Ubuntu :: At Startup Getting "Cannot Find /media/<various Mount Points>"

May 28, 2011

I am running 10.10 x64. Every time I boot up, after logging in I am getting several error messages to the effect of:

"Cannot find /media/<various mount points>"

such as /media/sdc1, /media/sdc1/Software, etc. I *think* these are coming from Nautilus, which is starting up automatically, but not 100% certain about that. These devices DID exist at one time, but no longer (I changed the mount point). There is still /dev/sdc1 but I don't think that alone has anything to do with it. I see no evidence of them in fstab or /media. I no longer have any shortcuts to them in Nautilus either.

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Ubuntu :: Mount Single Directory To Multiple Mount Points

Jan 27, 2011

I have a requirement that seems to be unique in nature. I have multiple clients who are caged to their home directories. I would like to "share" a directory which exists above these chroots with all these caged users. I know this can be accomplished using mounts but my problem is, how can I mount a single directory to multiple mount points located in each users home dir? Can this be done in the fstab file?

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Ubuntu :: Display Mount Points On A Partition?

Jan 27, 2010

If there is a partition. e.g /dev/sda1 is there a command that I can use toisplay all mount points on this particular partition.

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Red Hat :: ISCSI Connection Mount Points?

Feb 18, 2010

want to create a iSCSI connection which mounts /home directory to a share on my NAS via iSCSI. Does anyone know if this is possible on a RHEL 5.4 machine? I am building the server from scratch and then creating the iSCSI mount point in /etc/fstab. After the /home directory is mounted on the mail server, I will copy all the mailboxes over to the /home directory via iSCSI.

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Ubuntu :: Permissions Of Mount Points For Automounted Devices

Jan 14, 2010

Ubuntu 9.10. I have a problem - when I mount other partitions of my hdd or the system automounts usb disks these are mounted in /media directory with permissions 0700. So there are two problems there:
- When I switch user on my desktop to another that user can't read data from the usb disks
- I can't share data through network because smbd doesnot have read permissions on the created mount points

I think editing /etc/fstab is wrong way, there would be more right way to change permissions on mount point. I tried to change/add parameters umask, allow_other in gconf-editor (/system/storage/default_options, subsections vfat and ntfs-3g) but that does not show any results. Article [URL] recommends Open Places → Computer. Every volume except the generic File system one should have a Drive and Volume tab in its properties dialog where you can set mount options. But I did not find those tabs. Where should I set option to mount usb disks with permissions rwx for every user of my system?

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Ubuntu :: Before The GUI Appears On Startup Error "could Not Find"/media/hdisk1/ubuntu/pictures"

Nov 13, 2010

every time I start ubuntu and before the GUI appears I get this message Quote: could not find"/media/hdisk1/ubuntu/pictures". Please check spilling and try again this file mentioned was on an external HDD , I copied it to the pictures folder on ubuntu then I used a picture as a wallpaper after that I got this problem

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General :: Different Folders In A Partition As Mount Points?

Apr 7, 2010

i want to have 2 partitions. one is called system. the other is private.

in the private partition i've got some folders i want to mount into system as system folders.

folders in private:

- www
- home

mount points in system:

- /var/www
- /home

is this possible? cause it seems that you can only specify a whole partition to use for a mount point and not a folder in a partition or am i wrong?

i run ubuntu server.

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General :: Vanishing Mount Points On Unmount?

Jun 19, 2011

When I insert an SD card in the reader, slackware creates a mount point and mounts my card volumes. On unmounting the volumes, the mount point vanishes. How do I achieve this manually?When I attempt to mount a volume using the mount command, the mount point folder must exist and the folder does not vanish on umount. Is there a way to create a mount point if it does not exist? and ensure that the folders vanish on umounting?

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General :: Show All The Current Mount Points?

Apr 9, 2009

I would like to know how to show all the current mount points in the file system. I tried mount but it didn't show the nfs mount point.

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General :: NAS Mount Points Not Visible On System

Apr 18, 2011

Coming from non linux bod - but to create mount points on nas that are visible do we have to put entries in both fstab and rc.local?

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General :: Sequence Of Partitions / Mount Points?

