Ubuntu Multimedia :: Web Browsers And Broken Sound?

Aug 18, 2011

I'm running 10.10 and sound works great... except for with web browsers. Namely Chrome and firefox.I've tried just about every thread I can find to fix this. pulseaudio is loaded, alsa-oss... flash-nonfree-**** loaded.This really shouldn't be this hard, should it? Hell I've been working with linux since it was distributed on fidonet and have admined unix for 20 years. WTF?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Upgrade To FF5 Killed Sound In All Browsers?

Jun 21, 2011

I updated the firefox-next PPA and updated to the new release however, upon doing that, I lost the sound in ALL my browsers. (?) I am using Google Chrome and Chromium as well.I have since downgraded and the problem still occurs.

Edit: I have sound in Umplayer and SMplayer but that's it. Banshee and Guayadeque are silent...

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Debian Multimedia :: Upgraded To Jessie From Wheezy - Sound Plays On Everything But Browsers

Dec 25, 2014

I just installed wheezy and upgraded to jessie. I had previously gotten sound working in wheezy by installing the flashplugin-nonfree and flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound packages, after configuring my headset in system settings. However, now I can't get sound to play in firefox. I've installed flashplugin-nonfree, flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound, and pulseaudio, still without luck. The volume is turned all the way up in alsamixer, sound tests play fine, and I can play music in VLC without any problems. This leads me to believe it's not a problem with drivers, but with some package I'm missing that will allow firefox to play sound. Sound wasn't working in the default video player either, before I installed the flash plugin. Is there something I'm missing?

Also, sound doesn't play on Konqueror either (KDE browser), which seems to indicate it's a problem with flash and not with firefox itself. After removing the flash plugin and installing pepperflashplugin-nonfree to ensure the pepper plugin was used instead of flash, sound still would not play in chromium, so I reinstalled the flash plugin and still don't have sound in any browser.

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Ubuntu :: File Browsers Not Working Desktop Broken?

Dec 1, 2010

First off, this is not my laptopit is a friends that i installed ubuntu onthey asked me to try and fix their problem.PROBLEM: basically the desktop is locked. if it is any way to browse the files, it doesnt workyou double click a file on the desktop, you cant open folders. you cant open folders/locations through any menu.its like the desktop is an image of your desktop and the icons are hidden. but this is not how it is. the very first time you click on an icon, it highlights but nothing else. it wont unhighlight either.

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Debian Multimedia :: Sound Juicer Broken In Jessie

May 24, 2015

I installed Sound Juicer but all it does is say "cannot read tracks". Playing the music CD works fine otherwise in other programs so it's definitely not the system or CD.

Tried on another computer with Jessie to be sure and I got the same thing there.

I suppose I can just use a different program but wondering if it's just me or if it's something to report ?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Broken Input Sound In Lucid Lynx 10.04 (ICH8)

May 24, 2010

For the last 3 release all my hardware have been working like a charm. But after upgrading to Lycid I have problems with skype. I fix the camera issues with the following command

LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype

But the sound of my microphone is totally jagged. I have an ICH8 Intel integrated card. I have worked the last 2 years (with an ocasionally glith in the volume) but not having Mic is a real PITAo what can I try to fix it? Please, don't tell me "remove all pulse audio stuff"... It must be another way.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Sound Broken In Natty After Upgrade (Toshiba T135D)?

May 11, 2011

In Maverick, I had sound working through a USB sound card and through my laptop internal speakers. The built-in headphone jack did not work. After upgrade to Natty, only the internal speakers work, so I have no way of playing through external speakers or headphones. My ALSA debug output is here: [URL]..I have been using pavucontrol for mixing and output selection, and nothing is muted. Sound works through internal speakers, built-in analog output, and USB sound card in Windows, so there is no hardware problem.

Getting either working would be fine. I may be failing to understand fundamental things.

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Debian Multimedia :: Online Radios - Words Are Continuously Broken By A Metallic Sound

Jun 5, 2011

I am running debian testing, amd64 on my box. In general, I do not experience particular multimedia problems; I can watch & listen to ..... videos without a glitch and even webcasts like [URL] do not pose any problem. However, I experience problems with some (reputable) online radios, for instance when I visit the link [URL] then words are continuously broken by a metallic sound. However, if I open e.g. with totem a simple file such as france_culture_mp3-128k.m3u whose content is given by


then the sound is OK. This is puzzling as this text file once again points to the same radio franceculture! Does anyone have an idea of what is going on? It seems to me that whenever I try to listen to an online radio from within iceweasel, then I have sound problems, but I have installed many plugins and I do not have problems with video webcasts that of course also include sound.

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Ubuntu :: No Sound In Browsers?

Aug 1, 2011

So I have no sound in my browsers. Firefox 5.0, Chromium 12 and Chrome 12.

