Ubuntu :: Cannot Pass The Login Screen?

Jan 2, 2011

I have a problem with Kubuntu 10.10. I cannot pass the login screen. When I type the password and press enter, the screen blinks once and I'm back at the login screen. When I try console login, there's no problem at all, but when I type startX, it ends up with a black screen. I wasn't configuring anything before the problem appeared, I think I just activated Kwallet.

I'm a linux noob, so I didn't really know where to look. Here are logs I found. Sry for my bad english.



Edit: I looked into a user.log, it seems there's a problem with accessing file .esd.auth. I used chmod, so the file should be accessible to everyone, but problem persists.

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Ubuntu :: Cant Get Pass Login Screen

Jan 2, 2011

I installed KDE from synaptic, then I removed gnome from synaptic during the same session then I rebooted without having selected KDE from the session selector on the login screen as result I cant get pass the login screen. there is no option to select. I can boot in terminal mode but I don't know how to configure this from terminal.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Pass The Login Screen

Feb 17, 2010

I have done a clean intall of Ubuntu 9.10 (K. Koala). Got everything up and working with 2 users, me with full privelleges and my son with a ltd account. Everything was working well so I moved the PC to my sons room, connected it to his TV and was able to log in as both users.

I changed the display settings on his account as when using the 1360 x 768 (16:9) setting the top bar and the last icons on the screen weren't visable, the desktop also started about 2inches from the left hand side of the screen, so changed them to 800 x 600 and whole desktop visable.

I switched user and did the same to my desktop. Then switched the pc off. I come back to it now, boot it up, get to the user/password screen, select me and enter my password, the screen flickers, little Ubuntu drum roll, and I return to the login screen. So I try my sons login, same result. No password authenticaion message, so I guess this isn't the issue. Surley just changing display settings can't have this effect?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Enter The Desktop And Pass The Login Screen

Mar 22, 2011

my ubuntu 10.10 64bit (in Dell Latitude machine) login screen is not working. the blank bar to type username and password is not appearing at all. In a quick appeareance there also a sentence: "permission denied". I've tried to browse this forum and seems no answer. I still can access the terminal though using alt+ctrl+F2 but i don't know how to access the desktop because when i hit alt+F7 it come back to login screen. how can i fix it? I have several files in the laptop that need to be saved, if not I probably just clean install it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Newly Installed 10.10 - Can't Get Pass Login Screen?

Nov 24, 2010

my OLD unit was Win XP SP2 i installed ubuntu 10.10 desktop, from cd, on it(NOT DUAL BOOT)

ECS P4M800-M
P4 - 1.8 GHZ
1x1GB + 1x512MB RAM

i had no problems with the installation, no errors


DAY 3 i tried to install Win XP SP2 again when i boot up it shows "Boot from CD: Press any key to boot from CD....", then i press enter there a blinking underscore, in the upper left, in a black background for a few seconds and then boots up ubuntu i tried to use KillDisk(Free) but it hangs up, just like the boot menu i cant move up, down and enter to choose an option and then im thinking i can't use killdisk because it is for NTFS, am correct? DAY 4 ANOTHER = another fresh installed 10.04, my same cd, in another cpu which boots up with no problem and doesnt ask for user/pass because i selected automatic login MINE = my 'problematic' hdd which can't enter desktop in my cpu now i inserted ANOTHER in my cpu and it gets the same problem. asks for user/pass and cant go to desktop now i inserted MINE on ANOTHER's cpu and it boots up properly and doest ask for a user/pass now i dont know what to do. i can accept the fact that i can't use ubuntu, on my cpu, but i still want to know why.

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Ubuntu :: Screen Resolution - Don't Pass The EDID Info From The Screen To The OS

May 1, 2010

Before I upgrade to 10.4 It would be nice to find the best solution to this problem. I use a KVM switch that dont pass the EDID info from the screen to the OS. To solve this, that is, to get the correct screen resolution, i need to pass monitor and screen info to the OS at every startup. One way is to ad a script to /etc/gdm/init/default, or in KDE /etc/kde4/kdm/Xsetup.

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Ubuntu :: Login To Xfce The Screen Goes Black - Flickers A Few Times Then It Brings Back To The Login Screen

Apr 12, 2011

My last setup (years ago) ran fluxbox so because it was familiar I installed it as a secondary to xfce right off the bat. I download a lot of different stuff because I like to try out all the apps I can find but somewhere I broke something. I can still run fluxbox fine, but nither the Xubuntu nor Xfce sessions will run now. Last thing I remember changing was pulse audio(removed it for an experiment I was trying with jack audio), not sure if it is connected but when I try to login to xfce the screen goes black, flickers a few times then it brings me back to the login screen.

