconnect. Other times, it will drop the connection, and then quickly reconnect (or sometimes not). Obviously, this behavior is pretty irritating. At first I thought the problem was with the router, but I checked the logs there and they all seem fine, and other computers on the same router don't have this problem. Looking at "dmesg | tail" on my netbook, I see a lot of instances of the following error, which I'm thinking is probably the problem:

[11137.762233] ERROR!!! RTMPCancelTimer failed, Timer hasn't been initialize!
[11142.872797] ===>rt_ioctl_giwscan. 4(4) BSS returned, data->length = 440
[11152.883274] ===>rt_ioctl_giwscan. 5(5) BSS returned, data->length = 556
[11152.883529] ==>rt_ioctl_siwfreq::SIOCSIWFREQ[cmd=0x8b04] (Channel=11)
[11163.952056] ERROR!!! RTMPCancelTimer failed, Timer hasn't been initialize!

I searched for that error message and I found this Ubuntu bug report: [URL] that describes symptoms that match mine. In that report, a poster mentions that he compiled and installed a new version of the wireless driver from the Ralink website, and it fixed his problem. Do you think installing a new driver would be good? Or has that updated driver already been added to the kernel since that bug report was filed? I've never compiled a kernel module before.

One other thing, I also see repeated instances of these lines (or similar ones) in dmesg, which look like they could be related.
[44096.275923] RX DESC f30ca000 size = 2048
[44096.276885] <-- RTMPAllocTxRxRingMemory, Status=0
[44096.281404] --> Error 2 opening /etc/Wireless/RT2860STA/RT2860STA.dat
[44096.281424] 1. Phy Mode = 0
[44096.281435] 2. Phy Mode = 0
[44096.309841] 3. Phy Mode = 0
[44096.314533] MCS Set = 00 00 00 00 00
[44096.316196] <==== RTMPInitialize, Status=0
[44096.316280] 0x1300 = 000a4260
[44096.401269] ==>rt_ioctl_siwfreq::SIOCSIWFREQ[cmd=0x8b04] (Channel=11)
[44096.472502] ===>rt_ioctl_giwscan. 1(1) BSS returned, data->length = 116
[44096.472977] ==>rt_ioctl_siwfreq::SIOCSIWFREQ[cmd=0x8b04] (Channel=11)
[44106.768056] ra0: no IPv6 routers present

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Upgrade GLX In Asus Eeepc?

Mar 3, 2010

i've a asus eeepc with an Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03) with Karmic Koala, my GLX version is 1.2 , is it possible to upgrade in some way to GLX 1.3??

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Ubuntu :: Asus Eeepc 1005PEB Freezes Sometimes

Feb 28, 2011

check if Graphics Card has been configured correctly?

Code: sudo lspci | grep -i vga
grep -i driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf

I installed the 10.10 version in an Asus eeepc 1005PEB and it freezes sometimes, no reason. I tried to put that in the Terminal thing, but first I did it and said that the VGA controller was Intel Corporation N10 family integrated graphics controller. I put the second thing (grep -i driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf) and it said it didn't find the file. I can't reproduce exactly what it said because I closed the window and when I tried to do the thing all over again, I posted the sudo lspci | grep -i vga, it demanded the pass and it wouldn't let me type it, I don't know why... I'm not an expert with computers, in fact I'm learning how to do these kind of things.

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Networking :: Can't Access Public Wifi BUT Wifi Works On Router At Home?

May 13, 2009

the only error message I can find comes from "dmesg|tail"all it shows is
"no IPv6 router"any body know what is going on here or where where to look for more clues the next time I get around public wifi Oh the windoze washers and apple polishers don't seem to have any problems at all

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Ubuntu Installation :: Asus Eeepc 1005HA Can't Boot From Usb

Nov 27, 2010

I can't get my Asus Eeepc 1005HA to boot from usb so as to re install Ubuntu. I did it right once - obviously - and now have a malfunctioning dual boot partition. My memory is of having to hit a function key repeatedly once I'd changed the BIOS and restarted the computer. Asus forums all repeatedly give me the same advice - F2 for BIOS, F10 to save settings then it should boot up, but --- nothing --- works.

So. Any additional or creative advice? The computer doesn't have a CD drive. My thumb drive is a Delkin 4gig... are there thumb drives known to work for this operation?

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General :: Asus Eeepc - Password Recovery

Jul 28, 2010

I take it home turns out its a eee pc asus with linux. there isnt even a cd drive on this computer, i am currently using my wife's computer trying to learn about linux, never used this OS before, I know nothing past the general windows xp user. well i start it up and there is a username and password, how do i reset this password? i read all about this GRUB and command prompts but i dunno even know how to get to command promts, and i dont know anyone smart. and i cant use a password recovery disc cause there is no cd rom.

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Ubuntu :: Asus Eeepc 1101HA Recovery Option Killed 9.10

Mar 12, 2010

I have an eeepc 1101HA with NBR 9.10 dual boot with XP Home

I have been using this configuration successfully for months, after quite a bit of work fixing the sound issues, wifi issues and video issues. It still has a standby issue, but its liveable and Im quite happy with its performance for such an inexpensive machine.

