Ubuntu Installation :: Blank Screen After Logon

Feb 1, 2011

Installed ubuntu mobile 3 times, once off of a USB, second off of a burned ubuntu netbook cd, third off of a ubuntu 10.10 official cd. all three had the issue. as soon as i log on to ubuntu, all i see is my cursor and the background and nothing else.. tried searching and tried a few suggested things, but to no benefit.. What's next?

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Fedora Installation :: Blank Screen After Logon Count Down - 13?

May 26, 2010

I just tried to install Fedora 13 but after the log on count down I just get a blank screen - nothing else. The disk is still loading but no screen action at all. My graphics card is Nvidia GeForce 6150 LE.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Blank Screen: 10.04, ATI Radeon 9550 / X Tries To Load Screen Just Goes Blank?

May 9, 2010

I am having the same problem, as soon as X tries to load my screen just goes blank. I have an ATI Radeon 9550. At first I tried switching between VGA and DVI as well but upon ruling that out, I switch to my on-board video card and that is working thus far, but I'm trying very hard to figure out a way to be able to switch back. Anyways I'll check back in later on if I have any new information I will post.

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Fedora Installation :: Live CD Stops At Logon Screen?

Nov 2, 2009

Wanting to try F11 out and having an issue straight off the bat (perhaps I should see this as a sign of things to come and stop here!).I grabbed the live cd last night and burnt to cd OK (I'm not a noob at stuff like that); the cd boots as expected and I'm presented with the initial logon screen; I click to log in as Live System User, the "Other..." option vanishes but then nothing happens from there.I've left it for 20 minutes so far

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Image Not Loading - Flash Screen On Blank Screen

Dec 26, 2010

Is there a known problem with the Lubuntu 10.10 image here? I have downloaded it to two different computers, then burned the images to two different blank CD's (different brands) and neither loads. Both only get as far as the Lubuntu menu, once ENTER is pressed at that point to load the LiveCD, a blank screen eventually appears with a flashing cursor at the upper left of the screen, that's it. They were both burned using the slowest burn speeds available.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Get The 10.10 Splash Screen For A Second Then A Blank Screen?

Dec 22, 2010

I have been running 10.04 quite successfully, when I upgraded to 10.10, I have a problem with the newer kernels. If I let it boot into the latest one 2.6.35-23, I get the Ubuntu 10.10 splash screen for a second then a blank screen, same with 2.6.35-22. I have to run with 32-25 to get it to load the gui.

I have an AMD Sempron 2800, 1.6GHz pc, but I'm not sure if it's running 64bit.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Freeze/Blank Screen After Screen Off 11.04?

May 4, 2011

I've been running Ubuntu 10.10 very smoothly for a while now. Decided to upgrade to 11.04 - managed to corrupt the hard disk the first time by letting the laptop hibernate part of the way through but reinstalled from a live CD of 11.04 and it's now working except for this issue.

If I shut the screen on my laptop (or press the screen off button) either the screen won't come back on or it will but frozen (I can move the mouse but not click on anything etc.) In this state music continues to play (from spotify under wine) and if I press my hibernate shortcut (power button) the computer hibernates, only to wake into the same situation. I've got a Dell Latitude D520, upgraded to a bigger hard disk and more ram - the ubuntu partition has 50gb. Windows is working fine.

Edit: I noticed a sticky thread which includes something about a blank screen but I think this is a different issue?

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Ubuntu :: Xbuntu Shutdown Screen - Takes To The Logon Screen And Then At The Bottom Right Corner

Mar 24, 2011

I am using Xubuntu 10.10 64bit . When I press the quit or logoff buttons on the desktop it takes me to the logon screen and then at the bottom right corner it allows me to shutdown or reboot. I would like to bypass this screen entirely,and just shutdown reboot from the desktop. Only I use this machine at home ,no none else needs to log on. Is there any way to do this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot With Windows 7 - Blank Screen With My TFT Screen Displaying A Msg "Out Of Range"

Jul 8, 2011

I have installed Ubuntu 11.04 along side windows 7 ultimate. But the problem is as soon as I switch on my computer. There is only a blank screen with my TFT screen displaying a msg "Out of Range"

Then suddenly Ubuntu loads without showing any option to load windows 7.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 64-bit Blank Screen - ATI GPU?

