Ubuntu :: Brasero/DVD Shrink Screwed Up DVD Drive?

Sep 14, 2010

I really don't know what to say or begin, my drive was working fine and then I installed dvdshrink via Wine and backed up a DVD using Brasero to burn the image created. However, upon completing the copy and trying a new disk it wouldn't read it at all other than recognizing it's there in places, the desktop, and with a startup window.But nothing will play it, making it very frustrating since it had worked prior to completing the burn. I don't get it

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Fedora :: Shrink Home Directory And Move It To The End Of The Drive?

Aug 1, 2009

So I messed up a little and didn't leave enough room on my disk. I want to shrink my home directory and move it to the end of the drive. Is this possible? It's ext4 but no an LVM partition though.

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Ubuntu :: Brasero Mount 2nd Hard Drive?

Jun 14, 2010

I would like to know how to get brassero to look at my 2nd hard drive I can only see my main HD. I have music files on my other drive.

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Ubuntu :: Shrink Windows To Panel?

May 9, 2010

I have somehow lost the ability to shrink my windows to the panel on my desktop and I am not sure how to fix this. does any one know how to fix this?

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Ubuntu :: How To Shrink / Extend Partition

Jun 24, 2010

Here is screenshot showing my current partition in Gparted.
What I want to do is shrink the one (Ubuntu) and extend the other (XP) so that that they are more or less the same size. How?

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Ubuntu :: Script To Shrink Partition?

Sep 22, 2010

Well... I've been givin this task, to make a script that shrinks the /dev/sda1 partition...generally my scripts is working.. it just destroys all data on the sda1 partition when it gets shrinked... i still dont get why =PYou see... i have to shrink the partition sda1 ( with ubuntu 10.04.1 ), but with the installation intact, through a script...I boot via the ubunto live cd, use my script, and my new partition sda3 is created perfectly as ext4.But as i mentioned earliere, data is lost on sda1

My script :


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Ubuntu :: How To Log Out Of Screwed Desktop

Jul 19, 2010

My desktop is screwed and there is no button to close my session and open a new session with a working desktop. How can I do that?

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Ubuntu :: Themes Look Screwed Up?

Feb 5, 2011

Is there a way to fix this. I know once a theme is applied it's suppose to take affect on everything. But, my folders (and the stuff that you see below, folders and icons etc..) stay the same no matter what theme I use

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Fedora :: Shrink Down The Ext4 Partition Which Has Ubuntu On It?

Feb 11, 2011

Currently I have a four partition setup: One ext4 /boot partition for Fedora, one LVM partition, one ext4 partition (which has Ubuntu), and one swap partition. What I would like to do is shrink down the ext4 partition which has Ubuntu on it and increase the size of my LVM parition (and increase the Volume Group, filesystem, etc. within the LVM). However, I've been searching on Google and the only solutions I find is to make the free/unpartitioned space and then create a new LVM partition and stretch the VG over the two LVM partitions. However, I already have 4 partitions, so I can't make the fifth one.

Is there any possible way I can increase the size of the underlying LVM partition itself?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Shrink The Windows To The Panel

Aug 15, 2010

I have somehow lost the ability to shrink my windows to the panel on my desktop and I am not sure how to fix this.

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Ubuntu :: Prevent /shrink Keyboard Indicator?

Jun 6, 2010

Currently there is a fat, wide keyboard indicator at the bottom of my Ubuntu screen (see attached snapshot) and a second locale indicator.

How can I shrink them?

Or even better: How can I hide them completely?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Won't Shrink NTFS Partition?

Jun 16, 2010

Having using full-time on Windows (as a "trip down memory lane") I decided that Ubuntu is way better. Now, it won't resize my full-drive NTFS partition. I can move it on the drive, but I can not resize it.

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Ubuntu :: Shrink A Partition Without Losing Data

Jun 24, 2010

I am completely ubuntu right now, and I need to create a partition for XP without losing all the work I have on ubuntu. How can I shrink ubuntu's partition to make a 15 gb partition for XP without losing data?According to Gparted:

sda = ubuntu
sda2 = swap
sda3 = extended

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Shrink One Partition To Extend Other One

Sep 19, 2010

I have 60 plus GBs of free space left in my Vista partition that I would like to devote to my ubuntu install.