I tried to boot to XP today, and I must have picked the recovery partition by mistake out of the grub menu.

It loaded "windows pre-execution environment" and then asked me if i wanted to run recovery. I told it to cancel before it did anything, or so I thought.

It only had 10-15 seconds, so whatever it did couldn't have been much.

When it rebooted I got this error.


I booted to a usb stick with the 9.10 live environment, and ran fdisk


Does anyone know what I can do to recover this partition?

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Ubuntu :: Asus EeePC 900HD Turns Off Display When Idle?

Nov 12, 2010

I've recently installed ubuntu 10.10 alongside windows vista as a dual-boot on both of my computers. This question pertains to my asus eeePC 900HD. I'm quite new to ubuntu, so I'm sure I'll be needing a lot of .

I was having the problem of the computer freezing up when I unplugged it, I seem to have that fixed (gconf settings).One similar problem remains. After a minute or so of the computer being idle, the screen will fade to black, then, once the mouse is touched or a key pressed, the computer comes out of its idle state and prompts for a password. I've opened 'gconf-editor'/apps/gnome-power-manager/ and in the /actions directors set the values of 'sleep_type_ac' and 'sleep_type_battery' to 'nothing'. In /backlight I've switched the values of 'dpms_method_ac' and 'dpms_method_battery' to 'off'. Also in /backlight I've switched the values of 'idle_dim_battery' and 'idle_dim_ac' to 'false', and just to be sure, set the 'idle_brightness' to 100% and the 'idle_dim_time' to 999.

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Ubuntu Installation :: ASUS EeePC 901 Does Not Boot After Clean Install / What To Do?

Nov 23, 2010

I tried to run Ubuntu 10.10 - Netbook and Ubuntu 10.4 live CDs on my ASUS 901.
Both run well.

But neither reboot after clean install.
After the machines BIOS splash screen there is just a blinking cursor at the left top of the screen. No ubuntu/linux/kernel messages whatsoever.

I tried installing both versions on both SSD-s (4GB & 32GB) and ensured the BIOS was correctly set to boot from the correct one.

I searched the net quite a lot but didn't find anything that could relate to an ASUS 901

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Ubuntu Installation :: Is There Bug In Netbook Edition / Is Asus Eeepc Not Compatile?

Mar 1, 2011

I have, in vain, tried to run or install Ubuntu Netbook Edition on an Asus Eeepc 1001PX.I have downloaded ubuntu-10.10-netbook-i386.iso and checked its md5sum, set up the installation media to both an USB-stick and a SD memory card using Universal-USB-Installer- and the Ubuntu Startup Disk Creator.The Asus already has an Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop which was easily installed using the same procedure.

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General :: Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook Remix With Asus EEEPC 1005P?

Oct 16, 2010

I've just installed 10.10 Netbook remix on my netbook and I am experiencing problems with the applications requiring repeated clicks to launch. Has anyone come across any fixes to this issue? I have reverted to logging into a Desktop session in the meantime but do like the netbook optimised screen layout.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Eeepc Asus - Boot From Kingston Data Traveler G2

Mar 15, 2010

ok i have a asus eeePC:

i installed puppy linux on my KINGSTON data traveler G2 and i cant figure out how i select my flash drive from the boot esc menu ive tried changing the boot settings

oh yea the flash drive is 5 gigs so i want to use its memory

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Installation :: Can't Install Ubuntu Netbook Edition On Asus Eeepc 1001PX / Do That?

Feb 28, 2011

I have problems installing Ubuntu Netbook Edition (ubuntu-10.10-netbook-i386.iso)on Asus eeepc 1001PX. code...

I have tried both Universal-USB-Installer- and the Ubuntu start up disk creator to prepare my USB-stick.
I have earlier installed the Ubuntu desktop 10.10 on the same machine with the same method without problems.

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Ubuntu Networking :: WIFI Is Not Working In ASUS 1005 PX ?

Sep 18, 2010

I've bought a Asus EEEpc 1005 PX and trired to install Ubuntu netbook. But I found that wifi is not working. It's not detecting the wifi cards.I tried ifconfig, and it is showing me,When I tried LSPCI it's showing me

Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Atheros AR8132/L1c Gigabit ethernet adapter (rev c0)

Network Controller: Atheros Communication inc. Device 002c (rev 01)

how can i set up the wifi here.(I tried with Meego, and Meego detected the wireless autometically..But I want to use Ubuntu)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Getting Master Mode To Work With Asus 167g V3

Mar 12, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 and try to get my wifi to work in master mode. The dongle is a Asus 167g v3 and I'm using the rtl8192SU driver. I can connect to a network or put the dongle in Ad-hoc mode without a problem. It's when I try to put in master mode some problem occurs. When I do:

sudo iwconfig wlan1 essid test mode master
This is the output I'm getting:
wlan1 unassociated Nickname:"rtl_wifi"
Mode:Master Access Point: Not-Associated Sensitivity:0/0


The dongle is in master mode but it fails to assign a SSID. I also tried to set it up in /etc/network/interfaces but the result is always the same... No SSID

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OpenSUSE Network :: No Internet Connection On Asus Eeepc 1005HA?

