Ubuntu :: Firefox Memory Hogging

Jul 11, 2011

Does anyone else have an issue with Firefox memory hogging? If you open many tabs, it just seems to use up most of the memory and despite closing a tab it will not release it.You have to restart the browser every so often.

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General :: Find The CPU Hogging Tab In Firefox?

Sep 11, 2010

I did my homework and found those similar questions, but they seem to cover particular firefox addons. My scenario is different: I don't run a ton of addons, but still periodically CPU usage skyrockets to 100% (I have an old single core CPU). I wonder if it is possible to see which tab is the offending one. Generally I don't run a gazillion of tabs, I try to stick to the 7+/-2 common sense rule, but closing tabs one by one and watching the CPU usage is still not very convenient.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Hogging All Resources?

May 19, 2011

I installed ubuntu 10.10 a few days ago which ran very well on the live CD but after I upgraded to 11.04 Ubuntu uses just under 100% of my cpu after a few mins loged in and my ram usage increases by about 5MB per sec starting the second I log in. I am using Classic Gnome and it seems to do this wether I have metacity or compiz turned on. Does anyone know what is going on or know about a way to lower ether my cpu or ram usage

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Ubuntu Installation :: Firefox 5 Takes All Available Memory

Jul 22, 2011

a few months ago i did a fresh install of ubuntu 11.04 64-bits. it works perfectly. i'm using firefox 5.0, and in about it says mozilla firefox for ubuntu canonical 1.0.

every now and then, firefox behaves like a runaway train and starts using up all available memory, and using 100% processor time. this has been going on for a week or so. the only remedy is to kill firefox and restart it.

i'm not sure what causes this problem, but i am starting to suspect that it may be caused by flash, java, or some other plug-in or add-on that i have installed.

my add-ons are:
- adblock plus 1.3.9
- adblock plus pop-up addon 0.2.7
- delicious bookmarks 2.3.1
- delicious extension 2.3.1
- flash-aid 2.1.1
- global menu bar integration 1.0.6
- memory restart 1.4
- stumbleupon 3.91
- ubuntu firefox modifications 0.9.1

with the exception of memory restart 1.4 all these add-ons have been installed for a long time, without ever causing any problems. the problems started before installing memory restart.

my java version is icedtea, installed from the repository. i'm frequently using sweet home 3d (a java program) that runs without any problem. it doesn't make a difference whether i have sh3d running or not, the ff problem occurs regardless.

i also have installed ubuntu restricted extras version 43. videos videos don't cause problems. vimeo videos cause problems on occasion when switching to high definition and/or to full screen, but that is a known vimeo problem.

the problems certainly start when i don't use my computer for a longer period of time. i have disabled the screen saver/energy saver, but that doesn't seem to solve the problem. today i had the problem shortly after visiting a website, reason why i'm starting to suspect that the problem could be linked to some plug-in that website uses.

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Fedora :: Why Does Firefox Remain In Memory

Feb 11, 2011

I have been noticing a distinct slow down in my Fedora of late, and today, with no program running, I called up System Monitor and low and behold, Firefox was running in memory, and taking up 1/2 (50%) of 2 GB of RAM! How does one stop this behaviour? How do I make Firefox stop running when I close it?

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OpenSUSE :: Extreme Memory-hog On Firefox 3.6.6

Jul 30, 2010

I just installed OS11.3 64bits with Firefox 3.6.6 I see an extreme memory-hog after only a day running. Now Firefox har been running for 4hours and is using over 800MB and growing with only one page up(Lotus iNotes Web-mail). I mostly use Opera web-browser (10.70 Beta) and have 4 page up and it only use 600MB stable.

If Firefox is running for 24hours the memory-usage will pass 2GB by doing nothing and OS begin to feel slow. This happens after last upgrade of Firefox.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 (32bit) - Transmission Hogging Bandwidth?

Apr 4, 2011

I am running a fairly standard 32bit 10.10 install, although I deleted Firefox and installed Chrome. I am using Transmission for my torrent downloads. After a lot of reading and trying different things, I have managed to get the port to open. When Transmission is running, even if only uploading and downloading a few k each way, I have great difficulty in getting Chrome to load a web page, it is as if Transmission is hogging all the available bandwidth? Obviously if I shut down Transmission the problem goes away. It also occurred with Firefox before I deleted it.

