Ubuntu :: Grub Rescue / Wiped Partition - Recognized As "Others" (not NTFS Or Anything)

Jan 7, 2011

I had Ubuntu 10.04 on my laptop, and updated to 11.04. For some reason, it didn't work anymore (after 5 mins, it was freezing) so I wanted to reinstall and get to 10.04 again (I installed it using Wubi, on Windows 7, separate partition). But there was no Ubuntu in the ADD/REMOVE list. Ok so I used a partition wizard to notice that the partition with Ubuntu was recognized as "Others" (not NTFS or anything),

so I told the program to WIPE it, format it as NTFS and I was planning to reinstall Ubuntu 10.04 over there. But it seems like this was a big mistake - when I rebooted my laptop, I got the GRUB RESCUE console. I want to make it run again so I can get into my Windows 7 at least and to get to the Ubuntu 10.04.

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Fedora Installation :: FC 11 Live Installer Wiped Out NTFS Partition

Aug 21, 2009

This is my first time using Fedora. My previous experience is from Ubuntu. However I want to give a try for Fedora so I went ahead to install it on my new computer. Problem is that Fedora Installer (Live CD) wiped out my NTFS Partition. Causing my computer unable to recover Vista from factory DVD because it lost system partition as well. I want to know if this is my error or a bug in installer.

Original partition setup:
220 GB - Vista System Partition (NTFS)
14 GB - Recovery Partition (NTFS)

First I resized system partition under Windows Management in Vista:
170 GB - System
50 GB - Unallocated
14 GB - Recovery

Using GParted from Ubuntu 9.04 Live CD, moved recovery to the left:
170 GB - System
14 GB - Recovery
50 GB - Unallocated

Rebooted into Vista, make sure everything is fine. Then put in FC 11 Live CD, using custom layout setup in partition, intended partition layout is:
170 GB - System (NTFS) - Primary sda1
14 GB - Recovery (NTFS) - Primary sda2
200 MB - /boot (ext3) - Primary sda3
sda4 - Extended Partition
45.8 GB - / (ext4) - sda5
4 GB - swap - sda6

After I check my setup and pressed enter, it returned with unable to format /boot error: -1. Restart FC installer, it tells me that my hard drive needs to be re-initialized. I clicked no and reboot. BIOS tells me that no OS is found. Attempting to recover from factory DVD failed, telling me that system partition is gone. I want to know did I do something wrong or is this a bug in FC installer.

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Ubuntu :: Ext4 Partition Recognized As Part Of Original NTFS Partition In Fdisk

Jul 18, 2011

I just installed ubuntu via the windows executable and I couldn't mount my NTFS partition. I found this a little odd and I checked fdisk and it seems to think I don't have an ext4 partition as my entire internal HD is displayed as NTFS.

Here's the fdisk output:

When i try to mount the NTFS partition /dev/sda2 i get the following output:

I can't make heads or tails out of this. Anyone know what's going on here?

Windows recognizes that 30GB were taken from the NTFS partition for my linux install. It reads the max partition size as 465GB. fstab reports the NTFS partition size as 488GB.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Rescue On Boot Up After NTFS HD Format

Feb 15, 2010

I had to format a partition of my NTFS hard drive using the Disk manager and the next time when I try to boot my computer I get a message Grub rescue.

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Fedora Installation :: Mount NTFS Partition From 10 Rescue Mode/Disk?

Mar 9, 2009

Background for the problem:

A. I have partitioned my WinXP LTop into:

--- WinXP NTFS partition
--- a vfat partition (mounted onto /fat32)
--- Installed F10 on ext3 virtual partition

B. I do not want install grub-loader in the Master Boot Record (that would loose my WinXP boot-loader for ever)

C. I have installed grub boot loader in the First Boot Sector

D. Now I have to boot using Rescue Mode, do:

1. dd if=/dev/sda2 of=/fat32/linux.bin bs=512 count=1
2. mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /ntfs
3. cp /fat32/linux.bin /ntfs
4. modify /ntfs/c/boot.ini and introduce the statement 'c:linux.bin="Linux"'

Problem: Im not able to do step D.2 above.

