Ubuntu :: Install The Desktop On Server?

Apr 12, 2011

I like the GUI of Ubuntu Desktop and the LAMP server install.

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Ubuntu :: Create A Dvd That Contains Server Desktop And Alternate Install Opptions - And All Four Main Desktop Environments (gnome - Kde - Xfce - Lxde) And Unity?

Aug 12, 2011

is it would be possible create a Ubuntu dvd that contains the ubuntu server desktop and alternate install opptions, as well as all four main desktop environments (gnome, kde, xfce, lxde) and unity. since much of the data is redundant between each version cd's it would probably all fit on one disk. then all that would be needed is two disks one for 32 bit and another for 64 bit. i really think that this could work.

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Server :: Install Desktop Environment On VPS And Vnc Into It?

Apr 14, 2010

I own a VPS (Virtual Private Server) and I would like to install a desktop environment on it. After installing the desktop enviroment, I would like to install a VNC server on the VPS, after that I would like to be able to configure the VNC server remotely via SSH and then log in using VNC to connect to that VPS. Is that possible? The reason I wanted to do that is because I want to use their internet connection to browse the web, their speed is like 6 times faster than mine because they have backbone which I can't afford.

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Debian :: Change Desktop Install Into Server Without X11?

Mar 6, 2011

It's been awhile since I've posted.

I am curious as to the best and most practical way to change a desktop install into a server install. In other words, I want to get rid of X and KDE and all the extra software related to the two and have a purely command line interface.

I have discovered that having a GUI in a server context is kind of pointless, and when upgrading software requires a lot of time to upgrade the extra software related to X and KDE. I just want to clean it up and make it lean and mean.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Desktop On Top Of Server - Reboot It Freezes During Startup ?

Feb 15, 2011

For some reason my disc I burned for ubuntu desktop 10.10 freezes when I get to the ubuntu logo with the 5 dots. I am able to install ubuntu server just fine.

I tried to install desktop on top of server using sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop and then whenever I reboot it freezes during startup.

I think it might be my swap partition. I recall seeing a blip of an error talking about "press C to skip or M to start maintenence" or something like that. It never stayed on the screen long enough for me to read it.

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General :: Can I Install System Server Version On Desktop PC

Jan 16, 2011

As i know, windows server 2008 can be installed on desktop.
Linux also can?
Got any advantage?

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Server :: Install "GNOME Desktop Environment?

Jun 16, 2010

I am trying to install "GNOME Desktop Environment" on my server. i used the following command: yum groupinstall "GNOME Desktop Environment" I got it from this tutorial: [URL].. Now when i started the installation on my centOS 5 server. i got the following error please see this image: [URL].. Now i wanted to know how can i fix that issue.

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Server :: Re-Install Broken Gnome Desktop On A RHEL Box?

Feb 25, 2010

Morning All, I have a RHEL 4 box with a broken GNOME package. It boots to TWM. I have looked at some of the posts that recommend looking at config files etc. No .xinitrc file found. Cannot "exec gnome-session" , cannot find file. No choice at login screen. Some Gnome files are on the machine. How do download and re-install the entire Gnome-Desktop package?

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Ubuntu :: Installed Desktop On Server To Get Boinc Manager Running Now Remove Desktop?

Apr 20, 2010

First problem:

apt-get --purge remove ubuntu-desktop
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
Package ubuntu-desktop is not installed, so not removed
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

I have installed Ubuntu desktop on Ubuntu Server to get Boinc manager running. Now I want to remove Ubuntu-desktop.

Second Problem: /etc/init.d/xorg start : No such file or directory When the server boots i get a blinking cursor.

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Ubuntu :: Light Desktop - Install Desktop Command Only + Xfce?

Jul 19, 2010

Looking for a light desktop for a P3/512MB I installed xubuntu and I felt it slow. For a test, just tried installing lubuntu and it was so fast compared to xubuntu. The word here is I would like to move to xfce. Doing another test, I installed Debian Lenny + xfce and was way much faster than xubuntu.

My question: Can I install Ubuntu Desktop command only + xfce ? Is it going to be faster than xubuntu? Is there another recommendation for a debian based distro with xfce which runs faster than xubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Minimal Desktop Install And Remote Desktop

Apr 8, 2011

I am trying to setup my HTPC. I wanted to have the most minimal overhead possible so I installed Ubuntu 10.10 server from the mini.iso and just added the ssh option. I then used the following command to give me a desktop environment because I will want to run firefox and it apparently requires this to run.

Here is the command that I ran:apt-get install xorg gnome-core gdm gnome-applets gnome-system-tools gnome-utils ubuntu-artwork compiz-gnome firefox sysv-rc-conf.The desktop works fine and I can open fire fox, however, the remote desktop is missing from the preferences menu.How can I install this? I would like to add the remote desktop option from a command line.

