Ubuntu Installation :: PC Freezes After Replacing HDD?

Mar 26, 2011

I have a PC with Windows XP SP2. It had two HDDs, one (IDE) with partitions C: (boot) and D:, and another (IDE) 200GB disk, E:.

Recently, the second disk caused the system to issue filesystem error messages on boot. I decided to image it to another location on the home LAN, and then to copy the image to a new disk.
So I have used "Live Ubuntu" "ddrescue" to salvage the disk image (with only about several k of error sectors) to another file on an SMB share.

I then got a new 500 GB SATA HDD, used a "Promise 4302" IDE-to-SATA PCI controller to interface to it, loaded the "Live Ubuntu" and used "ddrescue" to copy the old disk image to the new HDD. (The Ubuntu kernel 2.6 recognized the SATA disk and its "Promise" controller with no problems). So far, all according to instructions.

Now, according to instructions, the next step is to boot the XP system and let it do CHKDISK /F on the new disk.

The problem is: the computer freezes (hangs) in the initial step of the boot.

I tried to do a "Repair install" using an XP install CD - again the PC freezes after the message: "Inspecting your hardware".

Using the same XP install CD, it tried going into the "XP Recovery console" (in order to do "CHKDISK /F") - again, the PC freezes after "inspecting your hardware".

Booting the same PC from an Ubunbtu Live CD, situation is much better. When Ubuntu boots, it says: "Incomplete multi-sector transfer, Input/output error", but then it continues normally.

lshw says:
Hardware: HP Pavilion A305W, Trigem Glendale motherboard, CPU: Intel Celeron 2.7 GHz
Memory: 2GB DIMM DDR
Storage: IDE Intel 82801 (ICH4)
Logical: /dev/sda


I read somewhere that I should change the partition ID from 83 to 0 or 7 (NTFS). But using fdisk (or cfdisk) and changing the partition ID (=type) (and doing "w" - namely: save) - does not actually change the ID.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Replacing 8.10 Partition With 10.04?

Apr 30, 2010

I am dual booting Windows Vista and Ubuntu 8.10. Trying to replace 8.10 with 10.04 while keeping the Vista partition. The partition manager is confusing and won't let me fully replace 8.10.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Replacing 10.10 With 10.04 Kernel?

Oct 20, 2010

A problematic system has this kernel:
2.6.35-22-generic #34-Ubuntu SMP Sun Oct 10 09:26:05 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux

A working system has this kernel:
2.6.32-22-generic #36-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 3 19:31:57 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Can I put the working kernel onto the problematic system? I've copying the contents of /boot from the working system (I did *not* copy the /boot/grub directory). Should I manually start editing grub.cfg for a dual kernel boot or is there a better way? The problematic issues are with video playback (choppy after upgrade) and video capture - you can only open the capture device once, then you have to reboot since upgrading.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Replacing OS In A Dual Boot System?

Dec 29, 2010

Right now I dual boot into Kubuntu 10.10 and Vista, and I'm interested in possibly replacing Kubuntu with Mint 10. I do like Kubuntu but I feel like Mint will be a better option for me; I've played with it on a Live CD and in VirtualBox. Can I accomplish this replacement from the Mint Live CD? I want to completely remove Kubuntu, not install over top of it if that is even possible.

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Fedora Installation :: Clarifications Before Replacing FC6 With F10?

May 3, 2009

I have a dual boot configuration now, Windows XP SP3 on the C drive (sda,1 it's a Dell Dimension 4700) and FC 6 on sdb. My goal is to install 10 and be able after installation to boot to either XP or 10. Some of the installation documentation baffles me, so I want clarification before I begin. 1st Question Looking at the screen shots of an installation on the fedora site, the Partition Selection Screen asks What drive would you like to boot this installation from?

Booting an installation? Maybe this meansFrom what drive are you installing? Once 10 is installed, what drive should be the boot drive? From what drive should I boot to install? Would somebody explain the intent of this Partition Screen question? BTW, I will be installing from CDs. 2nd Question: Upgrading Boot Loader I don't understand the Installation Guide, section 8.3 on upgrading vs skipping. I think I got into trouble on this very point going from FC3 to FC6. The boot loader on my Dell must be grub. So, I think I want to upgrade. Perhaps the confusion is that I'm replacing FC6, not upgrading, and upgrade here means only for grub, not for the install.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Manually The Dual Boot With Out Replacing Xp?

