Ubuntu Installation :: Combine SD Card And SSD?

Jul 26, 2010

I have an Acer Aspire One ZG5 running Ubuntu NBR 10.04 with an 8 GB SSD and an 8 GB SD card. Is there a way to combine the SD card and SSD so that Ubuntu sees it as one 16 GB drive. I currently have everything installed on the SSD.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Combine Multiple System Distributions?

Jun 28, 2010

How do you combine multiple Linux distributions live cd's or non install CD on one DVD or CD if your on Windows?
I would like to combine some minor Linux distributions: Gos and puppy acrade 6 and more on one DVD so I can spare money and place.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Combine 2 Drives, 2 OS' Into 1 Dual Boot System?

Jun 8, 2011

Is it possible to create a dual boot system from two separate disk drives each having been created as a single boot computer? I have an 80gb disk drive with Windows XP installed on it. I have a 160gb disk drive with Ubuntu 11 installed on it.

I have installed the Windows disk drive as drive 0 and the Ubuntu disk drive as drive 1 in my computer. Each disk drive was set with cable select pin settings. The computer boots to windows. If at all possible, how would I go about setting up the system to dual boot to both windows and Ubuntu? I have attached screen shots of part -l, gparted 80gb disk and gparted 160gb disk.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Repartition Hard Disc - Combine Two Unallocated Partitions To Install Windows 7 Dual Boot

Jul 28, 2010

I would like to combine my Linux partition (/sda3) and /sad1 to give me more disc space. I would also like to combine the two unallocated partitions to install a Windows 7 dual-boot with Ubuntu. How would I do that without totally raping my current Ubuntu install?

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Fedora Installation :: Installing On A SDHC Card - Installer Appears To Want To Install To Both SD Card And Also USB Stick

Jul 21, 2010

I have an EeePC 4g netbook which only has a 4Gb hard drive and I thought I would like to install Fedora 13 on an 8 Gb SDHC card and use it to boot the netbook.

As neither the netbook nor I have an optical drive, I made a bootable USB memory stick using Unetbootin which boots the netbook and could be used like a live CD to install Fedora.

On booting with the live USB stick, with the blank SD card in place, and clicking on the install icon, the installation starts but then there are 2 problems; the first is that the installer appears to want to install to both the SD card and also the USB stick. There is a tick in the box beside the USB stick which I can't remove.

I decided to ignore that and put a tick in the box beside the SD card but when it got to the point where it creates partitions it said "Could not find enough free space for automatic partitioning. Please use another partitioning method"

Surely 8 GB is more than enough space for partitioning, so where am I going wrong and why does it want to install on the USB stick as well?

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Ubuntu :: Combine The 3 Drives Under Extended

Aug 27, 2010

how would I combine the 3 drives under extended. Im have issues having no drive space. so I removed some old installations and re format them but I dont know how to combine them so that their under one /home

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Programming :: How To Combine A And B To C

May 12, 2010


how to combine a and b to c

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Ubuntu :: Combine Columns In Text Files?

Feb 15, 2010

I have two files which I would like to combine. Each file has 2 columns.

File 1:
1 a
2 b


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Ubuntu :: Combine MP3 Files Into A Single File?

Feb 28, 2010

I have an audiobook in 64 small mp3 files and I need them combined into a single file of any format in the proper order or order that I add them in. What program can I use?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Combine Two Videos Into One File?

Jun 28, 2010

I am trying to combine two videos into one file, so that I can have them playing side by side and in sync.Basically they are two angles of the same thing, and I want to be able to demonstrate both at once. The files are completely different formats right now (MPEG-2 and h.264), but I could convert them. Is there any way to do this, or a way I could have them both play in sync even if I can't combine them?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Join(combine) Two .ogv Files Into One?

Nov 27, 2010

How to use ffmpeg or memcoder to join two .ogv files into a single .ogv ??Let's suppose the first .ogv video file is named as "01.ogv" and the resolution is 800*600;the second .ogv video file is named as "02.ogv" and the resolution is 720*576.I'd love to join two video files into a whole one, with the resolution 320*240.

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Ubuntu :: Bash Script - Combine The Variable

Jul 23, 2011

echo "Enter number 1,2 or 3:" # 3 is entered
read x
choice=${f+$x} # yielding choice=$f3
echo "$choice" # so $choice is, essentially, read as f3, which = grape

grape I am, essentially, trying to combine "f" and the number entered (3, for example) to create "f3", which when echoed as "$choice" will lead to grape!

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Programming :: How To Combine ASM And C Code

Apr 10, 2010

I have a little test program consisting of a NASM source file and a C source file.How do I turn them into a single program?

section .data
msg db 'Hello, World!', 10


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General :: Combine Two Files Column-wise In Ubuntu?

Jul 7, 2011

I have two files: one is like

chapter 1
the other is like

I was wondering how to column-wise combine the two files into one:

preface 1
Introduction 2
chapter 1 3

by using some utilities, such as awk, sed, available in Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Combine Multiple Commands In Sequence In Background?

Jul 26, 2010

I like background commands in scripts:

Code: sudo apt-get update& I also like multiple commands in scripts:
Code: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

How would I combine these? Could I do it with functions?