** after booting linux using the Rescue Mode: sh-3.2# chroot /mnt/sysimage sh-3.2# uname -r sh-3.2# mount -f ntfs /dev/sda1 /ntfs FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/ No such file or directory ntfs-3g-mount: fuse device is missing, try 'modprobe fuse' as root


* The rescue mode boots into i586 based kernel (I dont know what is the actual difference between i586 and i686 - will really appreciate if anyone can educate me about it). * The installation is only a i686 image and consequently there is *only* '/lib/modules/' dir and *no* other dir. There is no dir as xxxx.fc10.i586.

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General :: NTFS Partition Mount - Not Recognized

Feb 6, 2011

If I mount ntfs partition there is a problem it display the msg that ntfs partition is not recognized.

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Ubuntu :: No Such Partition Grub Rescue ?

Jul 28, 2011

I own a Sony Vaio VPCEB3AFM. It came with pre-installed Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit, no disks or anything. The product key is on the back of the laptop. I later installed Ubuntu, as I was beginning to take an interest in the potential of computers and began to explore with different Operating Systems. I installed it along side Windows 7. THEN, me being the dumbass I am, installed BackTrack 5 also. I then called Sony in attempt to restore my computer to factory defaults and just have Windows 7 as my only operating system. I shut my computer down and then hit F10 until the Vaio Rescue shows up. It was in the process of Restoring when it restarted and an error message came up. It reads, Error: No Such Partition Grub Rescue>. I have no idea what to do none of the OS boot up when I start it. I have no disks, I have only Ubuntu on a USB drive which I boot up by changing the BIOS blah blah. But when I do not have it in, the error message occurs.

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Ubuntu :: Error - No Such Partition Grub Rescue

Sep 28, 2010

I know this is a common error, but my situation is a little different than previous threads on this issue and I just want to make sure I get the correct solution.

Basically, I had Ubuntu 10.04 and Windows 7 on my netbook and wanted to try a more lightweight version of Ubuntu. After settling on LXDE for a desktop, I decided to install Lubuntu 10.04. I chose not to install LXDE over regular Ubuntu because I wanted to eventually end up with an Ubuntu distro with either GNOME or LXDE, but not both. So rather than put myself through the hassle of uninstalling all the GNOME or LXDE packages, I decided to keep them each on separate partitions.

In the end I decided to just stick with regular Ubuntu and deleted the Lubuntu partitions. Now I get the GRUB error written in the title of this thread.

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Ubuntu :: Partition Not Found Grub Rescue

Dec 3, 2010

I uninstalled ubuntu from my main HDD, and its now on a different HDD. when I turn on my computer I get:

Partition not found
Grub Rescue

I've used my windows disk and repaired my mbr and boot (bootrec /fixmbr bootrec /fix mbr) multiple times, yet I always get this problem.

Only way I can boot windows is if I leave my install disk in my drive. It will say press any key to boot from cd / dvd I just wait a couple seconds, and it boots into windows. Without the disk, I get the grub problem. I have only 1 partition on my HDD, and that is my windows 7 partition, nothing else.

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Ubuntu :: Partition Changes Failed - Grub Rescue

Feb 25, 2011

I running a dual boot of 10.4 and windows 7 and was trying to add a free disc space to one of the partitions using gparted and the window 7 tool. On restart I get this DOS-like message:
Error: file not found.
grub rescue>

From what I have gathered, from other posts I should
1. Go here [URL]
2. Reboot and run ubuntu from the live CD
3. Create a results.txt file

Here is the results data:
Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
Boot Info Summary:
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in partition #5 for /boot/grub.
=> No boot loader is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdc .....
Devices which don't seem to have a corresponding hard drive

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Ubuntu :: Grub Rescue/no Partition Found?

