Ubuntu Multimedia :: Serving .mpg Files From Ubuntu To An Xbox 360

Feb 25, 2010

has anyone managed to stream .mpg files to an xbox 360 from ubuntu. i have tried fuppes with transcoding and ushare and neither seem to work (probably something i have done wrong). if anyone out there has managed to do this coiuld you tell me what you use and how you use it .

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Ubuntu :: Xbox 360 Downloads From Xbox Live?

Apr 20, 2011

I were to download a demo from [URL] would it save the demo to my laptop and then I could transfer it to my Xbox via Ethernet cable, even though my laptop has Ubuntu on it or does it have to be Windows computer?

I ask, b/c either way it is just a file on my laptop, regardless of the OS.

So, what does the community think?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Streaming Video (MP4) To PS3 And/or Xbox 360

Mar 3, 2010

I would like to stream my HD Movie collection over a wireless network to my PS3 and/or Xbox 360.

All my movie files are MP4s and I wondering if it is possible to do this. If possible, I'd like to use the VLC player to do this but its not too important. I really really really do not want to sacrifice any video or sound quality while streaming.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: UShare On 11.04, Won't Link To Xbox?

Jan 9, 2011

I have been using uShare for a few years now, and up until now it has worked great. A few snags here and there, but nothing I couldn't figure out, although after five years using Ubuntu, i still consider myself a noob. Now I am on a new machine, running Ubuntu 11.04 (my last one was running 9.04) and I am having trouble with uShare again. Its installed, configured, and runs just fine, but my xbox won't recognize it.Here's the catch: the first night I set it up, after a few errors, I got it working! Watched a movie, smiled, and went to bed. Woke up the next morning, booted up the comp, fired up ushare and BAM! Nothing. I hadn't changed any settings, moved any cables, downloaded anything new, but no dice. After a little searching, I updated the .conf file to reflect a change I noticed in the IFACE. Sometimes when I boot my computer, it connects to the router on eth0, sometimes on eth1, and sometimes on eth0-eth1. I'm not sure what is up with that, but that may be a problem for another day. For right now, I just want uShare to work.

# /etc/ushare.conf
# Edit this file with 'dpkg-reconfigure ushare'


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Convert To .avi To Play On Xbox 360?

Jun 11, 2011

I have some videos in .mkv that I need to convert to .avi to play on my Xbox 360. I started out trying ffmpeg, but ran into some errors. I tried some of the GUI options available, but they didn't work for me either and I prefer command line anyway. So I'm back to trying to get ffmpeg to work. I started off with:

ffmpeg -i movie.mkv movie.avi This gives me the Error while opening codec etc etc due to not specifying enough parameters. So if I try something like:
ffmpeg -i movie.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy movie.avi
I get "av_interleaved_writeframe(): Error while opening file" error


So at this point I have an idea how to make it work, but am lacking some info. I figure if I try to go from .mkv to .avi while giving it the correct codec options -vcodec and -acodec it will know what to do and give me a workable result. The problem is I don't know what those codecs are. Is there another way for me to work this?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Sharing Media To Xbox 360 WITHOUT Using UShare ?

Dec 7, 2010

Is there another program I can use to share my movies to my 360? Ive tried setting uShare up numerous times, and always get errors. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, and now I can even re-download it.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: XBox Not Displaying Albums Correctly From Fuppes

Jan 3, 2010

I've been through the forums, and can't seem to find the answers. Thanks to EVERYONE who has posted fuppes related advice though, you've filled my last 3 days with so much fun! I'm a complete newbie with linux. I had a half hearted fiddle about 6 years ago, but nothing since. But I've decided I want rid of the horror that is Windows, and stumbled upon Ubuntu. Installled it last week. First priority, videos and music to the XBox (can't lose Microsoft!). I'm using Ubuntu 9.10.

So, after much, much, much reinstalling and playing with config files, I now have Fuppes streaming to my XBox. I can stream both audio and video, and I'm even happy with the folder structure in the Video section too! (Eventually! ).

1) When rebuilding the database, I get:


TagLib: MPEG::Header::parse() -- Invalid sample rate.
TagLib: MPEG::Header::parse() -- Invalid sample rate.
TagLib: MPEG::Properties::read() -- Page headers were invalid.
Segmentation fault

The line before is repeated lots and lots of times before it gives up. However, it still seems to have created the database, because all I then have to do is start Fuppes up and rebuild the folder structure and it works.

