Ubuntu :: Live CD Copy To RAM?

Jul 1, 2011

I have a several DVDs with films on them. I have a laptop and want to boot up a Linux Live CD on it, then eject the CD, insert a DVD and watch those films.

Is there any Live CD, which I can use for it? I mean that it would copy itself to RAM, so that I can remove it, insert a DVD and watch the film. All the files on DVDs are *.avi .

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Ubuntu :: Copy Files From Hard Drive With Live CD?

Mar 14, 2011

I'm mostly a linux-idiot but I tried to get an update for a laptop that was running xubuntu. Anyway, it won't boot and instead takes me to a screen where it says "press s to skip mounting, or press m to recover manually" or something like that. I've pressed S, and then it tells me that it can't find /tmp or something, and I have to turn it off and back on to do anything. Pressing M doesn't help much either... at least not for a mostly-linux-idiot like me. I would do a clean install, but there are a few files I absolutely have to have from the hard drive. recover the files I need from my hard drive to a usb drive while using a Live CD?

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Debian :: Live-build Does Not Copy Ssh_host_rsa_key / Resolve This?

Mar 30, 2011

I am currently using live-build version 2.0.12-1 with squeeze

I am building a usb-hdd with lenny.

when building, the following files from the directory "./config/chroot_local-includes/etc/ssh/" are not copied to "./chroot/etc/ssh/".
ssh_host_dsa_key ssh_host_dsa_key.pub ssh_host_rsa_key ssh_host_rsa_key.pub

But the following file are copied.
moduli ssh_config sshd_config

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installation Progress Stops In 88% / Message Error / Error Copy Live Image To Disk

Oct 12, 2010

Greetings from Greece. I tried to install opensuse 11.3 in an empty disk . Unfortunately the installation progress stops in 88% and the message error says "error copy live image to the disk". I have burn two different cd but the result is always the same.Is it a hardware problem or the cd is not correct?I had the 11.2 version in the same pc without any problem for a long time.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Copy Files From XP Infact Folders Using TERMINAL In Netbook, Not Copy And Paste Using Mouse?

Jul 9, 2010

just installed ubuntu couple of days back on my netbook. I am still a beginner, enjoying my adventure exploring ubuntu. I have another desktop which runs on XP. I am able to access XP shared folders through my netbook(linux). However, i wanted to copy files from XP infact folders using TERMINAL in my netbook, not copy and paste using my mouse. Are there any commands for it?

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General :: Copy A Read-Only File And Make The Copy Writable With A Single Cp Command?

Mar 1, 2011

How to copy a Read-Only file in Linux and make the copy writable with a single cp command in Linux (Ubuntu 10.04)? The --no-preserve and --preserve seemed to be good candidates, except that they should "and" the mode flags, while what I am looking for is something that will "or" them (add +w mode).

More details: I have to import a repository from GIT to Perforce. I want that all Perforce depot files are Read-Only (that is how Perforce was designed), while all other files that were derived/copied from depot files are writable. Currently if a Makefile tries to copy a Read-Only file then the derived file will also be Read-only. This leads to build-errors when cp tries to overwrite Read-Only file second time. Of course the --force is a workaround here but then the derived file is also Read-Only. Also I do not want to mess with "chmod" after each "cp" command - I will do that only as the last resort.

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Fedora :: Disk Copy Utility - Should Be Able To Not Only Copy Files But Boot Sector And Everything

Sep 1, 2010

I have a 160GB harddrive which I installed a F12, would like to upgrade to a bigger drive, but I hate to have to re-install everything.

Recommend a good disk copy utility? The utility should be able to not only copy files, but boot sector and everything. So I just need to make a copy, change my BIOS to boot from the new drive and run everything as before.

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Debian :: Copy Anything It Says Enough Space Memory To Copy?