Mar 1, 2011

figure out the best partition layout for my linux installation which I'm about to have on my laptop. Having read numerous articles on partitioning in linux I've gathered some ideas, still there was no let's say a clear explanation as to the sequence the mount points should be arranged on the disc...What I have in mind is to use a single disc space as efficiently as possible considering the head travel. The pc is a laptop, 160GB HDD and will be used as a normal desktop with some simple sound processing. Distro Linux Mint 10. I'm planning to have such partitions and all will come after a Win7 installation:

/boot -> some write it's not necessary in dual-booting, some that it's good to have for security
swap -> with 4GB of RAM i don't suppose i'll use it


have the most heavily utilised partitions close to each other so the head doesn't move for large distances. The placement also makes a difference as the closer to the inner rim of the disc the worse performance. I'm also not sure about the sizes. Read posts with recommendations but still judging by installations on a different laptop and virtual machine e.g. 5GB for /opt is a bit too much as there's almost nothing in there. Certainly /usr fills up, /var too from what I've observed. / also has scarce data in it so I'm wondering if giving them e.g. 5 gigs each won't be a waste of space resulting in greater head travel.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Manually Setting Partitions And Mount Points?

May 24, 2011

I have figured out manually setting the swap partition and setting "/" as the mount point for the primary partition during install. If during install, I want to create another partition to keep the OS separate from installed programs and such, to be able to do a clean install every 6 months and not loose everything (or anything) I have done prior.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Configure Mount Points / Partitions In 11.04 Installer?

Jun 20, 2011

I am having trouble with the advanced partitioning, I dont know what any of the mount points are for. I have a 64GB SSD which I want to use only for the boot files, and I have a 640GB which I want to place everything else on, as to preserve the life of the SSD. How should I configure my mount points/partitions in the ubuntu 11.04 installer?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Losing Permissions On Samba Mount Points?

Jul 8, 2011

I have an Ubuntu 11.04 laptop that I use to connect to a Windows 7 server. Everything was working fine until the hard drive on the server crashed and it was replaced with a backup. Now I intermittently lose access to the shares with Nautilus giving me the following message:

"The folder contents could not be displayed.You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of Folder"

When I look at the mount points in terminal I see the following:

drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 2011-07-08 13:12 .
drwxr-xr-x 23 root root 4096 2011-05-03 11:17 ..
d????????? ? ? ? ? ? Folder

Where Folder is the mount point.My fstab looks like this, although I must point out that I have tried virtually every possible permutation with no change.

// /media/Folder cifs rw,_netdev,iocharset=utf8,credentials=/root/smb/credentials,uid=1000,gid=1000,noperm,file_mode=077 7,dir_mode=0777,sign 0 0

Sometimes the permissions will revert back by themselves, sometimes I need to umount and mount to get back in.I have tried deleting and recreating the mount points. No change.It is driving me up the wall, I have tried everything I can think of, installing/uninstalling winbind, the fuse modules etc etc. I use this machine as a production machine in a heterogeneous environment and everything works awesomely except for this. I love Ubuntu, I can't even think of booting Windoze these days but not being able to access the network shares is a right show-stopper for me.

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Ubuntu Installation :: (Rant) Can't Edit The Mount Points In The 11.04 Installer?

Sep 1, 2011

I'm fuming about this again after doing my third install of 11.04, this time on one of my laptops. Why was the ability to edit mount points taken away in the 11.04 "Allocate Drive Space" portion of the custom install? In earlier versions, you could choose a mount point in the file system from a drop down (i.e. mount this partition as /, or /home, or /opt, etc.). You could also enter your own location to suit your needs. This allowed me to do tricks like mount my home partition under /media/home, to prevent my settings being clobbered by the installer (later, after integrating the settings created by the installer with the settings in my home directory, I could edit fstab to mount the home partition in its rightful /home location). Or to put my windows partitions under /media/WinXP or put my old Linux parition under /media/oldlinux. I could do whatever I want. Now, I have limited options. I can only choose a location from the drop-down. I cannot edit it. Want to mount a partition under /media/home? Tough. Want to mount Window under /media? Nope. Can't. Instead, if I select an ntfs partition, I only get the choice of mounting it under /dos or /windows. WTF do I do if I have three windows partitions (like I do on my desktop)?