Feb 14, 2010

I am trying to install Ubuntu 9.1 on an existing xp op. It is prompting to replace xp.how to install manually the dual boot with out replacing xp

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Ubuntu Installation :: Replacing Fedora 13 With 10.04 On Dual-boot With Win7

Oct 5, 2010

I installed Fedora13 to dualboot w/ my windows 7. I quickly found out that I don't care for fedora. I was referred to Ubuntu, and put Ubuntu 10.04 on in VirtualBox. Lo and behold, I like Ubuntu a WHOLE lot more! So, I promptly went to Disk Manager (in win7) and deleted the Fedora partitions (told you i'm a noob). Of course that was a poor choice, and I was only able to get my computer to boot again by reinstalling f13. neat.

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes


SO what i was thinking is go back to Disk Manager, delete partitions sda 3,4, & 5 (the linux ones), then reboot from the Ubuntu live disk? But I don't know what the sdb1 partition is?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Replacing Fedora On A Current Dual Boot?

Jun 30, 2011

Currently I have a dual boot Win 7 / Fedora 14 on my Dell Inspiron 1546. After being unable to upgrade to F15 I think it's time to try something different like Ubuntu 11.04. I'd like to format all the Linux partitions, install Ubuntu there and being able to boot to Win 7 from Grub (just like I currently do with Fedora). Can I just go ahead and install like usual, or is there anything else I should consider? Do you think Ubuntu will have a problem finding Win7?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrading - Replacing The Older Packages With New Without Reinstalling The Entire OS

Mar 28, 2010

What does upgrading mean? does it imply replacing the older packages with new without reinstalling the entire OS or Reinstalling the new version keeping into view the existing package list. Can I upgrade the Ubuntu 9.1 amd 64 with Ubuntu 9.1 i386 version using the alternate installation CD

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Ubuntu Installation :: Replacing Netbook Remix With Regular Ubuntu

Apr 29, 2010

I originally installed UNR 9.10 on my Asus EeePC 1005HA in november and after significant fiddling with fiddly bits and messing about with the terminal and gconf-editor got rid of the dreadful netbook launcher interface (which is, perversely, especially impractical for netbooks). Now that I've updated to 10.04, the netbook launcher is back. I can get it away by logging into GNOME instead of Netbook Edition but the panel is still misbehaving. And even if I get everything to behave normally, I figure I may be in the same situation next time I update.So all things considered, I think I should probably just install regular Ubuntu and get it over with.

Can I install regular non-netbook edition from a USB-stick? (Since the EeePC has no optical drive and my external CD reader/burner is ancient and very slow)Can I install Ubuntu 10.04 over my UNE 10.04 without formating the HD thereby losing all my files (and having to reinstall all my apps)?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setting Network Clock Freezes On Installation?

Jun 8, 2010

I am a brand new ubuntu user, heard lots of good things about it so thought I would give it a go on my laptop. However, I have tried installations of Ubuntu 10.04 (notebook version) and Xubuntu. Yet on both attempts to install the OS it has stalled at the "Setting up the clock" dialogue box, it just sits at 0% and remains frozen (mouse still moves etc but nothing happens).

I really want to give Ubuntu / Xubuntu a go and my forum trawling has brought nothing to light so far.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installation Freezes At File Copy?

Oct 8, 2010

I am having difficulty installing Ubuntu on a new PC. Hardware is thus:MB: ASUS M4N68T-MCPU AMD Phenom II 3.2 GHzMem: Kingston 2GB DDR3-1800HDD: Seagate Barracuda 80 GB SATAvideo is on-board, cannot find the details regarding chipset.I have tried both 7.10 and 10.10 (would prefer to use 7.10) but both versions hang at the same point during installation.Live mode works fine on both versions.Tried burning 7.10 to CD at 4x write speed.Set MB bios "Plug and Play OS" to yes.When it hangs, the mouse freezes, then the video wigs out (think Van Gogh on acid) and only a hard power down will un-freeze it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Disk Partitioner Freezes On Installation?

