Ubuntu :: Delete Some Of Swap Spaces And Just Keep One?

Nov 7, 2010

I got a few Ubuntu versions on different partitions and a few 10G swap spaces on my 1TB disc. Is it possible to delete some of these swap spaces and just keep one? Will any of them do the job for all Ubuntu versions?

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General :: Ubuntu : Delete The Extra Spaces?

Jul 28, 2010

I want to ask a question regarding the terminal in ubuntu. When i deleted some lines in the config files for example, there will be those so-called extra spaces left after deleting and i can't seem to delete those spaces and 'pull' up the lines below. So, how to delete those extra spaces?

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Ubuntu :: Press Backspace To Delete An Entire Tab Instead Of Individual Spaces?

Jun 14, 2010

I write sources in VIM and i use the following settings:

set tabstop=4
set expandtab
set autoindent

And I have got some questions. 1:Is there any way I could do, so when I press backspace to delete an entire tab instead of individual spaces ? 2:Is there anything to do to delete a tab if I insert a closed curly bracket.

int main (void) {
} // <- and this one gets perfectly aligned

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Debian :: Delete Back Over White Spaces They Stay White Out?

Oct 10, 2010

here is what is in my file:


i have xterminus installed. i also have a white block over the first letter in my username and when i begin typing, the 'block-type cursor' just leaves full white spaces behind and i cannot read my text at all. even when i delete back over the white spaces, they stay whited out.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Delete The Ext And Swap Partitions From Disk Management On Windows7?

Oct 11, 2010

Can I delete the ext and swap partitions from disk management on windows 7 ? Because I want to install a fresh new copy of ubuntu 10.10 . I know it would affect windows 7 boot up.I can handle it by system restore Anyway can I do it or not ?

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General :: Shell - Rename A File From Something Without Spaces To Something Containing Spaces?

Jan 26, 2010

Is it possible, in Linux, to rename a file from something without spaces to something containing spaces? I know I can create directories and files with spaces by doing:

mkdir "new dir" and:

touch "new file.txt"

I want to rename files from:

imgp0882.jpg to something like:

20091231 1243 some topic.jpg

And how would it look in a shell script that uses parameters like:

for i in *.jpg do
rename "$i" "$somepath/$mydate $mytime $mytopic$extension"

I'm new to Linux (using PCLinuxOS 2009.2), coming from Windows, and I've written myself a little shell script to download files from my camera and then automatically rename them according to a date-and-topic pattern. As you can guess by now, I'm stuck on the bit about renaming. If you want to see my script, here's a copy. I'm not using jhead for this renaming because that only works with JPEG files but I want a single solution for any media format including videos.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grow Boot Sector. Delete Swap Partition. Can't Boot Afterwards.

Mar 7, 2010

I'm running 9.10 off of a 4 GiB CF card. I keep running into space issues with updates, so I purchased an 8 GiB replacement card. I've cloned the 4 GiB card to a .IMG file using DD.I've then copied the 4 GiB image back to the 8 GiB card using the Ubuntu startup disk creator program. Once done, I'm able to properly boot off of the new 8 GiB clone.Unfortunately, the clone ends up with 3.67 GiB of unallocated space at the end *see attached). I tried deleting the "extended" partition that the swap is located at after booting from a Live CD and the system was unable to boot after this. I was thinking that I would delete the swap entirely and create a swap file after I merged the existing partitions, but I was unable to do this.

best way to do this (e.g. get one large 8 GiB partition with my old image on it)? I still have the original untouched 4 GiB card and also have an external CF drive if I need to redo the cloning. I've also used Clonezilla before, so perhaps there's a way to do this that allow me to grow the image as it's being cloned.

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Ubuntu :: Delete Snow Leopard Partition - Format Swap Disk Partition To Something Else

Feb 23, 2011

I had a drive with a partition layout like so:

~50gig Windows 7 - NTFS
~100gig Ubuntu - EXT3
~100gig Snow Leopard - HFS+
~100gig Extended Partition
-- ~100gig Swap Disk - exFat

I wanted to delete the Snow Leopard partition and format the Swap Disk partition to something else. exFat was causing major file size bloat on small files. QT sdk bloated to like 11 gigs or something ridiculous like that. Anyways, I loaded up an Ubuntu 10.04 LTS live cd and gparted then deleted the Snow Leopard partition. Gparted said "Mission Accomplished" and tried to rescan the drive, but never found it. At this point I restarted the computer, a dell laptop, which didn't boot with an unable to find a bootable device error. The ubuntu live cd doesn't see the drive anymore. gparted scans for drives indefinitely and fdisk -l has no output.

