Ubuntu Multimedia :: Conky From Source With Xmms2?

Jun 17, 2010

I have been having a play with conky and have hit another hurdle I can't jump. I would like to monitor xmms2 with it and decided un-install the package in synaptic and follow the guide here:-


All went well until I ran '$ make' , I got:-


gregg@burt:~/conky-1.4.9$ make
Making all in src
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/gregg/conky-1.4.9/src'
make all-am
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/gregg/conky-1.4.9/src'


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Software :: Conky From Source With Xmms2

Jun 20, 2010

I have been having a play with conky and have hit another hurdle I can't jump. I would like to monitor xmms2 with it and decided un-install the package in synaptic and follow the guide here:-


All went well until I ran '$ make' , I got:-

gregg@burt:~/conky-1.4.9$ make
Making all in src
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/gregg/conky-1.4.9/src'
make all-am


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Xmms2 And Flac - Not Playing ?

Oct 14, 2010

I have tried everything within my power and knowledge to get xmms2 to play my flac files, but I just get no sound. I've had to resort to mplayer for now for flac. For the record, yes I have the flac plugin installed along with the all-plugins package.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: XMMS2 For 11.4 - Error "FAIL: Xmms_mediainfo_reader_wakeup: Assertion `mr' Failed"

Aug 30, 2011

I've installed it but when I start the daemon with

Code: xmms2d I get a series of errors: Code: 17:00:44 FAIL: xmms_mediainfo_reader_wakeup: assertion `mr' failed 17:00:44 INFO: ../src/xmms/main.c:563: Using output plugin: pulse 17:00:44 ERROR: ../src/xmms/main.c:567: Baaaaad output plugin, try to change theoutput.plugin config variable to something useful 17:00:44 ERROR: ../src/xmms/output.c:1019: initalized output without a plugin, please fix!
17:00:44 INFO: ../src/xmms/main.c:361: Installing scripts from /usr/share/xmms2/scripts/startup.d

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Ubuntu :: Conky Quirk - How To Get Conky To Start Normally Without Having To Do Manual Restart Everytime Login

Jun 26, 2011

I have conky installed and set up as a startup application, however everytime I log out and back in conky creates itself as a new window:

How can I get conky to start normally without having to do a manual restart everytime I login?

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Debian :: Conky - Full Screen Config / 2 Conky Configs?

Jun 13, 2011

Said that all the config i find put all the info in one place of the screen, in this example on the right side:


or like conky colors where you can put in either side, or other complex examples that use folders with images..that at least i need one day to study all the variables it has...

What i want is something simple, in my black background i dont want images and effects, only white simple text.

My problem is: i want for instance my specs above, my log info in the middle, my music info bellow (above my clock) and in conky config i'm hitting my head in the wall....

For instance if i use my facebook script to appear in the midle how the hell can i put my music info bellow without ruined the facebook in the midle...do i need 2 conky configs?

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General :: XMMS2 Not Working Properly?

Jan 18, 2010

I am currently trying to make a front-end (client) for xmms2. However, I have run into a road block. I need to get the current number of seconds of the current playing song, so one would think to use:

xmms2 current "${playtime}"
However, all this does is return a blank line. Infact, if I try to do any "formatting" for


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Ubuntu :: When Type "conky" In Terminal It Returns With Conky: Invalid Configuration File

Feb 1, 2011

when I type "conky" in terminal it returns with Conky: invalid configuration file '/home/user/.conkyrc' Conky: missing text block in configuration; exiting ***** Imlib2 Developer Warning ***** : This program is calling the Imlib call: imlib_context_free(); With the parameter: context being NULL. Please fix your program. I've tried completely uninstalling, rebooting, then reinstalling, still same error?

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Fedora Installation :: XMMS2 Playing Only The Sample Song?

Mar 26, 2010

I just installed XMMS2 and everytime I tell it to play one of my mp3 files it only plays the sample song provided with the program. I haven't found any solution to this, just other people with the same problem.

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OpenSUSE :: 11.3 KDE 4.4 Xmms2 - Doesn't Show Up In The Launch Menu

Oct 11, 2010

I installed xmms2 from the packman repo. I doesn't show up in the launch menu. If I try and start it from the CLI I get the following


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Debian Multimedia :: Dzen2 & Conky Fail To Show Icons And Colors?

Dec 27, 2010

I have some problem with dzen2 & conky to show icons and/or colors.In my i3-wm config file i have:exec conky -b -c ~/.conkyrc | i3-wsbar --command "dzen2 -dock -x %x -l"and my conky is correctly displayed on i3-wsbar.But if in my conky I put something like:

^fg(#B64403) mem: $memperc%
^fg(red) mem: $memperc%


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OpenSUSE :: Failed: Conky Hardcore "Conky Transparency With KDE (3 And 4)"

Jun 19, 2010

I have a problem with conky. It draws a black background instead of using pseudo-transparency. I ofc tried to achieve this with feh but to no avail. All the instructions here failed: Conky Hardcore! Conky transparency with KDE (3 and 4)


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Debian Multimedia :: Conky Execp / Execpi To Parse Output Of Scroll Variable Generated From Shell Or PHP Scripts

Sep 11, 2015

I am having a hard time getting conky execp/execpi to correctly parse output of the scroll variable generated from shell or PHP scripts.

