Fedora :: Firefox Becomes Unusably Slow / Uses Excessive Memory

Nov 23, 2010

I'm using Firefox 3.6.12 on Fedora 14 (64 bit) and have noticed that after using it for a while (and/or leaving the browser open for hours at a time), it becomes almost unusably slow and uses an excessive amount of memory. For example, any of the following can cause Firefox to temporarily (for 5 to 10 seconds or so) stop responding:

- clicking on a link
- opening or closing a tab
- scrolling
It will always start responding again, sometimes after the window darkens (to indicate that it's not responding) but it's so bad that it can't really be used. Closing it and opening it (restoring the tabs) again fixes it for a while, but the problem recurs. Regarding the memory usage, it was using 850MB (according to System Monitor) when I closed it, and having re-opened it and restored the tabs, it's now using under 200MB (but appears to be rising).

Another way that this manifests itself is that when trying to watch a Flash video (like iPlayer), it pauses for a second every 30 seconds or so, making it very annoying to watch them (I've switched to Chrome for this now, and am tempted to switch for general browsing, but like the plugins in Firefox).Is anyone else having these issues, and does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix it?

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Server :: Squid Excessive Memory Consuming On Fedora 12?

Feb 7, 2011

There is squid 3.1.8 on a Fedora 12 server with 2 GB of RAM. It is used for sharing the Internet for approximatively 80 PC's. The problem is that it is really a memory hog, when enabling delay pools. I am using the following configuration for the memory pools:


delay_pools 1
delay_class 1 2
delay_access 1 allow drumuri


There are moments when the squid process uses approximatively all the RAM and goes into swapping. After that I restart it, it goes well for a while and again eats up all the memory. On the Internet it says that Squid uses a lot of memory, but should it use 2 GB of memory, even if all 80 people are online at the same time?

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Fedora :: Why Does Firefox Remain In Memory

Feb 11, 2011

I have been noticing a distinct slow down in my Fedora of late, and today, with no program running, I called up System Monitor and low and behold, Firefox was running in memory, and taking up 1/2 (50%) of 2 GB of RAM! How does one stop this behaviour? How do I make Firefox stop running when I close it?

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Fedora :: Slow Down High Nautilus Memory Usage After Loading Folder With Lots Of Images?

Nov 22, 2010

I was browsing my folder with lots of images, after finished i close nautilus and i notice that my computer became slow, so i'll check it with system monitor and had found that nautilus are using almost 100mb of ram (opening 4 tabs). I'm not sure if this was normal or not because i try to reopen the same folder with pcmanfm and it only consumes less than 20mb of ram (opening 4 tabs).
here's the screenshot from system monitor .

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Fedora :: Excessive CPU With On 12

Mar 8, 2010

I upgraded via yum to today and rebooted.

Running Google Picasa under wine is pretty much unusable. A quick reboot to the previous 2.6.31 kernel provided via the Fedora repositories previously solved my symptoms.

I don't think the problem is limited to Picasa but haven't done anything scientific to show what the problem could be.

Because I run on a trusty six year old laptop I visually monitor the system with the System Monitor applet. Usually slowness is i/o wait while the disk is retrieving information but on 2.6.32 it's pegged as system time eating up my CPU.

Before I report this in bugzilla, can anyone else tell me what their experiences with 2.6.32-9.67 have been?

Also, are there any fine-grained performance monitor tools that might explain what's going on to peg the CPU so high? top just shows Picasa running.. and it can be a hog doing background work at times. If it is, a reboot just continues the cpu needs not eliminates them as in my case.

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Fedora :: 14 Excessive HDD Access After Startx?

Nov 26, 2010

Just installed Fedora 14. My HDD LED is flickering constantly about 7x a second. This only happens after I start X-windows and continues if I log out. Top shows dbus-daemon at 15% CPU. I'm sure this is causing it as it only starts after X-windows.

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Fedora Networking :: Very Slow Firefox Performance

Dec 26, 2009

I have fedora 12 and since I started using firefox I noticed that it performs very slow. Slow when opening, when displaying information etc..I thought that there was something wrong with my wireless device but I installed opera and it works very fast. The strange thing is that before that I installed google chrome and also worked very slow for me.

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Fedora :: Firefox Very Slow Page Loading

May 5, 2010

With the last several updates to Firefox, loading pages from several different sites slows down to (slower than) a crawl - taking sometimes minutes. Most of the time, this occurs loading ads.

