Ubuntu :: MD5 Sums Of Files Keeps Changing?

Mar 14, 2010

I copied files from one hard drive to another so I made md5sums of the files to make sure everything went okay. They don't match. I wrote a quick bash command to compute the md5sums of all the files and save the result. Half of the time I get something different.


x=1;while [ 1 ]; do nice -n 8 md5deep -r -l copy > md5.of.copy.$x; x=$(($x+1)); done

It's not just on ntfs. A different hard drive with an XFS filesystem shows the same thing happening.I was wondering if my memory is corrupt so I did a quick test:


while [ 1 ]; do nice -n 8 dd if=/dev/zero bs=1G count=1000 | md5sum >> dev.zero.log; sleep 5m; done

Same result every time. No errors.

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CentOS 5 :: No MD5 Or SHA1 Sums For Combined ISO Files

Jan 1, 2011

There are md5 and/or sha1 checksum files for the CentOS 5.5 ISO files, e.g. "part 1 of X". However there is no checksum for the combined ISO file. I believe we can check the media at boot time, but it would be nice to have a checksum for the combined ISO's and not just the individual pieces. Any file system should do an error free copy, but there is always the possibility of a copy not happening correctly. Is there any official source for the checksum files I'm looking for? There are sums for CentOS-5.5-x86_64-bin-DVD-1of2.iso and 2of2.iso but nothing for CentOS-5.5-x86_64-bin-DVD.iso.

x86_64 media and their sha1sums are:
0c27f508728f6a96f50e4201cd770fe9e57af3e2 CentOS-5.5-x86_64-bin-1of8.iso
ff57db0cf9af9bfc65471f49444ea92cdc238347 CentOS-5.5-x86_64-bin-2of8.iso
0faf38976fbf4053180a25f7535d66b084092059 CentOS-5.5-x86_64-bin-3of8.iso
b097bf9b747f2d16da00ff29f1e0d40b523b0a55 CentOS-5.5-x86_64-bin-4of8.iso
f1179ec875c0b4792e56f660493e82f0aff5e0f3 CentOS-5.5-x86_64-bin-5of8.iso
009892c8de408dc091e5a96b4a4ab213f2d5fe17 CentOS-5.5-x86_64-bin-6of8.iso
9660e63bd06a68ce94fe98defae1a0806ab834ae CentOS-5.5-x86_64-bin-7of8.iso
80c74ca2622b9aee3621a13a0cf6dbdc7743b4ee CentOS-5.5-x86_64-bin-8of8.iso
a85d7cd41f49f2146177dae52163d5dca276efc2 CentOS-5.5-x86_64-bin-DVD-1of2.iso
bb9a2c140170f10ed854541004539890ef7c68c8 CentOS-5.5-x86_64-bin-DVD-2of2.iso
3a04aa81ef75f329bf245a8c4f02af8137a84fb8 CentOS-5.5-x86_64-LiveCD.iso
231af7ca726557634a1f4d4f57436aab5a75f3b4 CentOS-5.5-x86_64-netinstall.iso

The MD5 sum I get is:
; SlavaSoft Optimizing Checksum Utility - fsum 2.52.00337
; Generated on 01/01/11 at 10:54:56
; 9b0d108cb3a80a9ce1eb9c3bcde0aceb *CentOS-5.5-x86_64-bin-DVD.iso

The SHA1 sum I get is:
; SlavaSoft Optimizing Checksum Utility - fsum 2.52.00337
; Generated on 01/01/11 at 11:12:17
; 40d11a8901a6af0c295a284b17dcdb66a83dc070 ?SHA1*CentOS-5.5-x86_64-bin-DVD.iso

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Ubuntu :: Changing Files/ Folders Owenship Or Permission?

Sep 21, 2010

I have a strange problem after downloading a movie file. I noticed that I don't have permission to delete or change anything on this folder and files within it. I am attaching a snapshot image of the folder. please someone help me to delete this from my computer.

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Ubuntu :: Changing Permission On Lampp .conf Files?

Apr 14, 2011

How can modify httpd-xampp.conf's permission on my opt/lampp/etc/extra/ directory? I tried chmod-ing it on terminal, there's no error message whatsoever on the terminal but it still can't be modified.

