Ubuntu :: Blackbox Wireless Connection / How To Do This

Apr 26, 2010

I like Blackbox and Fluxbox. Currently I am running Ubuntu 9,1 with both the Gnome and Blackbox windows managers installed. This is a new installation on a new computer for me.

When I go into Blackbox, I can't find any way to connect to my wireless.

Can anyone tell me how to do this?

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Debian :: /rules - Blackbox - Shlib ?

Dec 25, 2010

Still training with packaging. Here: [url]

I found the lintian reports about blackbox.

Most of them i could get sorted (via wild edits in the debian/{rules,control} files.

I am stuck at this error: [url]

I was told to read dh_link, but it doesn't say much.

My main problem is that i don't understand the rules file.

Hence a short question: If i got a rules which looks like this: #!/usr/bin/make -f

If i try it with gtk-theme-switch and with gtk2-engines-magicchicken i get syntax like the first example (blackbox -unedited,if i must i can replace it with the edited version), my working example-files use the syntax of the second example.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless - Lost It - 'wmaster0 No Wireless Extensions', But Then Refers To Wlan0 As The Wireless Connection

Mar 28, 2010

A friend who switched ISP's gave me his old Linksys WRT54-G wireless router. I went through the installation procedure and had a wireless connection up and running - smiley face. I had security set up for WPA, and decided to upgrade it to WPA2. Another smiley face. When I went to connect (had already done so successfully), I noticed it referred to my wireless as Linksys - I was expecting to see the SSID. So I started playing around in Network Manager and now I have things all effed up.

Don't know exactly what I did, but now I have no wireless. So I ran a few commands (lshw -C network, iwconfig, ifconfig, and iwlist scan), and looking at the results I see what appear to be inconsistencies in the output. I've posted them below, and make the following observations:

1. Under the lshw it refers to my wireless connection logical name as wmaster0, and has the correct MAC address, etc.

2. Under the iwconfig it says, 'wmaster0 no wireless extensions', but then refers to wlan0 as the wireless connection (although it does not seem to be running).

3. Under ifconfig I see both a wlan0 and a wlan0:avahi. The wlan0 has no IP, the wlan0:avahi does, but it is incorrect.


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Network Connection Active But Still Not Internet Connection?

Jan 24, 2010

Its a case of ".... wireless network connection active but still not internet connection .."I am using WEP - 128 key ... Works when I connect directly using ethernet cable ... but not wireless (pci and wireless router)

ubuadmin@ubucomputer:~$ ifconfig

wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:06:25:12:83:3b
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::206:25ff:fe12:833b/64 Scope:Link[code].....

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Wireless Connection Despite Being Told Connection Active?

Jun 11, 2011

My problem is exactly the same as [URL]

but I am stuck at the last hurdle

here are the output of the command that helped to solve the case in the previous post:

ifconfig wlan0
wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1b:77:d2:59:55
inet6 addr: fe80::21b:77ff:fed2:5955/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0


I have also tried sudo dhclient but it hasn't helped and I am still unable to connect to the internet

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General :: Debian - Gnome: Wireless Connection List Missing Connection?

Nov 12, 2009

Each time I start up debian -lenny, the network-manager does not automatically connect me to my wireless network. The connection list shows a lot of networks available, but mine is always absent from the list. This means I each time have to go to "Connect to other Wireless Network" in and write in my network name (SSID) and password (PWA2 Personal). Then is connects nicely and everything works fine until next time I boot

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General :: Internet Connection Sharing - All Traffic From The Ethernet Connection Out Through The Wireless

Jun 25, 2010

I would like to have all traffic from the ethernet connection out through the wireless (basically using the box as a router) however I am having some trouble doing this.

I have done this before on Windows however I am having some trouble doing this on linux, I have tried using Squid Proxy however I am having some trouble using configuring/using it.

I am using Yellow Dog Linux however I am willing to change to any other distro as long as it is compatable with PS3 (as this is what im using linux on)

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Fedora Networking :: 11 - Share My Internet Connection With Wireless Connection

Jun 21, 2009

I have installed Fedora 11 recently. I want to share my Internet connection.

I have e LAN connection eth0 which is connected to internet.

