When I run "sudo systemsettings", it opens my own configuration rather than root's and "kdesu systemsettings" says command not found.I want to change the appearance of applications I run with kdesu.
You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.
I was unable to boot into Ubuntu 9.1 today because the file system is now read only. When I check fstab, it shows "ro" but I can't change it because it's on a read only file system. I tried umounting the root then remounting with read/write access, but I was unable to umount the root. I also tried booting with a live CD, but all I can find is the root.disk file, I can't see any of the file structure. That's probably just how it is supposed to be, but I'm new to Linux so I found it strange. method to either change the disk to read/write besides this?sudo umount /mount -o remount,rw /The other option would be to somehow mount the disk image while using a live CD so that I can get to the fstab file and edit it.
I am trying to edit limits.conf, changed file permissions: sudo chmod limits.conf -rwxrwxrwx
But got this message: "Could not save the file /etc/security/limits.conf. You are trying to save the file on a read-only disk. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again."
I followed these instructions: "copy - paste this code into terminal gedit $HOME/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/Open as root copy-paste this text into that file and push 'save' for uri in $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_URIS; do gnome-sudo "gnome-open $uri" & done
now copy-paste this code into terminal chmod +x $HOME/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/Open as root
Now you can right click on the file you want to edit, select 'scripts' and say 'open as root' to let you modify it". [URL] the right click worked but the file didn't open.
I am trying to edit my /etc/resolv.conf file while under root. After saving the changes and reboot my computer, file has not changed. I read a thread on chattr and lsattr on this fourm.(see link below) I ran in terminal lsattr /etc/resolv.conf and got the following results:-----------------e- /etc/resolv.confWhat does the dashes and e mean? I thought I would get ----ia------------ /etc/resolv.conf instead, as shown in the link. What am I doing wrong?
I have rented a remote dedicated fedora 7 system. The service provider provisioned the system and does not allow direct "root" access to the system.
I currently use putty to login into "user1", switch to "root" using su -, and then edit the file.
I would like to edit the "root" file directly from my home XP system which has a SFTP connection to the remote fedora 7 system (using Aptana RadRails).
I am not sure how to do that. I had 2 ideas but I am just guessing and afraid to proceed with so little knowledge.
I considered editing /etc/group and changing the line from root:x:0:root to
Everything was running fine, then I installed ardour (doesn't work, but that not what I am here for), I rebooted and now everything is in low res, and looks horrible, I tried uninstalled and re-installing the driver and that did nothing. When I go into the control panel for the video card I get: You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.
I'm having trouble installing it on a "new" computer that I found at Goodwill for $60 with no operating system on it. When I go to edit the partitions, it won't let me do anything due to an apparent lack of a root filesystem. (I know this issue has been brought up and resolved in the past, but the usual solution (going into the validation.py file) isn't working for me, as there is no line in this one that says "if not root".)
I'm a new Ubuntu user and a Python programmer, it's the first time that I use Python in Ubuntu so it's a bit confusing me. If I want to save a Module or something in a specified map, I get 'Errno 13', it says that I don't have permission to edit, do thing in that map. And this is also for importing files with Python. I logged in from Terminal with 'sudo -i' and closed Terminal, but the problem keeps repeating. How do I login as Admin or Root and stay as Admin or Root? I need right to edit/read files as well as root and normal user.
An example: Python file: test.py -> test = open('/a.txt', 'w') test.write('Test - Test - Test') test.close
When I execute this, I get in the Python IDLE the 'Errno 13' problem and below the 'Errno 13' it says that I don't have permission. Who know how to stay logged in as root, even if the user has not logged in or isn't this possible, if it isn't then I just want to get files moving, editing/erasing etc.
I wonder if GNOME have this very cool shortcut feature where, no matter if it is a GNOME-bundled application or a third-party, you can open up the settings/edit/configuration for that particular app by pressing a keyboard combination?
Mac OS X has it in the form of Cmd+, and KDE also has it, although I dont remember what the default is for that. Does our beloved GNOME have it? It would be so rat if it does, or if it is possibly to enable.