Originally I was thinking it was just in Flash player. So I found lots of articles, and tried their suggestions and none of them did anything (things like linking (ln) plugins from one to another, reconfiguring flash, running browsers in sudo, etc).

Then I thought I'd check if html5 sites gave me sound. And they don't. I can't get sound in any way in my browsers.

I have perfect sound in other programs though, notifications, music, etc all work fine.

I have no idea how to diagnose this any further. I've already tried half a dozen "fixes" others have put up out there, and nothing is working.

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Ubuntu :: No Sound In Flash In Browsers?

Nov 27, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.4, Firefox 3.6.12 and Flash 10.1 r102 and Chrome 8.0.552.208 beta. Both of these browsers will show video, but not play sounds.

I *do* have sound with Rhythmbox or when playing games, eg bzflag.

I have tried removing firefox and downloading the tarball version from Mozilla. I have tried running firefox as root. I have upgraded to the latest firefox and latest flash.

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OpenSUSE :: Browsers Won't Play Flash SOUND

Apr 6, 2010

I suspect this is the appropriete section for my post:I'm having a problem with opera (the same happens with FF and konqueror).The browsers will open and play flash content fine.BUT NO SOUND.Sound works with audio players like XMMS and Amarok.I've reinstalled Alsa plugins, KDEmultimedia, and the only libsound package I have in repos, to no avail.Also - can someone direct me to selecting ALSA to be used, vs..(anything else).

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Slackware :: 64 - Current Kernel No Sound On CLI And In Browsers?

Jan 9, 2010

I just upgraded my Slackware64-current version to the latest kernel Almost everything works just fine, except that I have no sound on the command line and in web browsers, anymore. I don't get any sound out of the command line program play and Flash.

For example, I have a few .wav files, that I can play with Kaffeine and Amarok, but when I try to play them with play on the command line, the program runs and displays that it plays the file, but I don't hear any sound. The same happens with XMMS, too: It displays the usual graphics showing the dynamics and the progress, but my speakers remain silent.

Also, alsaconf doesn't detect my audio hardware, anymore. I have onboard sound and a Creative X-Fi PCI card. Usually both were "seen" by alsaconf. Now it tells me, that it can't identify any audio cards.

On the other hand, when I go into the multimedia section of the KDE system settings, I can "Test" the audio hardware, and the onboard sound works great and I can hear the KDE welcome sound. I have already remove all packages withe 'alsa' in their name and re-installed them, including their compat32 peers, and rebooted several times. Up to now to no avail. Does anyone have a clue, what the problem is caused by?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Install Multimedia Plugin For Browsers?

Apr 11, 2010

Install multimedia plugin for browsers *and* keep firefox removed, is possible have such simple thing?

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Debian Multimedia :: Browsers And Multimedia Players Conlict And Crash?

May 23, 2011

Using Debian stable. 64-Bit. I can play videos and music using Totem and VLC. And I can play audio files with audacious and Rhythmbox. And I can play flash in firefox and google-chrome. But, if I open audacious and then play a flash file in Firefox or google-chrome audacious crashes as well as other multimedia players that I have open such as Totem, VLC and/or Ryhthmbox.

Would like to know if you can offer some troubleshooting steps to take so that I can play a flash file in a browser and still play an mp3 file in the audio player without having to kill those processes and restart.

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Debian Multimedia :: How To Enable Multimedia Plugins In Browsers

Mar 15, 2011

I have Debian 6 installed. Is there a way for the web browsers (Iceweasel and Chromium) to recognize the multimedia plugins (gstreamer0.10) that were installed? about:plugins in the browser, references Gnash as the only plugin available.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Flash No Longer Works In 64bit Web Browsers

Jul 17, 2010

I installed 64bit flash last week when I installed Ubuntu 10.04 64bit on my new laptop, and for the past week it has worked without issues.

However a couple of day ago it simply stopped showing flash videos on sites such as ..... etc. I think there might have been a ream of updates around the time this happened but my memory is a little vague.

I have since tried installing the each of the 3 flash codecs in turn that Firefox recommends but these will not install, failing with an exit status of 2. After I tried this I followed the 64bit flash instructions on the Wiki once more to get back to the point when it previously worked but alas this has been of no help.

I have also tried loading flash videos in Chromium and these suffer from the same issue. Anyone have any ideas what could have caused flash to suddenly stop working?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Flash Works Fine In All Browsers Except SwitfoX?

Dec 7, 2010

i'm running 10.04 x64, with the latest versions of google chrome, chromium, opera, epiphany, firefox, and swiftfox.

strangely, flashplayer works fine in all of them except swiftfox, where it presents a garbled, unclickable video window (tested in videos).

all my other ff addons and plugins seem to work ok in swiftfox, so i assumed that swiftfox is just reading and using everything in ~/.mozilla, including flash. but perhaps not. anyone have any idea why ff's flashplayer doesn't work in swiftfox?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: System Crashes While Playing Video On Browsers / Sort It?

