Ubuntu :: Cloning A Large Disk With Little Actual Used Space

Aug 10, 2010

I need to clone a laptop drive to a desktop drive. The laptop drive disk is 150 gb, however, only about 8 gb is used. Is it possible to clone this disk to a smaller drive?

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Ubuntu :: Less Hard Disk Space Available Than Actual

Jul 22, 2010

I recently bought a new pc and installed Ubuntu on it. It came with a 500gb hard drive and during installation I manually partitioned it as follows:

10 gb (ntfs) for a windows partition
15 gb (ext4) mounted on /
4 gb for swap
the rest (470gb - ext4) mounted on /home

I've just installed a few apps from the repository, nothing big (about 500 mb in all), but in the 'file system' tab in 'system monitor' it says that for /home I have a total of only 432 gb, of which just 408 gb are available, with 500mb used. According to this, around 60gb of space have just vanished into thin air. Where did all this missing disk space go? The disk is brand new and there are no bad sectors in it.

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Ubuntu :: Cloning Root Drive From Large To Small Partition?

Nov 12, 2010

i am running ubuntu 10.10 and windows7 on a asus eee 1015. currently i have two partitions: 80GB for windows (NTFS) and 160Gb for Ubuntu (ext4).

I want to:

- shrink the windows partition (easy, no worries);

- Shrink the ubuntu partition

- join the space thus created in a third partition that i can use for storage, media etc accessible by both windows and ubuntu

The problem:

- i could not manage to get gparted live to run off USB stick (i get the unable to find medium.... error)

- even if i would get gparted to work and i succeed in shrinking the ubuntu partition as well, the two spaces reclaimed will be divided by the ubuntu partition, which means they cannot be joined in a third partition.

so here is what i want to do:

- shrink windows and create a new partition;

- format this new partition as ext4;

- somehow "clone" the data on my current ubuntu root into the new partition;

- format the current root as NTFS and use it as the storage partition

i am aware this may mean i would have to re-set grub etc but would the cloning of the partition be possible? that i would need to clone data from a 160G partition into a 40G partition.

BY THE WAY - forgot to mention that i have tried to load clonezilla off an USB drive and i get the same error: "unable to find medium..."

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Ubuntu Servers :: Lost Space After Cloning (Samba / Windows XP)

May 16, 2011

I recently installed Ubuntu Server 10.04.2 and configured it to be used as a network storage device. I installed it on an 80GB HDD initially. Everything was fine -- I could read and write to the drive and I could set permissions from my Windows XP machine.I decided I wanted a bigger HDD. It had taken a few hours of configuration to get it to work the first time, so I didn't want to go through that again. I instead created a clone with Clonezilla and then slapped the image onto a 1.5TB drive. I then used gparted to resize the partitions.

Everything seems fine from the server side of things (I'm fairly new to it, so I could be missing something, but it all looks good). The server correctly sees that I am using 2-3GB of the 1.5TB drive. It sees the rest of the space as free and part of the primary partition.Here comes the problem -- Windows isn't reading the drive space correctly. It sees that 80GB of the space is taken (the size of the original HDD) instead of 2-3GB. I'm not sure if it will actually let me write to the space or not. But whether the reading is simply cosmetic or if Windows really thinks it's taken, I would like to fix it either way.

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Ubuntu :: Cloning Disk W/o Unmounting

Apr 18, 2011

I've spent the better part of an afternoon looking for a solution to a problem: backing up my installation of 10.10 as an image file to an external hard drive. My research has yielded a lot of suggestions for clonezilla, dd, and partimage/particlone, but those don't seem very appealing, due to a number of issues (can't backup live, copies free space as well, doesn't handle ext4, etc). Also why is clonezilla 150mb?

I'd like a simple solution that can clone an entire disk (used space only) to an explorable image file on a separate hard drive and be able to do it while the operating system is running on the disk. I used to use apricorn ez gig to do this on windows and it worked like a charm, but I can't seem to find a similar solution that creates and explorable .iso image file with linux. I've used superduer on osx, which is awesome and i wish there was something like that for ubuntu/linux.