I have a Wireless connection wlan0.

I want to share my internet connection with wireless connection.

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Networking :: Use The Laptop With The Wireless Connection To Share The Internet Connection?

Feb 4, 2010

I have two linux laptops. Currently, I'm using both of them at work, side-by-side. Now the problem is, I'm connected to a wireless router, but the wireless only works on one of the laptops. So I'm stuck with one laptop that has no access to the internet. Both machines do, however, have working ethernet nic cards. So, I was wondering if I could use the laptop with the wireless connection to share the internet connection with my other linux machine and access the internet on both of them. Or as an alternative, just use the internet on the machine without wireless and be able to switch back and forth, that would increase my productivity like 30 fold.

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Ubuntu :: Setup A Wireless Connection To Personal Wireless Net?

Apr 30, 2010

I'm trying to set up a wireless connection to my personal wireless net. I have a Linksys N router and I am using a WMN 300n adapter. I found out how to get the connection manager but I'm not sure if i ams upposed to enter the MAC of the router and I know what the SSID is but the B**ssid(not quite sure what that was and I'm on a Win7 system right now)so any info to get my wireless connection now

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Knetwork Manager Wireless Connection Gets Disconnected And Ask For Password And Again It Connects

Aug 5, 2010

I am getting trouble with knetwork manager. I created a new connection by scanning and connecting using knetwork manager. But every time connection gets disconnected and ask for password and again it connects.

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Fedora Networking :: Unstable Wireless Connection With Broadcom Onboard Wireless?

Dec 21, 2010

I am running FC13 on a Compaq Presario 2100 using a Broadcom BCM4306. I was able to get it running thanks to Fedora Unity Project. But It's a very unstable connection. I don't know what settings to adjust or enable or disable. It's not my router, this is the only wireless connection in the house that I have trouble with.

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Wireless Card Dormant Until Wired Connection Detected?

Feb 2, 2011

I have searched and have not found anything specific to my issue. I am currently using NDISWrapper to load the bcmwl15 driver and when it's active it works beautifully.Problem is sometimes at boot, the card doesn't "turn on" and I don't know how else to describe it. The OS does not even detect that the hardware is present. I have disabled wireless hotkey in BIOS. The only way to make the wireless card "active" is to reboot with the wiredconnection to the router. After doing that the wireless card "wakes up" and works awesome.Is there anything I can do to make sure the driver load at boot?mes I get the error that NDISWrapper is not modprobbed when I go to network configuration and if I wish to do i now? I don't know if that has anything to do with the boot sequence. Using the <modprobe ndiswrapper> command as root does nothing permanant

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: GNOME 3 Broke AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter - Could Not Make A Connection

Apr 23, 2011

I own an ASUS N61JV-X2 notebook PC. It has an Atheros Communication, Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter. 03:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01) 03:00.0 0280: 168c:002b (rev 01) I cannot see any SSIDs including my home Verizon FiOS 802.11 G WPA2-AES-TKIP encrypted network. I went to Starbucks to try to connect to their free Wi-Fi and I could not make a connection. How do I solve this problem so that I can connect to a SSID of my choice and make a wireless connection while using GNOME 3?

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: D-Link USB Wireless .11n Dongle Configured, But No Connection?

Apr 27, 2010

I recently bought a D-Link DIR-655 router capable of 802.11n operation, upgrading from a DIR-624 router only capable of 802.11g operation. While my overall setup uses wired connections, other people in the house prefer wireless, and the upgrade was undertaken more for a hoped for increase in wireless range, rather than the possibility of increased speed, since the router is located to accommodate the wired connections. However, to test the 802.11n operation I bought a D-Link DWA-130 USB dongle for my now 5-year old laptop, which comes with an otherwise satisfactory 100Mbs ethernet port(eth1) and an 802.11g wireless card(eth0). By checking the dmesg | grep firmware output after I plugged in the dongle I determined that the necessary firmware was rtl8192sfw.bin, which I found on the web, and downloaded into the directory /lib/RTL8192SU.

