Ubuntu :: Domain-Wide/Multiple PC Configuration

Jun 16, 2010

I have a pretty simple question, but can't seem to find an answer through my searching.

I know that there has to be a way to configure multiple Ubuntu machines somewhat easily, but how to do this exactly?

If anyone could link me to a network best practices thread or something that explains network administration of multiple Ubuntu clients.

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Server :: Ftp For Multiple Domain?

Apr 3, 2010

i have two domains(eg. my example.com and my domian.com) in my server for single static ip.i have also configured ftp server for those two domains.And also seperate ftp users for my domain.com and my example.com.

e.g. my domain.com----- ftp user----big
my example.com---- ftp user----small

i can able to access the ftp server from client pcs. my problem is when i tried to access ftp server by

ftp www.my domain.com
user small
passwd xxx

i.e the domain i want to access is my domain.com.

the username and password which i given is for my example.com

but i can able to login through that ftp user and the location is myexample.com location.

but i don't want this to happen .

i want mydomain.com to be accessed only through my domain ftp users and my example.com to be accessed only through my example.com ftp users,what to do.

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Server :: Multiple Domain Name In One Mail?

Apr 6, 2010

I have a Slackware 12.1 box with mail server running on Postfix and Dovecot. My domain name is,say, [URL].. I have another domain, mail.xyz.net. I want to use both the domain for incoming. Like, someone sends mail to [URL]... otherone sends mail to user@xyz.net. Both the mail should be received.

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Networking :: Multiple Domain Names On One IP Address?

Dec 19, 2009

Is it possible to have one static IP address with a NAT network forwarding each domain name to certain internal/DMZ IP addresses? I know you can do it by port but if both websites are on port 80 can you forward to the corresponding server on the dmz.I ask this because I noticed the website braemere.com.au had to be typed into a web browser and entering the IP which is did not take me to the website.

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Server :: Configure Samba For Multiple AD Domain Controllers?

Mar 2, 2011

How do I configure samba such that AD authentication still works when a DC is down? Do I need multiple kdc, admin_server, and kpasswd_server entries in krb5.conf?

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Server :: Multiple Postfix Smtp For A Single Domain?

Mar 15, 2010

I am looking at setting up a multiple postfix SMTP servers for a single domain. Below is my requirement, I would appreciate if someone out there could guide me to achieve this using postfix..

1. Want to setup 2 postfix SMTP Server with 1 POP3 Server.

2. Server1 will host POP3 & SMTP services for domain "metallica.one".(IP:, MX: mx1.metallica.one)

3. Server2 will host only SMTP services for domain "metallica.one" (IP:, MX: mx2.metallica.one)

4. Server1 & Server2 will be used as load balancing for sending mails. (either manual settings in email client, or auto-loadbalancing is still preferred).

5. Mail received for domain metallica.one on Server2 should be pushed/forwarded/relayed to Server1 where POP3 services are running.

6. Outgoing mails for other domains from Server2 should be sent directly to the other-domain-recipients without relaying to Server1.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Configure To Send And Receive Mail From Multiple Sub Domains Of Domain?

Jun 14, 2011

I want to configure a single mail server to send and receive mail from multiple sub domains of my domain. I've already installed Postfix/Dovecot and it is perfectly working for mydomain.com. And also installed roundcube for Web Mail. Can I further customize this setup to process mail to sub domains? ex- someone@subdomain1.mydomain.com, someone@subdomain2.mydomain.com, someone2@subdomain1.mydomain.com (someone@subdomain1.mydomain.com and someone@subdomain2.mydomain.com are 2 separate users. they should be able to log on to web interface separately)

Currently i use system account names as email user names. (ex - systemusername@mydomain.com). The only MX record in my domain DNS pointed to current server (mailhost.mydomain.com). I read about postfix virtual domains. but couldnt figure out how to use it to achive my target. I do not need configuration details. Just explain me the way to do it. I can do the rest my self.

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Debian Configuration :: Lenny Or Sid As A Domain Controller?

Feb 18, 2010

Can Debian act as a Windows Domain Controller? I'm just curious because my boss recently tossed out some old servers and I grabbed them. They're good machines but I can't afford to pay $1000 for Server 2003 R2 just to setup a domain at my place and run Endpoint Protection and such. I've never used a domain setup in Linux before so I thought I'd ask and possibly try to, if Debian/Linux is capable of such a thing.

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Debian Configuration :: Changing The Domain Name Of A Server?

Oct 13, 2010

I'm having problems when trying to view my web site from inside my firewall and router. The web server works fine and will resolve from IP address on the local network and port forwarding works for external connections. The problem stems from when I orignally setup the server; I left the domain name field blank when going through the installation process.