Just installed Ubuntu, have no idea what I'm doing. This message appears and don't know how to do it. "You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server."
The default menus in XFCE don't include many things that I want to use from KDE. How can I get those on the XFCE menus? There is a so-called "menu editor" in the settings menu, but it has no documentation
So I need to become the root user in order to edit a grub file in a seperate partition, so I can get back into this partition. How can I become and stay as root user in the desktop environment? (I know you shouldn't do this, but I need it.)
I had some trouble with the netinst CD and I had to install lenny with the 6DVDs instead. My internet connection only works after I edit the interfaces and resolv.conf files manually. So my question is: can I do that from the netinst CD before it actually needs the connection to install everything? (otherwise I'll just need to use the DVDs.
I was trying to edit some files in /usr . so I did "chown -R username /usr" as root . after editing, I did "chown -R root /usr" !!!!! it made me unable to open Yast and VirtualBox and many other features and applications . is there anyway to fix this ? I think some files in /usr was not owned by root,
I am trying to edit my http configuration (menu System -> Administration -> Server Settings -> HTTP) and it seems to be impossible. My Server Name comes up empty and I want to change the default Webmaster email address root@localhost to something else, but I can't change anything. I enter mu new server name and e-mail address, but when I click on the OK button I get a popup box which asks me if I want to save and exit. I click on the Yes button, and the box disappears. HTTP Server configuration does not exit and my changes are not saved.
Having successfully installed SANE and gotten a scan from my ancient Mustek scanner, I thought I had it setup. But that was running in the root terminal window. When I try to run xscanimage from GIMP in my normal user account it doesn't start up. Running xscanimage in a normal terminal it says it can't see any scanners. Yes, I added my user account to the scanner group. What else needs to be done to let a normal non-root user access the scanner?
My laptop has the latest/greatest ubuntu (Linux linuxskip 2.6.32-22-generic #33-Ubuntu). I run kdm as my graphical login, but I am unable to locate the kdm-config files as mentioned in prior posts here.
I have a "time-server". It's sending time to different devices through different ports/protocols. The problem is that it has no operator and that makes some extra difficulties.
Now when i try to start it using terminal Code: Select allsudo ./myprogram works fine and
Code: Select all./myprogram doesn't work.
It is so because without sudo i have no access to ports. As a result If i add my program to System->Preferences->Startup Applications it has the same problem. So i need to start it as root, auto-start, right after auto-login to system but without entering password cause nobody will do it.
Also I need to start ntpd but it also asks password sometimes I've tried googles but it offer a few ways with entering password that isn't suitable for me or writing some scripts/changing system files but with no example I'm afraid to break it all. So is there a way to start Myprogram and NTPD as root with no password entering?
My system is Debian 6.0.10 Squeeze, Kernel 2.6.32-5-686
Installed Debian 8.2 a while back, and I've been having issues with getting the machine to suspend correctly. If I try to put it to sleep when logged in to my regular user account the screen just goes black and then the computer hangs. However if I put it to sleep as root everything works fine. I do this by running this command (as root):
Code: Select allsystemctl suspend
What can I do about this? Worked fine on Debian wheezy..
Btw, just found this in the dmesg log. Connected perhaps..?
Code: Select all[ 6.863018] ACPI Warning: SystemIO range 0x00000000000018e0-0x00000000000018ff conflicts with OpRegion 0x00000000000018e0-0x00000000000018ef (\_SB_.PCI0.SBUS.SMBI) (20140424/utaddress-258) [ 6.863028] ACPI:
If an ACPI driver is available for this device, you should use it instead of the native driver
I think my root drive is 100% full causing strange problems with my video server. What steps can I use to see what's taking up the room on the drive and perhaps identify files that can safely be deleted?
For my dissertation I created a debootstrap install of Lenny. When I boot this system I just can login with root without a password. When I want to ssh this machine with the debootstrap install I can't just login with root. I'm asked for a password which I don't have.
So I created one with passwd root and after that I can connect to the machine with ssh and the given password. But the machine still logs in with without a password.