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Ubuntu Security :: Changing Permissions Of Files To Reflect Their New Folder?

Jan 4, 2011

I have a shared folder set up that allows all users on the computer to have access to all the music on the computer. In the folder with all the music the group 'music' has permission to add and delete files and all users are members of 'music'. This should allow all users to have complete access to these files, however, when I add files to the folder they retain their original permissions and do not take on the permissions of the folder. I could change the permissions of the files to reflect the folder every time I add a cd. But that is annoying. What I am wondering is if there is any way to make files automatically reflect the permissions on the folder they are moved into.

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General :: Changing The Default Application To Open Files - Ubuntu 11.04

Jun 30, 2011

I want to change the application that opens my mp3 files.

At present if I double click an mp3 it opens in the movie viewer for some reason. I know I can use "open with..." to get a file to open in Rythymbox instead, but I have over 800 mp3 files and want to change the default for all of them.

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General :: Copy A (big) Directory Over Another Changing Only The Files That Differ?

Feb 3, 2011

I have directory a and directory b. They are big. b is almost identical to a. "almost" means that 4-5 files differ, and I don't know which they are. I want to copy b over a, but only the files that differ. i'm in bash.(no, I can't simply delete a and replace it with b, because 1) a is version-controlled 2) a full copy (or a mv) would take too much. I want to copy only the files that differ).

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General :: Alias For Changing To Directory And Displaying All Files

Jul 4, 2011

I'm trying to setup an alias, that when I change to another directory, any directory, it will also display all its contents like ls -al:Well, that doesn't work. I guess it's an issue with the use of wild-cards.Maybe I should define a new, so far unused, name for the alias like cdl for example.Would be great if someone could help me. I search in several examples for bash aliases but couldn't find the right solution.

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General :: Renaming External Files Changing Ownership Instead Of Root

Mar 28, 2011

i have inherited a mixed bag of sorts: several xp users updating an access mdb with the BE on a lamp stack shared via samba. i have a backup device which gets mounted at: /media/disk... each client record (has) a folder by the companyname on the samba share, and all relative documents are placed there. when the backup script runs, it just copies newer or missing files.

someone has been renaming folders, and not matching the folder name to the related companyname from the mdb. so...the backup script captures and duplicates the data in the renamed folders. some client records also have periods in the name (not required from a data pov), such as 'Company Ltd.' instead of 'Company Ltd'. i can produce a list of company names as the folders should be found easily enough, but get a little stuck with the linux scripting.

i can easily remove and further prevent any unwanted punctuation in the company name on the client record, and create the correct folder name on the samba share with vba, but would also like to:

-for each 'client activity' folder on the backup device
-rename the folder by removing punctuation marks
-delete the folder if is a dupe

i tried: ls -al | grep '&' - it properly returns only those lines with an ampersand in the folder name, but returns all folders when i try that with a '.'.

what would be the easiest method to do the renaming? i thought if there was a way to change ownership of the mounted device, then the vba code (easy to write) would be simple.

OK - i just ran chown -R on the external device, changing ownership to (me) instead of root. didn't want to because it took too long, but can now use the MoveFolder method of the filesystemobject from my app to do the renaming instead of some sort of bash script (which i was dreading).

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General :: Create A Multiple Files By Reading A Input File And Changing The Contents?

Sep 16, 2009

Being new to this area .I have been assigned a task which i am unable to do . Can any one please help me .

I have requirement where i have input file XYZ_111_999_YYYYMMDD_1.TXT and with header and series of Numbers and Footer.

I want to create a mutiple output files with each file having a seperate code which is stored in text file and create XYZ_222_999_YYYYMMDD_1.TXT . and add date in the contents next to series of numbers .Like this

Before change the file looks like this

file name XYZ_111_999_YYYYMMDD_1.TXT



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Programming :: Compile C++ Program Without Changing #include Line & Header Files Not System?