Jul 5, 2010

I am using windows xp and debian linux.In windows xp I am having around 25 gb offree memory but in linux if i copy anything it says enough space memory to copy

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Get A Vista Box To Recognize Live CD Or Live USB

Sep 8, 2010

I've done a good few ubuntu installations for friends and colleagues and now my Dad wants in on the action. His PC is more than capable of running ubuntu 32 bit BUT I've hit a brick wall I've never come across before. I've burnt a CD image of the 10.04 iso from [URL] on my ubuntu box and for some reason, his PC just won't boot from it. If I select the option to manually select the boot source, all I see is the hardware monitor telling me things like CPU temperature. As for the Live USB - nothing whatsoever. Is it possible that I've managed to corrupt the iso file somehow?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Live CD And Live Stick Not Working

Apr 28, 2011

Live CD: I dowloaded the ISO, burned it to CD, booted from this CD. It starts to load and I can see the purple background with the loading icons. Everything seems normal. But instead of ending up with the login screen, it ends up with a screen that says 'Please remove all bootup media and hit ENTER' or something like this. So I hit enter and then it shuts off my computer. That's it.

Live Stick: So I tried another option and created a stick with 'usb-creator.exe' that is on the CD. Then I start from that stick, but all I end up is a line of 'Syslinux bla bla copyright 20xx-2011'. That's it. Then it does nothing anymore. The cursor is blinking, but no prompt or whatsoever and keyboard input doesn't do anything.

Now something weird: When I insert Live CD and Live Stick at the same time and then boot my computer, then it boots into Ubuntu. Obviously it loads the first parts from CD and then the rest from stick. Because when I'm then in Ubuntu and try to format the stick, it says it can't do so, because there's system files from that stick in use.

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Debian :: Live Cd Login Info / 'user' And 'live' Are Not Working?

Nov 9, 2010

I can't seem to find this anywhere. I have burned Debian 5.06 for i386 and trying to login when running the live cd. What is the username and password to get in?

I found 'user' and 'live' but they don't work.

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Software :: Create Live Distro For Organization And Live Scripts?

Aug 18, 2010

I need aufs support/patch for kernel as i i need to create a live linux distro for my organization and linux live scripts (the scripts which I am using for creating live linux distro) require aufs and squashfs support. There is a directive for squashfs in kernel configuration file but nothing for aufs and the patch available at linux-live site seems not to work.

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Debian :: Create USB Live Using Live-helper Under Lenny?

Feb 1, 2011

Howto create USB Live image using live-helper under Lenny?

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General :: Cannot Create Live Usb For OpenSuse Using Live USB Creator?

Sep 22, 2009

I just downloaded OpenSuse 11.1 64 bit live cd from it's official site.I have live usb creater in my xp box , with the help of which I successfully created live USB for fedora 11 earlier. Now the problem is whenever I try to create live usb using Opensuse live ISO image after extracting all files to usb , it gets failed.The same thing is happening with OpenSolaris 11 live cd iso image. Does this mean that live usb creater I have, was only foe Fedora distros?

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General :: Get A Fedora Live Cd Or Live Dvd?

Feb 10, 2010

i am wondering if i should get a fedora live cd or live dvd. space isn't a problem for me

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Ubuntu / Apple :: The Default Option Is "live" Bla Bla Bla But In Case Of Problems Use "Live Video=ofonly"?

Apr 22, 2011

I've got an old iMac g3 on which I'd like to install Ubuntu Dapper Drake.Here's the problem:I insert the disk in the computer.Keep pressing "C" till this comes out:Quote:"The default option is "live" bla bla bla but in case of problems use "Live video=ofonly"I write "Live".The orange progress bar appears, but the the screen becomes black.I still can hear sounds: the classic ubuntu log-in music, but I can not see anything: I guess the live has started, but the screen is just black.By pressing CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE I'm able to come back to shell.