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Ubuntu :: Pidgin Randomly Hogging Resources / Freezes When Doing So

Feb 9, 2011

During random moments, pidgin will suddenly use up all of my processor, a large chunk of my ram (20% - 25% of 2 GB), and will become completely unresponsive. This lasts for maybe four or five minutes then returns to normal.Pidgin doesn't have any kind of terminal output when ran in a terminal, so I have no data to use that is of any help.

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OpenSUSE :: Kacpi_notify Hogging CPU Time?

Feb 6, 2011

Recently I have noticed that the process kacpi_notify is using constantly using 10-14% of my total CPU time, I am running an i7 @ 2.66Ghz. This causes the CPU temp to rise, and eventually the fan will kick in to cool it down, at which point kacpi_notify will stop using CPU time. Then about a minute later it will kick in again and use CPU time up constantly until the fan kicks in because of it. It sounds like something is triggering the process and then it is stuck in an endless loop. I just don't know where I can modify this so it doesn't start up all the time.Some tech stuff:

OS: Opensuse 11.3
GUI: KDE 4.4.4


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Ubuntu :: Firefox Loses Memory Of Saved Users And Visited Places?

May 28, 2010

Since Ubuntu become 10.04, Firefox got some big issues with losing it's memory of saved users/passwords and places I've visited earlier. To fix it, I need to close and re-open Firefox and all is fine for a time. But after some time, all stuffs is gone missing again and I need to close and re-open it...

Why isn't Windows users affected with this? Only Ubuntu folks?

Anybody else notice this sickness with Firefox?

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Fedora :: Firefox Becomes Unusably Slow / Uses Excessive Memory

Nov 23, 2010

I'm using Firefox 3.6.12 on Fedora 14 (64 bit) and have noticed that after using it for a while (and/or leaving the browser open for hours at a time), it becomes almost unusably slow and uses an excessive amount of memory. For example, any of the following can cause Firefox to temporarily (for 5 to 10 seconds or so) stop responding:

- clicking on a link
- opening or closing a tab
- scrolling
It will always start responding again, sometimes after the window darkens (to indicate that it's not responding) but it's so bad that it can't really be used. Closing it and opening it (restoring the tabs) again fixes it for a while, but the problem recurs. Regarding the memory usage, it was using 850MB (according to System Monitor) when I closed it, and having re-opened it and restored the tabs, it's now using under 200MB (but appears to be rising).

Another way that this manifests itself is that when trying to watch a Flash video (like iPlayer), it pauses for a second every 30 seconds or so, making it very annoying to watch them (I've switched to Chrome for this now, and am tempted to switch for general browsing, but like the plugins in Firefox).Is anyone else having these issues, and does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix it?

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General :: Finding Processes Which Are Hogging Machine

Aug 22, 2011

All of a sudden, my computer feels sluggish. Mouse moves but windows take ages to open, etc. uptime says the load is 7.69 and raising. What is the fastest way to find out which process(es) are the cause of the load? Now, "top" and similar tools isn't the answer because they either show CPU or memory usage but not both at the same time. What I need is the single command which I might be able to type as it happens - something that will figure out any of: "System is trying to swap 8GB of RAM to disk because process X ..." or "process X seeks all over the disk" or "process X uses 400% CPU"

So what I'm looking for is iostat, htop/atop and similar tools run into one with an output like this:
1235 cp - Disk trashing
87 chrome - Uses 2GB of RAM
137 nfs_bench - Uses 95% of the network bandwidth

I don't want a tool that gives me some numbers which I can analyze but a tool that tells me exactly which process causes the current load. Assume that the user in front of the keyboard barely knows how to write "process" but is quickly overwhelmed when it comes to "resident size", "virtual memory" or "process life cycle".

My argument goes like this: User notices problem. There can be thousands of reasons ... well, almost. User wants to know source of problem. The current solutions give me lots of numbers and I need to know what these numbers mean. What I'm looking for is a meta tool. 99% of the data is irrelevant to the problem. So what the tool should do is look for processes which hog some resource and list only those along with "this process needs a lot of CPU, this produces many IRQs, this process allocates a lot of RAM (and it's still growing)".

This will be a relatively short list. It will be much more simple for an newbie to locate the culprit from this list than from the output of, say, htop which gives me about 5000 numbers but requires me to fold multi-threaded processes myself (I have 50 lines which say VIRT 2750M but only 16GB of RAM - the machine ought to swap itself to death but of course, this is a misinterpretation of the data that can happen quickly).

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General :: Kill Process Hogging Tcp Port?