Jul 19, 2010

So finally decided to upgrade the desktop (dual-booting with Windows 7 for games) from 9.10 (fresh install awhile ago, never did anything with it) to 10.04 - upgrade went fine, reboot, watch grub go by, and voila. Blank screen.

Things I tried in grub:

add 'xforcevesa'
add 'xforcevesa' & remove 'quiet splash'
add 'nomodeset' & remove 'quiet splash'
add 'nomodeset xforcevesa' & remove 'quiet splash'


I was hoping to test out Windows 7 in a VM, see how far I could get for GPU acceleration there - I'd much rather not run Windows on the bare iron for that machine, but if I can't get this fixed I have no option :-/

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Ubuntu Installation :: Blank Partition Screen

Feb 1, 2010

I'm installing Koala here on a 250gb Sata drive. I am looking to dual boot with Win7. I've got a 80gb Win7 partition and the rest is unallocated so I can install Ubuntu on to it. If I try to install, I get to the manual partition screen and it's blank. From what I can tell, Ubuntu isn't recognizing my hard drive at all. When I boot into the liveCD and run gparted, it says no devices found. Also when I boot gparted from a cd I get the same thing. BIOS sees the drive fine and the drive boots into Windows fine.

When I run "sudo fdisk -l" I get nothing. I've tried several of the flags including all-generic-ide. Also tried removing dmraid.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Live CD Blank Screen

Feb 27, 2010

I recently got a new laptop and am trying to install Ubuntu 9.10 on it. I have installed it on my two other computers without any problems, but there seems to be a hitch with my new one. So I boot up using the live CD and then am presented with the option to test Ubuntu or install it. If I choose either of these the screen just goes blank. If I go with the first option of testing Ubuntu before installing, I can hear the intro drumbeats but the screen is still blank.

I have searched in some forums and tried some people's advice, like pressing Ctrl+Alt+- or trl+Alt+Backspace to change the resolution and restart X windows, respectivley. But it doesn't seem to work.
I'll list my laptops specs just in case my problem has anything to do with them:

Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit
Intel Core i3 M 330 2.13GHz
Intel Graphics Media Accelerator HD

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Installation :: Ubuntu Install Screen Goes Blank At 69% / Why Is So?

Mar 7, 2010

Ok well this is my first post on the ubuntu forums and the problem I have is, hopefully, pretty simple to fix. When I am installing Ubuntu, I go through all of the steps and once it asks where to install and partitioning and all that I tell it to erase the entire windows thing and put in Ubuntu. So I click the Forward button and when it gets to 69% of copying files, the screen goes black. It sounds like its still running the install but I cant be sure. What should I do?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Blank Screen While Trying To Install 9.10?

Mar 10, 2010

I've found similar posts to this but none seemed to be solved. I'm trying to install ubuntu 9.10 on my new laptop. Dual boot Win 7 Pro on first partition.Its a gateway nv79 laptop with an intel i3 330M processor.The problem occurs when I boot from the CD I get the first menu where you can choose to install, load ubuntu from CD, etc. No matter which option I choose, I get nothing but a blank screen. Then I can do nothing but power down by holding the power button.I've tried both 64 and 32 bit versions, same thing. The 32 bit disk works fine on another computer. I've also tried booting another version of Linux, Helix, from CD and that also works fine. I'm thinking ubuntu doesnt support my graphics card: Intel Graphics Media Accelerator HD

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Ubuntu Installation :: Blank Screen When Installing

Mar 16, 2010

I'm trying to use the live cd on my HP Pavilion Entertatainment laptop, but I get a blank screen. The Ubuntu logo shows and I get to choose my language, but when I click on "Try Ubuntu without doing anything to your computer" (paraphrased) the screen goes blank. About a minute later I hear the Ubuntu music.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Blank Screen After Trying To Use Nvidia-173 In 10.04

Apr 25, 2010

I did a fresh install of 8.04 alternate disk with LVM then updraded to 10.04 (due to lack of any spare CDs around).