Once rebooted, I try "Live video=ofonly".Again the orange progress bar, but then this message comes outQuote:"Failed to start the X Server, It is likely that is not set up correctly. Would you like to view the server output to diagnose the problem?"Even if I dont select anything, some random words appear in the screen, too fast for me to read them.Then I'm back to shell.I read here (that the problem is caused by Xorg and that the solution can but editing his configuration by using Quote:sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.confBut I just don't know when to do that: Ubuntu is not installed yet and there is only MacOS 9.2 on that machine.

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Programming :: Copy An Entire Line And Add That Copy At The End Of The Same Line?

Feb 6, 2011

how do you copy an entire line and add that copy at the end of the same line?

For example, sometimes I rename a collection of files with a command like:

"mv oldfilename newfilename;"

I am able to add "mv" at the beginning, the semicolon at the end and sometimes replace a word in the middle, but... how to change a line "oldfilename" into "oldfilename oldfilename"... that is already long time a mystery to me...

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Live CD Failure - Goes To The "Log In" Page And Not The Live CD Page On Running

Aug 22, 2010

Just got back to attempting to play with 10.04 using its Live CD. It consistently goes to the "Log In" page and not the Live CD page on running. I saw a Post specifying a F key to be pressed on boot-up to get to the desired starting point some time ago, but did not write it down. Some advice did say press Any Key but this does not seem to do the job. Tried to use the search function here but no joy. Can anyone remember which F key? Note that as a check, I tried to use 9.10 Live CD and this worked fine, so it is not a machine problem.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Should Get Live CD Or Live DVD

Feb 10, 2010

i am wondering if i should get a fedora live cd or live dvd. space isn't a problem for me

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Ubuntu :: How To Copy One Hdd Onto Another

Dec 7, 2010

My comp has two hard drives: 1: 300gb, 10,000rpm 2: 500gb, 7200 rpm. (Both drives are SATA).First drive is loaded with 10.04 and has many programs installed, tweaks and settings made etc. Second drive has 10.10, but no changes or progs installed.I want to wipe clean the second drive and copy the entire contents of first drive onto it This will save me the trouble of doing a clean install of 10.04 on the second drive and then having to install programs , change settings etc. Is there a program available that will let me do this, so that I won't have to make any changes to second drive after the first drive has been copied to, ie I won't even have to install grub? Note that I am a novice with linux and not very good with computers generally, so the program should have an easy to use gui

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Ubuntu :: Can't Copy File / What To Do?

Jan 30, 2010

I just got utorrent working and i need to place the file from my desktop to /usr/local/bin/ but when i do it says permission denied. So i tried sudo cp /home/username/Desktop/uTorrent /usr/local/bin/ but when i do that the terminal just shows > and just sits their and no commands work after that. Can someone tell me a alternative way or tell me why the terminal is doing this?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Copy DVD To ISO After Upgrade To 10.04

May 4, 2010

I've been backing up some of my older DVDs to my hard drive, as they were starting to get a bit scratched. Using 9.10, I had no problems. After updating to 10.04 yesterday, however, every method I try to use fails after copying about 80 to 120 MB.I'm running the amd64 version of 10.04, my optical drive is a TSSTcorp DVD+-RW TS-L632H, and I have installed libdvdcss2 from the Medibuntu repository. I can play the DVDs just fine, but I can't copy them.

Brasero craps out with "Error while burning. Data could not be written (Input/output error)", which based on some things I've read also pops up if data can't be read. I've tried the "Save Log" button, but the log is always empty. dd exits with "dd: reading `/dev/cdrom': Input/output error".dd_rescue starts showing nothing but bad blocks roughly at the same point where dd throws the I/O error, and if I run it in reverse, it starts showing bad blocks immediately.k3b seems to work... but it took nearly half an hour (which is a bit longer than it should have taken), it threw a "Problem while reading. Retrying from sector n" error three times, and VLC won't play the resulting ISO, either directly or mounted.