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Ubuntu :: Possible To Shrink Multiple Images Files At Once?

Nov 12, 2010

I have a folder full of image files. They are large files and they only need to be large icon size...manybe 2 inches wide. Is there a way to convert them without editing each file individually?

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Ubuntu :: Shrink Windows 7 64 Bit Primary Partition?

Aug 17, 2011

know the best way to shrink the Windows 7 64 bit primary partition (C: drive)? The C: drive was originally just over 900 GB free space. I shrunk it using Windows 7 Disk Management, but it would only let me shrink to 468 GB, which I did. I want to shrink it to 100 GB. Will G-Parted work for this? Will I be able to boot into Windows after I use G-Parted? Or will I have to use the Repair Disc to fix Windows? If so, will the Repair Disc work. I have a new PC. I had Ubuntu 10.10 dual booted with Windows XP on my old PC.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Fonts Huge - How To Shrink

May 12, 2010

I was running SUSE 10.0 for a long time. At one point, I tried ubuntu 8.10, but went back to SUSE 10.0 because I couldn't take the huge fonts. I'm committed to running Linux (I'm a software developer with 25 years experience on UNIX and Linux platforms). I've been able to shrink the icon size on the desk via the file browser, change the other fonts, etc. - but running Google, and even this linuxquestions.org interface is an experience that's as if I had 20/400 vision (I have 20/20-30).

How do I shrink this? Zooming in and out from the "view" pulldown sort of works, but it's temporary - plus, doing that causes the resolution on the smaller print to get pretty blurry. Even the fonts and icons on the toolbar are HUGE! SUSE didn't exhibit this behavior - but I'd rather be running ubuntu, since that's what most of my potential employers are running. It would seem a certainty this has come up before, but I haven't found an answer yet. I'll use ANY font/configuration combination that will give me smaller print, that isn't blurry.

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Ubuntu :: Screwed Up Sources.list?

Feb 17, 2010

So, I ran an apt-get update, and got these error messages:

Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com karmic/main Packages
404 Not Found [IP: 80]


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Ubuntu :: Xubuntu Screwed Up After Hooked To Tv

Jun 17, 2010

I have a older dell inspiron laptop running xubuntu 9.10. It has run fine for quite a while. I recently hooked it up to my plasma tv to watch some some movies and now it crashes when I try to log in. The process I used to hook it to the TV was: connect VGA cable then boot into the external monitor, then shutdown. I have done this in the past with other laptops and it always went back to normal when I boot without the VGA cord attached.

What happens now is I try to log in then the screen flashes and sends me back to the login screen. One more thing to add, I didn't have to use the login screen prior to this problem, it was set for auto-login.How can I fix this? I can get to the terminal via CTRL + F2 and via SSH.

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Ubuntu :: Screwed Bootdrive With Fdisk?

Sep 14, 2010

I actually wanted to create partitions on my usbstick, but instead I fdisked new partitions onto my boot + datadrive. It is still running. Is there a chance I can recover that?

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Ubuntu :: Xorg Totally Screwed Up?

Oct 19, 2010

I plugged in a second monitor to my new Meerkat installation and xorg stopped working.

When I took the monitor away it still wouldn't work, so I tried entering with safe graphics and that wouldn't work.

I uninstalled xorg and reinstalled and ran the dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but still no luck.

I have tried reverting the vesa driver but it still won't work. The screen flashes like it's trying but just gives up.

I don't know what to do now except reinstall the partition.

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Ubuntu :: Android Debugging All Screwed Up

Dec 3, 2010

This hasn't happened to me before, but I develop for the Android platform and (perhaps needless to say) I really need to be able to debug on a real device. On past installs, my device was recognized automatically and debugging was as easy as checking "debug" in the Android's settings, but now (after updating to Maverick from Lucid) the phone registers with adb as?It mentions some necessary tasks for set-up on Ubuntu, but only mentions this process for Dapper/Gutsy/Hardy. Is there any personal experience out there that can confirm that this works and/or is necessary on Maverick?