I've had a look at the man pages and had a search on Google but cannot find an answer that works. I've changed a few things in '/etc/hosts' and '/etc/networks' but when I make changes they have no effect on the problem. My web site is on a no-ip domain which is [URL]..

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Debian Configuration :: Reroute Domain Name To Local IP?

Mar 10, 2011


I'll have 2 routers:
- ADSL-router (D-link DSL-2640U)
+ NAT on (needed as one static IP from ISP)
+ Server's IP as 192.168.X.xxx
+ router firewall port-forwards set for needed ports (21,22, 80 etc) to 192.168.0.xxx - 2nd LAN-router


Is there any setting/file on Debian-user-machine, where I could fix that abc.mydomainXYZ.com/defg is always in something to do with 192.168.X.xxx

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Server :: Sub Domain Configuration In Apache ( On Debian )?

Sep 30, 2010

i have several sites hosted on one machine (Apache 2.2 on Debian). They are configured at /etc/apache2/sites-available/ with this configuration (part of it):

RewriteMap lowercase int:tolower
RewriteRule ^(.+) ${lowercase:%{SERVER_NAME}}$1 [C]
RewriteRule ^(([^./]+.)?site1.com)/(.*) /www/site1.com/www/root/$3 [L]
RewriteRule ^(([^./]+.)?site2.com)/(.*) /www/site2.com/www/root/$3 [L]
RewriteRule ^(([^./]+.)?site3.com)/(.*) /www/site3.com/www/root/$3 [L]
RewriteRule ^(([^./]+.)?site4.com)/(.*) /www/site4.com/www/root/$3 [L]


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Debian Configuration :: Exim4 With Domain In Local Network

Sep 3, 2015

I'm trying to set up a *simple* MTA in my local network. The only thing it should be able to do is send system / daemon mails to admin@mylocaldomain. but at the moment I'm pretty much overwhelmed by everything i *should* know in order to set up this MTA

my infrastructure:

- servers:
* test01.mylocaldomain --> should send mails (with exim) to admin@mylocaldomain
* dns01.mylocaldomain --> dns-server
* mail.mylocaldomain --> mail-server (postfix / iredmail package)

I configured exim to be in "internet"-mode. now i have a variety of errors I can choose from (and a variety of solutions that i don't like ).. my test is always an email from test01.mylocaldomain:

echo "Hello World" | mail -s Testmail admin@mylocaldomain

- after running the config, i get the error: admin@mylocaldomain: all relevant MX records point to non-existent hosts --> google says, edit and udpate update-exim4.conf.conf --> dc_relay_domains='mylocaldomain' --> but this exim installation should not be a relay at all. it should only be able to SEND (to this domain), not deliver it. or do i get something wrong?

- after i added dc_relay_domains='mylocaldomain', i get --> SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:<admin@mylocaldomain>: host mail.mylocaldomain [192.168.x.x]: 550 5.1.1 <root@mylocaldomain>: Sender address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table --> but i don't want to create an account on the mailserver for the SENDER...

- ...so i thought, i'd config exim with the domain "test01.mylocaldomain" (including the server name), so that the sender is clearly from another domain than the mail server handles (e.g. user@test01.mylocaldomain).. but then i get this --> SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:<admin@mylocaldomain>: host mail.mylocaldomain [192.168.x.x]: 450 4.1.8 <root@test01.mylocaldomain>: Sender address rejected: Domain not found

I really just wanna send mails in my local network.

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Debian Configuration :: Resolv.conf: Search Domain Ignored?

May 28, 2010

On my computer (running debian lenny), the network is configured this way (this is a minimal example):/etc/resolv.conf:search bar

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Debian Configuration :: Sieve Mail Filter For Domain Isn't Working

Sep 18, 2015

The first filter does not work, the second does...why?

Code: Select allelsif allof (
                body :contains ["some text", "Some Text"],
                address :domain :is "From" "amazon.de"
                redirect "someemail@gmx.net";
elsif allof (
                body :contains ["some text", "Some Text"],
                address :domain :is "From" "yellowstone.bohlsen.lan"
                redirect "someemail@gmx.net";

I even saved the amazon.de email from thunderbird as .eml and used it as a testmail to check the second filter

Code: Select allcat /tmp/amazon-main | mail mylocalusername@yellowstone.bohlsen.lan

that worked without problems.

the amazon email address that is sending me mails is:

Code: Select allbestellbestaetigung@amazon.de

#hostname -f

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Debian :: Configuration - Domain Name- Host Name - Resolv.conf Areas

Feb 6, 2009

I installed debian etch, it runs and does connect to the internet fine through a linksys router...the linksys router is connected to my cable modem...now..