Code: Select allDebian 8.0
Xfce 4.10
Conky 1.9.0-6

This is a simplified minimal conky configuration file used to show the same problem:

Code: Select allalignment bottom_middle
background no
border_width 1
default_color white
default_outline_color white
default_shade_color white
double_buffer yes

[Code] ....

Here is the output I'm getting:

Code: Select all          ABC       /*doesn't scroll, UNEXPECTED, shows 10 spaces before ABC*/
          ABC       --||--
abcdefghijklmnopABC /*doesn't scroll, WORKS AS EXPECTED as scroll length is 25 which is longer than text "abcdefghijklmnop" */
abcdefghijklmnopABC --||--
abcdefghijklmnopABC /*WORKS, everything before ABC scrolls 5 characters at a time*/

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Ubuntu :: XMMS2 Player Installed But Can Only Get CLI Interface Not The GUI Player !

Mar 25, 2010

I'm trying to get my XMMS Player to work. I've been reading the linux bible and it has a whole section just on xmms player management. when I typed in xmms in the terminal i get :

So i went to synaptic package manager and installed xmms but all I found was xmms2 I guess its the newer version. I ended up installing it, but now when I type in xmms2 in the terminal (because if i type in xmms i get the same output as above), it brings me to a bunch of cli commands used for using xmms in the terminal. How do I get the "winamp" type GUI interface with xmms2, I tried looking for it in my applications menu (even under sound and video) and its nowhere to be found. I just wanna enjoy the player with its normal graphical tool not through the command prompt (which seems like the only choice right now).

I tried installing xmms through the terminal like this:

And get this:

And as I said before there's no xmms installer in synaptic only xmms2 (which I installed and got the CLI not the GUI version). I'm using Ubuntu Karmic Koala.

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General :: Can't Get Xmms2 "playback" To Work From The Command Line

Feb 11, 2010

Im running opensuse 11.2 with "Lxde". Problem is I cant get xmms2 to work from the command line. I think i need to get mad (mp3) support to work. I installed libmad0 but when I check the installed plugins, theres nothing there to handle mp3's. Heres the installed plugins:


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Software :: Xmms2 "Couldn't Open Device: Hw:0,0"?

Apr 16, 2010

I was googling a lot but did not find any solution for my problem.The problem is next. I've seen that xmms2 consumed too much CPU usage and changed the alsa.device config to hw:0,0

xmms2 config alsa.device hw:0,0
everything was good, xmms2 played music and xmms2d stopped to abuse CPU.


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: PulseAudio - Specifying Particular Sink Or Source?

Jan 13, 2010

Using the Pulse Audio manager does anyone know if it is possible to specify a particular sink or source to be used by a named program? I am assuming it will not be the same as the default.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Compile Minitube From Source

Aug 30, 2010

trying to install the latest version of Minitube on my 64 bit Ubuntu 10.04 installation. I thought adding a PPA would let me upgrade from version 0.9 to the latest version but it didn't seem to work. So now I'm trying to install from source (I've never done this before so I'm a complete noob when it comes to compiling). I checked the install instructions in the source which reads:


# Build instructions
## Prerequisites

To compile Minitube you need Qt >= 4.5 installed.On a Debian or Ubuntu system just type:

sudo apt-get install build-essential qt4-dev-tools libphonon-dev

Windows and Mac users can get the Qt libraries from:


Compiling on Linux is fairly easy. Just run:

and then

Beware of the Qt3 version of qmake! If things go wrong try running qmake-qt4 instead.

## Running

Just type:


I installed the prerequisite packages,but just to be safe I wanted to run the ./configure command, but when I try to I get the "bash: ./configure: No such file or directory" message. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Also, based on what I've read, I should have to enter some kind of install command in order to install the compiled binary but the instructions make no mention of this.

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Debian Multimedia :: Compiling Scribus 1.5 From Ubuntu PPA Source

Oct 20, 2015

I have already open a thread in scribus forum but I am not sure if they know the solution, and I don't think is specifically related to scribus. I am receiving a generic unknown cmake error with QT5 library when try to compile Scribus 1.5, probably I need to install some library more but which?

Code: Select allcmake ../scribus -Wno-dev -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr/local/bin/
CMake Error at styles/CMakeLists.txt:21 (QT5_WRAP_CPP):
  Unknown CMake command "QT5_WRAP_CPP".