I tried failsafe but everytime I do my monitor gives me a "frequency out of range" error. I tried purging and reinstalling xubuntu desktop and xfce settings but I am thinking its my xorg config. My laptop is a Toshiba satellite M305D-s4830 with ATI Radeon 3100 mobile graphics card and I am running Xubuntu 10.10. Unfortunately I also broke the screen, so right now I am stuck with an external monitor till I get a new one.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Pass Gnome Login

May 10, 2010

I'm having some trouble with Gnome's Login screen. What happens is that I type my username and password correctly, the login screen fades out and everything seems normal until the login screen appears again, I enter my username and password again and the login fades out only to appear again and again and again and so on.

Only the root user works with the login, and also if I use failsafe mode, then login in textmode and then use "startx" it works fine.

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Fedora :: 13 X64 Froze At Enter Pass Phrase - How To Login

Sep 8, 2010

Some of your private key files are encrypted for security reasons. In order to read them you have to provide us with the pass phrases. Server your.server.com:55 (RSA)

Enter pass phrase:

Server www.blahblahblah.com:55(RSA)

Enter pass phrase:

How to login ?

The cursor is blinking but I am unable to enter the pass phrase; the only thing I can do is press the power button to shutdown. Even if I leave the PC running for a hour I can't type anything.

I know how to resolve the problem if I am able to login.

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Ubuntu :: Will Not Pass Nvidia Screen During Boot Up

Apr 17, 2011

One day I turn on my laptop and everything is starting up normal I get to the screen that shows Ubuntu loading then it changes to Nvidia Bata screen then back to Ubuntu loading then back to Nvidia. It wont get past that part.

I have looked on Google and and tried many things like:

-dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, and sever different varies of it. I read that I should get another screen to pop up. Non of that happens and still the same problem.

-I tried to boot with the live ISO and

mkdir /mnt
mount /dev/sda5 /mnt
chroot /mnt
dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
that didn't work either.

-I went into recovery > failsafe and it kicked me out back to the recovery mode menu.

-I tired to remove nvidia drivers

-I tired to reinstall nvidia drivers

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Fedora :: Computer Freezes After Enter User And Pass When Login To Gnome?

Mar 23, 2010

I am running FC12 64bit on my desktop and the problem is that after I enter my credentials at graphicall login screen (Gnome) the computer hungs i cannot moove the mouse, CTRL+ALT+DEL won't work the Caps and Scroll lock on my keboard are blinking. Nothing responds. I am absolutelly cluless. Untill yesterday i was using FC12 i686 and never had this problem, but i got 4GB ram so in order to get those fully i installed the 64bit version. On clean install of the 64bit ver everything went fine, but i updated the system and followed theese instroctions [LINK]http://www.howtoforge.com/the-perfect-desktop-fedora-12-i686-gnome[/LINK] and that's all

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OpenSUSE Install :: Pass Through Login Details To Mount Encrypted Volumes

Jul 17, 2010

I'm looking for a way of mounting an encrypted volume - home folder or a separate mount point, using only the standard login authentication (ie KDM or ssh). I thought the pam_mount module provided this, but I still get prompted for a password on the console at boot time. This is inconvenient as both my main desktops are headless HTPCs. I want the login credentials to be passed through, at log in time. I'm guessing this is possible, but to be honest, encryption is one thing in Linux that still completely confuses me.

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Fedora :: Computer Freezes After Enter User And Pass When Login To Gnome

Mar 23, 2010

I am running FC12 64bit on my desktop and the problem is that after I enter my credentials at graphicall login screen (Gnome) the computer hungs i cannot moove the mouse, CTRL+ALT+DEL won't work the Caps and Scroll lock on my keboard are blinking. Nothing responds. I am absolutelly cluless. Untill yesterday i was using FC12 i686 and never had this problem, but i got 4GB ram so in order to get those fully i installed the 64bit version. On clean install of the 64bit ver everything went fine, but i updated the system and followed theese instroctions [URL] and that's all.

Before i atempt to login i can ssh to the machine.

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Fedora :: Cannot Login Into X Window(screen Turn To Black Before Login Screen)?

Feb 25, 2011

The problem come after i kill the Xorg using the kill command,and the screen turns to black without anything so that i can do nothing. The problem goes on after reboot

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OpenSUSE Install :: Login Screen Keeps Bouncing Back To Login Screen

Sep 17, 2010

I have installed VirtualBox and setup a Windows Vista host, initially with a .vdi of 10gb. That filled up quickly, so I added another 20gb secondary partition, after first trying to allocate a .vdi to a SCSI controller. Configured the drive in Windows (Computer Management), and all seemed ok. I shutdown VB, and rebooted my Linux host (openSuse 11.3). Now I keep bouncing back to the login screen, and can't login to Linux KDE, but can login to a console.I do have the following info:

/dev/dis/by-id/ata-ST9250410ASG_5VG0B5VS-part5 swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/dis/by-id/ata-ST9250410ASG_5VG0B5VS-part6 / ext4 acl,user_xattr 1 1


