Ubuntu :: How To Know If Firewall Installed

Mar 23, 2011

I never installed one, but if I wanted to find out for sure if I have one how would I do that?

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Ubuntu :: PHP5 And Apache Installed - Do I Need Firewall?

Oct 26, 2010

I'm doing some light web development, I installed php5 and apache on my laptop and read that when running apache your computer is technically a server and is thus vulnerable to computer wankery. I'm looking for advice on whether or not I should install a firewall or if I don't really need it. The work I'm doing is not a professional website, just a place for some experiments. All the info I found on the web was targeted to professional web-developers, not so much for amateurs like myself. What do you think?

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General :: Know Which Firewall Is Installed On Red Hat 4 System?

Apr 26, 2011

How do I know which firewall is installed on my Red Hat 4 system?Are there any commands or procedures I can follow?

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Ubuntu Security :: Firewall Installed And Running In10.04 - GUI Tools?

Jul 1, 2010

Is there a firewall installed and running in 10.04? If so are there any gui tools for configuring it and where are they? If there is not a firewall, what should I install to get one properly up and running?

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Networking :: Firewall Installed Using IPtables - NAT Rules?

Apr 7, 2010

I just install 1 firewall using Iptables.
Firewall includes 2 NIC:
I installed 1 web server IP:
I have some PC IP range:>20

I set rules NAT on firewall and PC & web server can connect internet good, but I have problems:
When PC access to web server with IP that ok, but PC can't access to web server when using IP Public. But outside internet, I can access to web server using IP Public.

Rules on IPTables
# Generated by iptables-save v1.3.5 on Sun Mar 7 21:01:16 2010
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [19:1342]
-A PREROUTING -d -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination
-A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j SNAT --to-source
:INPUT DROP [1599:157409]
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [232:34452]
-A FORWARD -i eth0 -o eth1 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
-A FORWARD -i eth1 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT
-A FORWARD -i eth0 -o eth1 -d -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -i eth1 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -o eth1 -j ACCEPT

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General :: Lynx - Running 10.04 Without Having Installed A Firewall

Jul 19, 2010

I'm running 10.04 without having installed a firewall is that ok? because, i'm also bugged by audio/video and mouse problems which build up and i must warm boot to remedy. (although the drum fanfare at start-up doesn't sound quite right ether?). furthermore i would like to open the port for my torrent client Transmission, but the elements of the web pge ( are flickering.

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Debian Configuration :: Installed Firestarter Firewall On Debian Squeeze?

Apr 5, 2011

I installed Firestarter firewall on debian Squeeze.Now i note there is a gui available in System->Administration which apparently does not need to be running all the time - its not set up to start on boot.When I boot I notice the boot message has a line saying "Starting Firestarter firewall .... failed"When I am logged in and type "/etc/init.d/firestarter status" as the Firestarter FAQs say, I get"Firestarter is running... ... (warning)"I can run the gui manually and still same message.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Firewall Logs Are In /var/log/{firewall,warn,messages} - Clutter?

Mar 25, 2011

I suspect this is an initial configuration bug. All firewall logs seem to be going to all
three files. That causes a lot of clutter in the log files, and makes it difficult to see whether there are any serious problems being logged.

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Networking :: Setup Firewall / Sys1 Is Not Connected To Firewall For Testing Purpose?

May 18, 2010

I am learning to setup firewall in my home for that i have selected four system(sys1,sys2....sys4) for testing .I have configured sys2 to act as a firewall with two NIC. sys3 and sys4 are inside the firewall . sys1 is not connected to firewall for testing purpose.

the IP assignments are follows :

sys1 : ( fedora, not connected to firewall i am thinking, But i am not sure )

IP : ,
gateway : blank
dns1 : blank
dns2 : blank

sys2 firewall ,IPTABLES )

what happened is that sys1(not connected to firewall) can ssh to sys4(connected,inside firewall),since the rules are written not to ssh form sys1 to sys4..

then I came to know whatever the request I give, It directly goes as sys1 --> sys4. Not as sys1-----> sys2(firewall)---> sys4 .and the firewall is not filtering and processing anything for both inbound and outbound (i think it's my mistake some where). the requests are directly going inside without firewall.

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Software :: Build Firewall On Debian With 'Firewall Builder?

May 27, 2011

I'm trying to build firewall on Debian with 'Firewall Builder'. But it won't let me compile and run unless one interface is set as management. There are two interfaces on my computer: 'eth0' and 'lo'

I don't want to be able to configure firewall remotely, so could I use 'lo' as 'management interface'?

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Security :: Use Iptables As Firewall Instead Of Juniper Firewall?

May 9, 2011

Can we use iptables as firewall instead of Juniper firewall

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OpenSUSE Network :: Samba And Firewall / Samba Is Not Working When Firewall Is On?