Apr 3, 2011

I have C++ source code(*.cpp) files that expects it's header files in System's include folder which is/usr/include.The cpp files has include lines like this:

#include <some.h>
#include <another.h>


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Security :: Group Write Access For Newly Created Files / Directories Without Changing Umask

Apr 3, 2009

I have several directories, each owned by root and a group of the same name,By setting the sgid bit, I made sure that newly created files and directories are owned by the correct group, and that directories have the sgid bit set too.On each newly created directory or file, the permissions are set to 755. This is because this is the default umask, and I cannot change a users umask. I actually only want files created below a particular directory to have group write access, inheriting this behaviour to newly created directories properly.I'm not on samba or NFS, I have to do this for SSH users.The filesystem is ext3.I started to fool around with ACLs, but couldn't find what I was looking for.

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OpenSUSE Network :: SAMBA - Changing Default Permissions On Files And Directories Created From Windows Clients

Mar 9, 2010

I have a fileserver running openSUSE 11.2 and samba services for file access from MS Windows based workstations. My question relates to changing default permissions on files and directories created from the windows clients.

Following are extracts of the /etc/samba/smb.conf file :

Even with the above entries, sometimes there are files and directories created by the windows clients having permission

Probably my lack of understanding in ACLS.

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Settings Always Changing / EMESENE Always Changing

Sep 1, 2011

is everytime i reboot , my keyboard is reset to USA. im in canada & it pisses me off each time i need to change it also.all my options on EMESENE is the same issue always RESET.it's like if nothing keeps the changes once rebooted.

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General :: Change A Files Modification Date "only" Without Changing The Time?

Oct 29, 2010

I'd like to change a files modification date "only" without changing the time. I'm aware of the 'touch' command but is seems like it only allows changing both the date and time, and not one of them. Any ideas on an easy way to change a file's modification date without also changing its time? (I have a long list of files and thus would like to run one to command to change them all)Example: Change a file's (month) timestamp from "2010-09-23 11:59:23" to "2010-10-23 11:59:23"Background: I accidentally set the wrong month on my camera and ended up with all photos having a modification timestamp with the wrong month.

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General :: Change Folder Permissions Without Changing The Permissions Of The Files Within The Folder?

Aug 11, 2010

How do I change folder permissions without changing the permissions of the files within the folder?

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Ubuntu :: Moving Files To A Pendrive Renders 0 Bytes Files And Files Gets Deleted

Jun 10, 2011

I get a SD card. Put in the SD reader. It's empty. I go to my super-important-pictures-to-a-monthly-relatory folder and select all files. Select them for MOVE. Paste them on the SD card. When the move/paste process is finished, i click on the "Eject" button on top of the SD card name. Card's ejected. I can't access the card anymore. I take out the card and put on my other computer. From 300 pictures, there are only 10 available, the remaining ones are there, but with 0bytes and unrecoveable. I panic. I go back to my main computer, my pictures are not there anymore. The pictures were on the Home folder. I panic again. I reset the computer and boot on the LiveCD. I install foremost, scalpel, photorec and about everything till my USB drive complains about being filled up. I run everything and I can't recover my files. I'm in the danger of getting fired. Things like that makes Windows sounds more appealing. When you securely remove a pendrive, things get REALLY pasted there before screwing everything up with a removal.

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Ubuntu :: Changing OS Name On BURG?

Mar 14, 2010

I'm trying to make my BURG boot loader look better, right now it has the Ubuntu and Windows icons, but for name it has things like "untu 2.6" because the name won't fit. I am trying to change them simply to "Ubuntu" and "Windows 7", but I'm having some trouble. Using this guide, I am able to change the entries for GRUB2,but it has no effect on my BURG entries. Even if it was just removing the names all together, and just having the icons, that would be fine.

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Ubuntu :: Changing Computer Name?

Apr 29, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 today, and during installation, a box came up asking stuff about the name of the network and things like that. I'm on school internet, so it came up as the name, so I just let it be the default. Well, it turns out, this was for the computer name.I was wondering if there was any way I can change the computer name after installation?f I'm not being clear, here's what it says at the terminal:Code:zac@dhcp-presidents-87:~$The dhcp-presidents-87 is what I want changed. I want it to be my name "Zac", and not the network name.

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Ubuntu :: SSH After Changing The Hostname?

