Ubuntu :: How To Set My Primary Java

Jan 11, 2011

I installed a new java and now need to set it as my primary one how would i do this?

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OpenSUSE :: How To Set Java Sun Primary Instead Of Java Jdk

May 22, 2011

How can i set java sun primary instead of java jdk without uninstalling the jdk in suse 11.4?

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General :: Command To Check The Java Version: Java -versionand Got :bash :java: Command Not Found?

Jul 26, 2010

I've just installed java (jre-6u21-linux-i586.bin) on Red Hat 4.4 AS and issued this command to check the java version: java -versionand got :bash :java: command not found

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Ubuntu :: Install Latest Java Version - Java SE 6 Update 24?

Feb 18, 2011

If you are interested, Java SE 6 Update 24 is available. The Check Java Version link in my signature will tell you if you are up to date or not. The Update Java Version link in my signature will tell you how to obtain and install the latest version. The 32 bit version install directions are on the left side of that page and the 64 bit instructions are on the right side.

Just remember to remove the current version before installing the new one as it says in the instructions. The remove instructions are below the install instructions. Also, in Step 9 - "Now you'll want to tell the system, that there's a new Java version available." See the note below it that says if you get an error upon entering the command once, enter it a second time. I have to do that and sometimes forget. Just thought I would mention that. These instructions are already setup for version 6 update 24, but they can be modified for any update and they will work. I have been using these instructions for a couple of years and they work.

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Ubuntu :: Install Java And Firefox Java Plugin On 10.10?

Jan 28, 2011

How to install java and firefox java plugin on Ubuntu 10.10?

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Debian :: Install The Java Plugin But The Java Test Pages Show Not Installed

Jun 13, 2011

I try to install the java plugin but the java test pages show not installed. I have tried the openjdk-6-jdk package and the Oracle/Sun 1.6.0_26 version to no avail.

Is there some good instructions page someplace? I have yet to find a set of instructions that provides something clear that works.

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Slackware :: Installing Java Error - When Trying To Run A Java App With The Firefox Plugin - Browser Crashe

May 29, 2011

Code: ~ $ /usr/java/jre1.6.0_25/bin/java -showversion Error occurred during initialization of VMjava/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/Object

That's the error I get. When trying to run a java app with the firefox plugin, the browser simply crashes if it's the 64bit java or tells me it's not installed if it's the 32bit version.

I'm at a loss as to what to do. I think it has something to do with leftover gunk from a previous version I misinstalled(Is that even a word?) Anyway, the only thing that google could come up with was a solution for windows which laid blame on Bill Gates for having a bunch of pf (java prefetch) files stuffed into c:windows for no apparent reason. The solution was to delete them, but I can't seem to find the java prefetch folder in linux. The method I used is downloading the rpm from java.com the rpm2tgz then installpkg then cp libnpjp2.so to firefox plugins folder.

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Debian Installation :: Java Programm To Install And The Installer Is GUI Java Based?

Feb 18, 2011

This is my first post and I'm pretty new on Debian. I had used Ubunu for a while now and I've decided to move on Debian Squeeze.But I've one problem: I've a Java programm to install and the installer is GUI Java based. When I run the script, I've the next message:

Preparing to install. Extracting the JRE from the installer archive.Unpacking the JRE.Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive.Configuring the installer for this system's environment.Launching installer Graphical installers are not supported by the VM. The console mode will be used instead. Preparing CONSOLE Mode Installation. But this program is not able to run the installation in console mode.

I've tried to install sun-java6-jre but without success.Has anyone an idea to help me install this programm? My Configuration: Debian Squeeze 6.0 amd64.

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General :: Enter The Command Java -version It Shows Java Is Not Found?

Jan 19, 2010

Java is installed in linux machine and when I enter the command java -version it shows java is not found.At the same time when i run from the folder where its installed with ./java -version it works.

first of all why its not working from any other place? also why do I need to give ./ from the folder?

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General :: Java JRE Installed So End-users Don't Have To Install It To Run Java Applications?

Jan 29, 2010

Do Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and all Linux distributions have Java JRE installed so end-users don't have to install it to run Java applications?

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CentOS 5 :: Java Not Working In Firefox After Java Upgrade

Apr 5, 2010

After upgrading java (jre) to 1.6.0_19, the java plugin no longer loads into Firefox. All the rest of my plugins from /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ load fine.Java can be a pain such a pain the neck!