Everything was working fine but wanted to try to get the nvidia-173 drivers installed (I have an old FX5200). Can't start into X now as my plasma says mode unsupported.

At one point I managed to boot into recovery mode then root terminal and removed all nvidia packages and reinstalled nvidia-173 only and followed the instructions listed on the 10.04 release candidate page. Still stuck with the unsupported modes error on my TV though. I have a 720p plasma display (1366x76, I usually run 1280x768 without issues. I'm guessing it is the refresh rate set in the new xorg.conf that is throwing me off, how to adjust this?

An issue that's complicating things however is that when I try to boot into recovery mode I get an error stating 'pcspkr' driver already registered, aborting... then it hangs there until I ctrl-alt-delete and force a restart. This is preventing me from getting to the point where I can select a a root terminal to try to fix my errors.

I have used 8.04 exclusively for a few years and wanted to try something new (still not all that adept at linux setup).

EDIT: I managed to get to root again and just removed the xorg.conf file and that seems to work somewhat. Except now I can't boot as I get a looping mountall: Plymouth command failed that hangs up the process.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 LTS RC: Blank Screen At Startup?

Apr 26, 2010

I've been using Ubuntu off and on since 6.10, but I am definitely a noob when it comes to troubleshooting this kind of stuff. All of my previous installs went flawlessly, so I guess I've been lucky so far. I finally decided that I would bite the bullet, and remove Windows altogether. No more dual-boot with XP or 7 for me.I've been attempting to install the 10.04 RC all weekend, and it's been pretty frustrating. I decided I would start with my aging laptop, a HP Pavilion ze8500 that I custom-ordered way back in 2003. A few specs I know off the top of my head:

P4 (2.30 GHz)

I burned the ISO to CD-R and started the install. When I boot from the CD, I get a purple screen which is blank other than two symbols at the very bottom. IIRC, one looked like a ruler or something, and the other looked sort of like a star in a circle? I think they were separated by an equal sign.I have no idea what that meant, but I knew enough to hit F6 and that got the install menu to appear onscreen. The only way I could get through the installer without losing video was to use 'nomodeset'

I installed over top of Windows 7 RC with the default partition table settings and after the install finished, I got the dialog box telling me that a restart is necessary. I hit Continue, the CD tray ejected, and my laptop restarted.So, assuming that the installation was a success, I see the BIOS screen, and then that goes blank, and where I would expect to see a boot screen or a Grub dialog, I see nothing at all.After the first install attempt, I would hear a drum sound after the screen went blank.I tried hitting 'Esc', along with 'Ctrl+Alt+F1', 'Ctrl + Alt + F2' or whatever else I could think of, and nothing seems to work.I updated my BIOS, remembering that I forgot to do that, and then I reinstalled Ubuntu. Again, no display when Ubuntu boots. And now, I hear no drum sound at all.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Blank Screen After Restart?

May 12, 2010

So I tried to install ubuntu 10.04 on my 5 year old gateway laptop but the screen kept going blank when ubuntu was booting up. I was able to get to the menu screen and add "i915.modeset=1" after "quiet splash", which allowed ubuntu to load. I installed it on the hard drive successfully, but when I restarted the computer, it won't load again. I don't know how to fix this so I can run it from the hard drive.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Screen Goes Blank After Loading OS

Jun 30, 2010

I'm attempting to install Ubuntu Netbook remix (however I have tried others) on a 32 bit laptop but after it goes through that ubuntu loading thing, it goes blank after that and I've determined that it's not the cd and it's something to do with the hardware after looking at other posts with similar issues. I do not have an operating system on this laptop.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Blank Screen On Install CD?

