Ubuntu :: CD Ver. Vs DVD Ver. Arabic User?

Jul 21, 2010

I'm new to ubuntu i used it and enjoyed it i used ver 8.x then i was forced to work with a windows based PC and Fortunately I'm now able to work and enjoy the perfection of ubuntu . What I'm facing now is a decision I want to download 10.04 LTS And confused should i download DVD or CD version

i read that dvd contains extra language packs. the Question : Does the CD image will be 100% functional for the usage of Arabic and English languages (i need full support for both) ,,,, AND is there any other data or software by any kind extra on the DVD what i mean is that Am I Missing anything other that the language packs?

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Ubuntu :: Arabic Localization But With LTR?

Aug 12, 2010

I would like to use Arabic as the system's language (menus, dialogs..etc.) but would like to keep to the LTR format of these objects. With things moving to the wrong side of the screen things can get confusing and unpleasant to work with. Is it possible to setup things so that I can have the language but keep the LTR direction of things?I'm running Lucid under Gnome.

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Ubuntu :: Arabic Words Are Showen As Squars?

Jan 31, 2011

the browser i'm using is operaand this is the only site that looks like this but it's a very important onethere should be arabic words there i tried to change the language encoding to arabic windows-1256 tried to install arabic in language support

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Arabic Subtitle With Vlc & Mplayer On 9.10 Amd64?

Apr 13, 2010

with Vlc & mplayer we have to install libfribidi0_0.20-1_i386.. to make arabic subtitle work fine.But If you running AMD64...You have to force this page to installed.


My problem is even when you force this package to install, you get error with synaptic manager tell you there were broken packages...
and it reinstall the old package libfribidi0_0.10.9-1_amd64.deb .also, mplayer stop working & Vlc subtitle dose not work at all

What should i do? so, i can install libfribidi0_0.20-1_i386?

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CentOS 5 :: Add Arabic Site In The Fresh Session In 5.5

Oct 29, 2010

I have centos 5.5 like a OS in my computer, and i wana add a arabic language in the frensh session, i mean i wana list the arabic site in the frensh session.

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Ubuntu :: No SUDO Access When Admin User Created Through Kubuntu User Manager?

Jan 6, 2010

Original HOWTO can be found at: [URL]... So the other day I was in IRC and someone had brought up a problem where they created a new Administrative user, but didnt have rights to use sudo. Looked into the problem a little bit to figure out what was wrong, and it turns out that when you create a new user through the user manager (in kubuntu, anyways. Havent tested in Gnome.) the user gets added to the adm group, however, a quick look at the sudoers file shows that its looking for users in the admin group to allow the use of sudo. So, to solve the problem we do the following: If youre on the new admin user (which Im assuming you are) use the following commands:

su [insert username of old account without brackets]
sudo usermod -G admin [username of new admin account without brackets]

Then simply logout, and then log back in (not always necessary, but the easiest way to flush the permissions.)

su [insert username of old account without brackets]
Means were going to Switch User to the old admin account
sudo usermod -G admin [username of new admin account without brackets]
This simply adds the admin group to the secondary group list for the new user
Pretty self explanatory

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Ubuntu :: Made An Error With Chmod - Create User But Don't Allow To See The Other User's Home Folder

Jan 18, 2010

I wanted to create an user but don't allow it to see the other user's home folder so I made chmod 0750 /home/folder and it worked fine so I went ahead and decided to completely forbid access to the root folder and I had the "great" idea to make chmod 0750 /, and now I'm having problems with wine and other applications, in example I used to have a folder in this address but now it's giving me errors and if I try to run some applications I got error "There was an error creating the child process for this terminal"

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Ubuntu :: Access User Account 1 Home Directory From User 2 Work Space?

Jun 16, 2011

Do you think there is a way of accessing different user data from another account which I have set up.

Ie. user 1 = account has messed up

user 2 = account works fine

access user account 1 home directory from user 2 work space?

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Ubuntu :: Copy User Settings / Folders From One User Home Folder To Another?

Jan 10, 2010

I have 2 users and I would like to copy all the files and folders in one home dir to another.... sounds simple, til i got started. Ive tried


sudo cp -nRv /home/user1/* /home/user2
but that didnt copy the .* folders. Im after the firefox and thunderbird folders mainly, but all of them is OK too.

im talking about the .adobe, .amsn ..........

How can I copy the .* folders from one user home folder to another and then give the correct permissions to the new user.

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Ubuntu :: Create A New Administrative User Of Change The Current User's Group

Sep 3, 2010

This netbook only has a user with non-administrative privs on it and root user but I do not have root's password.Is there a way that I can create a new administrative user of change the current user's group so that it can do sudo commands or have more privs?