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OpenSUSE :: Lost KDE Desktop Effects Settings After Install Gnome Desktop Environment

Jun 6, 2010

I installed Gnome desktop environment recently then ;I' ve lost KDE desktop effects settings. I just can see Compiz Configirator. I cant configure effects independently. There is same settings in gnome and kde. And also I cant change windows appearence.

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OpenSUSE Install :: What Is Difference Between OpenSUSE Desktop And Server?

Dec 21, 2009

I am new to Linux. I want to set up a home file/media server using Linux and have been investigating the possibility of using OpenSUSE for this task for a couple days now. I posted up some questions over at linux questions, but figured this one would be better suited for the OpenSUSE forum. My question is simple, is there any fundamental difference between OpenSUSE Server, and OpenSUSE desktop?

What I mean is, is there any difference to the basic programming of the operating system. From what I gather, when you install a Linux Distro for a server, it is just a striped down version of the desktop install. It has no GUI, and installs the complete bare minimum of software to get your server up and running. Is this correct? I am asking these questions because, as I said, I am new to Linux. I am not comfortable using command line only, and would very much like to install the desktop version of OpenSUSE, plus Samba, openSSH and Webadmin, then use that configuration for a server. Would setting up OpenSUSE as I stated above be the same as using the server install, just more "bloated?" Or is the server version of OpenSUSE coded differently?For example, comparing Windows Vista to Windows Home Server. Windows Vista isn't practical to use as a home server OS, simply because it was never coded to be one. Where as Home Server comes with software and is setup to be a server.

From what I understand, and I could be wrong, and please correct me if I am. Linux is much different. Any Linux distro can be a server, even the desktop version. You just need to get the proper programs (like Samba, SSH, Webadmin) for the job. The people who use the Server version, simply just want something less bloated then the desktop version, but the desktop version works just as good as a server if you have the proper hardware? I was debating on putting Windows Home server on the machine, but very much want to learn Linux, and figure this is as good of an opportunity as any. It also helps that a desktop install of OpenSUSE takes less resources then Windows Home Server.

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Ubuntu :: Server Or Desktop Installation For Limited Server Use?

Aug 1, 2010

My present system consists of 4 computers all running Ubuntu (just upgraded to 10.04) and all have a Virtual windows installations to run applications for which there are no Linux substitutes. The "server" is a NAS that is merely a file repository. I want to replace the NAS with a new computer that acts as both a server and a local workstation. It would act as a repository for common files and would run a mail, calendar, contacts server for the LAN (no outside connections).What are the pros and cons of installing the server version of Ubuntu (or Kubuntu) then adding the appropriate desktop versus installing the desktop and adding some server functions?

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Ubuntu :: Server Vs Desktop For Home File Server

Dec 2, 2010

I have both windows (xp and win7) and mac (osx snow leopard) running on my network. I'd like to find a unified system that I could use as a file server. Mainly, I'd like to have it hold music and movies, maybe run some automated backups from a win 7 desktop. I'd also like it to be a print server. I'd like to run the most simple and lightest weight OS for the server os. However, I don't think I have the basic linux knowledge to run Ubuntu Server as it is terminal based. I have installed it on my machine but I feel like im running in circles. I have it installed and can SSH in with my laptop no problem. I feel like I may be better off installing Ubuntu Desktop and removing what I dont need. at htis time the server has only a 40gig hdd in it, i also have a 500gb hdd i'd be using for the files.

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Server :: Icons Not Showing In GNOME Desktop At REDHAT ES Server

May 4, 2011

Icons Not Showing in GNOME desktop at REDHAT ES Server.Also no right click on desktop .No Action.

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Server :: Remote-desktop Into A Windows Box That Happens Be Hooked Up To A Server?

Jan 21, 2011

I want to remote-desktop into a windows box that happens be hooked up to a linux server.The linux server uses a static IP. I've already enabled remote-desktop on the windows machine, but am wondering what I need to do server-side to make the server's ip forward to the windows machine. I know this can be done with iptables but I'm not sure how to work it.

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Server :: Gnome Desktop Harming Server Performance?

Feb 4, 2010

On my local apache web server I had installed gnome desktop, because I wanted it to use as a TV. But when I installed the gnome desktop, my requests for web pages became terribly slow (4-5 seconds!). When I deinstalled the gnome desktop, the request where fast again. But I still want to watch TV on my server, so I wander if people know why the gnome desktop harms the performance of the server?

PS. with gnome desktop, ping was <1 ms, samba server worked like charm, wget localhost was <1 ms, but for some reason, when tried to get a webpage from my webserver to a remote machine, it took seriously 4-5 seconds to load a page.

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Server :: Remote Desktop From Windows XP To CentOS Server?

Jun 15, 2010

How to setup my server to use it remotely from my Home from a WindowsXP PC.I want to access my CentOS server. Please help me installing GUI or Remote desktop on my server.I have installed FREENX client on my WIndows XP PC now what next to do. what configuration do i need to do.If you have any link to tutorial please let me know.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Kubuntu-Desktop Install Moved Install?