Mar 31, 2011

i'm really irritated with this huge problem with my system. i'm using ubutnu10.10 on my dell inspiron 1525. the problem is, whenever i play any video on any browser(firefox and chromium), no matter if its your tube or vimeo or whatever. the system crashes as soon as video starts to play. the video plays for few seconds system starts to slow a bit and suddenly it crashed and shuts down.

also while using the totem videos sidebar i can searhc the video but cannot play it at all.
i get this error
"gstreamer encountered a general supporting library error"

i tried other forums too but.. no help till now. its like 2 months with both these problems

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Debian Multimedia :: How To Block The Background Video On Browsers

Mar 26, 2016

The solution for Firefox/Iceweasel at the bottom.

By the way, have you present those websites that have a background video on their divs, wow those are really cool than annoying, I have been looking for a while this morning to find a solution without success so how to block these videos on Firefox and Chromium?

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Debian Multimedia :: Urdu Font Characters Appear Disjointed In Browsers

Oct 1, 2010

I'm on a Debian Lenny system. I recently installed scim to use the Urdu language and have gotten it to work by following the instructions on this website.

Everything works except that Iceweasel and Epiphany don't display the typed Urdu fonts properly. The characters are there but sometimes they don't join properly.

This problem doesn't occur with other programs such as OpenOffice, etc.

How fonts should be displayed (eg. OpenOffice): [URL]

How fonts are displayed in Iceweasel: ہ ا ں

How do I make Iceweasel and Epiphany behave properly? The characters remain disjointed even if I select the traditional keyboard method of entering text (i.e. via the Keyboard Indicator GNOME applet [India>Urdu]).

I have the appropriate locales installed:

locale -a

I've noticed that even though these characters appear disjointed in Iceweasel or Epiphany, they appear normal when I look at the entered text, via Firefox in Windows. That's strange.

The Character Encoding is the same in the browsers on both OS s - UTF8. So clearly this isn't a character encoding issue I guess. There appears to be a problem with the way Urdu fonts are rendered in the Debian version of Firefox (gecko engine issue maybe?).

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Ubuntu :: Sound Drivers Seem To Be Broken?

Jan 28, 2010

i tried finding a thread already on this issue but none seem to what i need to solve this issues.tried #ubuntu but people busy or no one on that knows how to handle this problem.ISUESMovie player - sound is good sometimes gets choppySkype - hear static - person called hears nothing but can hear dailed numbers when i click em...... type videos - breaks sound, reboot requiredWHILE using movie player,..... videos will play static but wont break sound. even if a movie is paused. if attempt ..... video without movie player open, movie sound is broke.im deployed to iraq and want to use skype to call home and talk to family.issues started before skype install but since i need skype, i can no longer ignore this DISTRO - ubuntu 9.04

sudo aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC268 Analog [ALC268 Analog]


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Slackware :: Sound Broken / Resolve This?

Mar 3, 2010

I can't think what i've done to make my sound suddenly pack in. One minute all is working well, then its not anymore. The only thing I did in between was install claws-mail yesterday. This evening an error mssage popped up and now no sound.

My card is HDA Intel; The error when i open Kmixer is -

GStreamer was unable to detect any sound devices. Some sound system specific GStreamer packages may be missing. It may also be a permissions problem.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox, No Sound, Mailto Broken / Thunderbird Related?

Jul 20, 2010

i have recently been having random problems with mostly firefox. the 2 most annoying problems (that work in other browsers) were: no sound on various sites, like videos and amazon mp3 previews. the mailto command would not work.

the fix is 2 part: i installed the standard release of thunderbird 3.1.1 and the firefox mailto problem is fixed. i installed the standard release of firefox 3.6.7 and sound now works fine.

additionally i have removed thunderbird, firefox and related ubuntu brandng from the package manager for the following reasons:above fixes, time and frustration involved in debug.eliminates the chronic application directory rename during updates, /usr/lib/... and softlink change in /usr/bin.allows me to keep up with t'bird and firefox security patches as they are released, i.e. immmediately.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Generic Update And Sound/wifi Broken?

Mar 7, 2011

I just upgraded (included kernel updates) using the normal update manager on my wife's Dell 1420 Inspiron Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS with security, proposed and backports. After the upgrade reboot the sound and wifi were broken--- the system reported there was no hardware. I suspect this is simply a bug with the new kernel. A couple years ago a similar bug to the sound driver forced us to skip a kernel. I suppose I should file a bug report about this somewhere?