Jul 7, 2010

I've searched the forums and all the problems seem to be getting a blank screen after the first menu or first splash screen.My problem is that I'm getting a blank screen straight away without seeing anything. As soon as the system says that it's booting from CD the screen goes blank and nothing happens.I've done the md5sum on the disc successfully (and the iso). It's an old system (P4) and I'm using the integrated graphics.I've tried Ubuntu Server 10.04, UNE 10.04 and Ubuntu 9.04, all have the same problem.

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Ubuntu :: New Installation - After Grub It Goes To Blank Screen

Aug 5, 2010

I have an HP computer nvidia and AMD stickers on it and 1GB RAM. HDD is Parallel ATA. I downloaded both Ubuntu & Kubuntu Live CD. Both live CD's boot to a blank screen. After a (seemingly) successful install of kubuntu, the screen goes blank after GRUB.

Here are the details: With this HP, when i boot from ubuntu live CD the screen goes blank. It does not give any option about trying ubuntu, install, ubuntu, mem test. I just get a blank screen. On my ASUS laptop the ubuntu live CD goes straight into ubuntu live (without having to choose an option). It is not the CD When I boot from kubuntu live cd i get to the screen where i have an option to try kubuntu, install kubunt, memtest..

If I choose either try or install, my screen just goes blank & never progresses. Again, this live CD works on my ASUS laptop. At the bottom of the boot screen for the kubuntu live CD i noticed f1-f6 configurations. I was unable to change any other than language and f6 options. If I press f6 i get options which i can mark with an x. I don't know what any of these mean but I checked all of them and then on the boot menu popped up

BOOT **a whole bunch of text** I went onto install kubuntu and it no longer went to a blank screen. Rather it was a fuzzy grainy splash with the word KUBUNTU and loading dots underneath. Atlas it seemed to prevail, the installation process started (fuzziness went away). The installation screen now looks just as it did on my ASUS laptop. I continued through the steps with an installing on the entire HDD. The installation completed (with no signs of error). Screen said take out disc press enter.

I did so and my computer turned off. I power up the computer and the GRUB loads up. I have option of regular and fail safe. Both lead up to a blank screen. My monitor seems to think there is no signal and goes into standby mode. Perhaps the video card is not rendering correctly or not compatible.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Blank Screen After Updating From 10.04 To 10.10?

Sep 27, 2010

ive tried to update my test-laptop (thinkpad t43) to the actual beta. the dist-upgrade worked whitout problems, but after rebooting the x-server seems to work, but screen is empty...it seems that the xserver is crashing:

Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server aborting
here the full log:
[ 181.280]
X.Org X Server 1.9.0


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Ubuntu Installation :: Blank Screen On Boot Up?

Oct 16, 2010

I have a blank screen on boot up. Has happened since 10.04.It's this problem[URL]I tired their three solutions did not work however clicking F6 and slecting nomodeset before booting got farther then ever and then saidI have tried different images, betas RCS full versions, netbook, derivatives and its all the same.hats going on? Can it be fixed and is this always going to happen now or is it just a two cycle bug?

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Ubuntu Installation :: New Install - Blank Screen - 10.10

Oct 24, 2010

I'm installing Ubuntu 10.10 64bit (and ive tried 32bit) on a brand new Sony Vaio as a dual boot on Windows 7.

All goes well and I eventually get to the desktop on Ubuntu but the screen isnt right. Its not so much the resolution as its perfect in clarity but its the physical borders right and bottom are out of screen. Move the mouse to the right and bottom and the mouse disappears. I cant see the bottom bar at all. But like I said, the res clarity is perfect. I've tried playing with the res but it wont change the border issue.