A subsequent reboot and then YaST > Network Devices > Network Settings showed the device as wlan0, but not configured. I changed the Network Setup Method to ifup (since I can see no way to do a device configuration in Network Manager), and configured the device, and at the same time deleted the configuration for the existing 802.11g wireless card(eth0). I then rebooted, went back into YaST to confirm the wlan0 device was configured and the 802.11g device (eth0) was not, changed the Network Setup Method back to Network Manager, rebooted again. Making sure that the router was set to only transmit/receive using 802.11n I then typed iwlist scan. To my surprise, the output showed first that the supposedly unconfigured eth0 device seemed to be still active, for it found my home network, and claimed that the protocol used was 802.11g. On the other hand, the newly configured wlan0 device produced the message: "Interface doesn't support scanning: Network is down".

First, should I expect iwlist scan to work for a device that shows as unconfigured? And even if it should work, shouldn't it show 802.11n as the protocol, assuming that the router is in fact telling the truth? Is there any independent means to determine if the router is only using 802.11n as it claims? Second, the overall goal is to make the wireless network in the house 802,11n only, and since the dongle is backward compatible with 802.11g, I would expect to permanently unconfigure the eth0 device and use the dongle, both here and on the road. I do not need two wireless connections on my laptopThe laptop is running SuSE 11.2 as of about a month ago. Some relevant(I hope) command line output:siracusa:~ # uname -aLinux siracusa #1 SMP PREEMPT 2010-03-16 21:25:39 +0100 i686 i686 i386 GNU/LinuxUSB Information

siracusa:~ # lsusb
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 2001:3301 D-Link Corp. [hex]


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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Continued To Lose Wireless Connection After An Hour Of Use?

Sep 13, 2010

I just started using OpenSUSE on an old laptop. It seems that I have my graphical problems at least temporarily solved, but I continued to lose my wireless connection after an hour of use. This is an old and well supported chipset (RT2500) and I had never had any issues with it before. I use WPA security, and one kind poster suggested I had a line for using the old "wext" driver in the /etc/sysconfig/ifcfg-wlan0 file, and that seems to have sorted it since I have not had any further issues since doing that edit. I eventually found the information on my own:

# Note: This option requires a wpa driver supporting it, like
# the 'nl80211' driver used by default since openSUSE 11.3.
# When you notice problems with your hardware, please file a


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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Creating The Initial Wireless Connection?

Nov 15, 2010

There seem to be a number of people that believe the junk that NetworkManager is buggy.As I believe the opposite, I want to offer more detailed instructions on how to create the initial connection, and how to troubleshoot the process. Once readers of this group have commented on this draft, I plan to ask the moderators to make it a sticky.

This description will be specific to the KDE desktop. The steps will be similar for Gnome, but the details may be different.

Step 1: Do you have a Network Manager applet in the system tray? If not, use YaST =>
Network Devices => Network Settings. Under the "Global Options" tab, click on the "User Controlled with Network Manager" button. If it is already set, you will get a warning box when "Network Settings" starts.

Step 2: Now you should see the NM applet. Click on it and check the popup. If the "Enable Wireless" checkbox is inactive (gray), there are several possibilities: (1) Your wireless device driver is not loaded, (2) the necessary firmware is not available, or (3) an rfkill switch/button is wrong. For (1), check "hwinfo --network" and check the "Driver" line. If it is blank, then you need to run the command "/sbin/lspci -nn" if the device is connected to a PCI bus, or "lsusb" if a USB device. Post the results on the Wireless forum. For (2), look at the output of "dmesg | grep firmware", which will list the name of the file(s) to be loaded.

For Broadcom devices that use either b43 or b43legacy, the firmware is obtained by using the command "/usr/sbin/install_b43xx_firmware". You will need a wired connection to complete this step. For (3), you will also need a wired connection and install the
"rfkill" package using the command "sudo zypper in rfkill". The interrogate the current settings with "/usr/sbin/rfkill list". If any device is "Hard blocked", then wireless will be disabled.

Step 3: Once the "Enable Wireless" checkbox is active, check it and click on "Manage
Connections". Choose the Wireless tab and click on Add. Enter the name for this connection. You will probably want to check the "Connect Automatically" box. Next click on the Scan button. If you do not see your Access Point (AP) in the map, you will not be able to get a connection. Click on the AP you want, and click OK. The (E)SSID should be in the SSID box. The other boxes on this screen should be OK as is. If you have several APs with the same SSID, but you wish to restrict the connection to only one of them, then you should enter its MAC address in the BSSID box.