2) I spent ages trawling through the forums to get this far, and I did get music sorted by artist, album, etc. However, when sorted by album, each album shows lots of times. Is there a way to stop this? I only want each album to show once. Seems to mainly affect compilation albums with multiple artists.

For anyone who hasn't got as far as me, persist! You'll get there eventually. I'll attach my fuppes.cfg and vfolder.cfg. I am using version 0.660, and used a mixture of advice from all the tutorials to get here. Use this guide:[URL] but later on in that guide in someone's reply, there's a link to the new version.

I also had to install some additional packages (this was guess work...using Synaptic Package Manager), to ensure that during the ./configure, the Taglib and mpeg4ip/mp4v2 are both enabled, otherwise you have no hope of your XBox sorting your music. if you edit your config files in the fuppes directory, open a terminal and run the following to put them in the place fuppes actually looks for them!:


sudo cp fuppes/fuppes.cfg .fuppes
sudo cp fuppes/vfolder.cfg .fuppes


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Use Xbox 360 For A Smooth Media Center Experience?

Oct 11, 2010

I've been looking around for the past week, but I have yet to find anything yet that provides a media center solution using Ubuntu + Xbox 360, comparable to Windows 7 + Xbox 360.

I want to drop Windows 7 completely on my media PC, and just use Ubuntu (or Linux Mint). I've tried ushare, XBMC, Moovida, and a few other apps. Either they don't support sharing, or it's difficult to configure, or it is a cheap looking solution.

Is there no way to use my Xbox 360 for a smooth media center experience, similar to how it functions as a Media Center Extender for Win7, while replacing Win7 w/ Ubuntu?

I'm even open to commercial Linux solutions, I'm just hoping to be able to drop Win7 if possible..

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: UShare Setup To Stream Videos To Xbox 360

Feb 27, 2011

Is there anyone else out there who uses UShare? I'm trying to set it up so I can stream videos from Ubuntu to my Xbox 360. I got it set up however it spews out this:

uShare (version 1.1a), a lightweight UPnP A/V and DLNA Media Server.
Benjamin Zores (C) 2005-2007, for GeeXboX Team.
See [URL] for updates.
Initializing UPnP subsystem ...
Starting in XboX 360 compliant profile ...
UPnP MediaServer listening on
Sending UPnP advertisement for device ...
Listening for control point connections ...
Building Metadata List ...
Looking for files in content directory : /home/james/videos
scandir: No such file or directory
Found 1 files and subdirectories.

As you can see it's saying no such file or directory but at the same time telling me it did find the one file in the directory. How to fix this or any other software will allow me to achieve streaming to 360? Because this software seems extremely buggy.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Stream Music And Videos To Xbox 360 From 10.10 - Ushare Works ... But No Media

Feb 12, 2011

I am trying to stream my music and videos to my xbox 360 from ubuntu 10.10, and I have set up ushare to do that. Ushare seems to be workign correctly, it starts up and the xbox recognises the share from the media menu, but there is no videos or music! For some reason ushare doesnt find any media in the folders I specified, and I double checked and the paths look correct to me. This is the error I get in the terminal:


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Ubuntu Servers :: Configuring Samba For File Serving?

Mar 15, 2010

installed ubuntu 8.10 64bit on left over parts for file serving with windows 7, tried the sample config file that installed with it with no luck, then tried new config file, looking at the samba.org website and other peoples configurations i came up with this

netbios name = NETBIOS_NAME
workgroup = workgroup
security = user


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Ubuntu Servers :: Serving Multiple Domains To One Website

Aug 5, 2010

I have a domain.com site up and running on my server. I just bought domain.net, domain.org and I would like it to point to the same site on domain.com. I am not sure how to go about doing this.I used zoneedit for my dns. So far I have pointed my 2 new domains to the same dns as my .com on zoneedit and I have created (A) ip address for them. If I did this correctly, the new domains are pointing to my server and all is left is to edit the virtualhost?

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Ubuntu :: Apache Not Serving Pages From Subdirectory / Make It Possible?

Apr 11, 2011

I have Joomla installed at /var/www/joomla, if I navigate to http://localhost/joomla, I get a 404 error, but if I add index.php, the page loads. What is wrong?? Also I am not able to navigate to the administration part of Joomla for the same reason, typing in index.php doesn't load it in this case. Yes I have verified that all files are present in the directory.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Samba Domain Not Serving Up Scripts?