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Ubuntu :: Swap Space Shows 0k But Have Volume Formatted As Swap

Dec 7, 2010

Lucid on an Acer Travelmate800.Can anyone tell me why I have 0k for swap space? I allocated swap which I can see in my Disk Utility's 'volumes' display.

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Ubuntu :: Swap Or Swap File On Flash Memory?

Aug 16, 2010

RAM for older machines like I use is fairly cheap these days. But flash memory is just as cheap or cheaper. So I'd like to ask about the feasibility of expanding my system's memory using flash memory. And about whether creating a partition for swap on the flash memory, or whether a swap file on the flash device, is the better way to go.

By flash memory I have in mind mainly USB sticks or what are sometimes called "pen drives." But I do also have CF and SD cards that, with the proper cheap adapter (one of which I already own for adapting CF) could be used to create extra swap space. So, what is the current consensus on the feasibility/advisability of using flash memory for swap? I've read about the limited write cycles of flash being an argument against using it for swap. But recent reading indicates to me that the limited write cycles problem applies mostly to older, smaller-capacity flash memory. Some will come out and say that, for larger-capacity flash memory, the life of the device is likely to exceed the amount of time your current computer will be useful (I think I've seen estimates in the range of 3-4 years life--minimum--for newer, higher-capacity flash memory).

A more persuasive argument I've heard against using flash memory for swap is that access times for these devices can be much slower than SATA, and maybe even IDE, hard drives. That would certainly dictate against using flash memory for swap.

So, how about some input on this issue? Anyone using flash memory for swap? If so, what kind (e.g., usb stick or SD/CF)? Are you using a swap file or a swap partition? How's system performance? Likewise, has anyone had flash-memory-used-as-swap die on them? The consequences would undoubtedly be dire. Also, has anyone measured flash memory access times to confirm or refute claims about slow access times? Are some types of flash memory better/worse than others in terms of access times?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Swap Partition : Need To Check Swap File System?

Mar 20, 2011

Does one need to Check the Swap filesystem, from time to time

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General :: Use Windows Pagefile.sys (swap) As Swap?

Feb 19, 2010

I know it's possible, but does anyone have a URL or tutorial on how to do this?

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Ubuntu :: Change Delete Button To Delete Instead Of Move To Trash

Apr 18, 2010

Instead of moving to trash, how can i make the delete button delete? Delete is already enabled on the right click menu.

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Ubuntu :: Folder Wont Delete \ Whenever Try To Press Delete Noting Happens?

May 9, 2010

SO after using Testdisk to recover some images, the folders recup_dir.1 & 2 have saved in my FIle System area, when ever I try to press delete noting happens. I have also tried rm -f -rrm -f -fIt still dont delete, I have also deleted my user account and made a new one, but the files are still there.

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Ubuntu :: Rsync --delete Doesn't Delete Superflous Files

Sep 25, 2010

I am trying to use an old box as backup server. I have tried a couple of possibilities along the lines of:


rsync -a --delete --progress --log-file=/home/$USER/info.txt -e ssh /home /etc root@

The problem is it does not delete files that has been removed from my local system?
I run the command as root on the local system.

(I realize I should properly not ssh into the server as the server's root but I'm having trouble with the permissions and I want to make sure everything else works before messing around with it)

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Ubuntu :: Delete File - No Right Click Delete Option?

Feb 18, 2010

Why is there no Delete when I right click like there is with Windows in ubuntu? Pretty much everything else is there like new folder and so on Is there some way to add it? Also why when i delete something does it not ask me if I am sure that i want to delete that file?

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Ubuntu :: Can Delete These 'un-delete-able' Files In Trash?

Nov 1, 2010

I just can't stand knowing that there's a slight problem with my PC.I have roughly 12.5 Gigs of files, mostly movies that are multiple clones of a particular movie (which was an entirely different problem altogether) and I CANNOT DELETE THESE THINGS! There has to be a simple way to do it from terminal, problem is, I can't seem to find the trash directory in terminal.