Aug 11, 2011

A friend gave me Ubuntu 9-10 and I have been using it in my netbook for some time. Bthe other day we did an update and now a black screen is up and states: Error: no such partition Grub rescue>_ I am operating dual O'S with Windows XP and Ubuntu The only thing I have been able to do after searching hours on the Internet is the following: When I type set it gives me the following information:

Grub rescue>_

I understand that the hard drive is 0 meaning the only one I have and 5 means the location of the grub in the partition. Other than that I can get no further!

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Ubuntu :: Boot - Error: No Such Partition: Rescue Grub?

Jul 8, 2010

then my computer starts black window opens error: no such partition grub rescue>


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Ubuntu Installation :: Deleted Partition Now Getting Grub Rescue

Sep 10, 2010

I have ubuntu in sda7. sda6 had bt4, sda3 had Win7. From Win7 I removed sda6. Now when I start my computer I get grub rescue. How can I tell grub that ubuntu in sda6 and not in sda7 anymore or how can I create sda6 again so ubuntu goes sda7.

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Ubuntu :: No More Win7 After Deleting Partition - Grub Rescue

Oct 16, 2010

I have a major problem with Windows 7's MBR. I deleted Ubuntu's partition last night, and when I restarted, I saw:
error: no such partition
grub rescue>
I looked it up, put some code into a LiveCD terminal, and I thought it worked. But now, I says that I definitely need to put in a Windows 7 CD and do that MBR fix method. I did not own a Windows 7 CD; my laptop came with it pre-installed, and I have no recovery partition anymore.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 And XP - No Partition Found (Grub Rescue)

Feb 9, 2011

I am new to ubuntu OS, I am having quiet a hard time solving out certain problems. I have Ubuntu 10.10 and Win Xp installed on the same hard drive partition i.e. C drive. Now yesterday accidentally I deleted a folder from C while I was logged in to Windows. Now today when I restarted my pc I got this error message :
error : No partition found
grub rescue>

Then somehow I managed to reinstall the Grub loader. Now whenever I restart my PC I get this error message :
GNU GRUB version 1.98+20100804-5ubuntu3
Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word, TAB lists possible command completions. Anywhere else TAB lists possible device or file completions.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error:no Such Partition Grub Rescue>

Mar 31, 2011

i just installed ubuntu 10.10 x64 on my computer and removed the windows 7 partition and installed it on that one it installed as usual now as i booted it give me the following error

error:no such partition grub rescue> i tried one or too methods given to restore grub but it isnt working wht can be done ?

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Ubuntu :: Formatted Partition - Grub Rescue Error

Apr 13, 2011

I had 3 partitions on my hard dive, Windows 7, Ubuntu, and just junk on the other. I installed Ubuntu in a way where it went to the GRUB filesystem? first, where it ask me to start in linux kernel 2.38.6 (can't really remember the kernel exact name) which was ubuntu, some other options, recovery mode, and at the very bottom was the one to go to Windows 7. I was in Windows and I wanted to get rid of my junk partition but I formatted the Ubuntu partition by mistake.

Now when it boots up it saying:
Error: unknown filesystem. grub rescue>
I hope there is a way to save my files on Windows. I tried to reinstall Windows 7 back on my computer but it wouldn't go through since the grub startup thing is the main one, not the windows one.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error: No Such Partition Grub Rescue

Aug 16, 2011

I installed ubuntu 11.04 on a usb hard drive which I created a 100 gig partition however when i try to boot from the usb drive I get the message error:no such partition grub rescue> when I boot from live dvd I can see the partition I created with all the files on it.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Rescue Error: No Such Partition And Can't Boot To Live CD/USB!

Dec 2, 2010

I have a netbook that dual-boots Win XP and Ubuntu 10.04 and accidentally hit the Win recovery mode in GRUB today, but quickly restarted without formatting or proceeding with any recovery. But upon reboot I just see: error: no such partition. grub rescue>

What I have tried so far: Boot to USB Live Disk... It won't, just goes straight to grub rescue.I do ls and it gives me (hd0) (hd0,4) (hd0,3) (hd0,2) (hd0,1) (fd0) error: fd0 cannot get C/H/S values.

set gives me

but if I try to boot it says unknown command so I figured I needed to find the right partition to boot from but I went through all of them with ls (hd0,4)/boot, ls (hd0,3)/boot etc. and every partition comes back "unknown filesystem".