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Ubuntu :: Combine Free Space Partitions - Drive

Feb 5, 2011

My machine is running Windows 7, but I've decided to dual-boot Ubuntu. I'm on the manual partitioning screen. Originally, the Windows drive took up the whole drive. I took 100 GB off of it to use as an Ubuntu drive. From that, I created the swap partition. Afterwards, I decided I wanted some more space for Ubuntu; so I took another 40 GB off of my Windows partition. Now I have 2 free space partitions. How can I combine them? It seems I'm only allowed to install Ubuntu on one or the other.

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Ubuntu :: Combine The 2 Additional Drives Into A RAID 1 Array?

May 11, 2011

I got my system up and running with the Grub installed on my primary hard drive. I have not installed 2 additional drives. I would like to combine the 2 additional drives into a RAID 1 array. I can only find tutorials on how to do this during initial install. I cannot find one that tell me how to do it after the install. Is there a way?

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Hardware :: Combine Multiple Computers Into 1 Box?

Dec 28, 2010

I have a very old machine running Linux (Fedora 12) with 2 harddrives and a DVD RW. I also have a newer Dell computer running XP. I would like to take the 2 harddrives and DVD RW from the older machine and put them into the available slots in the Dell computer and configure it for dual booting.

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Programming :: Condense And Combine Two Log Files?

Jun 8, 2011

My backup script generates 2 lengthy log file. They have the same name, but the date is appended. I want to select the oldest one, condense it with "head" and "tail" and then append the condensed version of the newer one. They seem to get tangled up.Code:

ls `find . -iname "bak-log_*"` -1t | tail -1
ls `find . -iname "bak-log_*"` -rt | tail -1


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Ubuntu :: Can Combine Control Center And Gnome-main-menu?

Jul 20, 2010

I'd like to combine the gnome-main-menu and control center windows into one window.by default the gnome-main-menu closes by after you choose an application, the control center does not.I use docky and if I could combine the two windows I'd have one less icon on the dock.I'm also open to alternative menus. preferably that work with docky. gnomenu isn't my fav but I haven't tried many others.[URL]

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Compile Different Packages And Combine Them Into A Single Bin?

Dec 22, 2010

Here i have one situation, that is to compile 1.tar, 2.tar and 3.tar files and make them into a single bin file that is ready to install

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Networking :: Combine Two Network Pipes For MegaSpeed?

Apr 14, 2011

I have two sources of internet which I want to share and balance the load on. With one source it's easy: plug it into the wireless router and Bob's your uncle. But how would you handle two sources and get load balancing? A switch? Would that really share the load?

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General :: Combine Bash Scripting With Apache?

Apr 3, 2011

how to combine bash scripting with apache.

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General :: How To Combine Multiple Text Files

Mar 22, 2011

Combine multiple text files into one text file?

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Server :: Lvm Ontop Of Raid10 Or Combine Two Raid1 Via Lvm?

Sep 9, 2009

I'm planning to setup a ubuntu file server. I'll be using the 8.04LTS server edition. the system is probably going to have 4 harddrives. at the end they shall form an software RAID10 system. I'd like to use lvm at some point in order to able to make snapshots as I read through some mdadm and lvm docu/tutorials I could think of two possible setups:

in both cases:

small raid1 of 2 partitions that will form /boot
small raid1 of 2 different partitions as swap space

1. the rest will form 2 large raid1, which will be combined to a single virtual drive via lvm

2. make a raid10 out of the rest with mdadm, then make a lvm volume group just consisting of the 1 virtual raid0 device are there pros/cons for either solution? is lvm as powerfull as mdadm in striping? will the first solution produce less overhead?

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Programming :: Korn - Combine Select With An Array?

Jun 8, 2010

Assume this array in Korn:

HOSTS[ home ]=""
HOSTS[ work ]=""


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Ubuntu Networking :: Load Balance Or Aggregate(combine) Internet Connections

May 12, 2010

My problem is that I would like to load balance or aggregate 2 separate Internet connections on my laptop. Currently a hard line ISP is not available so I'm using an Sierra Wireless 885 USB air card. Thing is the card is quite slow. I also can tether an iPhone to the laptop. The ideal solution would be to have both connections being utilized to help speed up the overall experience, even if it is only a modest gain in speed.

as I do not know much about iptables and basic TCP/IP routing, I'm finding it difficult to implement those solutions. If someone can point me in the right direction ( a slightly dumb down how:to? or better explained? )

BTW, both phone and aircard get dynamic IP's. Running Ubuntu 10.4

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Fedora :: Extend Or Combine The 160gb And The 340gb Without Re-installing?

Apr 1, 2010

Is there a way to extend a partition?

I cloned from a 150 gb drive to a 500gb drive. It left a unused 340gb part.

When I load up the Disk Utility, I have the following:

214mb Linux Ext4
160gb LVM2
340gb uninitialized

Is there a way to extend or combine the 160gb and the 340gb without re-installing Fedora

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General :: Combine / Merge Left And Right Video Files?

Jan 11, 2011

How can I join the two parts of a stereoscopic movie to get a side-by-side one?

I can expand the left file, that way all I'll need is to paste the second one on top of it, with something like this:

mencoder left-file.mkv -o side-by-side.avi -oac copy -ovc lavc -of avi -vf scale=1280:720,expand=-1280:0:0:0 -sws 3 -lavcopts vbitrate=16000

Any idea which tool should I use on a Linux system?

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General :: Shell - Shellscript Combine All Files Without For Loop?

Jun 12, 2011

I have hundreds of files in one directory, is there a simple command or pipes of command I can use to append them together? I don't want to use any loops.

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