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OpenSUSE :: How To Get Rid Of White Space / Make Document Actual Real Legal Size

May 7, 2010

I scanned a document with xsane and saved it as a pdf, the pdf shows up great but there is extra white space at the bottom of the document. how do i get rid of the white space and make the document the actual real legal size?

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Ubuntu :: Disk Cloning With Clonzilla Versus DD

Jan 1, 2010

Is there any reason why is DD still prefer over clonezilla for disk cloning?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cloning To Smaller Disk?

Jun 3, 2010

I have my Mythbuntu 9.10 environment installed on an old 160GB PATA disk and have just purchased a new 64GB SSD that I want to transfer my installation to.In the past I've just used ddrescue to clone disks, however in this case the source disk is larger than the destination disk so it won't work. I only have a few GB of actual data on the 160GB disk, so the 64GB SSD is definitely going to be enough for me.

I guess I need someway of either cloning so that only the actual data and not the partition is brought across, or possible shrinking the partition(s) first on the source drive and then using the same ddrescue method I've used in the past.Just looking for some assistance on what method is the best/most reliable?

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Ubuntu :: Cloning Bootable Hard Disk

Feb 21, 2011

Recently my had disk crashed. It has taken me over a day to install and setup the drive - time I can't really afford. I'd like to know how I can clone a second as a bootable copy of the main hard drive and update from time to time. Therefore if the main hd fails again, I can simple boot from the second drive.How can I do this? I have two sata drives in the box, running 10.10 desktop.

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Ubuntu :: Cloning Bootable Hard Disk?

Mar 2, 2011

Recently my had disk crashed. It has taken me over a day to install and setup the drive - time I can't really afford.I'd like to know how I can clone a second as a bootable copy of the main hard drive and update from time to time. Therefore if the main hd fails again, I can simple boot from the second drive.

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OpenSUSE :: Fog Disk Cloning Solution

Jun 14, 2009

just wanting to know if anyone has implemented Fog (fogproject.org) on openSUSE. We use it at work throughout our enterprise for reimaging machines and it works very well.

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Ubuntu :: How To Create Bootable Cd With Disk Cloning Software

Feb 3, 2010

I'd like to have a bootable cd which then allows me to clone a hard drive, much like the "Ghost" application. I need to copy Fat32, NTFS, as well as the various Linux formats. I've not created a bootable cd before, so a step-by-step would be rather handy.

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Server :: Actual Physical Disk Size

Mar 9, 2011

I am trying to figure out the "actual" disk size used by my system. When I run the "df -h" command,I am not taking here into consideration the shared memory of 2Gb as it is a sort of virtual shared memory and is not allocated physically. Is that correct ?

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General :: Why Is Used + Available Disk Space Always Less Than Total Disk Space

Feb 24, 2011

root@localhost:~ $ df /dev/sdb1
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdb1 1922858352 23247088 1801935664 2% /mnt/external/sdb1


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General :: How To Create Disk Image Of Actual Data

Nov 15, 2010

Suppose I have a 80 GB hard disk (sda) with 4GB of contents. Using a dd to copy to a different disk

dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb
copies all the contents (including free space). So sdb also needs to be 80GB.

You will notice that in VMWare or VirtualBox disk images, it is possible to set the disk to use only the amount of space of actual data. So a 80GB virtualbox/vmware image with 4GB of contents will be 4GB.

Is it possible to do that with an actual hard disk (sda) image? I want to create an image of an actual hard disk, copy it to DVD and transport it (in mail) for restoration on another computer (having same hard disk).

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Ubuntu :: Installing Mass Effect From The Actual Game Disk Through Wine?

Jan 7, 2011

As I stated in the title, can I, and if so, does anyone know how to install a game (like Mass Effect) on Ubuntu through wine that way it will sync up with my steam account? Also so when I do get up to ME2, my decisions will be transferred over?

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General :: Block Size For Disk Cloning With Diskdump (dd)?