Mar 7, 2010

I installed Kubuntu-Desktop on Ubuntu & now my Ubuntu installation is on the 2nd (data)partition! It's hard to believe but I'm looking at it from a live cd and that's what looks like happened.For right now, my main goal is to get Ubuntu back.Should I make the 2nd partition bootable so I have a dual-boot option at startup? Should I make the 2nd partition bootable & not the first? Can I uninstall Kubuntu somehow & have things return to how they were?I thought I was just loading an alternative sassion to Gnome.I thought that the only thing I said yes to was to use the KDE boot manager (or whatever).

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Server :: Ubuntu Desktop Used As An IP-cam Server?

Dec 15, 2010

I have inherited (Volunteered) this system at work. We have 5 HP 5730 thin clients set up as camera views for production. Set up was done by an I.T. who is no longer with the company and left no documentation. how to view the thin clients from the server.We need to refresh our views after power bumps. I have spent quite a few hours looking at info online and have gained a lot of ground, but still have not found my answer. Oh, I am an electrician. We are in a pretty remote area and the company expects us to gain knowledge outside of our realm. Our I.T. people are out of Portland and don't want to be bothered with this O.S. and are going to switch it to Windows to better support us. I have now grown a fascination for the Ubuntu and will keep playing with it at work and at home.

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Debian Installation :: Unable To Select And Install Desktop Managers In Net-install?

Dec 23, 2015

I downloaded and mounted debian-8.2.0-amd64-netinst.iso on my work machine's VirtualBox v5.0.12 to check out Debian stable/Jessie's installer and clean installation in case I need to do it soon. I like the new installer compared to 11/24/2011 on my old desktop machine. It is much nicer, fancier with its advanced options, etc.

However, I ran into issues with its "Select and Install" part when I selected desktop managers (e.g., KDE and Gnome) and continued. It failed as shown in [URL] .... images. Why? I tried again from scratch and same thing. If I don't select any and just select non-GUI stuff (e.g, SSH and standard system utilities), then it works but I want the pretty GUI stuff.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Get An Error Message That Basically Says:kernel.desktop - Unable To Install, Exit Status 127.I?

Apr 28, 2010

I'm having an issue when I'm trying to install SuSE linux onto my desktop.I go through all the steps and everything looks okay, but when it starts to install the packages, I get an error message that basically says:kernel.desktop - unable to install, exit status 127.I have a ATI X1950 video card in the computer, as well as a AMD 64 FX CPU in the system.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Clean Install = No Desktop Just Green Screen?

Nov 13, 2009

Did a clean install with 11.2 after being very impressed with the LiveCD. After installation process finished, laptop booted up and I had a green screen, no icons and a mouse cursor. REALLY liked the way the OS performed on the LIVECD and would like to give it a real shot.I can install Fedora 11, Ubuntu, Madriva and Mint Linux with no problem on the same Toshiba laptop.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Execute Zypper Command To Install The Kde Desktop?

Mar 21, 2010

I need to execute zypper command to install the kde desktop? I also added the kde repo or officers would suffice?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Boot And Install 11.4 (64-bit) In Desktop

Apr 6, 2011

I've successfully downloaded openSUSE-11.4(64-bit) ISO image from the openSUSE site,and burned the ISO image successfully into 2 DVD's separately using Nero(ver.7) But I am unable to boot up from the DVD. When I pop in the DVD into my DVD-writer,a few seconds go by with the blinking cursor,and eventually boots off to Windows.The BIOS setting of my machine has been enabled to boot from CD/DVD first before HDD. No error messages are shown while I try to boot. The burned ISO image file is O.K. as it gets successfully verified after writing on the DVD. The image file {openSUSE-11.4 (64-bit)}being 4.29GB in size

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OpenSUSE Install :: Currently Running GNOME Want To Install KDE Desktop

Apr 29, 2011

I am running GNOME but want the option to use KDE. which package would I need to install KDE4 desktop.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Install Works But Hangs On Desktop

Aug 18, 2011

I have a Dell Inspiron M5030 and ran the live Gnome CD. everything works until I install. The install goes fine and it boots fine but when i log in it just hangs at the desktop with a spinning cursor. No menus no nothing just the wallpaper?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - How To Get GUI Desktop For Server

Aug 9, 2010

I have installed a Ubuntu server 10.04 in my virtualbox now I want a GUI desktop for my server I tried these two commands to get the desktop:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop
But it is really slow so is there a way to do this from a Ubuntu CD. I already have a cd of both ubuntu 10.04 for desktop and also a cd of alternate Ubuntu 10.04.

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OpenSUSE :: Install Gnome Desktop After KDE Install (11.2)

Apr 4, 2010

I installed KDE from a CD. Then decided I wanted to have Gnome has an option. I installed "gnome-desktop" via software manager (as per some other instructions on the forum) but I still have no option to choose Gnome when logging in.

What all do I choose to get the complete Gnome environment? Or is it better (& easier?) to reinstall with a DVD?

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