Feb 25, 2010

I just bought an SSL cert and installed on my Apache server. When I restarted something went wrong so I had to change some config stuff and when I tried to restart apache for the second time I got this:

$ sudo apache2ctl start
(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs

Problem is that apache isn't running. For some reason there is something hogging my tcp 80 port, preventing apache from starting properly. How do I fix this? Is there a way to "free" a port?

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Fedora Networking :: Traffic Shaping: Keep Torrent From Hogging The Net?

Apr 12, 2009

I am running Fedora 9 and KDE 4.2.1. I want to set up some traffic shaping on my machine to prevent my torrent client from hogging my entire bandwidth. I.e., I want KTorrent to download and upload to the best of its ability, but still be able to browse the net freely in spite of the torrents. I have done some reading about traffic shaping in Linux. There is lots of material about it, but most of it (such as the lartc.org "howto") is very complex and comprehensive and looks extremely intimidating. Furthermore, most of it addresses situations where you want to distribute traffic between multiple computers in a network. I just want to manage processes on a single machine. I am hoping for a piece of software that lets me assign each a "priority" to each application, or something like that. Like cFosSpeed for Windows.

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Debian :: Kworker Hogging CPU On New Jessie Install - EDID Checksum Is Invalid

May 16, 2015

I just installed jessie on a machine that had been running wheezy with no problems. Now I see that a kworker process is hogging nearly 100% of one of the CPUs. I am not sure how to proceed with solving the problem even after doing a number of Google searches.

I'm not sure if this is related, but I am getting the following when I run 'dmesg':

[ 3637.597975] [drm:drm_edid_block_valid] *ERROR* EDID checksum is invalid, remainder is 42
[ 3637.597979] Raw EDID:
[ 3637.597981] 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 4d d9 90 02 01 01 01 01

[Code] .....

My hardware is:
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6550 @ 2.33GHz, 2333 MHz
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6550 @ 2.33GHz, 2000 MHz
/dev/input/event0 AT Translated Set 2 keyboard
/dev/input/mice ImExPS/2 Logitech Explorer Mouse

[Code] ....

Here is the "top" display, showing 75.2% of the CPU on kworker/1:2 and 27.6% of the CPU on kworker/1.1:

4731 root 20 0 0 0 0 R 72.5 0.0 0:53.73 kworker/1:2
28 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 27.6 0.0 0:58.69 kworker/1:1
1246 dan 20 0 1668476 132720 57548 S 2.7 4.3 0:42.33 gnome-shell
4673 dan 20 0 855208 158368 65568 S 2.7 5.2 0:28.44 iceweasel
815 root 20 0 201804 29020 18728 S 1.0 0.9 0:14.30 Xorg

[Code] ....

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General :: Ubuntu - Memory Full, Process Memory Usage Doesn't Add Up In Top?

Mar 18, 2011

I have a computer with 16GB of ram. At the moment, top shows all the RAM is taken, (NOT by cache), but the RAM used by the various processes is very far from 16GB.I have seen this problem several times, but I don't understand what is happening.My only remedy so far has been to reboot the machine.

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Ubuntu :: Memory Error When Installing Python - Cannot Allocate Memory

Apr 19, 2010

I get this error when I run "sudo apt-get install python-software-properties"

Preconfiguring packages ...
dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting:
fork failed: Cannot allocate memory
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)

I'm trying to install deluge via ssh and my vps has 512mb ram and is only using 11% of it prior to running the code.

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Server :: Mysql Is Hogging Server Resources And Sometimes Crash?

Dec 6, 2010

my mysql is hogging my server resources andd sometimes crash it.Is there a way to increase memory it uses?I get this message alot..

Time: Mon Dec 6 08:21:33 2010 -0600
Account: mysql
Resource: Virtual Memory Size


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Ubuntu :: Memory Leak / Some Process Eating All Memory

Jan 29, 2011

I have had a fresh install of Ubuntu 9.10 and installed some software after that.Since third some, some process is eating half of my memory.I have checked processes running in system manager but everything is normal.Maximum is consumed by compiz which is about 26 mb, seems very normal.I did restarted my computer several times, and in the start for 5 mins, its fine after that again my cpu fans runs at very fast speed and my one cpu is used up 95 % (I have dual core).Please help me out, this invisible thing is driving me crazy.I am attaching my htop screen shot (sorted by cpu %), now the cpu is not used by completely but fan is still struggling hard and fast.