May 14, 2010

I just have a simple question. When I installed Lucid a few weeks ago, I didnt feel very inspired, and thus left the host name at default. I just changed the hostname today, and I discovered that I can no longer resolve the host for ssh connections to the computer. When I changed the hostname files, I followed this guide: [URL].. Is there a file that I need to change regarding SSH that has a hostname in it?

Specifically, Im trying to ssh and VNC connect to the Ubuntu box from my iPhone. I have a PuTTY client installed on it (from the app store, called iSSH) and up until now, it worked.

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Ubuntu :: Changing The Language Of OS?

May 21, 2010

Can I change the language of the OS once installed?

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Ubuntu :: Changing The Usplash On 10?

Jun 4, 2010

i want to change the boot splash logo/animation like i have changed in 9.10, I download the src of the theme and then make it, then open up startupmanager but i dont have the option to change the usplash theme in the startup manager so I have cheked the usplash package if he is installed and says:

sudo apt-get install usplash
Error depends of initramfs-tools but he is installed.

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Ubuntu :: Changing The Name In Distro?

Jun 14, 2010

We work in school, and create linux distro for her. Manager wanted "Original name for distro", is "Education OS of School Patrik". How change name in distro? "Ubuntu" on "Education OS....".

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Ubuntu :: Changing Wm Without Rebooting?

Jul 5, 2010

I am on a live flash drive, and I want to change the WM. How can I do this? I tried to kill X with control+alt+backspace but it didn't work. I also tried to alt+f1 and control c, then delete the x lock and 'start x' but it wouldn't work. How can I 'exec newwindow manager' and restart x without a reboot?

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Ubuntu :: Changing An App's Icon?

Jul 17, 2010

When you install Firefox for example, it also installs it's icons on my machine.

But let's say I want to change the Firefox icon from the default one to this one: [URL]... I would assume that all I need to do is find where the default Firefox icon is stored, delete it (or move it elsewhere), and replace it by the new one. But where does Ubuntu store the default icons for Firefox?

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Ubuntu :: Some Icons Are Not Changing?

Jul 27, 2010

I've recently downloaded experience icons theme and installed it. But now when I choose it from appearance windows, some icons like folders or local hard drives are not changing. this problem is the same with other icon themes. when I run check_svgs it shows something like this, which looks like something is wrong:

"./gnome-spinner/apps/gnome-spinner-rest.svg" is broken:
/usr/share/icons/eXperience/check_svgs: 23: rsvg: not found
"./gnome-spinner/apps/gnome-spinner.svg" is broken:


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Ubuntu :: /dev/lp0 Permissions Keep Changing?

Aug 26, 2010

The problem is whenever we reboot the system the permissions of / dev/lp0 (line printer) is changing. So every time we are changing the / dev/lp0 permissions through root using chmod 777 /dev/lp0

Is there any smooth solution for this? Why the /dev/lp0 permissions are changed with every reboot?

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Ubuntu :: Changing The Resolution In 10.10?

Feb 27, 2011

On Windows I use 1920x1080 (the monitors normal setting), but Ubuntu won't recognise the resolution. (it sets me at 1024x768 ) I've tried a couple of different guides but none of them worked.It only shows four different default resolutions:

1024x768 (4:3)
800x600 (4:3)
848x480 (16:9)
640x480 (4:3)

I'm using a NVIDIAGTS8800 video card,

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Ubuntu :: Changing Possible_cpus Value

Jul 13, 2011

I've just installed Ubuntu (ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386) on my brand new server, which has 2 Xeon X5650, so in theory 12 cores. However, since possible_cpus=8, the system just ignores the remaining 4 CPUs...

How do I change these value ?

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Ubuntu :: Changing Log-in Wallpaper In 10.04?

Jul 25, 2011

I just wrote a little script to help anyone out if they want to do this. Just download loginWallpaper.sh open your terminal and cd to the download directory run


sudo chmod 744 loginWallpaper

then run



and follow the prompts Make sure the pic you want to use is a .JPG and is in your home directory. Choose Option 1 on your first run. It will move the pic to the proper directory on the system and will open the Gnome Appearance Preferences at the log-in screen. After you run Option 1 logout, goto Background then Add button. Select your wallpaper and "BOOM" it changes. Log back in and run the script again



only use Option 2 to keep the Gnome Appearance Preferences from opening again.

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