Dec 18, 2010

I'm a complete noob trying to install Ubuntu Server 10.10 on my first build for use as a file/media server.When I get to the step to partition the drives, the installation freezes. The screen says "Starting disk partitioner" and the progress bar stops at 45%. It has done this three times now, and the longest I waited for it before rebooting was over an hour.I am installing from a flash drive containing the .iso file, and I have the following hardware (in case that matters): asus p7h55-m pro mobo, core i3-540 CPU, 2x4GB ram, WD caviar green 1.5TB, WD caviar green 1TB, and Kingston 8GB SSD.

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Fedora Installation :: 14 Installation On Dell Vostro - Starts For Few Seconds And Freezes There

Dec 10, 2010

I have Dell Vostro laptop with Core2 processor 1.8 GHz, 2 GB RAM. I want to install Fedora. I tried to install it with Fedora_14_ 32 bit and Fedora_14_ 64 bit. After booting by DVD or USB, I get initial blue screen in which I select Install and it starts for few seconds and freezes there, it does not move ahead. I got Fedora 32 bit DVD from Fedora so it should have come with checksum checked. So IMO DVD is ok, it is something else with regard to hardware detection, stopping installation to go ahead. I tried 3 times, but do not go ahead.

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Fedora Installation :: F13 On HP ML350 G6 - Installation Process Get The Screen That Shows The Files Copied - Freezes ?

Sep 30, 2010

I'm trying to install on HP ML 350 F13 G6 with standard array controller and 3 drives in raid 5. Well, when the installation process get the screen that shows the files copied (all copied...) , it freezes and does not advance more. Perhaps groped a firmware update? Other distributions are installed correctly.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Freezes On Startup After Installation

May 13, 2010

I dual booted my windows 7 with Ubunto 10.04 and it said it successfully installed. I booted the ubuntu and it freezes on th Ubuntu image with the message( i didn't copy the message). i rebooted and freezes again on an image after the Ubuntu Image.So itried recovery mode and it worked. i always use recovery mode to use ubuntu.

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Debian Installation :: Squeeze Installation Freezes At Partitioning

Nov 8, 2011

I'm new to the Debian, but not to Linux. I've previously used Ubuntu for a few years, so I know something about how a successful installation should look like. I'm currently using Windows 7.

I downloaded the debian-6.0.3-amd64-gnome-netinst.iso from [URL] ...., and then made a USB pendrive using the Windows version of Unetbootin. The MD5 sum for the .iso-file was the correct one, b663727d7f5b572c329cea8e2ff5e29c.

I used the usual non-graphical setup, without any special options. The installation process went without hiccups until the "Starting up the partitioner" -screen freezes at "Scanning disks...". The bar stops at 50%. It never progresses any farther, even after an hour. It doesn't give any errors either. After I pressed Alt+F4, the last lines were:

Code: Select allpartman:   No matching physical volumes found
partman:   No volume groups found
partman:   Reading all physical volumes. This may take a while...
partman-lvm:   No volumegroups found

Exactly the same happens with firmware-6.0.3-amd64-netinst.iso too, or any of the live versions I tried. The result of graphical installation was also nothing. The USB pendrive created by LinuxLive USB Creator was nonoperative in exactly the same way.

The computer is brand new, without any previous OS installations. My desktop computer has the following parts:

CPU: AMD Phenom II X6 1055T, AM3, 2.8 GHz (HDT55TFBGRBOX)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3, AM3+, AMD 970, DDR3, ATX
Videocard: Gigabyte GT 430
Memory: Kingston 2x2 GB, DDR3 1066MHz, CL7 (KVR1066D3N7K2/4G)
Harddrive: Samsung Spinpoint F3 HD103SJ
Powersupply: OCZ 600W ModXstream, ATX 2.2, (OCZ600MXSP-EU)

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Fedora Installation :: F12 Installation Freezes Due To Nouveau Driver

Nov 30, 2009

As I mentioned before, I has having freezes while installing F12 (x86_64) with a GeForce 8600 GT. I was able to complete the installation by doing it with the "basic" video driver. However, I was still getting frequent freezes. I installed the testing Nvidia drivers, and the freezes went away. When it froze, it was a hard freeze -- it wouldn't respond to CTRL-ALT-DEL or SysRq (I did enable SysRq first). I had to do a hard reset.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Whole Cluster Freezes When One Of Nfs Server Freezes / Sort It?