Jan 17, 2011

I use dd in its simplest form to clone a hard drive dd if=INPUT of=OUTPUT However, I read in the manpage that dd knows a blocksize parameter. I was wondering whether there is an optimal value for the blocksize parameter that will speed up the cloning procedure?

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Cloning Image Of Hard Disk

Nov 7, 2010

I just invested nearly 12 hours configuring a CCTV system using CentOS 5.5 Server and Zoneminder. I have it setup just the way I want it. I would like to make a clone image of the drive just in case disaster strikes (lightning strike, failed hard disk, etc). In the Windows PC world, I use a program called Ghost to make a mirror image of a hard disk. I power the computer down, run Ghost to make a block level clone of the drive, then power it back up. Can I assume that will work with CentOS without problem?

In the computer now is a 320GB SATA drive. One partition on it is swap, and the other is ext3. There is no raid setup on the drive. I have an identical 320GB drive I could use and keep it in the computer unplugged from the power and not spinning. That way if anything ever happens, I can power down, move the power and data cable to the new drive and power it back up. Granted, I will lose any new config and database changes, but it will be a lot better than starting back at square 1 and reconfiguring the entire OS and software.

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Fedora :: After Cloning To Bigger Hdd / Can Boot Only Over Super Grub Disk CD

Mar 21, 2011

I cloned F14 with Clonezilla from 80GB to 320GB hdd(both sata disks), and then resized the partitions with GParted.But I can not boot into fedora on the new/bigger disk, it stops and the display writes "Loading stage 1.5" if I remember corectly,I tried to fix it with the live cd but with no efect.

Then i found Super Grub Disk live CD, and with that i tried to use their fix, which was the same as with the Fedora live cd i tried before, again no efect.Then i played around with Super Grub, and found the option to boot GNU/Linux indirectly, and with that metod i got results, found my menu.lst file and chose the kernel i wanted and it boots into desktop.

But i would need a more permanent solution, because now i allways have to use the same procedure with Super Grub Disk CD to boot into my Fedora 14.

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General :: Cloning With The Dd Command - Source Being Copied Onto Bad Sectors On The Destination Disk?

Apr 17, 2011

To make a full backup I run a live Knoppix DVD and clone the computer's HDD to an external HDD using the dd command. Is there a possible problem with the source being copied onto bad sectors on the destination disk? If so is there a way to prevent this from happening? A typical dd command I use looks like: dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=4096 conv=notrunc,noerror. Is this the recommended command for cloning to a disk of equal size?

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Ubuntu :: Reserve Large Amount Of Space From New Partition

Mar 5, 2011

In gparted I have the following stats for my /home drive

size: 824 gb
used 75.51 gb
unused 748.59 gb

Now when I view this in nautilus it shows something else: remaining free space as 709 gb. My question is what happened to the 40gbs? the 75.51gb are my files, but where did the 40gbs go to? Because 709 (total remaining) + 75 (my files) + 40 (mysteriously lost gbs) = 824gb. When I first made the partiton, it was a 824gb partition and ubuntu had automatically at that point reserved about 40gb for something. Does anyone know why Ubuntu reserved this space?

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Slackware :: Disk Space Lost- Root Partition Has Very Little Space Left

Jan 31, 2010

Today I was installing a lot of software since I'm just setting up my Slackware system again after a fresh install, and I realized that my root partition has very little space left.

Here is the output of df -h:


As you can see, I have a 20G (19G here for some reason) root partition, 8G /var, and 86G of /home. I thought this would be plenty since many recent recommendations for / are 10-15G. Now, though, 17G are used up for some reason! How is this possible? I thought a full slackware install only had about 4G of software! I don't have any music or movies or any crazy huge files that I know of, and those would be in my /home directory anyway. Is there any way I can see which files are taking up all this space?

If it's necessary to allocate more space to my / partition, is it still possible to boot up a GParted live Cd, shrink /home a bit, move some partitions to the right, and expand my root partition? I would REALLY prefer I don't have to reinstall since I just spent a ton of time setting up my system again, but if worst comes to worst ... :'-(

In case you're curious, here's my /etc/fstab:


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Hardware :: Reduced Disk Space / Use The Total Amount Of Space?