I don't remember what release this started with, but I didn't have problems before, and I don't have any problems loading the same web pages on IE8 (running on XP). This is the same on F12 and F11.

I have tried changing some of the securty choices, even tried blocking certain sites, but no luck.

Also, several times after a download, firefox freezes, although the rest of the desktop is okay.

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Fedora Installation :: FC10 - Excessive Horizontal Display Jitter

Feb 9, 2009

After having used fc5 for years, I installed fc10 in order to be able to run the newest versions of some of my tools. Under fc5, my monitor (Dell 2407FPW) and adapter (ATI Technologies Inc RV380) have happily coexisted at 1920x1200 76Hz. During the fc10 install, the monitor flickered a few times, then settled down (an auto-detect by the installation?) Now, after installation is complete, if I display a window with a lot of small text, the text is nearly unreadable because of horizontal jitter. If I move the window part-way off-screen, so that there is less small text on-screen, the jitter is somewhat reduced.

My hunch was that the installation got the ModeLine settings wrong, but when I went to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf, I couldn't find it. I also ran a case-insensitive search for any file containing "ModeLine", starting in /etc, but nothing turned up except /etc/prelink.cache, a binary file.

I tried running Computer/SystemSettings/Display, but every time I do this, the monitor immediately goes into sleep mode, and nothing will recover it out except an X11 reboot (Ctrl-Alt-Backspace).

Is there any way to tweak the display settings other than the gui ("Display") program?

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OpenSUSE :: 11.3 - OpenOffice Slow Performance (Need More Memory)

Oct 1, 2010

Ever since 11.3 Open Office was performing "badly" to say the least. It loaded slow, with a few documents open "save-as" and selecting a different folder took up to a minute and so on. Anyway I had the suspicion that there maybe not enough memory allocated. Nothing within the OO settings worked.

Then I looked into yast=>/etc/sysconfig=>System=>Limits...
found "HARDLOCKLIMIT" set to "@256"
changed to "@512"......OK finished.

Ran a test with 10 documents open
a) Startup was much faster
b) Saveas instantly
c) PDF instantly
d) Selecting new folder instantly
Preliminary conclusion : Java(sun) and OO needs more memory

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Ubuntu :: Slow Gaming Experience - Increase Graphics Memory Allocation?

Jun 9, 2011

When I play Bejewelled Blitz on Mozilla firefox or Google Chrome,, it is so painfully slow that it is frustrating, I have all the latest updates from Ubuntu installed including the Adobe flashplayer. Is there some way I can increase the graphics memory allocation?

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Fedora Hardware :: Checking Computer Memory - Specification Shows 2 GB Of Memory Instead Of GB

Feb 7, 2011

Fedora 14 xfce
HP Mini 210

I am looking to buy some memory for my netbook. Currently I have 1 GB of DDR3 memory. However, the specification says that 2 GB of memory is the max. However, when I do the following it says that 4GB is the max:


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OpenSUSE :: Extreme Memory-hog On Firefox 3.6.6

Jul 30, 2010

I just installed OS11.3 64bits with Firefox 3.6.6 I see an extreme memory-hog after only a day running. Now Firefox har been running for 4hours and is using over 800MB and growing with only one page up(Lotus iNotes Web-mail). I mostly use Opera web-browser (10.70 Beta) and have 4 page up and it only use 600MB stable.

If Firefox is running for 24hours the memory-usage will pass 2GB by doing nothing and OS begin to feel slow. This happens after last upgrade of Firefox.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Memory Hogging

Jul 11, 2011

Does anyone else have an issue with Firefox memory hogging? If you open many tabs, it just seems to use up most of the memory and despite closing a tab it will not release it.You have to restart the browser every so often.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Firefox 5 Takes All Available Memory

Jul 22, 2011

a few months ago i did a fresh install of ubuntu 11.04 64-bits. it works perfectly. i'm using firefox 5.0, and in about it says mozilla firefox for ubuntu canonical 1.0.

every now and then, firefox behaves like a runaway train and starts using up all available memory, and using 100% processor time. this has been going on for a week or so. the only remedy is to kill firefox and restart it.

i'm not sure what causes this problem, but i am starting to suspect that it may be caused by flash, java, or some other plug-in or add-on that i have installed.

