Ubuntu :: Install Did Not Replace Mint 10-10?

Mar 27, 2011

I have Mint 10-10 and XP dual and nothing wrong here, works as planned. I have been using Ubuntu 10 for a week on another HD and decided to replace Mint with Ubuntu.

I installed from DVD and it looked okay during install....said it was successfull and please restart computer. I did. And my usual screen came up with either Mint or XP but no Ubuntu.

how to uninstall Mint10 (I'm worried about GRUB if I do) or why didn't Ubuntu replace MInt?

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Ubuntu :: Can I Install Mint 10

May 2, 2011

I have install Ubuntu 10.10 in windows 7 computer. I use it sometimes only as i dont have much knowledge like you guys. My question is i want mint 10 on my computer without installing it like i did for ubuntu. So how can i do that?Can i install Mint 10 in ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 - Getting DVD To Install Mint 9

Jul 19, 2010

I'm now running ubuntu 9.10 and dual booting with 10.04. I want to check out Mint 9 (all 64 bit btw). I have downloaded Mint 9 64 and burned the ISO at the slowest speed and I've reburned it on many dvd's. When I put the dvd in and restart I can't get it to go to the dvd writer. It is set to be first in the bios and when I put in something else like GParted it works just fine. I'm not sure what the problem could be, perhaps a bad download? When I put in the dvd and go to Computer, the dvd shows up and I can see the Mint 9 iso file. I extracted the iso and here is the md5sum.txt:

a4b29b43f9757c3a69528db02c8e6dd4 ./preseed/ltsp.seed
d007768a1066ab1419d93daea54c4844 ./preseed/mint.seed
7e3aa6d1958baf72d369392fdb175486 ./preseed/cli.seed
2e00bbc97aa398fea542dde339e0fb4c ./isolinux/memtest
e1a88df9419de2803d2e3d588273b77a ./isolinux/isolinux.cfg
ed4604e47167175515efa84c847d33b2 ./isolinux/vesamenu.c32
e27aa83c46ed8d0e4c3a54f9eb018b81 ./isolinux/splash.jpg
0b631486f45023d97837bada4d881ae7 ./autorun.inf
ca3f0ff4ed43446b2c17a2bd1e4d7f5a ./.disk/info
7042b54a6d499aac321d523bfe42f4c5 ./.disk/mint4win
e39c965a2e93ce2955fcad47530f21fc ./.disk/release_notes_url
db883a5aa4b32fc3e3c724a2cd9cc922 ./.disk/casper-uuid-generic
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e ./.disk/base_installable
728cb968a88534e0c50a9d99621f13eb ./.disk/cd_type
3749f783ec858943d147ed68b3d03e11 ./mint4win.exe
8575590542fc98558aab1a7c2c7fb97c ./casper/filesystem.manifest
e815e512b4ee345d97e869d6440c6278 ./casper/filesystem.squashfs
2113380959635a723d13bb6816902e8a ./casper/filesystem.manifest-desktop
700def97af2518a8b8247705b4c0df45 ./casper/filesystem.size
135737a6c8608631a2cde5a8aad7995c ./casper/vmlinuz
f095ab591124d5011f2f47621b21f949 ./casper/initrd.lz

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Ubuntu :: Trying To Install Mint 9 Over 9.10?

Jul 20, 2010

I have a dual boot, Ubuntu 9.10 and Lucid 10.04. I want to install Mint 9 over ubuntu 9.10 so I have a dual boot of Mint 9 and lucid. I'm in step 5 of the 8 steps, which is manual install but I cant figure out what to do next. 9.10 is in /dev/sda6 and the swap is /dev/sda7. When I highlight the partition that has 9.10 and click forward I get the message: No root file system is defined. Please correct this from the partitioning menu. I'm a noobie at this and do not know what to do next.

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Ubuntu :: Uninstall 10.10 And Install Mint 10

Apr 16, 2011

I have ubuntu 10.10 and i have an linux mint iso ready to put on my usb. i need help on getting the iso to work on the usb and then installing linux mint and delete ubuntu. I dont care if i delete everything as i have backed up stuff.

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Ubuntu :: Install Mint 8 From USB Drive

Mar 28, 2010

I'm posting this question in Ubuntu since mint is a variant of ubuntu. I've just downloaded Linux Mint 8 and my cd rom is not working properly and so the only option I've is to take the iso to usb drive and install it from there. I've tried two ways and bot of them did not work.

1. Using IsoBuster I directly extracted the data from the downloaded file into the usb drive and tried re-booting the system

2. I used a LinuxLive USBcreator to create the installation files into the usb drive and this too didn't work out.

installing the linux mint 8 into my system using the usb drive? I don't want to run linux mint from the usb drive like knoppix. Also note that I'm going to have dual boot system with win xp pro as the other os.