This usage is rare. Next click on the "Wireless Security" tab and enter any encryption secrets. The correct type should have been selected. For WEP encryption, you will need to use the hex key, not a passphrase. Once this is complete, click OK to close this screen, and the configure screen. During this process, a popup should appear offering to use a
wallet to store the connection secret. If you use a password on this wallet, you will need to enter that password each time you log in. If you set no password on the wallet, the security level is lowered, but entering a password is avoided.

Step 4: At this point, you will need to disconnect the wire. Whenever the computer can make a hard-wired connection, it will supersede any wireless option. The wireless connection should then occur automatically.

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Wireless Connection Not Starting Automatically?

Apr 7, 2011

I set up 11.4 in my laptopnd, after updating and downloading the proper firmwareeverytihing runs great. I already configured the wireless network via the standard NetworkManager but the connection never starts automatically. When I boot up it reports all the wireless connections available and also let me connect to hidden networks (mine is not broadcasting so I have to use this option). I had to reconfigure my network options the first time I selected Hidden Networks but it connects fine. Please note I had already selected the "Automatic connection" optionSo the only question is how I configure my equipment so it connects automatically to the already configured network

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Wireless Connection Stuck On Activating

May 6, 2011

I've been having problems with connecting to my router with my wireless card. Sometimes knetworkmanager attempts to the connect to my wireless via it's saved profile but it just stays on "Activating" for about 45 seconds then just stops. This only started happening a few days ago, so maybe the new kernel update has something to do with it?

I've tried to debugging the problem myself and have found if I reboot my router knetworkmanager can connect immediately to the wireless router, but also something interesting I found was is I assigned a IP Address and DNS manually on the saved profile it would connect with no problem (No reboot of router required), so it is indicating there is a problem with getting network settings. I've confirmed that the wireless card is not hard or soft blocked through rfkill.

I was using the box standard ath5k driver when this problem started happening and even went as far as a complete reinstall but ironically enough on first boot from a fresh install my wireless could not connect with the problem described above. I've since moved to the compat-wireless drivers but the problem remains.

I checked a couple of logs, one log file of significance was the wpa_suppliment log which was full of these messages: From all my debugging I can only assume that the kernel update is a possible cause for all of this as the problem occurring on first boot of a fresh install sounds like a general bug. I've got all of the requested information about my wireless card below, hope I've got everything:


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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Wireless Connection Won't Work

Jun 3, 2010

Some info below:

- notebook Fuijtsu Siemens AMILO Pro2065 - 4 gb ram - 80 gb hd - wireless on board Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG
- wireless works properly with Ubuntu (with WEP key)

I'm just installed OpenSuse 11.2 and:

- wireless found my AP
- i've just inserted WEP key / 64 bit Hex-Ascii and..not working!

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Ubuntu Networking :: Use Internet Connection From LAN To Share Internet Connection Through Wireless?

Jan 9, 2011

I am running Ubuntu 10.10, and I would like to use my computer to share the internet connection from an ethernet port. For example, I would like to set up my computer as a wireless access point so I can create a network that other computers can connect to for internet.

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Slackware :: Wireless WPA Can't Connect / "Connection Failed: Could Not Contact The Wireless Access Point"?

Feb 26, 2010

I'm able to configure my Wireless network to connect with an AP with WEP key but...

Now I'm at home, I've a WPA2 key (my router now is supporting both, WPA and WPA2). I used WICD to connect but no success at all! It just stops with "Connection failed: Could not contact the wireless access point"

if I type IWLIST key:

ra0 2 key sizes: 40, 104bits
4 keys available
[1]: off
[2]: off
[3]: off
[4]: off

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Ubuntu :: Wireless Connection Has Gone

Jan 14, 2010

im having a problem with my wireless connection... This problem became apparant about 5 months ago when i was using Ubuntu 9.04, when i shut the computer down, it would take my wireless with it, so that when i started it up again, the wireless light was off. I fixed this by logging into Windows, flicking the wireless switch and choosing to turn wifi back on.