I did see a message before, that I don't see anymore, that said it could not start NFS services due to missing entry in fstab. Another I'm seeing now is it couldn't start the avahi-daemon, no space left on device. This is odd, since I have a 200GB drive, with half of it left, only max 30GB set to VB. Here's my df -k output:

/dev/sda6 Use% is 100%
devtmpfs Use% is 1%
tmpfs Use% is 1%
/dev/sda7 Use% is 46%

So root "/" is mounted on /dev/sda6, which looks like it could be a problem, but why would this suddenly be a problem after working with VirtualBox? Could this be a matter of just freeing up space on /dev/sda6? Like the /tmp folder that's under "/"?

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Ubuntu :: Cant Login Into Hardy...Screen Hangs Up At Login Screen?

Dec 22, 2008

I have a desktop running Hardy and till friday it was running good. Today is monday and I guess it has got monday blues like I get every monday at work.Today I tried to start it as usual but it just refused to go further than login screen. I just can not login. It just hangs it there. I do not know what has gone wrong. I did not change anything since friday and no one else uses it. Theres nothing in logs that could give any idea. It just hangs without any reason and is still on the login screen for ever. It does ask my username and password but then it does not go further.But to my surprise I tried logging in with root and it gave me expected error that system administrator is not allowed to login from gnome.

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Ubuntu :: Upgrade From 10.04 To 10.10 - Computer Didn't Go Pass The Black Screen With The Bar Blinking

Oct 21, 2010

i did the upgrade thru the update manager but when i rebooted my comp, my computer didnt go pass the black screen with the bar blinking. what black screen im talking about

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unplanned Visits To Login Window - Taken To Login Screen Three Times

Aug 18, 2010

I have used Ubuntu since 7-4; I now have 10.4. However, in the last week I have been taken to the login screen three times. This could be potentially calamitous. Ctrl+Alt +Backspace have by default been disable since 9-4. There is no way I am pressing atl+Prtscr +K. I wonder if there is a new zap command in 10.4, and if so, how to disable it. I have never found the need to go back back to the login window. I am generally using the command line when doing this.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Login / After Couple Seconds Returned To The Login Splash Screen?

Oct 10, 2010

I recently powered up my netbook... Selected my user log in, entered my password, and after a couple seconds I briefly see what looks to be the console and am returned to the login splash screen... I can Ctrl+Alt+F2 to get to the console and log in... but that is as far as I can get. This is the case for Gnome, Remix, and Remix 2D.

I can sudo apt-get (update, upgrade, etc) as well. It is the right password because if I type in a wrong one it presents an authentication failure dialog box.

How can I fix my log in screen and get to my desktop? I am Currently running 10.04.... waiting to get 10.10

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Ubuntu :: Slim Login Manager Preventing Computer From Booting To Login Screen

Aug 4, 2011

yesterday i installed slim login manager on my computer (eee pc 1018p, ubuntu 11.04), and now it cannot get passed the ubuntu loading screen (with orange dots underneath) when booting. i tried booting into recovery mode and that didn't work either. i also left the computer trying to boot overnight and that didn't work.
basically, during this loading screen that should eventually bring you to the login screen, i can alt+tab to see the progress of the load. the progress is stuck on

Is there anything I can do from grub to remove slim?or, is there any way I can access my ubuntu partition and save all my files?

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Ubuntu :: Login - Enter My Password To Login The Screen Becomes Black And Return Me Again

Apr 15, 2011

I just bought this desktop from my friend and it runs win 7 and ubuntu 10.04. it worked very well the first two days until I changed the hostname of the system.

I did like: hostname myNewName

And everything worked fine. The problem now is when I start ubuntu and and reach username and password screen , I enter my password to login the screen becomes black and return me again to the screen where I put my password again. If I entered wrong password , the system message stating wrong password. On the other hand, when I try to run ubuntu from live-cd I can login easily and access my account.

My friend told me he removed Naultius package and reinstall it for some reason before he gave it to me. Note windows 7 is working properly.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10: Login In Just Brings Me Back To Login Screen?

Jun 5, 2010

I have just did an upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10. I am planning to go to 10.04 . After the upgrade everything was ok but I noticed the GRUB was still legacy. So I updated my GRUB to GRUB2. Now when I boot, after entering my logon-id and password, it just brings me back to the login-id screen (to logon on). Any indication of what is wrong and how I should fix this ?

I have no encryptions. [added comments] Currently reading thread about login loop bug with 9.10 Followed instructions about possible missing pre-release update but even if it did do updates, I am still login screen looping. Doing additional researches until someone answers with the fix.
did :
CTRL + ALT + F1 switch to one virtual console
sudo service gdm stop


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Ubuntu :: Login But Almost Immediately Kicks Back To The Login Screen?

