Ubuntu :: Bash Completion With Leading Wildcard?

Jul 17, 2010

Out of the box, Bash in 10.04 is configured such that it won't expand/complete parameters when there's a single match for a parameter with a leading wildcard. For example, if I have the following files in a directory:



...and I type cp *E*, I expect to be able to press TAB and have Bash expand *E* to DEF.bin, since that's the only file in the directory with a capital E in its name.

(Note: if I actually submit the command with the wildcards in place, the correct file will be used then, but I don't get to see it beforehand.) I imagine there's something in /etc/bash_completion that's preventing this from working properly. Does anyone know what it is?

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General :: Make Zsh Completion Behave Like Bash Completion?

Jun 2, 2010

I switched to zsh, but I dislike the completion. If I have 20 files, each with a shared prefix, on pressing tab, zsh will fully complete the first file, then continue going through the list with each press of tab. If I want one near the end, I would have to press tab many times.

In bash, this was simple - press tab and I would get the prefix. If I continued typing (and pressing tab), bash would complete as far as it could be certain of. I find this behavior to be much more intuitive but prefer the other features of zsh to bash.

Is there a way to get this style of completion? Google suggested setopt bash_autolist, but this had no effect for me (and no error message was printed upon starting my shell).

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Ubuntu :: Bash Wildcard To PATH?

Sep 11, 2010

I have some programs compiled into /opt/programname, and I would like to be able to execute them without typing the full path; I've tried with PATH=$PATH:/opt/*/bin, but with no luck;

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Programming :: Bash Scripting: How To Keep Leading 0 On ' And '

Jan 27, 2010

I'm trying to put together a script that will quickly run through an archive directory of log files that are named by day of the month 01.gz, 02.gz, 03.gz.... 31.gz. The script uses gunzip -c | grep | wc to count up the total number of hourly occurrences of a filename and outputs the results to stdout.

The only snag I have left is the octal limit when it gets to 08 and 09. I've seen examples using perl and awk, but this script uses a number of nested for loops and if statements that I don't want to have to rewrite in a different syntax. I found that I can use num=10#08 to set that variable to a base 10 instead of a base 8, but then I lose the leading 0 again when it passes the number to the next filename variable.

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Programming :: Bash Script Trying To Remove A Leading 'and A Tailing'?

Mar 28, 2010

I have a script that calls for a file description on a core file. I then pull the name of the process that caused the core file.
unfortunately, the process name is pulled with a leading ' amd a tailing'. I would like to remove the leading char and the last char.


VAR=`file /tmp/core.1432 | awk '{ print $14}'`
echo "Process Name: $VAR"


Process Name: 'ProcessName'

Results I need:

Process Name: ProcessName

I tried sed, but it seems to not like using the special char '.

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Ubuntu :: No Bash Completion With Sudo?

Apr 29, 2010

Just installed 10.04 64bit and in gnome-terminal i have no bash completion when sudo is used.For example:apt- gives apt-getbut sudo apt- does nothing, i get no suggestions from the terminal.

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Ubuntu :: Turn On Bash Smart Completion?

Aug 26, 2010


#if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then
# . /etc/bash_completion

What versions of Ubuntu have this commented out? Every version I have used always has this uncommented.

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Fedora :: SSH Knowhost Bash Completion In F12?

Dec 10, 2009

New Fedora 12 install - I installed the bash_completion package, but it's not filling in knowhosts for ssh. It worked fine in Fedora 11. Is there something I've done wrong, or is this missing in F12?

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General :: Making Bash TAB Completion More Like Cmd.exe?

Dec 15, 2010

I wondered if theres a way to do rotational style completion in bash similar to the behavoir on cmd.exe, I've found it speeds me up in regard to entering commands

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Software :: No Bash Completion With Apt In Su Session?

Mar 28, 2011

I have disabled root ssh logins for security. When I am logged in as a normal user over SSH and do a su into root the tab-completion stops working with apt. It still works when doing normal file-browsing, on the original user1, and it has worked previously when logged directly into root. How do I make it autocomplete again? I am using Debian Stable on a headless homeserver.

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Fedora :: Do Bash Completion Of Package Names In Yum?

Jul 12, 2011

Can fedora do bash completion of package names in yum?

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General :: Handling Wordbreaks In Bash Completion?

Feb 16, 2010

I am writing completion function for one PHP framework called symfony. It has command line interface with syntax:


symfony [options] [namespace:]action

I want to make action be autocompletable. The function is simplest so far:


function _symfony_commands()
[ -r "cache/completion/.sf" ] && cat cache/completion/.sf


But, if there is : symbol which separate namespace from action problems coming:

symfony doct[TAB]
will be completed to
symfony doctrine:

But nothing happens if you want complete after : symbol. I've found out that for readline there is three words because it splits line with $COMP_WORDBREAKS



I played with $COMP_WORDS array and tried every thought I had to make it work, but failed.
What I should do to escape colon and make readline consider it as one word? Or there is way perhaps to workaround it?

