Ubuntu :: Cronjob Not Starting Backupscript?

Apr 18, 2011

I wrote a little backupscript wich is working fine if i start it from the shell manualy. But I'm not able to let it start automaticaly via cron in ubuntu 10.10.

Here the bashscript:



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Applications :: Scp Or Ftp Backupscript With Resume And Filecheck

Nov 8, 2010

A small description: We have 4 sites in Africa where non-profit projects are active. Those 4 sites have a openvpn tunnel towards Europe. We would like to backup a file each day from the 4 locations onto a server in Europe with scp or ftp protocol.

One issue that might caus problems is the stability of the African network connections.

So a default backup script should have the extra options to make primo a resumable transfer and secundo a check if the transfered file is complete. If not transfer should start again untill the backupfile is completly transfered.

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Programming :: Backupscript Takes Too Long?

Apr 19, 2011

Got some speed problems with my backup script, need to save 250GB data (28 network-shares (20 user homefolders included) - each one gets an own zip; approx. 100'000 files)Backupdata are stored on our nas that is embedded with mount -t cifs -o user,pw //networkadress /yet/another/backup/folderPacking process takes about 60! hours (on an intel xeon 3.0 GHz RHEL4 system) - connected via 100mbit networkzip -r /yet/another/backup/folder/asdf.zip /home/asdf/Is there a way to speed up this whole process? Saving via tar.gz instead of ziping?

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Ubuntu :: Cronjob Stops After Several Seconds?

Sep 13, 2010

I want to use a cronjob to start a script running streamripper to record radioshows when I'm not at home. I'm running 10.04 server 32 bit.

I've setup a cronjob via Webmin to start the recording. It runs the following script:

ORDNER=`date +%Y"_"%m"_"%d"-"%H"_"%M"(FM4)"` # 'ORDNER' means Folder and creates a folder with time/date to save the stream
streamripper http://mp3stream1.apasf.apa.at:8000/ -d /mnt/Samsung/Radio/$ORDNER --xs_padding=2000:500 -a -q -s


Is there any logfile or way to see why the script is killed or what stops the recording? When executing the script manually the recording runs just fine until I kill the process.

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Ubuntu :: Send A Libnotify From A Cronjob?

Feb 24, 2011

Is it possible to send a libnotify from a cronjob? I'd like a notify message when my daily backup is done. When I run my script from terminal everything is working fine, when (ana)cron runs it, it works as well but the notify is surpressed. My Guess was, that it happens because the jobs are run as root. Nevertheless is it possible to get a notification message?

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Ubuntu :: Changing Fb Background Cronjob?

Jun 6, 2011

I'm trying to change my desktop background on my fluxbox desktop every minute using cronjob to a random picture within my Pictures folderthis is crontab -e file;

# Edit this file to introduce tasks to be run by cron.


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Ubuntu :: Cronjob Results Filling Up / Directory?

Feb 22, 2011

Some of my cronjobs are filling up files in my / directory. How do I make this stop? One of my cron jobs uses wget:[URL].. The bexcb0.php file writes a file and then echos a result if it is sucsesfull. These echo results are being put into bexcb0.php files in my /root folder and are piling up.

My / folder is filling up with files bexcb0.php etc bexcb0.php bexcb0.php.1 bexcb0.php.2 bexcb0.php.3 bexcb0.php.4 bexcb0.php.5 etc How do I make this stop? If I just remove the echo will they stop writing to the / folder?

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Ubuntu :: Root Cronjob Not Working On Schedule

Jun 27, 2011

I have added "@daily shutdown -r now" to my root crontab (sudo crontab -e) but it does not seem to ever run. When I look at the chron log using webmin I can see that it tried to run and there was no error. Also when I run it manually using webmin the system reboots fine. I also tried using reboot -f in the crontab instead and that also worked when manually run but not on schedule. The reason I know it didn't run is on webmin it shows the system uptime. This is the output of the chron log:

Jun 26 21:17:02 GrantLaptop CRON[3467]: (root) CMD (cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
Jun 26 22:17:01 GrantLaptop CRON[3873]: (root) CMD (cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
Jun 26 23:17:01 GrantLaptop CRON[4269]: (root) CMD (cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
Jun 27 00:00:01 GrantLaptop CRON[4530]: (root) CMD (shutdown -r now)
Jun 27 00:17:01 GrantLaptop CRON[4630]: (root) CMD (cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
Jun 27 01:17:01 GrantLaptop CRON[5005]: (root) CMD (cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
Jun 27 02:17:01 GrantLaptop CRON[5416]: (root) CMD (cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)

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General :: How To Set Cronjob In /etc/crontab

Apr 10, 2011

I know crontab -e sets a cronjob in /var/spool/cron but how do I set a cronjob to run from /etc/crontab? Is there a command used for this or would I have to manually edit a certain file?