I would say that it seems like a problem with copy protection, except that I have libdvdcss2 installed and I can play the DVDs just fine. I just can't copy them to an ISO. And it's not a matter of the discs being too scratched or a problem with the drive, since as I said I can play them just fine, and I can copy them in Windows using MagicISO.Some of the DVDs I'm trying to copy aren't available anymore, but I'd hate to have to boot into Windows just to copy some discs since I do pretty much everything else in Linux.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot See Some Files Nor Copy Them

May 5, 2010

I am upgrading a QNAP NAS - the unit only had 1 drive to begin with. I have taken this original drive out and hooked it to my ubuntu system and when I boot my machine ubuntu sees the volume that was the volume the qnap shared. and it sees MOST of the files. but when I go to copy stuff it gives errors stating things like 'can't copy data2.cab' - when I go the directory where it claims it can't copy data2.cab there is no data2.cab.

Thing is I am pretty sure there *IS* a data2.cab ... just that the rights or something are such that I cannot see / copy it. is there a simple command I can run on the *entire* drive that will set the ownership of ALL files so that I can see and move them? I just need to copy all these files over to the upgraded nas and then I can reformat this drive.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Copy Files To /var/www

May 9, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 10.04. I have successfully installed Apache2, PHP5, and MySQL. I cannot copy files or directories into /var/www.

how I can enable copying of files and directories into /var/www?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Get A Copy Of 64 Bit Vs 32 Bit Sent?

May 19, 2010

is not the right place for this question. When requesting a Ubuntu distro be sent to me I can not see any way of selecting a 64 bit version, is it possible to alter the request so that it is a 64 bit version vs the standard 32 bit version. I would download it but my Satellite connection is not all that great and I have a fairly small monthly cap.

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Ubuntu :: Copy Files From Mac Hd

May 20, 2010

i have a macbook that wont boot. i want to copy the picture and music from the hd. i took the hd out and put it into my dell inspiron. i booted up with a live cd and im able to view the files. i can play the music. i just cant copy anything to my external hd. its telling me i dont have premissions. i tried to change that in the properties but it wont let me.

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Ubuntu :: No Copy No Paste In 10.04

Jun 28, 2010

Anyone know why, my copy & paste in the terminal doesn't work....it's there, just not highlighted, I need to install Sun Java and can copy the command lines from the forum I just can't paste them into the terminal. Also is there a way to check that my Ubuntu download to my USB stick is error free?

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Ubuntu One :: Copy To U1 On Upload

Aug 28, 2010

I am a photographer and upload a lot of photos online. Both to Facebook and flickr. But these sites although great for sharing photos with the world are not ideal backup solutions. I love Ubuntu One and try to utilize it as much as possible but frankly I am more than a little lazy. So I more often than not don't back up to U1. The same can also be said about my document uploads to Zoho and class projects. The idea here is whenever a user uploads a file Ubuntu should automatically copy it to the Ubuntu One folder. This would likely be implemented through a browser extension.

Although the idea and basic implementation are simple there are issues that must be considered. These include size, bandwidth and privacy issues. As such the user may not want to copy every single thing they upload to Ubuntu One. But having a popup come up every time something is uploaded is intrusive and annoying.

These issues could be combated through:
-A strong settings framework
-Zeitgeist integration
-In browser dialogues (see the new "save your password/settings?" dialogues in Chrome/Firefox)

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Ubuntu :: Copy Two Files With The Name

Sep 18, 2010

the problem is that when i try to copy two files with the name(say ajax.js and Ajax.js) to a pen drive/USB it shows the options for either Replace/Skip. with the above two options either one of the ajax.js files will be copied, but i need these two files. I have also used different USB's, but no difference...

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Ubuntu :: Can't Copy A File

Oct 1, 2010

When i do cp filename destinationfolder it isn't happening. I don't get any error messages or any indication that the file copy didn't happen. But when I go to the destination folder and do ls; the file(s) not there. I tried it with sudo also and i get the same results. When I first did the copy it actually copied it somwhere but not where i wanted it. It copied it to folder name Desktop. So i tried copying it from Desktop and again same results.

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