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Software :: Bash Hostname Completion Not Working?

Nov 25, 2009

According to the Bash man pages, Quote: HOSTFILE Contains the name of a file in the same format as /etc/hosts that should be read when the shell needs to complete a hostname. The list of possible hostname completions may be changed while the shell is running; the next time hostname completion is attempted after the value is changed, bash adds the contents of the new file to the existing list. If HOSTFILE is set, but has no value, bash attempts to read /etc/hosts to obtain the list of possible hostname completions. When HOSTFILE is unset, the hostname list is cleared.

Here's the line in my .bashrc where HOSTFILE is set:


export HOSTFILE="~/.hosts"

I opened a new bash session, created ~/.hosts, filled it with the names of servers that I wanted to expand using tab completion. then typed


ssh p<tab><tab>

expecting to get a lists of all of the hosts in ~/.hosts starting with 'p'. Bash simply beeped at me twice.

I tried


$ shopt hostcomplete
hostcomplete on


ssh bchittenden@p<tab><tab>

same results.


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Ubuntu :: Bash-completion + Mount = Failure To Complete Directories?

May 27, 2011

I've spent some time searching for answers to this and I haven't found much at all.Please feel free to post pointers to other threads that discuss this particular problem, if you find any.The problem is that in bash I want to mount an iso file to inspect the contents with the command:Code:sudo mount myCD.iso CDMount -o loopThe command works fine, but pressing tab to complete either the iso filename or the CDMount directory does not work. The completion suggestions I get are existing mountpoints which The completion suggestions should include the files and directories in the current directory. This worked with Ubuntu 10.04 and not with 11.04.

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General :: Bash - Get Colored Output When Using Tab Completion In A Terminal?

Feb 27, 2011

Is there a way to get colored output when using tab completion in a terminal? My colors are fine everywhere else so I know that I've enabled a color terminal successfully. Using bash in Ubuntu (10.10).

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General :: Tab-Completion In Bash Indexing System Folders?

Nov 15, 2010

tab-completion indexes system folders (like /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin)! so say i'm in a folder that has two files, 'text' and 'myprog', i type in an 'm' then tab, and i get hundreds of results including 'mysql', 'mysqlconfig', and others as im sure you can imagine. is there a way to set it to default or something else that will only make it index the current folder?

i tried changing my PATH variable so i could execute programs in the current directory without './' - what i added to PATH was ':.' at the end (apparently this is not the way to do it... :S). i tried resetting PATH various times ('unset PATH', 'PATH=$whatever...') but this has not fixed the problem. using 'unset PATH', of course, removes everything from PATH, which meant that functions (like 'ls') in /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin can't be found. obviously i want those to be found, but i would rather not tab through them!

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Slackware :: Bash-completion-1.3-noarch-1 Causes Xorg Failure?

Feb 16, 2011

/etc/bash_completion.d/slapt has a syntax error that causes x to fail to load. I had to move the file to be able to run x. Here is the offending file:


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Programming :: Bash Checking For File Write Completion Before Acting?

Jan 20, 2011

I have a bash script that checks for contents in a folder every 15 seconds and then acts on it's contents. This works great for the average size file however on very large files it starts acting on the file before it's completely written. Is there a facility in bash shell to get a file complete signal or such? here is trigger to launch a larger script.


while true
$HOME/bin/hpgl.sh >/dev/null 2>&1 &


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Ubuntu :: Wildcard In Sed&grep That Includes Line Endings?

Dec 21, 2010

Here's my current regular expression(used in sed):sed 's///!Start.*//!End//g' in > outThe only problem being that the wildcard . does not work across multiple lines,

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Fedora :: Wildcard 'touch' Command?

May 8, 2011

I have some mp3 files with the wrong date stamp on them. I need to change the month value to May, and the Day needs to be changed from 6 to 4. For some reason my mp3 recorder messed the datestamps up. The time part is fine. I have changed the first three files to the correct MMDD parts, using the following touch command:

[root@karsites 04-may]# touch -t 05040253 REC066.MP3
[root@karsites 04-may]# ls -l REC066*


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General :: Pass Wildcard Array To Cp

Sep 12, 2011

passing a wild card array to cp, I know it can be done but cant figure it out, ive got 3 files all start with the word somefile but have 3 different extensions


there in a folder with a bunch of other files and I just want to copy them to a different location. I remember is being something like cp somefile.[py conf dat] /somewhere but this isn't working Ive searched the net and can't find it with the keywords i'm using.

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General :: Dereference A Wildcard In A Command?