Soon enough, on the top right, I get a hardware driver update alert for a Nvidia and asks me to activate. I do this with the hope to fix my screen size issue. Once activated, I restart and thats it, I get a blank screen.

This is what ive tried:

In recovery mode, i can get in with low-graphics.

Uninstalled the Ubuntu recommended Nvidia driver and all is ok.

Tried downloaded the correct Nvidia driver for my laptop but exact same.

In low graphics mode, when I launch Nvidia X Server, I get this error: 'You do not appear to be using the Nvidia X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run 'nvidia-xconfig' as root), and restart X server.'

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Ubuntu Installation :: Blank Screen On Boot?

Nov 1, 2010

I have a HP EliteBook 2730p. lspci reports this for my graphic card:

00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])
Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company Device 30eb
Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 30


I updated from Lucid to Maverick. When I boot with the new 2.6.35-22 kernel the screen stays blank after grub. When I boot the old 2.6.32-25 Kernel everything works fine. I tried to boot 2.6.35-22 in Recovery Mode. When I do this I see some kernel messages in text mode and then the screen goes blank again.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Does Not Boot - Blank Screen

Nov 15, 2010

I upgraded 10.10 from 10.04 from the update button from within the update manager. It seemed to upgrade ok but after I shut down and turned it back on it goes to a blank screen. If I then hold the power button to turn it off and back on it then loads to a boot screen where about 6 options with recovery option are listed. The top 2 options do not work as they just go to a blank screen but the bottom 2 give me some other choice including seeming to boot up to a normal Ubuntu environment. How can I fix it so that it boots to a normal Ubuntu 10.10.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Install From CD - Screen Goes Blank

Mar 8, 2011

After selecting "Install Ubuntu", the screen goes blank and nothing happens. I am using a HP laptop and am trying to install Ubuntu 9.10 from a CD I ordered from ubuntu site.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Blank Screen On First Boot

Mar 22, 2011

I have a toshiba satelite pro laptop (can't think of the exact model at the moment) with 4gb ram + 320gb hard drive. i have been dual booting ubuntu for roughly a year, and throughout all that time windows has become less and less used, therefore last night i took the plunge, and went about installing ubuntu(10.10) as my main operating system and removing windows, i did this via a usb, using Unetbootin.

I used one of the .ISO's from the official ubuntu site, and went through the installation processall went well, no errors within the installation process, hard drives were partitioned fine etc, however when i've come to turn my computer on for the first time this morning i get a black screen with a blinking underscore straight after the toshiba logo flashes up and i get the choice to go to bios options.

If i do go to bios options my hard drive is listed fine, and if i try to boot from my usb again, it doesnt work, and attempts to verify dhcp and eventually tells me it couldnt find a boot file, my laptop however is plugged in via an ethernet cable. it doesnt work with or without the ethernet cable. i have tried leaving it for about half an hour and nothing has changed, i also can't boot to GRUB.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Blank Screen After Upgrade 10.10->11.04

May 1, 2011

I have a Toshiba Satellite P105. Did the upgrade. Everything went smooth until the reboot. After that the deep black. I am suspecting Nvidia driver. "F" key maneuver brings a flash of the booting process. That is quickly followed by a mosaic screen and a numb computer.

Other than nuking the system and re-installing 10.10 any constructive idea?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Restart And Now Screen Went Blank

Aug 2, 2011

I recently installed ubuntu on my PC. The installation went fine without any errors but ubuntu won't start up. The first weird thing I noticed after installing was it asked me to restart my computer. So I did so by clicking the "restart now" button but my computer never shut off. The monitor did but the pc itself did not. I manually restarted the computer myself and when it got the point of starting up Ubuntu all it showed was some white boxes and some text I couldn't really see and the screen just went blank. I waited for a while and nothing happened. The only way I'm able to write this is because I'm on the trial of Ubuntu. I installed the latest version of Ubuntu by the way...

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