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Ubuntu :: ATI Driver Got Screwed, Can't Get To Console?

Apr 29, 2011

I updated my version of ubuntu to 11.04 I think and installed my ati drivers. Then tried to change some settings, rebooted and when I try to log in it acts like it will but exits back to the loging. How can I access console? Alt+Shift+F1 is not taking me there..

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Ubuntu Installation :: Screen Is Now All Screwed Up

May 20, 2011

I have a HP ZE2000 laptop with an ATI XPress 200M graphics card that worked great with 10.04, but when I upgraded to the 11.04 the screen is now all screwed up and I cannot figure out what happened. I even downloaded the .iso and booted up on the LiveCD and it is still screwed up. I am assuming something is screwed up in the graphics setting, but how do you change it if you cannot see it?

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Ubuntu :: Screwed Up System Big Time?

Jul 3, 2011

I'm back on my iPad because I deleted the partitions and this is what came up

Error: no such partition
Grub rescue> _

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Ubuntu :: Screwed Up Boot Process

Sep 1, 2011

So I (being an idiot) screwed up my boot process. While tinkering around with random things I was reading here and there, trying to get my Burg and Plymouth resolutions to look normal, I think I tried something, not realizing that it was intended for intel graphics (I am running ati). During boot I get a "FATAL; Error inserting i915 (/lib/modules/2.6.38-10-generic/kernel/drivers/gou/drm/i915/i915.ko): No such device

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Screwed Up LVM

Sep 1, 2011

I have 2x 2TB drives for data storage in my system. I placed both drives in a volume group and made 1 big 4TB partition on it. I made it ext4 and mounted it in my Ubuntu Server environment and used it for a while without any problems. Just now I wanted to work a little with Windows 7 and I installed it on a separate hard drive (a 500GB one). This went fine but the (f***ing!) Windows 7 installer automatically made a 100MB system reserved partition on one of the 2TB drives (because the freaking MS OS saw them as unallocated space). That basically scewed up the volume group.

Running vgchange -ay gives an error that device with UUID (..) couln't be found. Running vgchange -ay --partial works and activates my volume group as read only. When I try to mount my logical volume inside that volume group mount gives the error that I need to specify the file system. When I do so with mount -t ext4 it returns the error that it's the wrong file system. Is there a way for me to fully restore my volume group? Or a way to mount what's left of it so that I can backup as much data as possible?

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Fedora :: Using Dvd Shrink Icon Nothing Happens In 14

Apr 22, 2011

I'm having issues trying to use dvd shrink with wine, the problem is everytime I click on the dvd shrink icon nothing happens it doesn't start I think have something to do with security settings, anyone having the same problem?

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General :: How To Shrink / Var / Lib / Rpm / Packages

Jun 15, 2011

Each time I run "zypper update" on a SUSE 11.1 server it causes /var/lib/rpm/Packages to grow by a few KB even though there are no new updates. Since a cron runs this a couple of times a day the file is almost 400MB on one of my servers. I'd like to shrink the file back to a reasonable size before I run out of space on my /var partition.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Shrink Mac OS X Partition On Dual Booting MBP?

May 28, 2010

After four attempts and diverse partition map problems, I finally managed to install successfully clean versions of both Mac OS X Snow Leopard and Ubuntu Lucid Lynx on my old MacBook Pro C2D (2,1) and a new 320 GB HDD, by following these instructions:[URL]

Now, I've got a big partition for Mac OS X (286 GB) and a small partition for Ubuntu (30 GB, as well as two smaller partitions for grub and swap). However, I'd like to shrink the Mac OS X partition to, say, 35 GB, and use the freed up 251 GB as a shared partition to keep files for access from both OSs. But Mac OS X Disk Utility won't let me resize the Mac OS X partition (and warns that it might not be a smart thing to do, as the disk has been partitioned for Boot Camp, etc).

Is there some way I can resize the partition, or do I have to start all over again?

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