Jul 26, 2010

Samba is working correctly if Susefirewall2 is off. I have added Samba client and Samba Services for extern access but samba is not working when firewall is now on. Which services should I also add ?

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General :: DBUS >=1.0.0. Installed Libdubs-dev Is Not Installed?

Jan 18, 2011

I am trying to compile VLC code base on my Fedora5 system. I am getting the error when i am trying to run ./configure command.DBUS >=1.0.0. installed libdubs-dev is not installedwhat should I do. I have already installed DBUS (1.4.1).

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Ubuntu :: Package Seems Not Installed While It Actually Is Installed

Mar 24, 2011

i have to use lh command. I have installed all updates for ubuntu, live-build (the package for lh) and its updates. So my system is fully updated.When i hit "lh" command i get the following message: The program 'lh' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:

sudo apt-get install live-build

When i do type: "sudo apt-get install live-build" i get:

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
live-build is already the newest version.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

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Ubuntu :: What's The Best Firewall

Feb 27, 2011

What is the best (by best I mean most secure) firewall. I have had this urge since I went to a site which said it had a gnomenu icon, however google chrome said something which I didn't read i just killed chrome very quickly however it had a big red X and a red background so I guess it couldn't be good.

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Ubuntu :: Can't SSH In - Prove It's Firewall?

Apr 29, 2010

My sysadmin has let me squeeze an Ubuntu server in amongst his many Windows servers. I'm setting it up to let a third party ssh into it, but I'm having some difficulties getting it to work. There's a Sonicwall in between this server and the net. Can anyone suggest a way for me to prove that the firewall is configured incorrectly?

We've configured the firewall, and it looks like it ought to work. We set up ping and ssh services in the firewall admin interface. I can ping the server, no problem, but I can't ssh into it at all. sshd_config is set up with very generic settings; I haven't changed the port it's listening on or anything in the ListenAddress field. If I try to ssh to localhost from the server's command line, it gives me a comforting RSA key warning.

When I check the log after restarting ssh, everything looks okay to me. It's not complaining about being unable to bind the port to the address or anything. Seems obvious to me that something is wrong with the firewall, but perhaps I'm wrong. The only ways I can think of to actually prove that the firewall is misconfigured are:

1) Remove the firewall entirely, and attach the server directly to the net. Ugh.
2) Set up ufw on the server, remove the firewall entirely, and attach the server directly to the net.

What am I missing here?

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Ubuntu Security :: Get VNC Through Firewall?

Jul 20, 2010

I have Ubuntu running on an old PE server. It is running Virtualbox with an instance of Ubuntu inside. The instance is there to run my honeypot.

The server box IP is192.168.1.10. The Virtualbox is bridged with it's own IP of The honeypot daemon is listening to with arpd.

I set up the UFW with DENY. And then enabled only the ports leading to the honeypot scripts which are abound to IP .201. I then forwarded the ports necessary to run VNC to .200.

Here is the UFW status:
buntu@ubuntu-desktop:/var/lib$ sudo ufw status
Status: active
To Action From
-- ------ ---- 21/tcp ALLOW 21/tcp 4444/tcp ALLOW 4444/tcp 5544/tcp ALLOW 5544/tcp


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Ubuntu :: Best Firewall In 10.10 - How To Configure

May 6, 2011

Which is the best firewall in ubuntu10.10 and how to configure it so that hackers do not get access to my computer, I also do use torrent.

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General :: Ubuntu ICS Cut Off By Firewall?

Oct 7, 2010

we're trying to build a simple Firewall/Gateway out of Ubuntu. We have a machine with 2 NICs running the latest version: 10.04.We have been able to set up the gateway/routing fine using both the built in Internet Connection Sharing as well as using Guidedog. The current setup we are testing is using Guidedog.For the NICs we have set eth0 as our internet connection and eth1 connects to the LAN. We've manually set all IPs...no DHCP at this time.

Next we try to install a firewall. We have tried both Firestarter and Guarddog. After setup with either, the Ubuntu box is still able to get online and access web sites but the LAN gets cut off. No access at all. We are currently running Guarddog and have set the proper protocols (DNS, HTTP, HTTPS) and have also followed the tutorial found here.

However, no matter what settings we make as soon as we re-enable the firewall the LAN is cut off. Disable the FW...LAN is back online. We even set up an "Allow All" protocol allowing all ports from 1:65535 and still we get cut off as soon as the FW is enabled.

We saw this same thing happen with Firestarter and my understanding is they're using the same basic Linux FW underneath? SO, what is it we're neglecting to do? Why does the FW completely seal off our LAN connection no matter what we've told it to allow?

Ultimately, here's the layout we're after:

Internet (T1) <> Firewalled Ubuntu <> LAN

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Ubuntu :: Automatic Firewall Set Up?