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General :: Application Virtual Address Space Memory Allocation - Memory Does Not Get Free

Apr 20, 2010

I am using malloc and frees a lot in my program. It shows its allocated but when i remove it doesnt show as the memory is removed(I am using the top command to view VIRT memory usage). If this continously grows what would happen to my program (Will it go out of memory?)

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Fedora Hardware :: Checking Computer Memory - Specification Shows 2 GB Of Memory Instead Of GB

Feb 7, 2011

Fedora 14 xfce
HP Mini 210

I am looking to buy some memory for my netbook. Currently I have 1 GB of DDR3 memory. However, the specification says that 2 GB of memory is the max. However, when I do the following it says that 4GB is the max:


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Server :: Clear Cache Memory ( RHEL 5.1 ) As It Consumes Almost 100% Physical Memory?

Jan 11, 2010

let me know how to clear cache memory ( RHEL 5.1 ) as it consumes almost 100% physical memory.

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Software :: Free Database That Has Low Memory Usage And Innodb And Memory Like Engin

May 3, 2011

I am looking for free database that has low memory usage and innodb and memory like engins that has C API and support trigger and client/server support for using in embedded linux systems.

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Programming :: Memory Leaks - Glibc Detected - ./SuffixTree: Malloc() - Memory Corruption - 0x00

Mar 21, 2011

I am new to C and linux. My code below does arbitary writes but I cant figure out where or how it does it.

I am calling the insertNode() function with seq = 'MISSISSPPI$' and alphabets = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$'


Weird behaviour I should mention is that when I check for NULL pointer in node->child[index], the unassigned values are not null anymore, they point to arbitary memory.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Virtual Memory / Resident Memory Of Server?

Feb 3, 2010

we found that if we use 'top' to show the memory usage of a server (SuSe Linux 10), we can get virtual memory usage as well as 'Resident memory' usage. For virtual mem or a particular process, it is around 1.1GB, which is large but for resident memory, it only consumes 300MB. Are there anyone who knows what the differences are? I would also like to know whether the difference (1.1GB - 300MB) = 800MB are actually available for use by other applications in the system.

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Programming :: Write A Script That Can Show Me Total Memory Vs Used Memory?

Apr 13, 2010

How do I write a script for my Linux that can show me total memory vs used memory and have it email me results if it's over 70 percent?

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Hardware :: Why Dmesg / Grep Memory Gives Two Different Physical Memory Amounts

Oct 20, 2010

I am monitoring physical memory in a server I administer, and my hardware provider told me they had increased physical memory size to 4Gb... However, using several tools (free -m; top; dmesg | grep Memory; grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo I discovered that I actually have 3Gb, not 4... But, my doubt comes from the fact that dmesg | grem Memory tells me I have 3103396k/4194304k available The first number is effectively 3Gb, but the second one, is 4! so, why I am looking at this two different numbers?

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Software :: Accessing Memory Address Outside Standard Memory

Nov 22, 2009

I am writing an application that wants to access periphals registers outside the standard (allowed) memory area.

Doing so gets me "segmentation fault".

I know, this is natural behaviour.

One way of getting around this is writing the module which has to be loaded by linux. I will consider this some time later.

For now, I want to come to some quick result and allow linux or gcc compiler to write to those memory areas of periphals. Is there a direct way to do so?

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Programming :: SHM Memory Counted As Cache Memory With Kernel 2.6.18?

Aug 25, 2010

Is that possible that SHM shared memory is counted as cache memory on Linux with kernel 2.6.18?If find it really odd since this memory is not file backed, but I have a piece of code that loads data using shm_open+mmap, and it generates an amount of cache memory in /proc/meminfo that corresponds exactly to the amount of shared memory (I load that data from a file but I am using posix_fadvise(fd,0,0,POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED) to ensure this file is not cached and I made sure that it is working as expected). As far as I know SHM memory was not tagged as cache memory with kernel 2.6.9.If it is the case it is really unfortunate since normally cache memory can be considered to be part of the "available" memory since it can be flushed promptly but this is clearly not the case with SHM memory... Is there an easy way to get the total amount of used SHM memory on a system?

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General :: Memory Corruption Detected In Low Memory

Aug 22, 2010

This is my first post in these forums. I'm still quite new to Linux (using Mint 9) so please bear with my not-very-articulate question(s)When I boot up and open up a tty terminal I get a message saying "Memory corruption detected in low memory." I've done an extensive google search about the issue and it seems not uncommon. I ran a memtest with no errors returned, so I'm sure that there's nothing really wrong with the memory; apparently it's a bug in the kernel that's causing this.

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