It is simple enough to boot into the previous kernel where sound/wifi do function, for now. However I'm also getting a strange dependency problem for the packages linux-generic linux-image-generic linux-restricted-modules-generic These packages "have been kept back" according to aptitude. They are stuck at I'm unable to force install them to the newer to match the other latest installed packages and the latest kernel listed on the GRUB menu. I wonder if the reason the sound and wifi are broken is that these won't update.

If I try to update the aptitude dialogue gives me solutions with +259 to remove the linux-generic package. But isn't that an important package that I need? Why is it suggesting I remove these? Maybe they are obsolete meta-packages? I can't get it to install no matter what I do. I removed and then installed these packages and none of that get the sound working. To remove and install I had to run aptitude and it would give me solutions saying -29000 but I did it anyway to try and force it. None of it worked so I just put it back to the way it was, with the "held back" I don't really understand package dependency.

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Ubuntu :: Install 10.04 - Sound Broken Brasero - Won't Write CDs Anymore - Permissions?

Jul 17, 2010

I'm having some real troubles with my install of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. It was a fresh install just after 10.04 was released, so it's not been installed long. Just recently lots of things have stopped working I can't sudo (sudo: must be setuid root) Trying to su root tells me I got the password wrong, even though I know it's right Sound has broken Brasero won't write CDs anymore Plugging in a pendrive gives some permissions mounting error Clicking 'shut down' just logs out. The machine won't shut down at all. I'm guessing this might all be related to permissions/users? I really don't want to have to reinstall again!

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Debian Multimedia :: VLC Playback Broken By Deb-multimedia Upgrade

Jun 14, 2011

I am using debian squeeze and did an aptitude upgrade yesterday. Today I've found that VLC won't play any video; the files open and the audio plays, but the video is black. The aptitude log is below.

I note that VLC received a security upgrade a few days ago, but my suspicion is that the source of this problem is more likely to be the upgrade of libavcodec52 from version 4: -> 5:0.6.1+svn20101128-0.2. I believe this upgrade came from the debian-multimedia stable repo I have enabled.

Does this sound right, and what could I do to fix my VLC playback? This is new territory for me, and I'm slightly surprised that such an upgrade would come from the stable branch of debian-multimedia (although I know this is not an official source).


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Debian Multimedia :: Web Browsers - Message " XYZ Has Been Disabled For Your Protection"

Jul 11, 2010

After jerking around with that utterly useless iceWeasel " XYZ has been disabled for your protection" and the other useless Epiphany " mousey no worky y preferences ? No you don't have any. I wiped that garbage clean and stuck Google Chrome on here. Everything works pleasingly well. I screwed around with it and didn't care for the beta. " Stable"

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To Hear Any Sound At All Using M-audio Delta 44 Sound-card

Jan 3, 2010

I am unable to hear any sound at all using my M-audio delta 44 soundcard (which works fine in Windows - Dual boot).how I can get this working?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Sound Coming From Creative Labs XiFi Sound Card

Dec 20, 2010

I have been using Ubuntu as my main OS on my desktops for a couple of years now. Started off with a HP with a Creative Labs XiFi soundcard, but am now using a Dell with a Creative Labs Audigy. Sound worked perfectly on the Dell since a clean install (about 7 months ago). I turned it on a week or so ago, and no sound! Even the little sound indicator in the notification area has gone.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Via Vt1708s Azalia No Sound When Starting Jack Sound Server?

Jun 7, 2011

After installing I was not able to get many of the audio programmes to work. After some reading, I realised that this was probably due to jack not starting.

I was unable to get jack to start normally but have been able to get it started with the playback only option selected. Programmes that use jack now work, however there is no sound once jack has been started. The sound does work in other programs when jack is not started. Strangely, I only have to open qjackctl for the sound to stop, and jack is not even started. Initially I thought these problems were due to my sound card not being supported, but I believe that alsa support was added for the via 1708 codec at some point. I found that support had been added in a document showing the changes between alsa versions; however I cannot find the exact model listed as a supported sound card on the alsa site.

I believe that altering jack settings could fix the problem, as i have been able to get audio to work in hydrogen by selecting plughw:0 but there is still no sound in other programs. I have tried altering many other settings but to no avail, however I do not really understand the meaning of the settings that i am adjusting.

Does anyone know what settings to adjust or know something else that might fix this problem so that sound works once jack has been started?

Also, would programmes that use jack such as audacity, hydrogen, and ardour work with pulseaudio as the main sound server if I were to install normal ubuntu - it might be worth seeing if my soundcard works with the puleaudio sound server

if this helps, here is the error message received when jack does not start when the normal duplex option is selected.

21:24:04.867 Patchbay deactivated.
21:24:04.868 Statistics reset.
21:24:04.886 ALSA connection change.
Cannot connect to server socket err = Connection refused


also, when i open alsamixer in the terminal for some reason the headphone part is greyed out, even when the sound is working before qjackctl is opened.

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