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CentOS 5 :: How To Install JAVA JAVA BRIDGE PHP

May 1, 2010

I have installed CENTOS / PHP 5.1.6 / JAVA 1.5.0_20. Now i want to install JAVABRIDGE for PHP and JAVA title should list in the PHP_info page.

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Ubuntu :: Which Java - OpenJDK Or Sun Java ?

Aug 26, 2010

If I want to install Java on Ubuntu: which Java version should I take?

OpenJDK or Sun Java ?

What is mostly used on Ubuntu?

What are the pros and cons?

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Ubuntu :: Installing Java From Java.com ?

May 6, 2011

I would like to install JRE-6u25 on ubuntu.

When I go on the website I see only RPM and another download called:

linux self extracting. The file name for this one is: JRE-6u25-linux-i586.bin

It says to restart the browser after install.

I want to install java to play minecraft. I'm having some speed issues using openJDK.

Would the self extracting file work for minecraft standalone? (I tried playing in a browser without success).

Is using the self extracting file the same as using say the RPM?

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OpenSUSE :: FireFox 5.0 - With IcedTea - Plugin Error: "Failed To Run /usr/lib64/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk/jre/bin/java"

Jul 10, 2011

I use openSUSE 11.4 64 bits, KDE and FireFox 5.0. I regularly update. When trying to reach my bank, I get the following error: Code: icedteanp plugin error: Failed to run /usr/lib64/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk/jre/bin/java. For more detail rerun "firefox -g" in a terminal window. Is there anything I can do to remediate ? Does IcedTea everything that Java does?

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OpenSUSE :: Java App Error: "java.lang.NullPointerException"

Feb 23, 2011

i try to open a java app, the launch proceeds as far as the final stages, but then stops to do the final sequences showing the error msg listed above.

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Ubuntu :: Windows On Primary HDD And 9.10 On Second One

Feb 26, 2010

I have Windows on my primary hard disk and I've just installed Ubuntu 9.10 on my secondary hard disk. When I boot my PC Windows just loads. I want to have a menu so I can select either Windows or Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: How To Make Primary OS

May 17, 2011

I've just installed Ubuntu here in my pc, so I'm getting used to it; and, I'm planning on making it my primary OS. Aside from Ubuntu, I've got Windows 7 installed, I didn't like it, it was kinda buggy, so, I'd like to uninstall it. But I don't know how to uninstall windows 7 without reformatting, because I don't want to lose Ubuntu.I was actually going to format, and just install Ubuntu by booting, but there's something wrong with my pc because every time I burn the *.iso image file of Ubuntu that I downloaded on the site, it says that it can't read the data on the CD, I've tried it like, five times, using different CD's and burning programs but, no luck. An error message will also appear about 'not being able to read the cd' when I double click it. I even read the page here about burning Ubuntu *.iso into a cd, I did everything step by step but, still no luck.

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Ubuntu Installation :: More Than 4 Primary Partitions Cant Be Done?

Jan 28, 2010

I am having a 250 GB hard disk in my Acer Laptop.
C: - a 65 Gb partition with Win7.
D: - a 150 GB partition with general data.
and 2 partitions by default - a 13 GB and a 3.5 GB one( I guess backup and recovery by Acer or sumthn)
I shrank the D: partition to 135 GB and had made the 15 GB unallocated space to install Ubuntu. Everytime I checked I got the free space shows as 'unusable' in the Ubuntu partitioner. I tried shrinking again with EPM, Win Disk Management and also Ubuntu partitioner. Each time the free space which showed up said Unusable. A friend of mine advised me to defragment and use 'GParted' through the live cd. I did so and when click on the unallocated space to format it said "IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO CREATE MORE THAN 4 PRIMARY PARTITIONS. If you want more partitions you should first create an extended partition. Such a partition can contain other partitions. Because an extended partition is also a primary partition it might be necessary to remove a primary partition first."

I didnt know all of my partitions were primary! And I dont even want D: to be primary. It just is there to hold some data.

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Ubuntu :: Create A New Primary Partition?

Feb 25, 2010

i have 2 partitions. one with vista and the other with ubuntu. i would like to make another primary partition from the free space in my ubuntu partition. anyway to do this?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Set Primary Screen ATI?