Listen, if I'm doing a custom install, and I know enough to partition my drive, don't you imagine I don't need the mount point option dumbed down for me? If I've gotten to this point, I obviously know what I'm doing (or, if I don't, I'm already screwed bcuase I'll probably nuke a partition that I want to keep)limiting my choices here is stupid. I know, I can clean this up afterwards by editing fstab or using some other tool but my question is, why should I have to? What's the logic in removing this options from the user?

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Debian Configuration :: Fresh Install - Using LVM For Mount Points

Feb 6, 2011

I'll start a fresh installation of a debian stable server and I would like to use LVM on this. So, I started to read lots of documents about LVM and found different flavors on partitioning with it. I'm thinking in a partition schema which might use LVM for those mount points that tends to grow in time, for instance:

/boot (primary partition)
/ (primary partition)
/home (lvm)
/usr (lvm)
/var (lvm)
swap (lvm)

Am I right on this schema?

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Fedora :: Convention For Permanent Partition Mount Points?

Aug 24, 2009

If /mnt & /media are for temporary mount points and removable drives, what is the usual convention for locating permanently mounted partitions for all users on the computer? e.g. I have a partition for photographs, I'll just call it "photos" would it be bad form to mount it as /photos or something like /my_hdd/photos ?In practice it probably won't matter, but I want to make sure it's easy for anyone else to perform admin tasks on the computer when I'm not available.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: How To Put Mount Points For New Extra Disks

Aug 24, 2010

how do i mount extra harddrives...?

- After a hardrive crash which took out my opensuse 11.2, I installed three new harddrives instead of the old ones. I have installed xp. To see of I could triple boot, i thereafter put in linux mint. I did not like that and installed opensuse 11.3 - to ensure it would place itself on the two second harddrives (formatted in ntfs and with some data on) i before installation took those cables off.. And now alas.. there are no mount points.

So I tried yast, and found the partitioner, chose edit tried to put mount points .. however.. nothing seemed to have happened...

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General :: Use Network Drives As Mount Points During Installation?

Apr 7, 2010

Is it possible to use network storage locations as mount points during installation?

cause i want to separate system (ubuntu) with data (personal files).

eg. if i have 5 computers i don't want to recreate /home/david 5 times.

so i want to mount networkdrive/home to /home in local ubuntu server.

so ALL users home folders could be used and maybe also networkdrive/projects to /projects.

in that way its ok if i by accident repartitioned the local ubuntu server cause all data is not there on that server, but in the data server.

is separating "data" from "logic" good in this case?

and is it possible? what protocol should i use for the mapping over internet? (maybe the server is in Sweden, and the data is in Norway).

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General :: Mount Points And Primary Partitioning Queries?

Mar 17, 2010

1. What difference will it make if I set the mount point to "/" instead of "/boot" and vice-versa ?

2. I heard somewhere that the data on a primary partition can be easily recovered in case of some failure.

If it is so then what out of the following should IDEALLY be created as primary partition ?

I think /usr and /home both need a primary partition , then what about /boot, Will I be not able to recover something in case of failure if I don't set /boot as a primary partition ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error Message: Mount Points Could Not Be Unmounted /cdrom

Feb 19, 2011

I have XP installed with a wubi installation of 10.04. My CDROM is shot so I'm using Unetbootin to install from XP to a new partition.


During installation it stops with error message that a mount point could not be unmounted /cdrom.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Label USB Stick So It Will Mount At Unique Points?

Mar 1, 2010

I have a few generic USB sticks lying around, and a few more SD/microSD chips that I use with openSUSE. Is there any way to label/ID them so they mount at unique points in /media, so I don't blast one accidentally? In mkfs.vfat there is a "-n volume-name" that looks promising, but I can't find a way to set that after the mkfs.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Mount Points And Disk Drives Not Visible?

Jul 29, 2010

Since I installed 11.3 I have noticed the /srv and /local mount points are empty! I also can no longer see my hard drives that have no mount points. I couldn't mount any hot plug media either but now have that fixed. I won't go into the mess I have with my video card and getting the x server started....

