General :: Find The CPU Hogging Tab In Firefox?

Sep 11, 2010

I did my homework and found those similar questions, but they seem to cover particular firefox addons. My scenario is different: I don't run a ton of addons, but still periodically CPU usage skyrockets to 100% (I have an old single core CPU). I wonder if it is possible to see which tab is the offending one. Generally I don't run a gazillion of tabs, I try to stick to the 7+/-2 common sense rule, but closing tabs one by one and watching the CPU usage is still not very convenient.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Memory Hogging

Jul 11, 2011

Does anyone else have an issue with Firefox memory hogging? If you open many tabs, it just seems to use up most of the memory and despite closing a tab it will not release it.You have to restart the browser every so often.

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General :: Finding Processes Which Are Hogging Machine

Aug 22, 2011

All of a sudden, my computer feels sluggish. Mouse moves but windows take ages to open, etc. uptime says the load is 7.69 and raising. What is the fastest way to find out which process(es) are the cause of the load? Now, "top" and similar tools isn't the answer because they either show CPU or memory usage but not both at the same time. What I need is the single command which I might be able to type as it happens - something that will figure out any of: "System is trying to swap 8GB of RAM to disk because process X ..." or "process X seeks all over the disk" or "process X uses 400% CPU"

So what I'm looking for is iostat, htop/atop and similar tools run into one with an output like this:
1235 cp - Disk trashing
87 chrome - Uses 2GB of RAM
137 nfs_bench - Uses 95% of the network bandwidth

I don't want a tool that gives me some numbers which I can analyze but a tool that tells me exactly which process causes the current load. Assume that the user in front of the keyboard barely knows how to write "process" but is quickly overwhelmed when it comes to "resident size", "virtual memory" or "process life cycle".

My argument goes like this: User notices problem. There can be thousands of reasons ... well, almost. User wants to know source of problem. The current solutions give me lots of numbers and I need to know what these numbers mean. What I'm looking for is a meta tool. 99% of the data is irrelevant to the problem. So what the tool should do is look for processes which hog some resource and list only those along with "this process needs a lot of CPU, this produces many IRQs, this process allocates a lot of RAM (and it's still growing)".

This will be a relatively short list. It will be much more simple for an newbie to locate the culprit from this list than from the output of, say, htop which gives me about 5000 numbers but requires me to fold multi-threaded processes myself (I have 50 lines which say VIRT 2750M but only 16GB of RAM - the machine ought to swap itself to death but of course, this is a misinterpretation of the data that can happen quickly).

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General :: Kill Process Hogging Tcp Port?

Feb 25, 2010

I just bought an SSL cert and installed on my Apache server. When I restarted something went wrong so I had to change some config stuff and when I tried to restart apache for the second time I got this:

$ sudo apache2ctl start
(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs

Problem is that apache isn't running. For some reason there is something hogging my tcp 80 port, preventing apache from starting properly. How do I fix this? Is there a way to "free" a port?

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General :: Firefox Cannot Find Server

Jun 26, 2011

I have just installed Fedora 15 and Firefox cannot find the server. I do have internet access, can use yum, can ping, and can use google Chrome to access the internet OK. Any thoughts? It is not any big problem, since I can use Chrome, but just wondering what the problem might be with Firefox.

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General :: Firefox Not Working - Cant Find Server At Start

Aug 23, 2010

I just installed ubuntu 10.04 on my dell pc and it working very well. I also connect linksys usb wireless card to pc and my pc receives network connection without any problem. When I try to open firefox browser it does say"firefox cant find the server at [URL]... and asking me to check network connection or make sure that firefox is permitted to access the web.

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Fedora Networking :: Firefox Says "Firefox Can't Find The Server?

Sep 8, 2009

This is really odd - all of a sudden, my firefox says "Firefox can't find the server at" , and my pidgin will not connect saying host not found.However, I am typing this on the same computer using Opera. his is absolutely insane. I have no idea what caused it.. command line nslookup works great, and resolves everything.But firefox and pidgin will not resolve anything.

The only odd thing is this in messages:
Sep 8 12:07:41 tklaptop NetworkManager: nm_ip4_config_add_nameserver: assertion `nameserver != s' failed
Sep 8 12:07:41 tklaptop NetworkManager: nm_ip4_config_add_nameserver: assertion `nameserver != s' failed


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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Hogging All Resources?

May 19, 2011

I installed ubuntu 10.10 a few days ago which ran very well on the live CD but after I upgraded to 11.04 Ubuntu uses just under 100% of my cpu after a few mins loged in and my ram usage increases by about 5MB per sec starting the second I log in. I am using Classic Gnome and it seems to do this wether I have metacity or compiz turned on. Does anyone know what is going on or know about a way to lower ether my cpu or ram usage

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OpenSUSE :: Kacpi_notify Hogging CPU Time?