my add-ons are:
- adblock plus 1.3.9
- adblock plus pop-up addon 0.2.7
- delicious bookmarks 2.3.1
- delicious extension 2.3.1
- flash-aid 2.1.1
- global menu bar integration 1.0.6
- memory restart 1.4
- stumbleupon 3.91
- ubuntu firefox modifications 0.9.1

with the exception of memory restart 1.4 all these add-ons have been installed for a long time, without ever causing any problems. the problems started before installing memory restart.

my java version is icedtea, installed from the repository. i'm frequently using sweet home 3d (a java program) that runs without any problem. it doesn't make a difference whether i have sh3d running or not, the ff problem occurs regardless.

i also have installed ubuntu restricted extras version 43. videos videos don't cause problems. vimeo videos cause problems on occasion when switching to high definition and/or to full screen, but that is a known vimeo problem.

the problems certainly start when i don't use my computer for a longer period of time. i have disabled the screen saver/energy saver, but that doesn't seem to solve the problem. today i had the problem shortly after visiting a website, reason why i'm starting to suspect that the problem could be linked to some plug-in that website uses.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Loses Memory Of Saved Users And Visited Places?

May 28, 2010

Since Ubuntu become 10.04, Firefox got some big issues with losing it's memory of saved users/passwords and places I've visited earlier. To fix it, I need to close and re-open Firefox and all is fine for a time. But after some time, all stuffs is gone missing again and I need to close and re-open it...

Why isn't Windows users affected with this? Only Ubuntu folks?

Anybody else notice this sickness with Firefox?

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Debian :: Firefox 3.x Is Very Slow To Star

Apr 12, 2011

Firefox 3.x is very slow to start and slow to run but I'm used to it and everything works. Haven't tried 4 yet, waiting for it to land in the Mint repo.Chromium is really fast but lacks RSS feed handling. I have to right-click on a feed, copy the address and paste it into Liferea. Chromium used to be crashy but has improved a lot. I am using Chromium from the testing repo until something better comes along.Midori has poor bookmark management but is otherwise OK. On a gtk system it is really fast loading. I used it for a couple months but recently switched to Chromium.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Slow And Grays Out / Why Is So?

Apr 10, 2010

Don't understand why Firefox is about 3 times as slow now as it always was and certain web pages make the entire Firefox page go to gray and I have to force quit it...Does anyone know WHY...?

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Ubuntu :: Speeding Up Firefox With A Slow SSD?

May 26, 2010

I have an Acer Aspire One A110 netbook. Presently, it runs Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.10 and Firefox 3.5.8. The A110 is an early model with a slow SSD (solid state drive). Firefox was slow and often paused (froze for a moment). I tried several hacks in the Ubuntu forums and elsewhere to speed up Firefox. Some were not effective at all, some were very technical and at least one produced instability. I tried Google Chrome, which started out fast but turned slow. Emptying browser caches did not fix my problems.

I thought the slow disk must be the problem and moved the browser cache to a dedicated SDHC card. I've since been running with a dedicated cache for a month or two now, have never emptied the cache and Firefox still runs fast. I mean fast enough that it doesn't slow down my browsing (I'm not trying to set world speed records).

The A110 has two SD slots. I have a 16 GB SDHC card in the 'Storage Expansion', which is my data disk. The second is a card reader slot. I didn't want to mess with my data disk. I bought a fast (Transcend, Class 6)

4 GB SDHC, put that in the card reader slot and set up my Firefox cache there:

1. Type about:config in the Firefox address bar.

2. Tell Firefox where your new cache is. For me:browser.cache.disk.enable true.

browser.cache.disk.parent_directory /media/BD2C-8BD5/firefox (I created a directory /firefox on the card)

3. Tell Firefox to increase the size of the cache: browser.cache.disk.capacity 512000 (formerly 51200)

4. Check the cache is enabled, type about:cache in the Firefox address bar. For me it returns: /media/BD2C-8BD5/firefox/Cache

To get the name of the cache directory easily and accurately, open this directory with the File Browser, toggle to a text-based location bar and there it is. Cheap SD cards can be purchased on feebay. Select carefully, they're not all fakes. SDHC Class 6 is fine for a browser cache, handling small blocks of data. Cards only slow down when you do a massive file transfer. 2GB or 1GB should be adequate but fast and small cards are rare. Other memory cards can be used of course, but speeds vary between different technologies.