I did have Xampp installed to /srv/www but don't even know where it is now!

fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 36.4 GB, 36401479680 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4425 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes


I had no problems with this in 11.1 until a month ago when I updated and it seemed to keep losing the permissions for these drives as once I accessed them via Dolphin they would be accessible. Now they are not even visible in a file manager!

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General :: Why .tar.gzs Include Their Mount Points And Drives As Empty Folders

Sep 27, 2010

I created some .tar.gz archives, and later discovered that the archives include their mount points and drives as empty folders. How can I avoid that happening in the future? I suppose I did something wrong when creating the archives. I mean, what is the point of the archives having empty folders that represent the mount points and drives of the archived data?

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Hardware :: Hard Drive Mount Points Change On Reboot?

Jan 26, 2010

Every time i reboot my computer my hard drive mount points keep changing which means the mount points i've put in the fstab wont work any more.

I'm using the same settings as i had before i upgraded the OS to what it currently is.

Im using fedora 12

My disk 1 for example would be as follows:

before: /dev/sda3
after: /dev/sdd3

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Programming :: Shell Script On Placing Files Across Mount Points ?

Feb 19, 2010

I have a database with x number of files (192 at the moment, but will vary from time to time). I am going to copy these files to another location on the same server thorugh shell script. Problem with total size of 192 files is approx 900 GB (again this will vary from time to time).

My shell script should calculate the free space available at present in the server on each of the mount point (can be filled till it reaches 95%). Always 5% free space should be available free for future growth.

After calculating, it should prepare another flat file with following details:

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Programming :: Combine 40 Different Mount Points Into One Bytes Free/used Number?

Feb 18, 2011

We have a program that catalogs to 40 different mount points. The program is fine as long as thier is free space on at least one of the 40 mount points. My boss wants me to come up with a script that will email us daily to know how much overall free space is left. I know I can do a df but I don't know how to combine the 40 mount points into a single disk used/disk free report.

The 40 mount points are /dev/mapper/areaxx, xx being 01 to 40.

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Slackware :: Create Mount Points Automatically For Removable Drives?

Jan 9, 2010

At work I use Ubuntu and one nice thing about it is that it creates mount points for removable drives automatically.

In Slackware I can set up XFCE so that it mounts drives when they are plugged in, but only if they're already specified in the fstab (which means I must have used them and set them up in advance).

This is becoming a problem now that removable usb drives of all sorts are so common.

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Ubuntu :: Mount: Only Root Can Mount /dev/sdb1 On /media/MyUSBDrive

Apr 27, 2011

I used the ntfs-config utility to mount my windows drives automatically at startup. While doing so, I had my USB-HDD still attached, and after making changes and rebooting, it did something unknown I didn't expect and I cannot mount my USB-HDD again, and it gives me the following error message:

Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:
mount: only root can mount /dev/sdb1 on /media/MyUSBDrive

I did manage to open it somehow, but then all the data was erased apart from ~3 GiB [edit: it's got some kind of extra drive built-in which is mounted as a CD-ROM drive, and when I open that one first all the files are missing in the actual drive, otherwise I get the message above]. I don't know what information I should include here, but my fstab looks like this:

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>


This line in terminal:

sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1


fuse: failed to access mountpoint /media/sdb1: No such file or directory

What should I do to recover my files and fix the mount error? [edit: at the very least, how do I backup my files onto my internal HDD so I can format it and recover it in this manner]

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Software :: Limit Mount Points Of SSHFS To Just User's Home Directory

Apr 21, 2010

We recently had a serious loss of data because of SSHFS mounting. A user in our group mounted the entire home directory of our server (/home). This was so they could easily move between user folders to read/write data from other people involved in the same project. They then deleted several folders that were not in there home directory.

Now I know this is a bad idea and that there should be a dedicated "projects" folder where everyone collaborates and does their stuff. Such a folder/system exits but I can't make them use it. My question: Is there anyway to configure SSHFS such that the only thing the user's can mount is their home directory? Obviously this won't fix the problem since they can sym-link to other folders but I've got to start somewhere. Perhaps there's a better solution (one that doesn't involve me nagging users about proper form).

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