Jun 27, 2011

We are having a cluster with couple of disk servers, compute nodes and a head node. Disk server is nfs mounted on all the compute and head nodes.
The problem is that if any of the disk servers hangs, it freezes rest of the cluster too which is dangerous. Ideally, cluster should not care about the hanged server and run without any problem except files from that server is not visible.
Is there any way I could avoid the problem of freezing cluster because of one hanged server?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Freezes After Clicking Anything / Fix It?

Jan 26, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 9.10 and at the login screen, if I click anywhere on the screen, the entire system freezes. I can't open up the terminal or anything at this point, I have to restart the computer.

This also happens when I use the live CD.

I've done apt-get update, dist-upgrade... no change. Not to mention, I can't get into xorg anymore to change the video driver to VESA (it's always had trouble in previous versions without the restricted nvidia drivers)

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.4 32-bit Freezes After The Partition

Jan 31, 2010

I have been trying to install Ubuntu for about 2 days now. First I downloaded and burnt to a Disc Ubuntu 10.4 32-bit i386, the process of booting into the Live CD would freeze the computer. So....I downloaded the alternate install of the same Distro/etc. I have deleted all of the partitions to create the Free space on the hard drive then use the "guided" option for installation. Ubuntu partitions the ext4 and the swap space, but freezes at a blue screen right after and does not proceed with the installation.

I read somewhere that it is possible if there was ever a RAID configuration that there is possibly some META data left over on the Hard drive that needs to be erased. If this is the case I believe I have the command that will do so....BUT I do not know how to get to a terminal from the alternate install CD....is it possible?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Freezes Randomly ?

Feb 11, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 9.10 on my older computer. Before the installation I used Windows Vista and Windows 7 and I decided to do a clean installation. When I ran Ubuntu from DVD it was perfectly healthy and no problems appeared. After the installation there became random freezes. The system freezes but mouse is still moving and can't do anything else than reboot.

From the other topics I read that it might be a problem with GPU drivers and I heard about this Envy program which might be able to install some drivers but don't know how to install that.

The computer is pretty old:

AMD Athlon 64 Processor 3200+
ASUS M2R-FVM (includes integrated ATI Radeon Xpress 1150)
1 GB of RAM
320GB Hard drive

And I couldn't find any Linux drivers for the graphic card from AMD's internet page.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Freezes When Trying To Install

Feb 16, 2010

I have a Sony Vaio PCG-K23 and when I try to perform any operation after booting it (EX: Try Ubuntu, Install Ubuntu, Check CD for Defects) it freezes.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 LTS Freezes After Booting?

Jul 9, 2010

My installation went fine but minutes after login ubuntu just freezes up. I'll show my PC Configuration here.

OS NameMicrosoft Windows XP Professional
Version5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 Build 2600
OS ManufacturerMicrosoft Corporation


on lot of searching I was told that there is an issue with Intel 82945G Chipset and advised me to take a graphic card.What can be done to avoid this. Even I tried to install Intel video driver ut it says it is installed by default. P.s: On BIOS setting I even changed my Video Memory from 128 to MAxDVMT but of no use.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.4 32-bit Freezes After Partition?

Aug 12, 2010

I have been trying to install Ubuntu for about 2 days now. First I downloaded and burnt to a Disc Ubuntu 10.4 32-bit i386, the process of booting into the Live CD would freeze the computer. So....I downloaded the alternate install of the same Distro/etc. I have deleted all of the partitions to create the Free space on the hard drive then use the "guided" option for installation. Ubuntu partitions the ext4 and the swap space, but freezes at a blue screen right after and does not proceed with the installation.