Feb 6, 2011

Recently I have noticed that the process kacpi_notify is using constantly using 10-14% of my total CPU time, I am running an i7 @ 2.66Ghz. This causes the CPU temp to rise, and eventually the fan will kick in to cool it down, at which point kacpi_notify will stop using CPU time. Then about a minute later it will kick in again and use CPU time up constantly until the fan kicks in because of it. It sounds like something is triggering the process and then it is stuck in an endless loop. I just don't know where I can modify this so it doesn't start up all the time.Some tech stuff:

OS: Opensuse 11.3
GUI: KDE 4.4.4


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Ubuntu :: 10.10 (32bit) - Transmission Hogging Bandwidth?

Apr 4, 2011

I am running a fairly standard 32bit 10.10 install, although I deleted Firefox and installed Chrome. I am using Transmission for my torrent downloads. After a lot of reading and trying different things, I have managed to get the port to open. When Transmission is running, even if only uploading and downloading a few k each way, I have great difficulty in getting Chrome to load a web page, it is as if Transmission is hogging all the available bandwidth? Obviously if I shut down Transmission the problem goes away. It also occurred with Firefox before I deleted it.

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Fedora Networking :: Traffic Shaping: Keep Torrent From Hogging The Net?

Apr 12, 2009

I am running Fedora 9 and KDE 4.2.1. I want to set up some traffic shaping on my machine to prevent my torrent client from hogging my entire bandwidth. I.e., I want KTorrent to download and upload to the best of its ability, but still be able to browse the net freely in spite of the torrents. I have done some reading about traffic shaping in Linux. There is lots of material about it, but most of it (such as the "howto") is very complex and comprehensive and looks extremely intimidating. Furthermore, most of it addresses situations where you want to distribute traffic between multiple computers in a network. I just want to manage processes on a single machine. I am hoping for a piece of software that lets me assign each a "priority" to each application, or something like that. Like cFosSpeed for Windows.

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Ubuntu :: Pidgin Randomly Hogging Resources / Freezes When Doing So

Feb 9, 2011

During random moments, pidgin will suddenly use up all of my processor, a large chunk of my ram (20% - 25% of 2 GB), and will become completely unresponsive. This lasts for maybe four or five minutes then returns to normal.Pidgin doesn't have any kind of terminal output when ran in a terminal, so I have no data to use that is of any help.

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Debian :: Kworker Hogging CPU On New Jessie Install - EDID Checksum Is Invalid

May 16, 2015

I just installed jessie on a machine that had been running wheezy with no problems. Now I see that a kworker process is hogging nearly 100% of one of the CPUs. I am not sure how to proceed with solving the problem even after doing a number of Google searches.

I'm not sure if this is related, but I am getting the following when I run 'dmesg':

[ 3637.597975] [drm:drm_edid_block_valid] *ERROR* EDID checksum is invalid, remainder is 42
[ 3637.597979] Raw EDID:
[ 3637.597981] 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 4d d9 90 02 01 01 01 01

[Code] .....

My hardware is:
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6550 @ 2.33GHz, 2333 MHz
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6550 @ 2.33GHz, 2000 MHz
/dev/input/event0 AT Translated Set 2 keyboard
/dev/input/mice ImExPS/2 Logitech Explorer Mouse

[Code] ....

Here is the "top" display, showing 75.2% of the CPU on kworker/1:2 and 27.6% of the CPU on kworker/1.1:

4731 root 20 0 0 0 0 R 72.5 0.0 0:53.73 kworker/1:2
28 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 27.6 0.0 0:58.69 kworker/1:1
1246 dan 20 0 1668476 132720 57548 S 2.7 4.3 0:42.33 gnome-shell
4673 dan 20 0 855208 158368 65568 S 2.7 5.2 0:28.44 iceweasel
815 root 20 0 201804 29020 18728 S 1.0 0.9 0:14.30 Xorg

[Code] ....

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Software :: Firefox Cannot Find Www.&.com

Dec 17, 2009

My firefox alsways starts with the message that it cannot find the server at www.&.com. Where do I say that i want to visit that site, and how can I say to firefox not to look for it ?

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Fedora :: Can't Find For Firefox

Jul 1, 2010

I'm trying to get the java plugin to work in F13 with Firefox 3.6.4. Looking in the forum it seems I need to make a symbolic link to in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins (the last time I did this in linux was a long time ago and it was the

I have java-1.6.0-openjdk and the java-1.6.0-openjdk-plugin both installed on my system 32-bit) but I can't find anywhere on my system with "locate" or in any of the "java" folders (/usr/lib/jvm etc.)

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Can't Find Text But It's There

Mar 25, 2010

Why does Firefox sometimes not see text in page searches? See screen capture below. On this web page, I searched for "256" but FF did not find it on the page however the first account of 256 is right there staring me in the face.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Can't Find The Webpage

May 14, 2010

It takes a long time for firefox to actually find every website I go to. It sticks on looking for [URL] and then eventually finds it. It isn't the connection because I tested it and its fine. I am using Ubuntu 10.04 and firefox 3.6.3

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Server :: Mysql Is Hogging Server Resources And Sometimes Crash?