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Ubuntu :: Uninstall And Install Mint In It's Place?

Mar 16, 2011

I got bored with Ubuntu pretty quick, and now just want something that works fast on my netbook, so I want to uninstall Ubuntu and replace it with Linux Mint xfce I was wondering if there was a way I could do that directly? I should add that my netbook is currently dual booting win7 starter and Ubuntu 10.10 netbook edition

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Ubuntu :: Install UTorrent In Mint 8 Using Wine?

May 23, 2010

Is there any way to install uTorrent in linux mint 8 using wine. I tried the steps in the following link: "uTorrent under Ubuntu in 3 Easy Steps in softpedia" But when I complete the step-3 and double click uTorrent shortcut in the desktop nothing is happening.

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Ubuntu :: Install Mint 9 And Wanted To Write It Over 9.10?

Jul 21, 2010

Is it safe to use the update from ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04? I have done this once before and it was terrible. There were just too many things that either didnt work or it was slow as heck. I then decided to just do a fresh install and 10.04 worked beautifully, but I recently wanted to install Mint 9 and wanted to write it over 9.10 since I didn't use it much after installing 10.04. but when I was in GParted, somehow I thought i had chosen the partition with 9.10, I wound up installing it over 10.04. So my question remains, if i just do the upgrade will it work like the fresh install?

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Ubuntu :: AcerAspire One Removal On Mint Install?

Jun 17, 2011

AcerAspire One Ubuntu removal Aspire One D250 dual boot Windows XP/ Ubuntu 11.04. I want to install Mint4Win inside windows and remove my Ubuntu installation. The Acer One has it's own recovery program and I do not know how to access the Windows command for fixmbr followed by a deletion of Ubuntu partitions with gparted.

My concern is if I boot with gparted and delete my Ubuntu partitions and reboot I will still see options for an Ubuntu start or windows start even though I no longer would have Ubuntu installed. For example, with Mint installed, on boot an option appears and asks if you wish to boot into Mint or Windows. This occurs if Ubuntu is not installed. My question is basically how do I insure when I boot up my computer I don't have a situation in which I have to first make a decision between Ubuntu and Windows XP and if I select Windows I then have to make another decision as to whether I want to boot LinuxMint or Windows?

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General :: Using VB To Install Mint?

Nov 30, 2010

I am wanting to add Linux Mint to my computer, but I do not have the room to really do a real install on my computer beside Ubuntu and Vista, so I want to install it on a VirtualBox machine. I have a few questions before I do so. A.) Is all this reversible? B.) It will not affect my current system. Like, if something goes wrong with the install for some reason, it will not affect my current Ubuntu OS, which I will be installing it under. C.) When it asks you to create a hard drive, that is reversible, right? And it's only used when you are using VB? D.) About the hard drive you have to create. I have 2 partitions partitions that I use mainly, my / Linux partition, and OS, which is my Windows NTFS partition. If I create the hard drive on OS, will that mess up the VB?

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Ubuntu :: Install Mint, But It Cannot Detect Existing Partitions?

Nov 26, 2010

I want to install Linux Mint, but it cannot detect my existing partitions.I have a 500GB HDD, splitted in three partitions, on c: having a Win7 installed, and on d: and e: a lot of personal data.I tried to install Linux Mint, but the installer says there is no other OS installed and there is no any partition at all. I run the Linux Mint in live mode, Gparted says: "unallocated 465.76GiB". But when I go to Menu -> Computer then I can see each and every partition, I can mount them and browse them properly.I tried Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10 with the same result as described above.

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Ubuntu :: Mint 9 No Sound In New HP Laptop - Fresh Install

Sep 21, 2010

I did was install MInt 9 on it. Everything is going well except no sound at all. Not even the 'start up chime' of any music/videos. I have the volume buttons working on the laptop and I have checked sound preferences and nothing is muted. I did not dig much further as I have learned with mint and ubuntu that can create problems. This is a fresh install and no sound from the get go. How should I proceed to trouble shoot?


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General :: Replace Function Replace More Than One Word With The Same Character(s)?

Apr 23, 2011

Can the Replace function replace more than one word with the same character(s)?