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Ubuntu :: Why The User Created At Installation Time Is A Custom User Instead Of An Administrator

Oct 31, 2010

why the user created at installation time is a Custom User instead of an Administrator.

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Ubuntu :: Command To Determine Active User (Not $USER Variable)

Jul 21, 2010

I'm trying to write a small script that will run as root, but launch a command with sudo as another user. I want that user to be whichever user is active user. That is, the user that is using GDM right now, or the one that is logged into the current console. (by current console, I don't mean the user running the script, but rather the user logged into the console currently displayed on the screen.)How can this be done?


test `id -u pulse` -ge 1000 && sudo -u $ACTIVE_USER $*

What can I use for "somecommand"?

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Ubuntu :: User Account Control And User Rights Assignment?

Sep 29, 2010

I have a user account which is required to run as part of the operating system and as a service. I am currently attempting to install my companies software on an Ubuntu desktop via wine just for the purpose of finding out if it's do-able.

Is there a way, in Ubuntu, for a user account to be given the local rights assignment to act as part of the operating system and to function as a service in the background?

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Ubuntu :: SSH X Forwarding Works For Main User, Not For Secondary User?

Oct 24, 2010

I can SSH to my own box using "ssh -X arancaytar@localhost" and run graphical applications. When I try the same using "ssh -X chris@localhost", I get an error message saying

chris@enki:~$ gedit
X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.


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Ubuntu Servers :: User Quotas - Limit - One User Should Be Able To Use 1900 GB And The Other 600 GB

Oct 29, 2010

Im trying to limit the diskspace users on the system may consume, and i found quotas (im a total linux noob). But when i try to set it, no matter what i set it to the maximus is 2 GB. Now... i need quite a lot more than that. One user should be able to use 1900 GB and the other 600 GB. How can i fix this? Im using ubuntu server 10.04.

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Ubuntu :: Redirect Sound Output From User A To User B ?

Apr 30, 2011

I'm running a browser (google-chrome) as a different user.

To achieve this, I do the following:

$ sudo xhost +

Then run the command you want as the other user:

$ sudo -i -u <username> /opt/google/chrome/chrome

Then when I'm done browsing, I do:

$ sudo xhost -


Instead of doing pkill pulse, is there any way to redirect the sound output (Flash Player) from <browser user> to <current gnome user>, so I don't have to pkill the sound daemon of the current user ?

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General :: Ubuntu New User: Can't See New User In Home Directory

Jul 28, 2011

i'm new to linux and just installed Ubuntu and decided to play around with it. i just executed

Code: useradd test which supposedly creates a folder in the home directory '/home/test' but when i look in there i can't see it i also did a

Code: grep test /etc/passwd which returns: 'test:x:1001:1001::/home/test:/bin/sh' which i believe means it is meant to exist.

Addendum: I have also now noticed that when i log in and log back in i have the option to login as 'test' but it prompts me for a password which i did not set :s

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Ubuntu :: User Settings User Privileges

Aug 11, 2010

This applies to users of 10.04 (64 bit), but I would like to hear from those running 10.04 (32 bit) and 9.10 (64 or 32 bit).Would you be good enough to answer this question: Do you have an �enable scanner option� (or a variation of that phrase) in (GOTO) System-Administration-Users & Groups- [Your Admin Account]- Advanced Settings- User Privileges?It would be immensely helpful of you if you could do this and post me your answer.

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Ubuntu :: Managing User With User ID Below 1000?

Nov 7, 2010

I set a User's ID below 1000 because I did not want it to show in the login screen as an option and the Other User option would have to be used. I can login into that account using the Other User option, although, when I go to Users and Groups, the account doesn't show up there. How can I get it to show up there or how can I manage this user account.

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Fedora :: User Memory Allocation - Set A Maximum Limit On The Amount Of Ram A User Can Utilize?

Jul 24, 2009

I have a few multi-user servers in an academic laboratory. I am having a problem with some users maxing out the available RAM, causing such sever slowdowns the machine essentially crashes. My servers are Dell Power Edge's running Ubuntu 8.10 Server Edition (Not my choice). I would like to set a maximum limit on the amount of ram a user can utilize. This morning I experimented with setting limits via /etc/security/limits.conf and using ulimit. Neither of them prevented my test program, a simple infinite loop of mallocs, from crashing the server.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Root User Has Access To Remote Folders/files Of Any User?

Jan 21, 2010

Prelude: OpenSUSE 11.2 (, installed Novell client 2.0 SP2 (novell-client-2.0-sp2-sle11-i586.iso).