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Server :: Run Cronjob Once Every Three Months?

Apr 30, 2010

I am trying to run the following only once every three months but looks like it runs every day. I edited crontab -e and added the following:


0 23 * jul,oct,jan,apr * /path/to/script > /var/log/script.log 2>&1

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General :: Cronjob / Run The Files Everyday At 11.00 Pm?

Apr 23, 2010

I need to run the files everyday at 11.00 pm (Monday to Friday).

How would I put on cronjob? I have files ready.

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General :: Configure Cronjob To Run Every 45 Days

Nov 19, 2010

we have requirement like we need to run the sql script, which needs to be executed for every 45 days.

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General :: Pop Up Message From Cronjob Run Script?

Dec 22, 2010

I'm working on a bash script that will be run regularly via a cronjob. As there is no easy way for the user to see if it's running in the background, I'd like a have some kind of pop up window what say's something like "Process started" and "Process finished" when it's complete. Ive read though some similar threads and came across xmessage. It kind of does what I want, with the exception of:-Id like the message Process started to stay up for the whole process, but it looks like the script wont continue until the xmessage window is closed. I cant get any xmessages to appear when the script is run from a cronjob. It only appears if I run the script manually from a terminal window. Which is no good for me. If anyone has any suggestions that would be great and just to add, it's doesn't have to be xmessage, any text box would do. I'm working with Redhat 4 and 5, if that makes a difference. Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because he only recognises the element of surprise.

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General :: Return Value Of Tftp Is Always Zero In Cronjob?

May 15, 2010

I have called an script in cronjob named get_mac.sh as follows:

MAC=`ifconfig eth0 |sed -n 1p|awk '{print $5}'|awk -F : '{print $1$2$3$4$5$6}'`


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Server :: Way To Setup Cronjob For Configuration?

May 27, 2010

I'm trying to setup a cronjob that needs to run every 40 minutes between 10am and 3.30pm.I generally used cronjob for simple configuration, but now I'm a bit lost.There is a way to setup cronjob for that configuration? (better if all in one line of code, not multilines).

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Server :: Email Myself Output Of Cronjob?

May 10, 2010

I have the following Cron job scheduled on my Postfix mail server: Code: 00 18 * * * /usr/bin/clamscan -r --remove /home/.This is just running a scan on my entire /home/ directory and removing any infected files it finds. My question is since this is being ran at 6pm via Cron, how can I get the results of this job emailed to me via text? Does anyone recommend a command I can add to the end which will dump the results into a file or email and send it to a specific email address? This server is my company Postfix MTA for everyone.

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Software :: Cronjob And Feh / When Its Run Via Cron It Fails?

Aug 21, 2010

I wrote a small bash script to use feh to change my background every time its called. I use a cron job to have it execute every 5 minutes.

When I run the script manually it works perfectly, however for some reason when its run via cron it fails. I can see that it is executing but it seems to error for some reason.

Its kind of a drag to have a working script that when run as a cron job suddenly no longer works.

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Software :: Not Able To Open Web Browser With Cronjob

Jan 4, 2010

I have to run one testcase which opens a web_browser on Linux machine. When a run with cygwin it works but I can't always keep it open. I want to schedule a cronjob to run this testcase.

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Ubuntu :: CronJob - Alarm Clock Setup With Snooze Function

Feb 4, 2011

I need to set up an alarm to start at 7:30am and run every 5 seconds until I stop it. How would I acheive this in cron tab?

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Debian Multimedia :: Cronjob No Longer Running

Aug 4, 2015

I am running Debian 8 with the Xfce Desktop Environment.

A few weeks ago I created a cronjob which randomly changed my desktop wallpaper every two minutes. Here is that cronjob:

Code: Select all*/2 * * * * DISPLAY=:0 /home/alessandro/bin/random_wallpaper

Today, however, this cronjob stopped working. (The random_wallpaper script still works as intended.) The only changes I made to my system were

1) I modified my compton configuration settings; and
2) I installed a new display manager, SLiM.

I'm not sure why any of these changes would prevent my cronjob from running though.

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General :: Change Rsyn Cronjob Via PHP Script ?

Apr 13, 2010

Currently we have to comment out an rsync task every now and then. Is there a way to have a PHP script on the server so we can simply browse to it to uncomment the rsync task and another one to comment it out again ?

The rsync job is the only job in crontab so even if it means deleting / re-creating the job wouldn't be a problem. I just want to avoid connecting via SSH and VPN every time I am asked to disable it

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General :: Cronjob / Execute At 4:30 Pm On 2nd Monday Of Each Month?