Apr 13, 2011

My samba domain controller will not serve up scripts upon login, and acts very slow when not connected to the Internet. Also, network browsing from windows boxes shows no computers on the network once all this happens. Once the net connection comes back up, everything is fine.

Domain server:

Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS
Samba 3.4.7

Router: Smoothwall Express 3.0-polar-i386 3.0 (update6). Router is set up as DHCP, and appears to be serving up normal IP's when the Internet connection goes down. I can ping the domain server at its normal IP when the connection goes down.

Heres my smb.conf:


log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
passwd chat = *Entersnews*spassword:* %n
*Retypesnews*spassword:* %n


This only happens when our internet connection goes down. When its up, everything is works fine.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: 1 Nic Serving 2 Different Networks?

Oct 2, 2009

I have 1 switch 24 ports, but I need to test some app (vm) in my box, I don't want to use other NIC, because is difficult to get another switch and setup the that network.

My network run in

I want to have other network for my test app

the 4/24 will be where I will test some app(samba PDC), is possible to enble my machine with 1 NIC to connect in both networks if my nic have the IP

I read about aliases, but it say that the alias must be in the same network.

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Networking :: NFS Server Serving 3 Subnets And Routing ?

Apr 23, 2010

I have one main subnet with a defaultrouter connected to the internet. I have an NFS server on that network. Everything is working as desired and machines are able to see each other and access the internet.

Now, I would like to add two more interfaces to the NFS server (running Slackware Linux), each on its own different subnet, say and The clients on those new subnets should also be able to access the internet (through the router how to setup routing? Do I need any additional hardware router in between, or just a software configuration on the NFS server?

On a side note I have VLAN capable switches (couple of ProCurve 1800-24G) and would like to separate the three subnets using VLANs instead of using three separate switches.

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General :: Internet File Serving Discussion

Mar 28, 2010

I have another generalized question for you all. I'm thinking about setting up my server at home in a sort of 'cloud storage' capacity. What I mean by that is, I'd like to be able to basically use it as an attached drive or maybe through a browser interface and read/write files to it from the internet at other locations (work, most specifically). NFS is limited and would be a pain to setup as you need to auth every user and location. I've heard talk about SSHFS and AFS, and am looking into them but nothing has popped yet.

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General :: How Does Virtual Machine Get Web Serving Request

Jan 23, 2011

If a request comes in for a page, which Virtual Machine (assuming there are several on the machine) does the request go to?

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Server :: Apache2 Not Serving Html Pages ?

Dec 24, 2010

I just did yet another fresh install of OpenSuse 11.1, (no DVD drive otherwise I would use the newer version), all updates have been performed, I installed apache2 and it's modules, php5 and some of the modules I needed, mysql, sshd for local only access, and webmin, postfix is used only for local mail between php scripts and the system, mainly because out-of-the-box, postfix is an open relay, and can take weeks to configure as an SMTP server, so I have to use php scripts that do not use a mail server, anyway.

The problem is, apache2 only seems to know how to serve php files, html files only get shown on ANY browser as source code not the contents.

I've been trying for 3 weeks,,, messing with this option, setting that option, and screwing up the system, hence reformatting and re-installing OpenSuse several times, so if anyone wants to try and get apache to serve html files properly and to have apache use mod_rewrite as default on ANY folder whether inside or outside the document root, I can give that person full ssh access. I've got to the point now, that I don't really give a damn what happens to the server.

What I should be able to do, is, leave the apache and php setting as default,,, upload either an html or php file to the document root and direct a browser to the address, and it'll work without changing a single item, the same is if that file has rewrite, it should work flawless, or if I upload an html or php file to a folder outside the doc root, I change the doc redirect to point to the folder, and it should work without changing anything else.

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Fedora Servers :: Serving Windows Thin Clients

Jan 19, 2009

My brother and I want to set up a server off of which we would provide the processing power for several thin clients. Is it possible to serve the thin clients with images of Windows XP to run?

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Server :: Apache Is Not Serving Up Correct Page For Sub Domain

Aug 12, 2010

I have a domain, dns hosted, and apache serving up pages. this all works fine, so far. i even have a cms running. my confusion starts when i try to host a different site under a subdomain, ie. sub.mydomain.com.i have two vhosts in apache. one is mydomain.com and the directory is /var/www/mydomain.but, when i try to add another vhost like webmail.mydomain.com, and i try to put the root directory in /var/www/webmail, it doesn't work. when i try to access webmail.mydomain.com, i just get the site on mydomain.com.I feel like i am just missing something really simple here, but i have tried searching around for solutions to no avail.