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Ubuntu :: Spaces After Some Letters In Terminal

Aug 6, 2011

I have strange issue with ubuntu's terminal lately it's showing up a space after some letters such as " t l f j i " when I tried to write a command by any of these letters I have got it, this problem is preventing me to implement any correct command so is it pkg issue need to re-install or I have to do something ?my OS is ubuntu 11.04 natty with gnome unity GUI/ UTF-8 | all my fonts that are using on my machine is Arial.

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Ubuntu :: Type Spaces In Filenames In Terminal?

Mar 18, 2010

I'm trying to access a file and copy it to another location, but the drive name has a space. I'd like to rename that too.

I know that a % sign is sometimes used, but this didn't seem to work in terminal...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Why These Unallocated Spaces On Disk?

Jun 7, 2010

I installed last month using manual partitioning from the live cd and saw only today that I have these 2x 1MB unallocated spaces as shown in the screenshot. A notebook where I used the same manual partitioning method also has this. Any ideas ? I certainly don't want to reinstall as all is fine on both machines.

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Ubuntu :: Command To Remove Spaces From Filenames?

Aug 18, 2010

I have just switched to banshee as my media player and imported my films and music. Problem is, the video list is quite hard to read because all the video files have spaces in their names which are replaced by % signs, numbers and letters. I'm wondering if there is a command I can use in the directory that will automatically remove all the spaces from the filenames or better still, replace the spaces with hyphens or underscores?

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Ubuntu :: Gparted Inserts 1 MB Unalllocated Spaces?

Sep 5, 2010

Using gparted, version 0.5.1 to make 7 partitions on my hard drive. partitions 1, 2,and 3 are normal.Partition 4 is an extended partition. Within this extended partition, I have partitions 5, 6, and 7. 5 and 6 for my Linux distributions, with 7 being the linux-swap. Here's my question. I have unallocated spaces between 5 and 6, each 1 MB in size. I have been using Ubuntu since 2007 and I have never seen this before. I am wondering if I inadvertently clicked a box during installation, or is this something new in gparted.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Chmod On Several Files With Spaces In Name

Jul 20, 2011

I don't know how to fix this command:

sudo chmod 700 *

when in the folder some files have the space character in the name. I have this error (sorry, italian version):

chmod: opzione non valida -- " "

translated is 'invalid option'. I have to chmod any single file with "", but it takes too much time...

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General :: Using Tilde And Spaces

May 26, 2010

I'm trying to use a tilde '~' for a filename. This works fine normally Code: rm ~/File
But when I have a file with a space in in and enclose it in quotes it takes it literally.If a word begins with an unquoted tilde character (�~�), all of the characters up to the first unquoted slash (or all characters, if there is no unquoted slash) are considered a tilde-prefix.

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Ubuntu :: App Or Script That Finds Directorys & Files With Spaces?

Jan 4, 2010

i need an application or shell script that can identify all the directories and files in a certain directory and can rename them to remove any spaces in the filenames.anyone know of anything that can do this?

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Ubuntu :: Kerberos Package Configuration Separated By Spaces

Jan 21, 2010

I am trying to install root (the data analysis tool), and after I installed it, using sudo apt-get install root-system I am brought into the package configuration interface: Configuring krb5-config Enter the hostnames of Kerberos servers in the UBUNTU-DOMAIN Kerberos realm separated by spaces. Kerberos servers for your realm: And I am prompted for a name of a server.

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Ubuntu :: Remove All Double Or More Spaces From A Group Of Words?

Mar 7, 2010

How could someone remove all double or more spaces from a group of words? Is there a GUI program or CLI method or both? Example: I like to turn this:


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Ubuntu :: Tomboy Links For Folder Names With Spaces?

Oct 20, 2010

The title should be clear enough. I'm sure its bad practice, but I have loads of folder names with spaces in them. In the terminal I would use the backslash e.g. /home/me/D O C S/More DocumentsBut how do I get Tomboy to recognize the link?

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Ubuntu :: Replace All Tab Stops In A Text File With 4 Spaces?

May 18, 2011

How can I make vi and nano such that when I press the tab key, it automatically replaces the tab with 4 spaces?

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Ubuntu :: Video Thumnailer Not Working On Files With Spaces In Their Names?

May 15, 2011

ffmpegthumbnailer is not working on files with spaces in their names. If i rename the file with no spaces then it creates a thumbnail with no problem.

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