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Ubuntu :: Remove Partition - Error - Grub Rescue Shows Up

Dec 25, 2010

in windows 7 i extended the partitioning to remove ubuntu but now when i try to log on i get an error and the grub rescue shows up

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Ubuntu Installation :: Deleted Partition - Get Grub Rescue When Boot

Jan 17, 2011

I set up my Dell Inspiron Laptop as Dual Boot -> Xp / Ubuntu 10.04. - all worked well. I had 2 installations of XP on this machine and I removed one - all worked well. I then went into XP and deleted the partion (4) that the old XP had resided on (using Easeus Partition Master) All NOT working well !! Now when booting the machine I get grub rescue> I did ls and got ....


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Ubuntu :: Accidentally Deleted Partition - Now Stuck At Grub Rescue

May 26, 2011

Deleted the Ubuntu partition by accident. Now at a loss as how to get Windows working again. I had all my files saved, and did a full format and reinstall to Windows. Thinking that it would just overwrite grub but this thing is like a virus.. I cant do **** at the grub rescure command prompt... it just sits there with a cursor... Even stuff like reboot and quit or exit don't even work... what the hell? So I pop my Win7 install cd in and I find that for some reason I have no recovery console... just the option to install. I install but no grub, the little virus is still there and I just wasted an hour of my life while Win7 installed again because I still cant view it.

I deleted all the partitions and wiped the entire disc and grub is still there.. I was thinking that Windows would just replace grub automatically. Heh the Bootsector always seems to get owned on Windows and I expected grub to be just as useless but in it's own way, it's worse.

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Ubuntu :: Stuck At The Grub Rescue Screen Error: No Such Partition

Jun 7, 2011

I recently partitioned my hard drive so that I could have Linux in addition to Windows Seven on my laptop. For some reason, at boot it it showed not only Linux, a Recovery mode for Linux, and a Windows 7 OS, but also a Windows Vista OS that I never installed. Yesterday, A friend of mine borrowed my computer and chose to open Vista. Since then my computer has been stuck at the grub rescue screen with nothing other than the message: error: no such partition grub rescue>

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OpenSUSE Install :: Grub Rescue After Deleting Partition?

Sep 30, 2010

Windows 7 x64 was the only install with a separate boot partition which was already on the Dell laptop. I then shrunk the partition to allow me to put opensuse on. Then I made the stupid mistake of deleting the opensuse and boot partitions while in Windows. I was going to do this, copy pictures of my new born baby off then reboot and delete all stuff and redo all the partitions and installs again.Now I just get grub rescue with the following when I do ls command:(hd0) (hd0,1) (hd0,2)I would like advise on how to get the data off, I cannot afford to lose my babies pics as there are no other copies. I will then do a normal install of opensuse first then Windows 7 after it.

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General :: Grub Rescue No Such Partition, No Command Except Ls And Set Working?

Sep 27, 2010

I have both windows7 and Linux 10.04 installed in my system. The problem occurred on a forced shut down.The message which is appearing on the screen isgrub rescueNo such partitionNo command other than ls and set are working. Set shows root to be in (hd0,6). ls is not listing (hd0,6)The ls is not able to read any of the partition it lists and shows error:unknown file system.

