Ubuntu :: How To Uninstall Netbook

Nov 29, 2010

currently have ubuntu netbook remix installed as the only OS on my netbook. I've been looking everywhere but I can't find any place where there is a method to remove ubuntu and reinstall windows 7.

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General :: Possible To Uninstall Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook And Reinstall 10.04?

Nov 13, 2010

I upgraded from Ubuntu 10.04 netbook to 10.10 netbook and I want to go back to 10.04. Adding to the problem, I have this computer dual booted with Windows XP. Is it possible to do this somehow?

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General :: Uninstall Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook Version?

Nov 13, 2010

I want to uninstall the above mentioned Ubuntu from my Toshiba laptop (3 months old/new?),since i already have the same Desktop version. I have tried the CD booting of XP and a message(blue screen)appeared telling me to check for viruses and to rule out a corrupt disk (The laptop never had a Windows installed on it!The laptop has no internet connection of any sort and that's the SIT.REP.as the Green Berets (YOU) would like to know! i need it to install Linux Mint(THE BRAND NEW ONE)alongside the XP!

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Uninstall Firefox Nor Can Uninstall Chromium

Jun 19, 2011

I cannot uninstall Firefox, nor can I uninstall Chromium; one always stays if the other is uninstalled. For example, if I remove Firefox, Chromium will appear in its place and vice versa. This has got to be one of the weirdest bugs I've ever seen on Ubuntu! So, how can I uninstall both web browsers?

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Ubuntu :: Installing 10.10 Netbook Remix Edition Onto A Acer Aspire One Netbook?

Jan 18, 2011

I am having trouble installing Ubuntu 10.10 netbook remix edition onto a Acer Aspire one netbook. I am attempting to install the OS from a 16GB PNY usb drive w/ the usb-universal installer and ubuntu 10.10 netbook remix .ISO

The reoccurring problem that I am encountering is that when I boot from the USB-drive and begin to install everything seems to be working, and then it is stuck at the menu where it asks who are you?; and of course i have filled in everything asked and at the bottom where you can look at what its doing in the terminal/detail section all it says is ready when you are, and the forward tap is unselectable.

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General :: Resolution Overclocking Using Ubuntu Netbook Remix 10.04 On An Asus Eee 4G Netbook

Aug 30, 2010

Why i cant change from 800x480 to 1024x600, that this model of EEE pc doesnt support anything higher than 800x480 at the 10:1 ratio...

Firstly my question is, is it ACTUALLY possible to 'overclock' this type of netbook to run a higher res?

Im running ubtuntu netbook remix 10.04 and am new to linux (again, so sorry) so be nice, and ive tried getting my head around this 'sudo' stuff, and the xorg.conf file (which is nowhere to be found) and ive even tried a program calld astray but im pretty sure ive exhausted my patience as trying to self-teach . . .

And ive also tried to much around with xrandr or whatever that command was.. but i cant really get my head around it, and it kept telling me the resolution didnt exist ect...

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Ubuntu :: Can't Remove Plams-netbook From Kubuntu Netbook Remix 9.10?

Mar 7, 2010

For the past 2hrs I have been struggling to make KDE launch plasma-dekstop instead of plasma-netbook, but all in vain.I removed, then purged plasma-netbook and plasma-netbook-default-settings packages but after logging out and re-logging in the Netbook UI was back! After restarting the system now I can't even seem to get the KDM. I am greeted with a black screen.--- I restarted the system again and the nasty little bugger is back again! This is so frustrating. How do I get plasma-desktop to load instead?---- Great now I can see that plasma-desktop and plasma-netbook both are running simultaneously! netbook on top of desktop. So my final Q is how do I stop plasma-netbook from loading?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Switching From Kubuntu Netbook To Netbook Remix?

Mar 20, 2010

i would like to change my OS to Ubuntu netbook remix, but I already have installed Kubuntu netbook package.

Is there any easy way to make switch from Kubuntu to Ubuntu? Without need to delete all my data?