Dec 6, 2010

my mysql is hogging my server resources andd sometimes crash it.Is there a way to increase memory it uses?I get this message alot..

Time: Mon Dec 6 08:21:33 2010 -0600
Account: mysql
Resource: Virtual Memory Size


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OpenSUSE Network :: Firefox Can't Find The Server

Mar 1, 2011

I've gotten this in the past with other PCs, but have been able to fix it by deleting my connection in Network Manager and recreating it. I'm using DHCP. This is OpenSUSE 11.3 on a HP Mini-110 Netbook.Here's the weird part, before anyone starts sending me to resolv.conf or asking for "lspci" stuff. When I'm in a terminal on this netbook, I can enter "host" and it works. I can enter, "host" and it works fine. I get an IP address. If I manually enter the IP address in Firefox, I go to the site. But if I enter "" in Firefox, it very quickly responds with, "Firefox can't find the server at""Browse Offline" isn't checked. (Think about it: if it was, I couldn't enter the IP address and go to a site, anyway.) This is a brand new install of OS 11.3, Firefox 3.6.6. But one other interesting thing: the software updater reported that common "curl" error, saying that IT couldn't resolve the addresses, either.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Find Exit Buttin On Firefox

Feb 26, 2011

i got the effects to work but when i enable the i cant move my windoes around i cant find the buttin on firefox like the exit and stuff.

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Software :: Firefox IDs - Cannot Find Browser XUL File

Mar 2, 2010

I am developing a firefox extension. I need to include a button in the toolbox. Hence I need the firefox ids. I cannot find the browser.xul file for that. Where is the browser.xul file?. I searched many directories but was unsuccessful.

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Slackware :: Firefox 4.0b7 \ Couldn't Find A Slackbuild?

Nov 11, 2010

Firefox 4.0b7 is out. I am compiling it now. First though, I had to update cairo and pixman. Cairo was easy enough modifying the slackbuild, but pixman was a peta. I couldn't find a slackbuild, so I had to really modify one. It worked, though, building pixman first,then cairo. The FF build has been going for about 10 minutes, so I know it has a way to go.

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Fedora Security :: Firefox Browser Cannot Find Server

Jan 10, 2010

Browser can't find server at so no internet. My folding at home client with Stanford can't download {an upload went ok}. I have 2 other fedora boxes & 3 windows boxes thru the same router and they are all fine.

I can manually ping Stanford ok,
Add/remove software within fed. works ok.
I can type in & get the page for my router
The only thing I did between working & not working was to install
Nvidia Cuda driver for my GTX275

My guess is something in the firewall got tweaked. but I've compared it to 2 working boxes & nothing jumps out at me.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't Find IP Address When Open Firefox

Mar 24, 2010

I have two computers one with Ubuntu Server (just for fun) and another with Ubuntu Desktop. I connected them with one LAN cable so there is no internet and what I want is to open firefox in Ubuntu Desktop and view the apache test page but I can't find IP address, ifconfig just displays the ipv6 one?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Find Out Which Version Of Firefox 10.04 Is Running?

Jul 23, 2010

How can I find out which version of Firefox my Ubuntu 10.04 is running?

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Ubuntu :: Java Installed, Firefox Can't Find Plugin?

Mar 2, 2011

downloaded the java .bin file from the website and made it excutable and ran in terminal... i got the 'done' message at the end of installation, so i restarted Firefox and verified if i had java. well, i got that message talking about missing plugins... i clicked it and click get missing plugins, It didn't find java on my computer!

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Debian Multimedia :: Try And Install Firefox But Cant Seem To Find It Anywhere In The Package Manager?

Mar 12, 2010

i just got debian lenny installed on my machine, i cant get flash to work with iceweasell so i thought id try and install firefox but i cant seem to find it anywhere in the debian package manager, ive tried usign the following guides;[URL]i still havent been able to achive my goal

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OpenSUSE :: Find An Update To Firefox 3.5 Waiting For Inside YaST?

Apr 14, 2010

I'm staying with 11.1 (sic) because it works well enough, so what a pleasant surprise to find an update to Firefox 3.5 waiting for me inside YaST, I'd have expected only updates to 3.0.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Connection On Mobile Broadband - Cannot Find The Web Page ?

Jan 12, 2010

I have just upgraded to Ubuntu 9.1 and now my mobile broadband connection will not work. The dongle says it is connected to my provider but Firefox is telling me it cannot find the web page. Everything was working perfectly before the upgrade!

Error message: The browser could not find the host server for the provided address.

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Software :: Why Doesn't Firefox's Quick Find (/) Work On This Link

Oct 18, 2010

I routinely use Firefox's quick find feature. I press the slash key, /, type what I want to find on the page and it searches as I type. I love it. It's very convenient. But it doesn't work anywhere on this page.

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