Aug 25, 2009

OS: RHEL AS 5 64-bit

HDD:300 GB Hardware mirror (HP blade bl460c)

While installing OS, in partition window after OS file system structure I've left 277 GB. But after installation it shows Size - 255GB and available disk space is 242 GB.

Isn't it weired? How can I use the total amount of space in Linux? I need the whole 277GB exactly. What should be my workaround?

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General :: No Space On Root After Large Move Operation?

Feb 16, 2010

I tried to move 2.7TB of data from my /var/webroot/ partition (4.5TB total in size). I left it to run over night, this morning when I came to check I saw that all data on / paratition is used up and no operations can be done because of the "no space left on device" message.


Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/cciss/c0d0p7 911G 911G 0 100% /
tmpfs 7.9G 0 7.9G 0% /lib/init/rw


I freed up several hundred MB from / but still the usage is at 100% and I cant free up any more space or complete the transfer ?

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Ubuntu :: Disk Space Used Doesn't Match What Is Shown In Disk Usage Analyzer?

Feb 26, 2011

Some thing is using up a huge amount of my disk space about 10G and I can not determine what it is. When I look at my disk usage in system monitor it say I have used about 25G and when I scan the directory in disk usage analyzer the entire file system used is 15G.

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Ubuntu :: Add Hard Disk Expand Disk Space For /home

May 23, 2010

ran out of space in my /home dir. Have a second hard drive to install and would like to designate it as additional space for /home. I do not want to mount it as a dir inside my home I would like it to simply work as though my /home simply has more space available to it.

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Ubuntu :: Disk Full - Can't Free Any Disk Space

Jan 2, 2010

I'm running mythbuntu 9.04 and am having an issue with disk space.

I try 'rm' various log files but the space I free up lasts less than a minute before the disk reports as being full once more.

df -Th | sort gives:


/dev/sda1 ext3 8.3G 7.9G 0 100% /
/dev/sda6 ext3 138G 125G 6.3G 96% /music
/dev/sda7 xfs 783G 617G 167G 79% /videos
/dev/sdb2 xfs 344G 242G 103G 71% /recordings


There's nothing enormous in /var/log and my trash and the root trash are empty.

why size and used fields are not the same despite 100% usage being reported on sda1..

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Slackware :: Compiling Large Slackbuilds - Error-message - Not Enough Space Left On Device

Aug 20, 2010

I am currently running slackware 12.2 on a 25 GB partition. I like to use slackbuilds, but when I try to compile larger tarballs (like abiword, or a patched version of Ghostscript as I did today) I receive an error-message: 'Not enough space left on device'. I think the size of the partition must be big enough (I never got this message when compiling with Linux From Scratch). I think it has something to do with the size of my /tmp directory, but I don't know how to fix this. Is there a way to solve the problem, so that I could be able to use slackbuild-scripts?

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General :: Disk Utility And Df Show Different Disk Space ?

Nov 18, 2010

I don't understand disk sizes in Linux. I have a 500GB drive. It's ext4. I have run "tune2fs -m 0" on it to reserve the amount of space reserved for root to 0.

I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 that comes with a Disk Utility. When I run "System->Administration->Disk Utility (palimpsest)" the disk shows up as 500GB (see picture). But when I run df -h it shows up as 459GB. So, I don't understand the discrepancy.

When I run df I get the following:

Question: Why is Disk Utility showing me something different than "df"?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Data Size Too Large For Disk?

Apr 28, 2011

I am trying to burn mac osx 10.5 install disk from from a 6.7gb dmg disk image. I thought I would be using 2 DVD-R 4.7GB discsfor this burn, I was hoping when the first was full it would ask for another to finish the burn. Instead it get the message that the DVD will not hold the choosen DMG. file.

Can I do anything besides buy a dual layer DVD that would hold the whole file?

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