Also, do you know how to access the plugins provided by the gedit-plugins package?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Getting Grub To Add Mint 8 KDE CE

Apr 3, 2010

just installed OpenSUSE this weekend and I already had two different OSs on the laptop. Windows 7 and Linux Mint 8 KDE CE. Well during installation Windows was automatically added to grub but Mint wasnt. And When I go to the bootloader tab, and I add a new image it asks me the kernel image and initial RAM disk. Well This is what is in the boot folder on the Mint Partition

boot (folder only contains a jpg file)
grub (the grub installed on KDE... inactive)


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General :: Can't Install Mint 7 Gloria

Jan 18, 2010

I can't install linux mint 7 gloria on my friend's lapt("Toshiba(old)")

should there is any version only for lapt??? should I go to Helena??? OR any other distro

processor:celeron (thinkig to eat me???that's not mine it is of my frnd's)

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General :: Mint 8 Won't Install / Sort It?

Mar 12, 2010

I've been using Linux Mint happily for a while until a couple of days ago it just died. Froze up, nothing I could do would free it up other than a hard reset. So, I tried to install it again from a Live CD, but my laptop won't even boot into Live mode. It just sits there, saying 'Loading....'. which it frankly isn't. I suspect a major hardware fault has occurred, but have no idea what. Any ideas?

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General :: How To Install Mint In VM Within Virtual PC

Jul 11, 2010

I would like to install Mint Linux in a Windows 7 Enterprise Virtual PC session. I have burnt the iso to a CD and when I use it within the VM, I see the Mint splash screen start but then the VM goes into a power down state and stops. This happens about 10 seconds ater the VM starts reading the CD. There are no error messages that I can see. Is there a tutorial on installing Mint in a VM? I did Google this and saw someone recommend VirtualBox, but I'd prefer to stay with Virtual PC.

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Software :: Install Tor From Source On Mint 8?

Jan 14, 2010

Now using a free proxy I managed to access the site, however I run Mint 8 and I cannot add the repo to synaptic as I get a 404 error due to the blocking by the Gov here......so all I can do is download the source tarball.

Unfoutunatly my command line experience is very limited that's why I use Mint and generally this is not a problem.

I am running Mint 8 64 bit version and my specs are listed below.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Fresh Install 10.04 - Unable To Boot One Of OS (Mint)?

May 10, 2010

I admit that I am a noob - knows a little which makes it more dangerous than not knowing at all. in brief, I am unable to boot one of the OS out of 3 I have installed. Everything is fresh install on newly formatted partitions.

Here are the details:Two HDs - one is Sata and second is IDE. Win7 installed on IDE (sdb2) then Ubuntu 9.10 on Sata (sda2) and lastly Linux Mint on Sata (sda3). Everyone was on its place - that is - Ubuntu 9.10 on sda2, Linux-Mint on sda3 and Win7 on sdb2.

Future of the day was bright and promising until I upgraded online to 10.04. After that, I was only able to boot to Win7 (IDE drive - sdb2 - not sure if it changed at that point or not) but no nix OS on Sata sda2 & sda3. I downloaded 10.04 and installed from CD again on sda2. Well, now I am able to boot into Win7 and Ubuntu 10.04 but no Linux-Mint. Another interesting thing is that sda and sdb have interchanged/swapped. So now if I chcek it thru gparted or run boot script, Sata drive shows up as sdb and IDE is now sda. In another post, I read that grub2 does that and make IDE drive as the first drive and Sata drive as second. Well, I buy that but why I am unable to boot to second OS on the same Sata drive? Evidently, I am missing something and I take that it is mostly user error but please


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Ubuntu :: Install Mint - Errno 5 Input - Output Error

Sep 20, 2010

Everytime I attempt to Install Ubuntu or Mint, I get the above error and I am unsure as to why it keeps happening. I read on other forums it can be due to your optical drive so I tried 4 different burners and 3 different types of CD's.

I know they work fine because I use them for other PC's. I've used them on windows XP, Vista, 7 and Mandriva Linux without a single problem. It's only when attempting to install Ubuntu or Mint that I get these errors and it happens every time.

In the error it also mentions that their may be a problem with your HDD, but I've used that HDD for windows xp through its whole life, I only just reformatted earlier in an attempt to install Linux.

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Ubuntu :: Mint In Frugal Install On Vista Machine Persistent?

Jan 31, 2010

How does one make such a set up to be persistent so it saves changes to the system?

I found one suggestion in pendrivelinux site.


CLI work


# Open a terminal and type sudo su (to become root)
# Type mkdir /projectinit (to make our project directory)
# Type cd /projectinit (to change to the project directory)
# Type gzip -dc /cdrom/casper/initrd.gz | cpio -i (to extract the initrd.gz)
# Type gedit init (to edit the init file)

and so on.

Too advanced for a newbie like me but it shows that it should be possible to save despite being in frugal install.