Aug 23, 2009

Within a dual boot option two os are now available on the asus eeepc 1005ha,

(1) the windows xp system and in addition (2) the linux 11.1 version of opensuse.

After and also during the installation process of the linux 11.1 os, an error message had occured:

No network found!

I tried to fix it by changing some settings (network manager on/off), but no

improvement could be achieved. Some people argue to wait for a kernel

update higher than *.27.*

Somebody knows something how to fix the network (eth0) internet connection?

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Slackware :: Asus EeePC 1005PE Brightness Not Working Properly

Jan 27, 2011

I've been through a few versions of Slackware on my Asus EeePC and I must, despite that fact that every has been having lots of trouble (or so I've heard) configuring Linux on it, it hasn't been all that bad for me. One problem that continues to persist is that the brightness setting is weird. It doesn't like to display on full brightness most the time, and when I try to change the brightness (function keys or OS function), it goes through 3 'mini-cycles'.

I've tried the Alien eeepc-acpi-scripts slackbuild a while back and it didn't work for me before. While searching for another solution, I found this thread on the Ubuntu forums: [URL]. But the major fix that seems to be working for them involves editing GRUB (which I don't have). Another post suggests simply updating the BIOS, but the BIOS updater is a Windows executable, and I'm not quite sure how he pulled it off in Linux.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Sound With Intel Card Notebook Eeepc Asus 1018P?

Apr 24, 2011

I have installed a Ubuntu Server 10.10 with fluxbox as X. Everything works fine except the sound. Either speakers or with headsets, it does not work at ALL. This is some informations that could help you. I need to listen music


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Ubuntu Networking :: Get The Asus N13 WiFi To Be Controlled By The Network Manager App

Mar 11, 2011

I have eventually (a week's work) got my Ubuntu 10.04 to recognise my Asus N13 WiFi dongle (had to compile the source from Ralink with the "y" against the two things it tells you to if you want network manager to work (source that came with dongle wouldn't compile) and then set up rules (for some reason the driver - rt2870sta - wouldn't recognise the dongle until the rule about the vendor and product ID was in place; and the drivers that come with Ubuntu wouldn't recognise it even with the rule in place)).

Big thank you to chilli555 for all of the posts that got me this far.I would like to use the Network Manager app that comes with Ubuntu, to control the dongle. At the moment it will aknowledge when the driver has been loaded (have to do a modprobe), but does not "see" any of the many WiFi routers around my house, so I can't click on one to select one.

My only guess on this is that, to get the dongle to work I copied the config file that is part of the driver source files into /etc/Wireless/RT2870, and this is getting in the way. However, I have tried removing it and the network manager still doesn't work. Or is it because the network manager needs the dongle to be called "wlan0" and it's called "ra0"? If so, can you aliase this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wifi Only Temporarily Connects On Asus EEE 1000HE?

Jul 4, 2011

I've got an Asus EEE 1000HE, and it's worked fine for a long time with the EEEBUNTU distro (a distro based on Jaunty (i think) with a custom kernel). Unfortunately, Eeebuntu is no longer maintained, so I recently did a clean install of Ubuntu 10.04.2. I am now unable to get my wifi to work reliably.

The wifi tries to connect for a while, then pops up the "Wireless Network Authentication Required" window. If I hit "connect" it will try again for a while, then pop up the window. Etc. Note I know that my connection information is OK. I haven't mistyped the password (see below). Also note that the wifi antenna is turned on. For example, iwlist scan is able to find my network.

There is a weird twist though: The netbook is always able to connect through an ethernet cable on eth0 just fine. If I boot the netbook with the ethernet cable plugged in, the wifi instantly connects as well! I can then unplug the ethernet cable (eth0 goes away), but I am still able to use the wifi connection for about 5 minutes before it disconnects, and goes back to trying and failing to connect.

This behavior is 100% replicable--the wifi always works fine (for about 5 minutes) if it boots with the ethernet cable plugged in. Very rarely, the wifi will also connect on boot without the ethernet cable, but that is not replicable.

Other EEE netbooks seem to have issues with multiple wireless drivers, like in this thread. Perhaps something similar is happening here? My card seems to be using rt2860sta as a driver. I tried blacklisting it, to see if another driver was trying to load instead, but that just negated my wifi altogether. (It's unblacklisted again)

My router is a very reliable Linksys WRT54GL with factory firmware which has never been flaky.

I'm at my wit's end. This netbook will be useless without wifi.

Below is the suggested information for a first post:

Here's lspci (note there is nothing listed as "Wireless Brand" to grep out):

00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Memory Controller Hub (rev 03)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)


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Ubuntu Networking :: WICD No Longer Works?

Jan 8, 2010

I just updated my system to a new kernel with the update manager and now my WICD no longer obtains an IP address. Everytime I try it says "Connection Failed: Unable to get IP address".It was working fine before and even when I reboot into an older kernel it still doesn't work.I'm using a Belking Wireless G adapter.I would have tried downloading another network manager but since I can't even access the internet I'm stuck with changing current settings and nothing seems to work.

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