Mar 18, 2010

i'm using a monitor and a lcd tv. how can i set my monitor as my primary screen? for example if i open a videos video in fullscreen mode it always plays on my monitor, but i want it to play it on the lcd tv.

my xorg.conf
html code:
section "serverlayout"
identifier "amdcccle layout"
screen 0 "aticonfig-screen[0]-0" 0 0


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Ubuntu :: HP Pavillion: Too Many Primary Partitions

Apr 30, 2010

I just got an Hp Pavillion laptop, and I'm trying to install Ubuntu. I resized the Windows 7 partition, and tried to install, but was unable because you can have no more than 4 primary partitions. Is there any way around this?

The current partitions are:
Windows 7 ntfs file system

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Ubuntu :: Limit Of 4 Primary Partitions

Aug 25, 2010

Gparted: How do I get around this? It says to use logical partitions, but how?

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Ubuntu :: Partition - With Lvm And Primary/extended ?

Sep 9, 2010

I somehow messed up my filesystem. I installed Ubuntu directly with LVM. This created an extended partition including a logical one. When I run out of space, I just increased my space (through VMware) and then added a new PRIMARY partition.

Then I added this one to the volumegroup and increased the logical volume. After I did this a few times, there were no longer any primary partitions allowed (only 4). Then I resized the FS, resized the logical volume, resized the volume group, and removed the physical volume. Now I'm no longer able to create an extended volume (only one) but it's not at the end (there are other primary partitions behind this one at the disk), so I'm not able to create some logical volumes.

What is the best possibility to add some space to the LVM and being able to do this a few times in the future again?

further info:


fdisk -l for sda:

There was a /dev/sda3 at the end of the disk. I already deleted this partition.

So the order on the disk is: sda1 | sda2 (extended) | sda5 (logical referred in sda2) | sda4 | free space

Does it matter that there is type "Linux" for sda4 or can I without damaging the lvm just change it (with cfdisk) to "Linux LVM"?

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Ubuntu :: Where To Find Primary And Secondary DNS?

Nov 8, 2010

My question is that simple, how can I find out what is my primary and secondary DNS? I've tried commands: $ cat /etc/resolvconf and less /etc/resolv.conf but they didn't work. Also, when I open the resolv.conf file, it only says code...

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Ubuntu :: How To Find The Primary Resource

Jul 1, 2011

i want to leaning from smple basic ,how and where to choose will be better ! who can refer to ?

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Ubuntu :: Possible To Make Grub Of 11.04 As Primary

Sep 1, 2011

i have installed 11.04 first and 10.04 after 11.04 . is it possible to make the grub of 11.04 as primary . i mean in booting i wanna move with grub.cfg of 11.04 .

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Ubuntu :: Using External Screen As Primary On 11.04?

Apr 27, 2011

I have a Toshiba Satellite Pro L500 laptop on which I installed the beta of Ubuntu 11.04. Things seems to work smoothly at the moment, but with one niggle. I have an external monitor connected to my laptop, and can manage to have a dual-screen configuration, and I am able to move the mouse from one screen to another correctly; however, the menus, status bars and window icons remain stubbornly only on the laptop screen. This is happening with Unity as well as Gnome.

If I disable the laptop screen with grandr (the Gnome GUI for xrandr) they do migrate on the external screen, but they swoosh back to the laptop if I reactivate it. Trying to alter the layout with grandr or using xrandr with the --right-of option from the command line do not change anything good. I randomly get the laptop screen to become half black.Incidentally, something like it used to happen with Fedora 12 (I think) some months ago.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Moving HD From Secondary To Primary?

Jan 18, 2010

Currently I am running Ubuntu 9.10 on an older P4 system with EIDE harddrives. My primary HD has a WinXP installation and GRUB. Ubuntu is installed on the secondary HD.

I am happy enough running Ubuntu that I would like to remove my WinXP disk, move the disk with Ubuntu on it to be the primary boot drive, and then install a new drive as the secondary.

However when I tried to simply move the drive with Ubuntu on it from the secondary to the primary EIDE position the system would not boot. I assume that this is because there is no boot loader currently on that drive.

how do I put GRUB on the Ubuntu drive so that it can become the boot drive? Or is there some other way to accomplish what I am after without having to reinstall Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Convert Logical Partition To Primary?

Feb 8, 2010

This is my partition table....(in the image) Now I would like to install windows in the unpartitioned space after a long time..... I tried but could not do that. I understood that Windows needs only primary partitions!

So I tried to convert this logical one into primary, but of no use... Is it possible to convert that unpartitioned space which is under logical drive to a primary one!

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