I have managed to do frugal install of both Linux Mint and Super OS which is a regular Ubuntu with bling bling, codex and three browsers instead of 1 and so on. I like SuperOS very much due to me as newbie usually fail to install things because I either make use of USB or frugal install to not wreck the windoe$.

so I dearly hope somebody that can linux can help me going.

Here is my current neogrub menu.lst


title superos
find --set-root /casper/vmlinuz
kernel /casper/vmlinuz file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper splash --
initrd /casper/initrd.gz
title Linux Mint
find --set-root /casper/vmlinuz
kernel /casper/vmlinuz file=/cdrom/preseed/mint.seed boot=casper splash --
initrd /casper/initrd.gz

As you can see. Both Ubuntu and Linux Mint can boot from the Neogrub menu.lst

But unfortunately due to them same name of folders one need to find a solution to how to have both going.

I used mint some 7 times and rebooted many times and it survived for some 7 hours.

Then I made it hidded in a subdirectory so boot could not find it and moved the SuperOS ubuntu out of its superdirectory and tested that one this whole day. From 7AM oclock to now 11pm with many reboots to see if it act well shutting down. It works very well but none of them save things.

One can save documents and pictures to the NTFS harddrive but bookmarks of the browser one need to send to email or place in a html file manually or join a bookmarks server online.

So I need help to get this saving to work.

DrG on brainstorm.ubuntu suggested that frugal install should be one of two options wubi and frugal install when people are asked how they want to install Ubuntu without doing partitioning and dual boot on Vista and Win7 machines.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Multiboot With 11.2, Mint And Windows 7

Jun 8, 2010

I am using Opensuse 11.2 for the last few days, and I absolutely love it!! I have a dual boot system at the moment, with OpenSuse 11.2 and Windows7. However, i want to make space for another Linux OS for testing purpose.

More precisely, I have 750 GB hdd space. Windows 7 in C Drive (40 gb ntfs) and OpenSuse has like 30 GB for itself. Rest of the partitions hold data. I want to use one of the empty partitions for another Linux distro. Presently for Linux Mint. This partition may be rotated with other distros later, but i intend to keep Opensuse permanently.

My Question is, if i install Mint now, will its grub configure Opensuse and Windows7 into the loader automatically or will i need to manually change something? I do not want to lose my OpenSuse installation, neither Win7.

Also, is it necessary to have a common /home partition, or can the 2 distros have their own /home partitions? I'll proceed with the install only after i get a go ahead from here (with instructions )

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General :: Install Xdebug In System Mint?

May 5, 2011

How to install xdebug in Linux Mint?

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Hardware :: Install Wireless Driver On MINT 10 KDE?

Apr 7, 2011

I just installed mint 10 KDE but my wireless doesn`t work.How can I install its driver?my Laptop is Dell Inspiron 6400

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General :: Install BitDefender On Mint 11 But Without Success?

Jun 14, 2011

I Have been trying to install BitDefender on Mint 11 but without success, Would be grateful for any note my knowledge of commands is zero but have managed to get this far,

1. Downloaded BitDefender-Antivirus-Scanner-7.6-4.linux-gcc4x.i586.deb.run into the download file. In Terminal I have tried to run it using sudo sh followed by the filename but get the message it can't find the file. Have tried cd /Desktop & cd/Downloads (Mentioned in a Linux article) but still get nowhere. Also tried putting the file on the desktop, then properties,permissions, ticked the execute box but terminal is not showing up in that box.

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General :: Can Install And Use VLC Video Player On MINT 10

Jan 13, 2011

does VLC video player work with MINT 10 ?

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General :: Install Mint On Netbook Without Cd Drive?

May 28, 2010

I have Linux mint 8 iso and would like to install it on an Asus eee machine, for light web surfing and perhaps a movie only. I have istalled Linux mandrake once ages ago and red hat once too. The only other machine I have is a bigger netbook on vista, if I can get Linux working on the smaller then use it on my bigger machine too. Is it possible to use an USB HSDPA modem using mint on this netbook?

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General :: Install Mint 9 KDE With Installation Parameters?

Aug 11, 2010

I want to install Mint 9 KDE but I need to specify some installation parameters. I need to set the default filesystem as EXT3 so I can create a disk image with Acronis True Image that doesn't support EXT4 yet.

I've done the same with Ubuntu Server 10.04 by including the parameter 'partman/default_filesystem=ext3' at the installation console. I know Mint 9 Gnome can also be installed direct from the CD, but the KDE Live DVD doesn't give me any such option - just the desktop installer.

How do I customise the installation of Mint 9 KDE?

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General :: Download And Install Java For Mint?

Dec 21, 2010

How do I download and install Java for Linux Mint?

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