May 10, 2010

Cron setup for execute at 4:30 pm on 2nd monday of each month.

50 16 8-14 * mon /home/user/script.sh

It seems to be ignoring the date range 8-14?

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General :: Receive Emails About A Cronjob Execution?

Jun 15, 2011

how I can receive emails about a cronjob execution or where to go to read about that? I am using CentOS 5.4.

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General :: Setup A Cronjob It Only Runs If Logged In?

May 6, 2010

I wrote this little script and it runs very well, however when I setup a cronjob it only runs if I am logged in. I would like to have this script running even when I am not logged in. At the moment it runs but only when I am logged in. I logged as denis and in terminal (su root) and edited crontab as shown below, what do I need to change or setup to have this script run when no-one is logged in the computer. I run Fedora 12 (64 bit)

backup script:

cd /home/denis/Documents
tar -czvPf /home/denis/Backups/docsbackups_$(date +%Y%b%d_%HH%MM).tar.gz /home/denis/Documents
# above line will produce file with name in this format "docsbackups_date&time.tar.gz" in the /home/denis/Backups folder


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General :: LAMP Set Up In Ubuntu10.04 Rev189 And CRONJOB?

Jul 12, 2010

I am a PHP developer.I have always used XAAMP(in Windows7) for development purpose. I am driven to turn to Linux now . I have installed Ubuntu10.04-rev189(Wubi) in Windows7 recently. I have a PHP script which require the following tasks to be performed.

1. Give permissions "777" to the following files and folders:_cache media images /configs.php mages/config_photo_preview.jpg

2. Set up cron jobs on your site like this: /usr/local/bin/php -q /your-site-root-dir/cron/index.php I need to get an environment like XAAMP and perform the above mentioned tasks.

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General :: Screen Doesn't Work In Cronjob-SH

Sep 12, 2010

i wanted to ask you for help in setting up a cronjob, that restarts a game server.By now I made a script that kills the screen of the server and then restarts it.

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Server :: Cronjob Rsync Doesn't Work

Mar 28, 2011

I have a computer that I would like to backup the home directory onto a server. I created a script called wien_backup.sh that contains the following:

#!/bin/bash -l
/usr/bin/rsync -rv --delete-after --ignore-errors -e /usr/bin/ssh root@wngr403-unix2:/home/ /space/systemimager/Wien/

where wngr403-unix2 is the computer I am backing up, and the script is ran from the server. If I run the script by itself, it works just fine. If I run it as a cronjob, the /var/log/syslog says it ran, but it does nothing.

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Software :: Start And Stop Xscreensaver From Cronjob?

Sep 5, 2010

Im running ubuntu 10.04 lts. Ive been struggling with automating a screensaver to come on and off at shceduled times. all is working fine except I cannot seem to get xscreensaver to start from cron. when i run it manually i need to use:

xscreensaver & and then hit enter. I'm not sure whats happening as i only get the line that it ran in my logs but no error. i am using xset to turn the display power on and off, then xscreensaver-command -activate and deactivate, after loading the xscreensaver daemon. everything automated works fine except starting xscreensaver daemon. if i run the same commands manually it works fine. if i leave the xscreensaver daemon running and shutoff display with xset it will come on again unless i kill xscreensaver. fyi what im trying to do: my linux file/web/music server is on a tablet netbook and i flipped the screen around and am trying to also use it as a digital picture frame. which works fine, i just dnt want to run it needlessly 24/7

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Programming :: Make A Cronjob Or At Job User Interactive?

Sep 2, 2010

Any pointers to make a shell script in cronjob or using at to be user interactive. We have a requirement to script a program where it prompts the users in CUI for feedback and capture the output in a text file and act based on the feedback.For eg: At pre-defined time i should prompt the acitve users whether it is ok to shutdown, whose feedback would be captured in a text file. Post which act on the updates in the text file

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General :: Setting Up A Cronjob / Error Saying Php Command Not Found?

Apr 5, 2011

i have a site where I need to run a couple of php scripts every day..therefore I was thinking to setup a cronjob to do this. Unfortunately I get a whole bunch of errors trying to do so.

I can execute the php scripts via a command line without problem, one example would be

php /home/site/domains/stie.be/public_html/admin/cronjobs/cronjob_daily_ssh.php

however when i enter this command as such in a cronjob I get an error saying php command not found ( or something similar , doing this out of memory)

I tried to add the full path to the php command, but also this doenst work

the best workaround I found was to execute the php scripts with a lynx - dump command, but obviously this is not the right way.

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