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Server :: Apache Reverse Proxy Slow In Serving HTTP Requests

Mar 18, 2010

A Linux (CentOS5.3) server is setup with apache reverse proxy. The reverse proxy server is opened to outside and an internal server is mapped to ProxyPass configuration. SSL certificate is also installed on the Apache reverse proxy server. The problem is, it is extremely slow in serving http requests through reverse proxy. There is no problem with server resources or bandwidth. When the internal server is directly accessed through Internet, there is no delay. The backend server and the reverse proxy server are also on the same switch (same subnet). When I searched the Net, there were recommendations to enable cache in Apache. I did so as follows in httpd.conf.

<IfModule mod_disk_cache.c>
CacheEnable disk /
CacheRoot "/var/cache/mod_proxy"
CacheDirLevels 5
CacheDirLength 3

But still there is no progress. Do I want to enable cache in ssl.conf too? Or is there any other workaround to speed up Apache reverse proxy. Is there a way to check that caching is happening?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Ubuntu Server For File Downloading And Serving

Dec 2, 2010

I would like to run a small file server at home which I could connect to both remotely and within my own network. I was thinking of using something similar to a cheap dell optiplex machine (Pentium 3 or 4 2GHz?, with 256mb ram and a 40GB hard drive[will do something about the lack of space later]).The file server part of this should be straightforward but I wanted advice on how I could manage downloads on the machine. On my laptop I currently use both firefox's built in download manager and JDownloader. Sometimes Jdownloader isn't the ideal solution for all downloads, e.g. sometimes a single connection through firefox gets a faster download speed. I also occcasionally download torrents through Miro.

If anyone has setup something like what I'm suggesting, could you please give me a general idea of how best to go about this?

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Ubuntu :: Xbox 360 Contoller In 10.04 ?

Sep 3, 2010

Has anyone had any luck getting an xbox 360 controller working in 10.04. Everything I've found says it should just be plug and play with 9.10, but, I can't find any info regarding 10.04

It's a wireless controller that is plugged in using the usb tether/charger chord thing.

lsusb shows:

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Ubuntu :: Rip Xbox 360 Games ?

Oct 23, 2010

How to do this...as in rip a working copy of my xbox 360 games?

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Ubuntu :: Streaming To XBOX 360 With XBMC

Apr 30, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 9.10 with XBMC and am trying to use it to stream media to my XBOX 360. I can connect to it but it shows "No videos found" (same for music and pictures).

I can watch videos/listen to music/view pictures on my desktop so I am fairly sure the library is set up properly. I have samba set up and can view my shared media on my other desktop (running windows XP). I also tried using ushare, which worked but would not play very well.

I have tried all the setting in System-->Network, all to no avail.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 - Ics - Sharing With Xbox 360 ?

May 18, 2010

Ive got my laptop hindered up to my xbox 360 it has windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04. i realy want to get rid of windows and the only reason i keep it around is because ics sharing works realy well for connecting to xbox live.

I recently discovered that you can (ics) with ubuntu which is awesome only problem is
i cant figure out how to set it up to stop it having moderate NAT so i can play games that require an open NAT. its probably due to the ports not being fowarded properly or somthing and/or the face that my xbox needs a static ip placed out side the routers firewall on the DMZ setting .

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Ubuntu :: Music In XBOX 360 Via Ushare ?

Jun 22, 2010

I have ushare server connected to my 360 and its working fine, I can see my videos and watch them perfectly, but my music or mp3's arent displaying on the 360 properly at all.

In the video library it displays all the sub folders with the videos in them first and then the video files that arent in a folder, thats normal for me. But the music libray is only showing 1000 files and half of it is the album art jpg files etc. I have well over 30,000 mp3's and 98% of them are organised into folders etc.

Why its sharing my files in this way?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get UShare Working On Xbox 360

Jul 9, 2010

First time i installed and set config up it did fine now i get this error

Interface eth0 is down.
Recheck uShare's configuration and try again !
uShare (version 1.1a), a lightweight UPnP A/V and DLNA Media Server.
Benjamin Zores (C) 2005-2007, for GeeXboX Team.
See http://ushare.geexbox.org/ for updates.
bind: Address already in use

i tried switiching to wlan0 and i still get the same error

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Ubuntu :: Use The Xbox 360 Controller As Mouse?

May 28, 2011

Anyone know how to do that? btw when i execute xinput list it doesn't show my connected controller.

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