I just registered for a domain name (ex. mydomainname.org) with Verio....this is where I am stuck.

I installed apache 2, a web server, file server (all seem to work) I need to know what files I need to configure to have my machine actually BE that domain name.

Ex. my linksys DHCP IP addresses, the linksys gets an IP from the cable modem...my yquestion is ONCE I register a domain name with verio...how do I configure my end so it "knows" I am that respective domain name...I think I need to configure the following, but knot sure how to do it: resolv.conf, hosts, and interface?

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Debian Configuration :: Configure Multiple NIC's?

Jan 26, 2011

I have a Debian server that had only one onboard NIC (1000 Gbps) but now I've added two PCI Intel Pro 1000 NIC's into the system to bump up the total # of NIC's to three. My question now is can I specifically assign or force Debian which interface to configure as ethx? I would always like my onboard NIC to be 'eth0' and the two additional NIC's to be 'eth1' and 'eth2'. For some reason Debian loads the modules at random and sometimes what was my

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Debian :: Multiple Proxy Configuration For Apt?

Dec 29, 2010

Is there a way to configure apt to use different proxies for different repository servers?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Unable To Setup The Domain - How To Use Two Domain Names

Feb 16, 2011

i have registered two domain names that i want to use to connect to my ubuntu server. I was wondering how to do this i was looking at bind9 but that didn't work that great. The server is behind a router with firewall i can connect to it using the external IP address but i like to use the two domain names if that is possible.

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Debian Configuration :: KVM / One Interface / Multiple IP Addresses

Dec 27, 2015

I'm renting a server which comes with 5 IP addresses, but only one network device. From what I can understand I'm able to create aliases by adding entries to /etc/networks/interfaces, I haven't tried I'm in the planning stages. Hypothetically, is my primary IP and I want to set eth0:1 to have, and then after that I want to create a virtual machine (using kvm/qemu) that is able to communicate bidirectionally to the internet over eth0:1, and leave eth0 strictly for administrating (not for VM traffic).

The qemu guides I'm finding seem to assume that I want to use TAP or VDE, what I want to use is a sub-ip/alias. One guide I saw had me eliminate everything from eth0 and put it under br0. That would leave me unable to ssh into my server (and unable to administrate). Is there a way I can do something along the lines of: qemu [options] -net [option] -netdev=eth0:1 ?

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Debian Configuration :: DHCP For Multiple VLANs

Feb 7, 2016

I'm trying to setup a DHCP server that serves several different VLANs, we have 5 in total. Our network is working correctly, with static IPs, we're able to ping across without any issues.

When I connect my debian box to an interface on VLAN5, statically assign an address in the correct range, it works. Similarly with all other VLANs.

To configure this box as a DHCP, I set one of the ports on the switch as trunk, connect that to the debian box to allow all VLAN traffic to reach my debian box.

I setup DHCP following the steps on [URL] ....

Then I configured different VLANs by following the steps on [URL] .....

However, with the vlans setup, I am unable to ping anything. This is essentially what I did.

Code: Select allSet the port on the switch to trunk with 802.1 encapsulation
disable eth0
vconfig add eth0 5 # to add vlan 5
ifconfig eth0.5 netmask up
vconfig add eth0 5 # to add vlan 10
ifconfig eth0.5 netmask up

[Code] ....

I do not know why I am unable to get any connectivity through my VLAN interfaces.

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Debian Configuration :: Kernel Using Multiple Featuresets?

Aug 15, 2010

I was wondering if/how it would be possible to compile a kernel package where two featuresets are applied. I notice that xen-vserver seems to have been done and wanted to make a xen-openvz kernel if possible to use VZ containers in a Xen DomU. I've tried reading the metadata files in the debian/ dir of the kernel source but there seems to be a lot "going on" and I couldn't make much sense of it...

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Debian Configuration :: Wireless LAN With Multiple SSIDs

Jun 12, 2011

I have a laptop running Debian Squeeze that has one wifi nic - wlan0. The ethernet nic eth0 is faulty.I have configured /etc/network/interfaces to enable wlan0 to access my home wireless LAN. The SSID for this connection is wlan1 and the security used is WPA2.A second SSID configured for the wireless LAN is wlan2 and the security used on this second SSID is WPA.Is it possible to configure wifi networking on this laptop to be able to connect to this wifi network using either SSID - wlan1 or wlan2 - via the laptop's sole network interface, wlan0?