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Ubuntu Installation :: ASUS Netbook Heating Up When Using Netbook 10.04

Apr 30, 2010

I installed Ubuntu Netbook 10.04 and immediately noticed the keyboard of my eeepc 1000HE was abnormally warm. Since I dual boot XP I booted to XP and found the fan running faster to compensate for the previous heat. This did not happen on Ubuntu-the fan just was barely running. I had to place the side of the netbook in order to feel the fan running. I issued "sensors" in terminal and it showed 67 degrees C for the cpu temp. Is the latest Ubuntu such a resource hug that it heats up the CPU?

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General :: Using A Netbook Nb305 Toshiba With A Intel Atom Processor With Netbook Os?

Oct 28, 2010

my play on linux wont work i go to download a game and it just freezes then it asks me to force quit or wait is because of the computer im using a netbook nb305 toshiba with a intel atom processor with ubuntu netbook os?

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Ubuntu :: Cant Boot Ubuntu 10.04 Netbook Remix On Netbook

Sep 19, 2010

Im a new linux user and so far im loving it, problem is i just tried installing Ubuntu 10.04 netbook remix onto my Compaq mini 311 (via usb) and at first i couldnt even install from the flash stick...finally managed to by formatting the flash with an HP tool and then creating the bootable Live OS with "Linux Live USB creator 2.6."

I selected to use the whole Hard disk to install (the hard disk was empty anyway as i recently formated the drive which had windows 7 on it)

The the installation completed successfully but the problem is that after rebooting the OS wouldnt boot, leaving me with a flashing cursor or _ on the top left of the screen...

I have tried everything i could think of, using different Usb creators, formatting the hard drive before re-installing but for some reason im still left with the same blinking cursor after every install.

I have just installed the regular version of ubuntu 9.04 which works perfectly after installing but id much rather use the netbook version of 10.04

(I assume the issue has something to do with the bootloader but im completely new to the topic so cant really troubleshoot)

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Ubuntu :: Uninstall A 2nd HD With 9.04?

Jan 20, 2010

I have been searching through the web trying to find a way to install (mount?) and format a used 80G HD.I have installed GParted and it makes no sense to me. None of the tutorials on ..... have been helpful either (except to get me frustrated) I want to learn Linux and use it for my main os but, having these troubles makes it difficult.

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Ubuntu :: How To Uninstall The V. 11.04

May 1, 2011

the upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 has proved to be an unmitigated disaster for my netbook. I have no menus! Nothing at the top (i.e. the usual Gnome desktop with "Browse and run installed applications," "Applications," "Places," "System") and no Unity buttons available wherever I put the cursor.Plus, when the system goes to sleep and I press the power button to revive it, it reboots! I don't understand how v. 11.04 is an improvement over v. 10.10.

how I can uninstall v 11.04 -- bearing in mind I have no menus -- so I can reinstall v. 10.10?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Uninstall / How To Do

Jan 17, 2010

I have messed up Kubuntu due to the updates messing up. When I try to uninstall from Windows control panel i get an error message.


System cannot find the specified file

How do I uninstall?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Uninstall Steam?

Jan 29, 2010

I am having a bit of a problem with Wine as I cannot remove any of the programs that I have installed in it, namely Steam. Even if I try to uninstall wine via "sudo apt-get remove wine" I can still navigate to Steam through Applications - Wine - Programs - Steam. I don't know what to do. I've even tried the "Uninstall Wine Software" option to get rid of Steam but that has also failed.

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Ubuntu :: Uninstall On Partition?

Jan 31, 2010

ok so i installed the full installation of ubuntu on its own harddrive,while i have windows 7 on a different harddrive.'m trying to uninstall ubuntu from that harddrive and install my xp on there but cant seem to do it, tried different suggestions but i have problems doing it, if someone could please explain in good detail and easy for a newbie of computers to understand,

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Ubuntu :: Can't Uninstall XnView

Feb 3, 2010

I followed the directions from this page, the first post


I don't like the program, but I can't seem to uninstall it. It says it doesn't exist.

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Ubuntu :: How To Uninstall Handbrake

Feb 7, 2010

I have Handbrake on my computer and as I don't use it, I want to know how to uninstall it. GUI terms, that would be great, as I don't know how to use command line (I find it confusing and complicated).