May 5, 2010

I don't use Ubuntu, but I do occasionally recommend it to others. Does Ubuntu have an automatic set up of a firewall, or do users have to install one on their own (IE, install a program such as firestarter, fwbuilder, shorewall, pyroman, or guarddog)? How do Ubuntu users generally set up a firewall?

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Ubuntu :: How To Turn Firewall

Jul 19, 2009

How to turn OFF firewall. But how and ever, I noticed unlike the other distros ubuntu has a specific driver for my graphic card PNY nvidia GeForce under gnome system administration.

As soon as I selected that I lost my network connection. I did some trouble shooting and am concluding it has to be software setting to do with ubuntu more than likely some sort of firewall.

I was not able to ping anything. I could not even get my router's browser.

The very act of setting up the graphic must have thrown off the router settings.

I booted into the dual boot windows setup on the same system and WAS able to log into router ( no firewall installed ). True to enough, the router password and username were taken off. Now I can get a network with windows but the ubuntu that is on my hard drive still wont connect.

I can also use ubuntu live dvd to log in to network.

I have checked gnomes system authorizations but have not found anything helpful.

I have setup a static ip in /etc/network/interfaces and name server in /etc/resolv.conf

If this was windows I would reset tcp/ip but don't how this is done in Linux.

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General :: Best GUI Based Firewall For Ubuntu?

Jan 21, 2011

I am looking for some firewall for ubuntu with GUI, something like comodo firewall available for windows, which lets you to allow only specific processes to connect to Internet. Currently I am using Fire-starter but I dont like it much also it is very old and doesn't allow you to block specific program.

EDIT: I need it for personal use not for any server.

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Ubuntu :: Hardware Firewall Is Failing In Its Job?

Jan 23, 2010

My router has a firewall up and running as standard. I have installed Firestarter and can see a number of pings on the firewall


Does this mean that my hardware firewall is failing in its job?

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Ubuntu :: Create A Hardware Firewall?

Mar 22, 2010

I would like to create a hardware firewall. I just don't know how i can do it. I know that i need at least 2 NIC cards but i don't know about the configuration of this.

Is there any guide or some think that can show me how to create a proper one? I need any informations that you might have couse this is my final "article" for my university

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Ubuntu Security :: Do I Need To Turn A Firewall On?

May 23, 2010

Will I need to actiavte the firewall that comes with Ubuntu since I'm using Transmission?

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Security :: Good Firewall To Use With Ubuntu?

Aug 13, 2010

I am new to the Ubuntu/Linix world (less than a week).

I have tried the search, but have had difficulty finding threads on this.

Can someone recommend an excellent firewall to use with Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Security :: Hardening My Firewall ?

Aug 14, 2010

I have a VPS (Ubuntu 8.04 server eition) and as such am stuck with using a software firewall.

i currently have UFW installed.

I would ideally like to have my firewall be a little rude, or rather just not polite. I know what i am asking will break the RFC, but i consider this ok due to the security benefits.

I would like to have my firewall
1) ignore (eg drop without responding)all packets that dont start with a syn flag
2)for all other traffic that is currently blocked, have it dropped (again drop it without responding)

If there are any other rules you can think of i would like to know them. I already have only the services i want open and the rest blocked.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Use The Firestarter Firewall?

Sep 26, 2010

i connect to internet with the connection (with Name: DSL Connection 1) that made by myself. now i wanna use the firestarter but i have a problem.

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Ubuntu Security :: Robust Firewall With GUI For 10.04

Nov 4, 2010

I've been using Windows for quite a few years now. I loved the way how I used to set incoming/outgoing rules for my applications. But I'm having hard time doing that in Ubuntu. I tried searching for a good GUI for iptables but I need your help selecting the best. I might learn iptables someday but for the time being I will be using a nice GUI. I'm currently using GUFW, I've tried Firestarter. All I need is a firewall that would allow me to configure rules for my applications.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Get Trough Firewall/VPN

Nov 21, 2010

On the office we have a Firewall/VPN infrastructure. Everybody connects to internet trough an Access Point (Lynksys RWT120N), which, in turn, connects to a WatchWard/Firebox red box. I suppose this is the equipment that does the VPN stuff. Finally, the red box connects to a DSL modem from our ISP.The problem is: Everybody on the office can connect to the AP and surf the internet without any issues, excepting me when I connect with ubuntu 10.10. I have windows on the same machine and I can access the internet without problems.

What I have seen so far is that Network Manager associates with the AP, gets what I would consider all the expected information from DHCP, but internet connectivity is none.For "expected information from DHCP" i mean: IP address, gateway, and DNS.I can ping my assigned IP address, the gateway and even other machines in the same network. I cannot ping the DNS or other external IP addresses.

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