Mar 31, 2011

Can I dereference a wildcard in a command?For example if I want to create a file with the md5 hashes of compressed versions of files in a directory...gzip -rc ./source/* | md5sum -b - >> hash.txtThis above command gives me a file with one hash for the filename *I would like to get a file with the hashes and filenames for every file gzip compresses.

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General :: Sed Find And Replace With Wildcard?

Aug 5, 2011

I would like help with modifying the following content:

toolbox/perl/man/man3/ExtUtils::Command.3::Command.3 differ
toolbox/perl/man/man3/ExtUtils::Command::MM.3::Command::MM.3 differ
I would like the content to be changed to:

I was not sure how to tell sed what to look for? I tried the following but it did not work. sed -i 's/::* differ//g' mandiff.log

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Slackware :: Slackpkg Blacklisting ; Can A Wildcard Be Used

Dec 15, 2009

if I've missed this in the doc's, but I don't see the ability to "wildcard" blacklist for packages to _not_ be changed out via the slackpkg program.More specifically, I tagged all my packages like this:


note the "OLDFOGIE" in my package name? So can something such as:



be put into slackpkg blacklist file?

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Server :: Apache With Wildcard SSL And Virtual Host

Apr 28, 2009

I'm using Apache 2.2 to host multiple subdomains using a single SSL certificate (a wildcard certificate e.g. *.mydomain.com) and, yes, it works! Everything seems to be served correctly and the browsers are pretty happy.

And you can also have the non-SSL sites (virtual hosts on port 80) on the same IP. (That's covered elsewhere)

For those that want similar functionality here's my discovery...

My configuration is like this:



I would have to say that I don't believe that this will work if you are not using a wildcard SSL certificate and having anything other than subdomains under that wildcard.

It is somewhat limited in scenario where this is useful, but for a set of company websites that should be under SSL, this can be tremedously useful when you have a single IP.

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Ubuntu :: Conky Countdown With Leading Zeroes?

Jun 5, 2010

I found a script that counts down to a date and time and after modifying my .conkyrc file I want things to line up nicely, so, now I need leading zeroes on the output, like one timer I have says "4m +2w 5d 20:0:0" and I want it to say "04m 02w 05d 20:00:00" and on a slightly separate issue, it doesn't seem to be counting the minutes and seconds correctly, but that can be dealt with later, the current script is


#Script Name: howLong.pl
#Author: Nathan Handler <nhandler @ubuntu.com>


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General :: Find Command To Search Wildcard In Path?

Dec 8, 2009

I need a command to search for any file in a directory like so:

/home/*/upload/* and then change permissions any file in that directory.

Find doesn't seem to match what I need.

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General :: Copy Wildcard Files From Directories For Matching

Feb 11, 2011

I have 2 massive duplicate dirs of the same format as below:

Dir2 is the same, but it has some newer files of the same name. I want to copy all file1's from Dir2 to the same name and folders in dir1. So basically something like:
cp -pr bkpDir1/*/*-big.gif Dir2/*/*-big.gif

This works for singular cases:
cp -pr bkpDir1/uniquesubdir/*-big.gif Dir2/uniquesubdir/*-big.gif

But not for wildcards:
cp -pr bkpDir1/subdir*/*-big.gif Dir2/subdir*/*-big.gif

Anyway the aim is to do the first cp above, I have tried a few options using find. In trying to show an example stumbled upon a way that worked, while in dir2:
find */*-big.gif | xargs -i cp -rp {} ../dir1/{}
Sure there are better ways also...

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Programming :: Sed Insert Line With Leading Spaces?

Mar 3, 2011

I'm trying to insert a line using sed that has leading spaces before the text. Sed seems to be just dropping the spaces and only inserting the text. Any ideas what I'm missing?


sed -i.bak -e "$i
host ${NAM} {" /etc/crap

Instead of inserting a line with 8 leading spaces inserts it with "host" at the beginning of the line. I tried


sed -i.bak -e "$i
^ host ${NAM} {" /etc/crap

but it put the "^" at the begging of the line.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Internet Freezing Leading To Slow Computer

Aug 3, 2011

I first noticed the problem because my wireless internet will stop working. The usb stick has its LED constantly on but it fails to connect. I have tried some methods of restarting the networking, like "sudo restart network-manager", disabling and re-enabling the wireless and networking from the taskbar applet. I tried removing the module and restarting it. It might be a bigger problem because I'll find that things will randomly hand for awhile, like opening system monitor, or running terminal commands. They do eventually run but only after several minutes. A restart seems to get everything working again, but the problem comes back at random times. I am willing to solve this right now as I have time, just let me know what info you need and I will post it.

Update: Some more info I forgot to include. I am running Ubuntu 11.04. It just froze again, I tried logging in and out but the internet still wouldn't work and things were hanging, I couldn't get file manager open. I have even tried shutting down the computer and had it stall on the Ubuntu logo with the dots loading so I had to hard restart.....


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