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Ubuntu :: Is It Safe To Uninstall HAL In 10.04 And 9.10

Mar 4, 2010

can I uninstall HAL from Ubuntu 10.04? i tried it on 9.10 2 weeks ago and unfortunately the dependencies also uninstalled the entire gnome desktop and many other essential things leaving me with a bulky half broken mock arch linux. if this is safe let me know I am dying to try out Device Kit to see how fast it really is.

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Uninstall DNS

Apr 4, 2010

I'm anew user to ubuntu... can i know how can i uninstall the DNS server from network settings? i want to remove it so no one can put the DNS back and access the INTERNET

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Ubuntu :: How To Uninstall Firefox

Jun 6, 2010

How do I uninstall Firefox?

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Ubuntu :: How To Uninstall The A Package

Jun 30, 2010

i downloaded a printer driver called snx-100 which was installed correctly, i now need to uninstall it, i ran it's uninstall.sh script which it said it's done correctly, but now to every package i want to install i get the following message which i have attached

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Ubuntu :: Can't Uninstall Packages / Fix It?

Jun 30, 2010

For some reason, whenever running any apt-get command, I receive the following error code...

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Ubuntu :: Is There Any Wat To Uninstall Last Updates?

Jul 9, 2010

I installed the latest updates last night (It came up automatically on the screen and I clicked the Update). Now I am having problems mainly my wireless network keeps connecting/disconnecting then sometimes asks for the password/key for the router etc.The system also got hung today and had to hard boot.

I am pretty sure one or some of the updates is responsible for this rather annoying problem, but I do not know how to undo the latest updates?The original install could not even pick up the wireless bcs it is a RealTek RTL8191SE NIC and this particular NIC had problems with Linux drivers! It started to work by itself after the 2nd or 3rd update.

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Installation :: How To Uninstall Ubuntu

Jul 18, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.04 LTS together with my Windows 7... My Question is: How do i uninstall Ubuntu without affecting my Windows Partition

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Ubuntu :: Can't Install Or Uninstall Anything

Jul 23, 2010

Ok, so I tried to run the .deb package to install the Facebook chat plugin for Pidgin, and something got all messed up with that, and now nothing will install or uninstall. Synaptics won't run, Update Manager tells me to try a termianl command that doesn't work, and the Software center doesn't work either. I've attached screenshots of the problems. I've tried to download and reinstall the .deb file, and it still doesn't work.

I wanted to upload one more picture, but it only allows five. The last picture was of the terminal window. Here's what it said.

"Sudo apt-get install f
reading package lists... done
building dependency tree
reading state information... done
E: The package pidgin-facebookchat needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it"

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Ubuntu :: Can't Install/Uninstall Anything

Sep 3, 2010

Im new to ubuntu so i may not understand some answers so please bare with me. For a university thing i needed to run java so i installed sun java 6.0. I got an error half way though so i thought nothing of it and went off to do other things. Now when i try and install or uninstall anything i get this message

The package system is broken If you are using third party repositories then disable them, since they are a common source of problems. Now run the following command in a terminal: apt-get install -f

And the details read sun-java6-plugin.

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Ubuntu One :: Keep Files After Uninstall?

Sep 28, 2010

So I have Ubuntu Lucid Lynx installed and some files Synced with Ubuntu One. Now, I'm changing computers, giving the laptop to someone and he wants Windows. I will be installing Ubuntu on my new computer.Question: How will I deal with Ubuntu One in this situations ? Will the files remain on the online account if I uninstall Ubuntu ?How to get them back in my new computer ? Will my folders and files be automatically created after installing fresh copy of Ubuntu and signing into my Ubuntu One account ?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Install Or Uninstall Anything On Pc?

Oct 6, 2010

i always get an error when updating my pc when am installing a program or package, and when am uninstalling something.

I tried:
sudo apt-get -f install
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade And this is what i get


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Ubuntu :: Uninstall For Windows 7?

Oct 17, 2010

It seems like all I can find as far as tutorials are for dual booting... I simply want to delete my ubuntu operating system and replace it with Windows 7. There is no data that I need to save, I just need to delete it.

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