When i installed 9.10 the problem was apparantly gone, so i removed Windows as it was all i needed it for. Last night i did an update and shut it down, the problem is that now, when i started it up, the wifi light is off again, and this time i dont have Windows to boot into to fix it...

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Ubuntu :: No Wireless Connection With 10.04

Jun 22, 2010

I have installed the latest version of Ubuntu on my LG X130 Netbook - all seems well except that I have no WiFi connection. I have read through some of the forum posts on this topic but am really none the wiser I have also tried to use the Ubuntu Help and find that I come unstuck on the first step -

1. type the command: sudo lshw -C network You should see an output, along with the words "CLAIMED, UNCLAIMED, ENABLED or DISABLED"

I get the output below but as you can see none of the "words" are included:

jimbr@ubuntu:~$ sudo lshw -C network
description: Ethernet interface
product: RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller


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Ubuntu :: Possible To Have A Wireless Usb Connection?

Jul 26, 2010

i have u-verse and there modem is wireless. i have a wireless usb adapter that works with my xp but not my 10.04. i plug it in and it doesn't detect anything.

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Ubuntu :: Wep Wireless No Connection?

Aug 20, 2010

I have an hp G60-445dx notebook pc laptop. Ubuntu 9.10 the wireless was working just beautifully, with an ESSID hidden just fine. I changed the router to use WEP security.. and for the life of me I can't get it to work.

I have tried network manager, and wicd, and iwconfig commands manually, and setting wlan0 in /etc/network/intefaces. (none of the above approaches have worked) wicd is sort of the most promising. It wants to connect but can't get the IP address. I tried static ip, and putting in my Internet provider but still no luck. I know the wireless router is up, as other computers in house are using wireless. It could be that my wireless button is broken and won't go on?? but it was working.

My lspci - arthros ar5001
my ifconfig shows wlan0
my iwconfig shows wlan0

Would I be better off getting the usb d-link wireless? Can someone point me in the right direction?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Cannot Get Wireless Connection

Oct 26, 2010

I've just done a new install of Ubuntu 10.04 on my laptop, and cannot get a wireless connection. The same thing happened when I first installed it in August, and it was sorted. I've found the thread from back then, and have just done the final stages that got it working last time:

"Insert the CD, and go to pool > main > f > fakeroot and double click on the fakeroot package to install.
Then go to pool > main > p > patch and double click that package to install.
Last go to pool > restricted > b > bcmwl and double click that to install.

Then do
sudo modprobe wl
And you should be up and running."
However, this time, it's telling me "Module wl not found".

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Ubuntu :: No Wireless Connection Has Shown

Apr 5, 2010

I have had Ubuntu on my own laptop for a few weeks, and I really like it. I bought my daughter a new mini laptop (Samsung N130) a few days ago, which came with XP. It has no CD/DVD drive, so I downloaded Ubuntu onto a 2GB memory stick, and installed it from there. The installation went fine, but I can't go online. When I click on the network manager icon there is no wireless network shown. It only shows wired network and VPN connections. If I right-click, it doesn't show 'enable wireless', just 'enable networking'. I think I have switched on the wireless network card, which seems to be F9 on her laptop, with an antenna icon. There is an LED showing with that same icon.

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Wireless Connection With 10.04

Apr 30, 2010

Today installed Ubuntu 10.04. The problem is that I cannot connect to the internet, which was no problem with the previous version (9.10). I use WiFi for my internet connection. My network is shown in Ubuntu. However Ubuntu cannot connect to my network. After some time trying it says : wireless network disconnected

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Ubuntu :: Setting Up Wireless Connection?

May 15, 2010

I am having some trouble setting up my wireless connection. I have a desktop version of ubuntu, and am trying to connect wirelessly to my modem, but it dosent even seem to be recognizing my wireless usb card. How do I get it to do that? Also, when I go to set up new wireless connection, it asks me for my ssid, mac address, mode, bssid, MTC, Wep index, authentication, ipv4 setting, and ipv6 settings. What the heck am I supposed to put in for those things?

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