Sep 28, 2010

When I try to login with my username, the one I created when I installed the OS, it seems to try to login but almost immediately kicks back to the login screen. No authentication error it just seems to just logout? The only change I made since last successful login was to add ". .alias" to the .profile file - the only entries in the .alias file are comments and "alias" commands. I have one other username but it is not in the sudo's list of users so I can not change anything in the master login.

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Ubuntu :: Run Application Before Gdm (login Screen Or Auto Login)

Feb 22, 2010

I have program that work like Fedora Firstboot it's run only one time after finish installation. I have two questions to ask.

1. How can I start this application before gdm start (login screen or auto login)

2. How can I start this application in fix display resolution (800x600)

My method now is

(This is a part of script , this script execute from /etc/init.d/myfirstboot , I create symlink to /etc/rc2.d/S1myfirstboot for start it before anything)

gdm-stop # first time I use /etc/init.d/gdm stop
export DISPLAY
/usr/bin/Xorg :1 &


I don't understand why first time firstboot start the system will auto loging in but not complete yet and then my script is start and it's work does not fine I think that is another user is already login , but if I re run my firstboot again and again (by setting something that can revoke my firstboot and restart) it's work before auto login and every things is ok!

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OpenSUSE Install :: Login At KDM (KDE4), The Monitor Goes Black And Returns To The Login Screen?

Nov 17, 2009

My OpenSUSE 11.2 is working fine as samba server, no problems, but I have a problem with KDM.My default init runlevel is set to 5 and every time I try to login at KDM (KDE4), the monitor goes black and returns to the login screen.If I hit Ctrl+Alt+F1 to go to console and start /usr/sbin/console-kit-daemon manually, press Ctrl+Alt+F7 to return to KDM login, everything is fine.What do I have to do to fix this issue?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Login / Get To Login Screen Type In Password It Begins To Load Desktop?

Jun 18, 2010

been using 11.2 with KDE on a Sony laptop since 11.2 was released always ran perfect suddenly I can't login, I get to the login screen type in password it begins to load my desktop, then fails and dumps me back to the login screen I can login as root, all my stuff is there (under /home/me) I tried changing my password, no luck I went to run level 3 and there I can login just fine seems to be something with my KDE profile
any ideas where I might find some error messages telling me what's going on?

this seemed to happen when I was running "blender" and making the machine do some heavy number crunching, it actually locked up.

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OpenSUSE Install :: After Boot Restored Defaults In Login Screen Themes / Login Theme Not Working?

Jun 3, 2011

i am having a boot problem with opensuse.i installed a theme named suse-elegant under personal settings(configure desktop)-system administration-login screen.

i had also added vbox users(i ticked vboxusers) under yast-security and users-user and group management-edit-details to make virtual box work.

i want to check that installed theme so i restarted my laptop.after the restart opensuse taking too long time to boot

note:the login theme also not working.

after the boot i restored defaults in login screen themes.it is also not working.

i don't know which cause this problem(vboxusers or login theme).i am also seeing a root user has been added in my login area.i tried opensuse failsafe also.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Get A Login In Screen With The Option To Login As Root?

Dec 8, 2009

I want, when I boot up, to load and log-in automatically a default user. I get a login in screen with the option to login as root, I do not want this. How do disable the option to login to X as root and just load as me/default user?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Login - Just Cycles Back To The Login Screen ?

Jan 4, 2010

Every account every option I try. when I login, it just cycles back to the login screen. I have attempted to do a repair install, but to no avail. it happens when I try to boot normally or if I boot into failsafe.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Crash Back To Login Screen After Login?

Feb 3, 2010

The graphical login screen is loaded just fine. Though very shortly after (a moment after the loading screen could be seen) it crashes back to the graphical login. And that happens no matter what wm I'm trying - gnome, kde3, kde4, e16, e17, even twm.

It happened after the logout after a zypper up yesterday morning. Looking through the list of what packages were upgraded (two machines, both last zypper up'ed last Sunday, checked on the second one after the problem with the first one), the only packages which might be responsible are kwin or qt4.

The graphics card seems to be fine (NVidia 9600), as it happens whether or not I use nv or the propietary driver. Also tried reinstalling it from the repo as well as using the binary blob from NVidia. Has been tested on Windows and games are running fine there, so it shouldn't be the card.

What is strange, is that when calling upon sax2 -r from runlevel three, the initial screen loads nicely, but sax2 crashes back to the cli once one presses 'Change Configuration'. No error messages are being printed.

Any pointers on how I can narrow down the cause (and get it fixed)?

OpenSuSE 11.2 + KDE 4 factory & enlightenment & qt 4.6 repos
X.Org 7.4-35.3
Kwin 4.3.98-406.6
libqt4 4.6.1+4.6.20100202-1.1


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