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General :: Pls Rescur On'error No Such Partition Grub Rescue'

Aug 13, 2011

I am to reinstall the notebook of my father, that had Windows XP and Ubuntu on it. And I dont know anything on Ubuntu. My objective was to make a fresh install with XP only.So I was checking the partitions within Windows and found 7 or 8 of them which I could not understand: I asked to remove them, one by one, and got some error mesage on Windows. Now I understand these were probably used by Ubuntu.Now, when I restarted the PC,n I got:"error no such partition grub rescue"..I tried to boot from the CD - a windows XP setup CD, but I get blocked as well, because when I try formatting the drive during the installation CD it makes an error, or otherwise without formatting I also get an error.I guess the partitionning information of the hard drive is inconsistent, making everything fail.I dont know what to do.I am thinking to use a USB disk to reformat the HD, but I am not sure it will help.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Access To That OS Anymore - Error: No Such Partition. Grub Rescue

Jun 7, 2010

I was messing around with the partitions and accidentally y deleted the ubuntu partition! I have Windows 7 as a dual boot but I can't access to that OS anymore. The message that I get is: error: no such partition. grub rescue>

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Ubuntu :: Delete A Partition And When Boot Message Appears - Error - Unknown Filesystem Grub Rescue >

Oct 23, 2010

Just delete a linux partition and now when i boot a message appears and says error: unknown filesystem grub rescue >

I have search on the net for this problem and i have understand it a little. But my situation is a bit different and because i don't want to format my hard disc i wanna try to fix it. So before a couple months i download ubuntu 9.10 and i installed it a month later. But my computer used to crash all the time and i couldnt use it. So i download the latest ubuntu 10.4 and install it while having windows xp and the old ubuntu 9.10(so i had windows xp, ubuntu 9.10 and ubuntu 10.4 partitions). Now i tried to delete the partition of ubuntu 9.10 from disc utility. so i have the message i wrote above when i boot. I dont wanna delete my windows xp and ubuntu 10.4. what should i do to stop this message from appearing.

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Debian Installation :: Wiped Windows Partition With Swap And LVM Partition

Jan 17, 2015

I am having issues with Grub 2 after installing Debian 7.8.0.The computer is a HP Pavilion 500-307nb. I made the original harddrive /dev/sdb and inserted a Samsung Evo 840 as /dev/sda. From the original hard drive (/dev/sdb), I wiped the windows partition, but left all other partitions unchanged (in case I would ever want to recover the desktop to its original state). I replaced the wiped windows partition with a swap partition and an LVM partition.These are my hard drive partitions:

/dev/sda (Samsung Evo 840)

Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
1 1049kB 3146kB 2097kB primary bios_grub
2 3146kB 944MB 941MB ext4 boot
3 944MB 94.4GB 93.4GB host lvm
4 94.4GB 1000GB 906GB guests lvm


The partition /dev/sda3 has 2 logical volumes with filesystem ext4 that I mount to / and /home.The partition /dev/sda2 is mounted to /boot..When I install like this, Debian installs fine, however Grub2 is not installed correctly.Debian installs grub-pc which seems not able to boot the gpt partition. So I boot the Debian CD in rescue mode and execute:

mount /dev/sda2 /boot
aptitude purge grub-pc
aptitude -y install grub-efi

After rebooting, I come in the grub rescue shell, which says: error: no such device: 986f2176--4a4b-4222-83b9-8636a034b3c7.

When I then enter in the grub rescue shell:
set boot=(hd0,gpt2)
set prefix=(hd0,gpt2)/grub
insmod normal

Grub and Debian start up correctly.why can Grub not start up automatically correctly? Where does the UUID 986f2176--4a4b-4222-83b9-8636a034b3c7 come from? I have reinstalled Grub several times, I have reinstall Debian several times, I have even wiped all partitions from /dev/sda and recreated a new gpt table with parted and manually set the partitions in parted. Still on each reinstallation, Grub fails because it cannot find exactly the same UUID. Since this UUID is always the same, it must be stored somewhere, but it cannot be the partitions, I have wiped them and the partition table several times.

I did though a firmware update of the Samsung Evo 840 before reinstallation, could this be a cause?Also the problem is not in grub.cfg. Grub starts correctly if I enter the commands above in the grub rescue screen and the UUID value does not appear there.

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Fedora :: Install Grub To Ntfs Partition?

Nov 2, 2010

In HDD with 2 partition
sda1 windows xp (ntfs)
sda2 windows 7 (ntfs)

1. It is possible to install grub?

2. If not, if I create sda3 (ext3), and install grub there and boot both windows will be possible?

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