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Ubuntu :: 10.4 - Firefox Browser Very Slow

Aug 7, 2010

I was using Freespire but the version of Firefox was old and I read that Freespire was an old and obsolete OS, so I installed Ubuntu 10.4. I like everything about it so far but Firefox browser is very slow. It can take up to 30 seconds sometimes to load a web page. Just surfing the web is difficult. I do have high speed internet service and a router, I have an XP and a Vista system both are fine and even this system when it had Freespire was fine. It just started when I installed Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Slow Loading Of Firefox

Sep 29, 2010

Why is it that the latest versions of Firefox being utilized with Ubuntu/Jaunty are so slow in completing the loading process ?

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Running Really Slow

Sep 30, 2010

I currently have 10.04 desktop version installed on my desktop. However my firefox seems to be running extremely slow. Can anyone guide me on the way of checking the system. Mostly is there a command that I can run that will kill all my unwanted processes. I do not do a whole lot on this desktop besides ssh and telnet to other devices and use firefox.

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Ubuntu :: Very Slow Scrolling In Firefox?

Nov 25, 2010

My firefox have very slow scrolling and scrolling freeze on many sites (sample)How I can fix that?.Videocard: ATI radeon X550 (use open-source driver)Xorg.conf:[URL]

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Slow Performance In 11.04?

May 25, 2011

Just curious if anybody else had experienced Firefox being slightly sluggish in the new release of Ubuntu? I'm running 64-bit Ubuntu on a Dell laptop (Inspiron 1445) with a fresh install of Ubuntu 11.04 on it. I haven't touched or messed with any of the settings.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Browser Is Slow

Mar 15, 2011

Very new to computers and Linux. Running Ubuntu 10.10, I5 2.67 Mhz, 6GB RAM and 70GB SSD. Problem: web page load time in Chrome browser =1-2 seconds; page load time in latest edition of Firefox = 2-3 minutes.

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Server :: Excessive Swap Usage From Setroubleshootd

Jul 21, 2011

Just noticed from the "top" command that one of my least heavily used box is swapping excessivly by a program called setroubleshootd. Following is the top section of the "top" command sorted by Swap used for both boxes. Also tried checking it out to see if there's a "service setroubleshootd restart" but when I checked the status I got the following.

[root]# service setroubleshootd status
setroubleshootd: unrecognized service
Lightly loaded box with lots of swapping

Tasks: 85 total, 2 running, 83 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 0.0%us, 0.0%sy, 0.0%ni, 98.0%id, 1.7%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.3%si, 0.0%st
Mem: 1026880k total, 983528k used, 43352k free, 59604k buffers
Swap: 2064376k total, 355692k used, 1708684k free, 121996k cached

3319 root 15 0 1202m 665m 5748 S 0.0 66.3 23:29.99 537m setroubleshootd
3845 root 34 19 253m 14m 2188 S 0.0 1.5 0:34.41 238m yum-updatesd
3841 gdm 16 0 216m 5300 4236 S 0.0 0.5 0:00.15 211m gdmgreeter
3822 root 18 0 190m 2208 1568 S 0.0 0.2 0:00.00 187m gdm-binary
3824 root 15 0 185m 3948 3236 S 0.0 0.4 0:00.11 181m gdm-rh-security
3725 root 16 0 163m 2532 1920 S 0.0 0.2 0:00.00 161m gdm-binary
3500 root 18 0 130m 2140 1240 S 0.0 0.2 0:00.00 128m cupsd
Heavily used box with little swapping

Tasks: 118 total, 4 running, 113 sleeping, 0 stopped, 1 zombie
Cpu(s): 4.7%us, 0.3%sy, 0.0%ni, 94.7%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.3%si, 0.0%st
Mem: 2059580k total, 1928356k used, 131224k free, 162032k buffers
Swap: 4095992k total, 12k used, 4095980k free, 1336632k cached