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "/home/myuser/Compilati/scribus-1.5.0/builddir/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
myuser@Debian-635:~/Compilati/scribus-1.5.0/builddir$ cmake ../scribus -Wno-dev -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr/local/bin/
CMake Error at styles/CMakeLists.txt:21 (QT5_WRAP_CPP):
  Unknown CMake command "QT5_WRAP_CPP".

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Vidblaster Substitute - Open-source ?

Sep 19, 2010

I have been looking into netcasting/podcasting and have been shopping around for multi-video switching programs. I like VidBlaster (example: [url]), however it seems that it is not currently supported by any Linux O/S.

I find mostly tips on how to use a cracked key. This is NOT what I'm looking for. If there is a way to make VidBlaster work on my system, great. If there is an open-source substitute.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Select Input Source In Audacity

Feb 9, 2011

How to select input source in Audacity?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Install ATI Open Source Drivers

May 23, 2011

As far as I can tell, I have the proprietary AMD drivers installed.

I want to install the open source drivers instead to see if I can get better performance.

According to this site, I have to install the PPA to my software sources as instructed here. I've done that. But how do I actually install the open source drivers?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Fglrx-kernel-source Refusing To Be Uninstalled

Jan 7, 2010

I have an HP tx2500 tablet pc running 9.04, which I was trying to configure the tablet for using the .fdi method on this page. After I redid the .fdi file, I rebooted, and it gave me a flashing screen, similar to the one i got when I tried to install 9.10.

I tried going into recovery mode and using xfix: bad idea. Then, I tried installing envy and reinstalling the drivers from there. That failed as well.

So now, when I try to manually remove the ati packages,(from command line in recovery mode) it doesn't let me, because of some problem with "fglrx-kernel-source" I can't configure, remove, or purge.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Find US Source For Inexpensive PCI Video Card

Feb 12, 2010

I'm trying to find a US source for an inexpensive PCI video card, most bang for the buck.It must be a standard PCI card.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Change Video Source In Gnome-mplayer?

May 3, 2010

I'm just curious if anybody knows how to change the default settings in gnome-mplayer from it using video0 as the video input (which is my built-in webcam), to say video1 (which is my external usb tv tuner). There is no gui option for this.

My issue is not being able to use it for analog video, though it's not a huge deal because I figured out the same very thing for tvtime (video0 to video1). It'd just be another option.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Saving An Mp3 File From A Webpage's Xml Source Code?

Sep 1, 2010

I listen to a radio show that broadcasts online a lot named ChatterBox Video Game Radio, and when i e-mailed one of the hosts about retrieving archived shows since the site didn't have any archiving of old shows or a link to it. Alon was nice enough to send me one of their old web pages with a HUGE list of archives but it's only the xml source code of the page. since the page isn't live of course, and because of the how he had to send me the code for the page and not a hyperlink to the page, i have the source code. now going through the source code of the page he emailed to me, i can find links to .mp3 files and i can open them and listen to the shows in web browsers, but i was hoping to save them to my computer forfuturelistening.URL]ww.chatterbox'ssite.com/whatever/anotherfolder/showiwanttosave.mp3 in firefox quicktime comes in and lets me listen (as long as my internet connection is active) but wont enable me to save because i dont have the pro version of quicktime. quicktime is good, but i dont use it enough to actually buy the product, and i'm not going to buy the product for just a one time use. is there another way to where i can save this file using the address from the source code (and the ChatterBox allows listeners to save their shows to computer for free, so it not some work around to rob them of money. i fully support them) without having to buy quicktime 7 pro(a product i never really use)?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Open Source Video Stream Ripper?

Dec 15, 2010

I'm vaguely remembering a video stream ripper that was open source and could be compiled for linux, mac, and windows. It's name ended with ++ and I can't remember anything else Basically, it was like StreamTransport but open source and multiprotocol capable. Can anybody help me find it again? I'd be open to alternatives too of course! My basic need is to rip anything being rendered by my video card.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Radeon 5770 Open Source Driver

Mar 2, 2011

I just upgraded my rig from a 4770 to a 5770 video card.

My 4770 had basic 3d support out of the box with the open source radeon driver. My 5770 doesn't seem to (basic rendering only with no compositing), although this page suggests it does:


Is there anyone out there who is running a 5770 or knows how I can upgrade to a newer version of the open source driver? I'd rather not use catalyst (Id don't game with ubuntu) and I found the open source driver to be quite nice.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Record Audio And Desktop From Internal Source (ALSA)

Jan 15, 2010

Is there any way to record audio from internal source with gtk-recordmydesktop?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: ATi Radeon 9200 + TV Out Work With The Open Source Drivers?

Aug 3, 2010

A friend of mine is looking for a cheap PCI graphics card to do TV-out from his PCI only PC for MythTV duties. We've found cheap old PCI Radeon 9200's with TV Out on eBay. These appear to only be supported by the open source drivers now, but will the TV out work with the open source drivers?

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