I found that if any usual user is logged into a NDS-tree, then _local_ root has full access to user's network shares, including the user's home directory located on remote Netware-server. Is it by design or
have I missed something? Nevertheless in windows local admin has no access to network resources mounted of any other user. If you runas shell (as admin) then admin in principle can't "see" network shares which were mounted (connected) by other users - they are accessible ("visible") per session.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Laptop Samba PDC User And Local User Access Their Own Data?

May 30, 2011

Take a physical user FRED. FRED is a linux user ( known by linux on his laptop ) FRED is a Samba user ( Known by samba on the samba pdc server ) When he logs locally (with username/password) on its standalone laptop (with no network), he is known as FRED:user. He access his data in /home/FRED/. When he logs through samba (with username/password) on the domain MY_DOM, he is known as MY_DOMFRED:MY_DOMdomain user. He access his data in /home/MY_DOM/FRED/. ) Is it possible that the human FRED has only one repository and have full access to its repository regardless of how it was connected. If yes, how to do it

2) If not, Is it possible that the human FRED has full access to /home/FRED/.............. and /home/MY_DOM/FRED/.

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General :: Create User Add File With Default Password And Force User To Change It?

Feb 2, 2010

I want to add 50 new users, not on the server yet I want to add them all to group Accounting - with 1 option, not user by user I want to setup a default password for them all, and have it say something like 'You must now change password or no access will be permitted' Any other options I also want to do once, not for each user?

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General :: Change Password For Newly Created User And Root User Using Graphical?

Jan 15, 2010

I am using mint 8 for a 2 weeks, I am noob to linux but I like Mint than any other linux distro which is great alternative to windows. I have a problem regarding password reseting.

1. My laptop automatically get logged in without asking user name and password.

2. I tried to change password for newly created user and root user using graphical way but it does not work.

2. I can perform administrator task using only OEM user which is default inbuilt user of mint.

How can make my laptop to ask password when mint get booted? How to change password for other users?

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General :: Write A Shell Script That Allows Only User 1 And User 2 To Execute A Program?

Feb 25, 2010

I've looked everywhere but I can't find where to change the default box for incoming mail, or am I on the wrong track. It's a nuisance having to change folders and I can't configure wastebin to empty on exit.And I can't get kmail to import from evolution. Do I have to go to the evolution storage and do it manually, and if so, how do I do that?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Recreate A User Profile / Home Dir For An Existing User A/c?

Feb 16, 2010

what is the correct way/procedure to re-create a user home directory. For instance, on a Mac/Windows machine, i would just rename the existing user profile [home dir], and then just log back in as the user - job done. On OpenSuse/Linux, it seems it does not work that way..?! When i try to rename my home folder to say me.old via root, and log back in as me, i get all kinds of errors. Opensuse does create a new home dir, but it appears not properly.

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General :: Login As Other User Using Shell Doesn't Load The Profile For That User?

Dec 11, 2009

I am using the sudo command to log on locally as another user by the following command:

sudo -u theotheruser -s
sudo -u theotheruser sh

As I see it, this initiates a new shell with the mentioned other user.However, this doesn't load that users profile from his home directory.Is there a way to automatically read the users profile when login in with selected command? I am mostely interested in getting a working prompt when logged in.

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Server :: Make A Normal User Execute Commands Of The Super User's?

Jul 3, 2010

I have a question that i want to make a normal user to execute the commands which the root user is able to execute, say if i have a user named siru and when i logged in using siru i cannot run commands like tracert,nmap@loccalhost and all but i can run when i have logged into root account so my question is how to make siru to run the command tracert,nmap@localhost.I have even edited the .bash_profile of siru's home directory from

# .bash_profile
# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then


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Server :: Rsync Using Www As User Gives Ssh Error - User Www Not Allowed Because Account Locked

Feb 11, 2011

Apache is run as www as is all the files/folders. People are uploading via FTP, scp, so the problem is if I chmod so everyone can read, then rsync as a user it works until new files are added which then my ; if rsync fails with a permission denied. Now I can add a chmod in the script so everyone can read, but since www can already read, I figured I would just change my script to use www. I added the ssh key to his authorized_keys file, but when I try to just ssh in I see this in the secure file;

server sshd[29539]: User www not allowed because account is locked
sshd[29539]: Failed none for invalid user www from ip port 54983 ssh2

Now I read a few places already saying I need to add a password to the account, etc. but before I jump and try all I read, 1st major one, will this now break apache? Will this affect any startup things, etc. and .... will that unlock that user for ssh in or is there another preferred method?

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Security :: Changing Home Directory Permission In User Management After User Created In Suse(KDE)?

Feb 2, 2011

created a user but i forgot to change the home directory permission.so after user created when i go to the user and group mangement i cant see that permission filed related to the home permission directory.my purpose is to stop accessing other user to my home directory,how it can be possible??

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