3842 root 34 19 253m 17m 2196 S 0.0 0.9 0:34.20 235m yum-updatesd
3284 root 15 0 301m 77m 6004 S 0.0 3.9 2:23.30 223m setroubleshootd
3840 gdm 16 0 216m 16m 7064 S 0.0 0.8 0:00.43 199m gdmgreeter
3814 root 18 0 190m 2352 1644 S 0.0 0.1 0:00.00 187m gdm-binary
3816 root 15 0 185m 4112 3384 S 0.0 0.2 0:02.90 181m gdm-rh-security
3724 root 15 0 163m 2588 1976 S 0.0 0.1 0:00.00 161m gdm-binary
3465 root 18 0 141m 14m 1824 S 0.0 0.7 0:00.06 127m cupsd
12799 daemon 18 0 103m 3708 648 S 0.0 0.2 0:00.00 100m httpd
12396 daemon 15 0 112m 13m 3440 S 0.0 0.7 0:00.99 98m httpd
3556 root 18 0 103m 5260 2208 S 0.0 0.3 0:37.68 98m httpd
11778 daemon 15 0 117m 19m 3144 S 2.3 1.0 0:01.76 98m httpd
12750 daemon 15 0 106m 9096 2860 S 0.0 0.4 0:00.04 97m httpd
12673 daemon 15 0 110m 12m 2876 S 0.0 0.6 0:00.23 97m httpd
12693 daemon 15 0 110m 13m 2876 S 0.0 0.7 0:00.18 97m httpd
12666 daemon 15 0 105m 8132 2888 S 0.0 0.4 0:00.19 97m httpd
12729 daemon 15 0 112m 15m 2968 S 0.0 0.8 0:00.11 97m httpd
12588 daemon 15 0 110m 12m 2984 S 0.0 0.6 0:00.54 97m httpd

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Software :: Excessive RAM / Swap Space Usage

Mar 2, 2009

For some reason, if I leave my Linux box running for several days, the swap space and RAM slowly fill up until my system is so slow that it takes around 15 seconds just to open a new tab if Firefox (Iceweasel, specifically). I have 512GB RAM and almost a gig of swap; how on earth does it fill up so much? Even if I close all my programs, there's still over 600MB swap used and all RAM is full. I've included a screenshot of 'top' running just about two minutes after I closed all my running programs.

(Before I closed it, I had only 71MB swap free.) I know that Linux is supposed to make good usage of RAM, but isn't this over the top? Is there a way to force it to use only required memory with no or little extras kept in RAM? Just thought I'd add in the fact that I'm running Xfce as opposed to KDE or GNOME in an attempt to have a smoother running system on my old hardware. Also, what's the "VIRT" column?

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Ubuntu :: Processes Running In Xubuntu Seem Excessive?

Mar 15, 2011

When I ps -e, I see a whole bunch of processes, many more that when I ran Slackware.Is there a list of processess I can look at to see what they are and what ones I dont need, instead of googling each one and getting some cryptic explanation?

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OpenSUSE :: FireFox Slow Loading And Browsing

Aug 27, 2010

On my computer, I'm using 11.3, KDE 4.4.4 and Firefox 3.6.8. Firefox is so s...l...o...w..... It's slow loading and it's slow browsing. Konqueror takes 1, maybe 2 seconds to load, and another second to load the home page. Firefox takes a good 30 seconds to load. The only message I get when loading from a terminal is about not using a shared database. I don't hear the disk churning like it would with a fragmented disk.

I can't believe everyone is having this response, the hue and cry would be enormous! Anything to try? Should I try loading another browser? I tried Opera on 11.2 and didn't really like it, had problems with a lot of content. What about Sea Monkey (Gad, I HATE words with monkey in them!) Konqueror won't show a lot of videos and I have problems using the back and forward buttons. I'll wait for fixes but in the meantime.

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OpenSUSE :: Fix For Firefox Acting Slow On Page Look Ups?

Mar 25, 2011

On my system Firefox 4 seemed to be taking its sweet time "looking up" addresses, but when it found the page it blazed on the render. I poked around on the net and found a few suggestions to speed up the "look up". So I thought I would share... I aimed for the fewest changes, so not to break too many things or make a big mess. (Warning moving and changing things that you don't know about, in the about:config can goof up Firefox so double check your settings) place about:config in the address bar and hit enter

You should get a really long list of things

In the search bar put

My default value was set to false, go ahead and set it to true. Right click and Toggle. Clear out the search bar where network.dns.disableIPv6 was, and put in network.http.pipelining You should have three listings Right click on network.http.pipelining and Toggle so "true" shows for the value. Next, right click on network.http.pipelining.maxrequests and Modify, a box will pop up, replace the default 4 with 8. Close the about:config

Now test your Forefox performance. These three small changes, made a world of difference for me. Its now comparably fast as chromium. If you disagree with what I did, or want to let me know of any other "safe" speedups let me know. PS. If you don't see any improvements performance-wise or your from the future and do use IPv6, it would be best to go and take these settings back to the default Firefox settings.

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