I read somewhere that it is possible if there was ever a RAID configuration that there is possibly some META data left over on the Hard drive that needs to be erased. If this is the case I believe I have the command that will do so....BUT I do not know how to get to a terminal from the alternate install CD....is it possible? If so how do I get there?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Freezes On Splash 10.04?

Aug 25, 2010

I'm trying to install 10.04 Ubuntu using a USB drive. I restart the machine and I get the Ubuntu start up screen. I select to install Ubuntu on my hard drive. It does its loading process and brings up the splash screen. The red lights blink for about 10 seconds then stop. Everything freezes: the keyboard, mouse, screen, lights, everything. I can still perform a reboot, but this situation happens everytime I try to load.

Here are some system specs for my computer (edit: these are the correct settings. The settings I have in my sig are not correct. I will change them soon. Sorry about the discrepancy)

Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.40Ghz
Nvidea GeForce 8600 GTS graphics card
Trying to create a Windows 7 dual boot
8GB Memory

I tried a few things with sending noapic and nolapic as parameters to boot and that didn't work as well.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Freezes / Do That From Lan?

Aug 28, 2010

Well, it's a weird problem.
I had an old desktop pc, and I downloaded and burned both Karmic and Lucid desktop and alternate ISOs. I installed the karmic alternate in that PC, and things went smoothly.

Now a friend of mine gave me his old Packard Bell Easynote R laptop. It has a centrino 1.6GHz mother, 1GB RAM and a 60GB disk. The GPU (Geforce Go 6200) overheats a lot, but I have lurked around and found out this is a common issue.
Well, so I installed Win XP, and recently I wanted to install xubuntu here as well.
Thing is, the desktop install freezes. It does nothing, I can't even use the Live CD.
The alternate install goes well until the proper install, and then starts complaining about missing files in the CD.

Two things: The CD is perfect, I just tried it on my other desptop PC and it goes well.
The laptop cd tray is well too, I install things all the time, and I tried to install a game after this happened, to try and see if it was this, but it appears to work just fine.

I don't know what could be causing this. And I don't know enough to change things at the install prompt (noacpi, thing like that, I don't know what they mean).

Has anyone experienced something like this? If so, is there a solution? I believe this laptop cannot boot from flash drive, in the boot menu I only have HD, CD-DVD, Floppy and LAN.

Another thing: If is a CD issue, is there a way to install this from LAN? (that is, using my other working PC to do this?)

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04.1 Freezes During Boot Up?

Sep 4, 2010

I've just done a clean install of 10.4.1 onto a Compaq Pressario Desktop, which earlier had 8.04, upgraded online to 10.04.1.Repartitioned and installed from an iso disc, checked for Md5sum.All seemed to go as per text book, but when the system starts there is a momentary error message"no suitable mode""no command terminal found"It then proceeds to show the default purple hazy background, but stops there, with no other parts of the normal desktop, icons etc .After about three minutes, it goes black, and if I then hit the enter key, or move the mouse, it displays the log in window and asks for my password.I enter this, and again it reverts to the purple haze.This cycle repeats.I've checked the boot order to boot from the hdd first, so I'm stumped as to what to try next, apart from going through the whole install process again

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Ubuntu Installation :: Run Off USB Freezes / Crashes

Oct 11, 2010

I put this on 2 different flash drives and when I boot to it and click on "Try" it hangs and crashes. I used the usb installer on the ubuntu download page.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Freezes 10.10 32 Bits?

Mar 13, 2011

I have 2 HDD, one is 500 GB, the other is 70 GB, 1.5 GB RAM and a 256 MB nVidia graphics card.In one HDD I have Win XP 32 bits, the other one is empty, and I want to install Ubuntu, so I downloaded the .iso 32 bits from the official page, burned it with the recommended software, no problems (I used the slowest speed).I reboot the computer, BIOS > Boot from CD, and Ubuntu screen appears (sorta purple with black).About 10 mins pass by, it's still "loading" or something, and, suddenly, it just freezes, out of the nowhere.Here's a short vid of what happens:

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