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Debian Configuration :: Using Spamc With Multiple Files?

Jul 27, 2011

I have several mails which I want to scan by using spamc and thats the problem.

It works when I use just one mail message as a parameter of spamc. E.g. spamc -c < 17383. BUT when I want to pass several messages on spamc e.g. spamc -c < 17383. 18974.(spamc scan just the first message) OR when I use a whole directory e.g. spamc < ./test/* it doesnt work. (output: -bash: ./test/*: ambiguous redirect)

how to pass multiple files in command line on spamc? I know - I can create a script, but I would be glad if it worked for testing in CLI (command above).

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General :: Configuration Tools For Multiple Monitors For X

Feb 2, 2011

I have Ubuntu 10.04 running gnome and two monitors. I am wondering if a can get a better multi-monitor configuration tool. The one I have, gnome-display-properties, has too many problems, including: When I swapped my monitors over, the narrower (external) one now on the left. There is a width calculation error, such that I have a virtual monitor the width of the wide-monitor on the narrow-monitor and part of the wide monitor. And a virtual narrow-monitor on the remainder of the wide-monitor. Also the visible mouse pointer does is not aligned with the active spot, an x offset of one monitor width. I would like, in approximate order of importance:


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General :: Configuration Tools For Multiple Monitors For X?

Mar 27, 2011

I have Ubuntu 10.04 running gnome and two monitors.I am wondering if a can get a better multi-monitor configuration tool. The one I have, gnome-display-properties, has too many problems, including: When I swapped my monitors over, the narrower (external) one now on the left. There is a width calculation error, such that I have a virtual monitor the width of the wide-monitor on the narrow-monitor and part of the wide monitor. And a virtual narrow-monitor on the remainder of the wide-monitor. Also the visible mouse pointer does is not aligned with the active spot, an x offset of one monitor width. in approximate order of importance:to be able to select which is primary monitor.to have multiple configurations. configurations to be automatically selected based on which monitors are attached.configurations to be cycled (reliably) when display mode key is pressed. when a display is deactivated, for windows to migrate to remaining monitors. option to not change display resolution when mirroring, but to use side/top blanking bars to pad out screen.

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Ubuntu :: How Interacts With Domain Users When On The Windows Domain

Feb 3, 2010

At work, we run Windows... Windows domain, windows workstations, etc. Today my boss asked me my thoughts on running an Ubuntu lab within the mixture of our existing Windows setup.

Well, that brought several questions to mind. So I understand you can bind an Ubuntu computer to a Windows domain, seems easy enough, whether you do it through Samba or the other guide I read that I kind of forget at the moment, but anyway...

I was just curious how Ubuntu interacts with domain users when on the windows domain. For example, if we have an Ubuntu machine on the Windows domain with a local user "administrator" and that's it, would any domain users be able to log into the Ubuntu work station, similar to how it is on Windows?

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Debian Configuration :: Correct Way To Start Multiple Instances Of MPD?

Mar 18, 2010

The first thing that comes to my mind is to add (copy) the script in /etc/init.d and the /etc/rc* directories by hand. Debian's automatic handling of init scripts on package install/removal is quite nice, so I tend to shy away from making any manual changes if there's an automated way to do it. Which leads me to the question: is there an official way to run a second instance of a daemon? (Tried google, didn't find much more than a bug report).

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Debian Configuration :: Multiple Network Interfaces With VirtualBox?

Mar 29, 2010

I have a rather urgent problem with my network, I got two virtual network interfaces one internal and one external. The problem is; I can't get connection to internet. The external NIC is set as a NAT and the internal is... internal.

auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static

Running with this configuration makes my internet connect go away, however if I remove the configuration for eth1 everything is working fine.

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Debian Configuration :: Preventing Multiple Instances Of User?

Sep 6, 2010

Currently, a user is able to log into multiple terminals simultaneously, creating a copy of their roaming profile on each, and potentially causing problems if the instances are logged out in the wrong order. Is there any way to prevent this, so that if a user has logged in on a machine and not logged out (and perhaps some timeout has not yet expired) then their login attempts on another machine will be rejected.

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Debian Configuration :: Wireless Networking For Multiple Users?

Dec 4, 2010

I have 2 users on my HPmini 210 netbook running Squeeze. I just found out that it does not connect to existing wireless networks when I login as the second user. Is it supposed to happen by default or am I supposed to do something to make that happen? Another problem is that when I tried to create "new connections" again for the second user, the keys won't work. The same keys are working for the first user. The network keys are WEP 64 bit HEX.

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