Ubuntu / Apple :: Is There Room In There To Mount Fan?

Feb 5, 2010

Now that I got WPA working on my iBook I'm looking at upgrading RAM and possibly the HDD. I'm not really happy with the heat generated by the HDD. I'm interested in what others may have done for this problem. Is there room in there to mount a fan? Can someone could recommend a cooler running Hard drive? (I'd go with a SSD if I could afford it.)

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Mount EXT2/3 In Mac OS X 10.6 ?

Feb 15, 2011

I wanted to access my Ubuntu partitions on my OS X side.

First things first, I downloaded MacFuse from: [url] Then, I went to [url]

And got their software. From there I mounted the .DMG files and ran the installers. I was able to get all of the software installed and running with no reboot required. Then I loaded the MacFuse control panel, enabled beta, and updated. NOTE: I am unsure if you need the beta for this to work as I did not try without it! Upon the completion of the update, I fired up terminal.

Now, I needed to know exactly which partition my /home/ was located on, so I typed:


From this, and my basic knowledge of how I setup my Ubuntu partitions, I was able to tell that my 68 GB disk, disk0s4, was my Ubuntu /Home. Then I created a directory in my /Volumes folder to mount the EXT partition to by typing:


Now that I knew what the disk was and had the all software installed, all I needed to do was mount disk0s4. This is accomplished with:


Then, I went into the Finder and saw a volume on the left side of the window called "disk0s4". In there are all my files from my home directory of Ubuntu that I can easily access. Great success!

The system that all of this was done on is a Dell Min 10v dual booting between OS X 10.6.6 and Ubuntu 10.10.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Iphone First Gen Won't Auto Mount 10.04

Jul 1, 2011

So I have ubuntu 10.04 installed on an ibook g4 1.2 ghz powerpc with 256 mb ram. Yeah I know kinda funny given all the lack of future support but it works nonetheless. I can't get my 1st gen iphone (3.1.3) to mount. It is however recognized from the cli Bus 001 Device 002: ID 05ac:1290 Apple, Inc. iPhone what should i do? I have a partition of mac os x 10.4.11 installed which also doesn't recognize the device (leopard is required).

I have all the modules and mobile device libraries installed from ubunutu software center but still I can't get it to mount. Are there any commands i should try? I'm still a complete novice at the command line.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Use Bootcamp Drive - Can't Mount

Jul 12, 2011

Basically I have a Macbook Air 3,1 and I decided to install ubuntu on it through the bootcamp partitioner. I installed Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal and got it up and running on the bootcamp partition (just Ubuntu - no windows) with a bit of help from refit. Here's my problem: the 2 OSs are working great but I want some integration via virtualization. I have VMWare Fusion and I think I should be able to use the physical Ubuntu installation inside a virtual machine. Near as I can tell the only problem is that I can't mount the bootcamp drive in OS X. Disk Utility sees it as a corrupt FAT32 partition and my attempts to mount it with either gui or command line are failing. Is it possible to use a bootcamp drive like this? if so, how can I mount it?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: 11.04 - Cannot Mount IPod Touch?

Jul 28, 2011

I recently had to reinstall Ubuntu 11.04 after a bit of careless messing about, and am now unable to mount my Ipod (touch, 3rd generation, maybe?). Previously, only a week ago, I had no troubles mounting it and uploaded all of my music to Banshee with no problems. However, with this most recent reinstallation, I am unable to to do anything with my Ipod. If I plug it in, about 2 seconds later it comes up with an error that I cannot currently remember, but it was along the lines of "cannot mount: timed out."

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Iphone 4 Unable To Mount In 11.04

Aug 19, 2011

I have an iPhone 4 (iOS 4.3.5, factory unlocked, not jailbroken) and I wish to use it with Ubuntu 11.04.

However, I get the following error when I plug in my iPhone via USB:


I tried this:


And rebooted. I still get the same error. My goal is to be able to use iFuse (unless there's another program which anyone recommends using for iPhone).

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Ubuntu :: Apple Products Connect - But Don't Mount

Nov 16, 2010

I have an iPhone 3G and an ipod Touch. i also have a friends iPhone 3G. This issue is multiple devices so I know it's not an issue with the devices. used to, i plug my iDevice in and Ubuntu automatically mounts it. Now, nothing at all happens. So, here's what I have done so far. Ubuntu can see them, but nothing happens and I don't know what to do with that.

Ubuntu 10.04 Code: Linux Ubuntu 2.6.32-25-generic #44-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 17 20:26:08 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux When I plug my iPhone it and run dmesg | tail i get Code: [ 2348.832075] usb 1-3: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 6 [ 2348.970524] usb 1-3: configuration #1 chosen from 4 choices Dunno what configuration #1 is, but I guess it's no right. Further, if I run lsusb | grep Apple it correctly identifies my device: Code: Bus 001 Device 006: ID 05ac:1292 Apple, Inc. iPhone 3G If i run ideviceinfo, i get a TON if info including my iDevices model, UUID, serial #, etc etc....several screens of info.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled libimobiledevices and even tried iFuse. It used to work, and I did nothing that owuld have changed it's behavior. My only thought is something that was included in an update at some point caused this, but Ihave no way to track that down.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Uninstall / Reinstall Mac OSX - Unable To Mount Location

Mar 3, 2011

Running Ubuntu 10.04 and I'm trying to re-install Mac OSX back onto my MBP. I'm running competely off of GRUB and I have no other partitions for any other OSs running. Popped in my MAC OS CD and came up with this error.

Unable to mount location
Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:
mount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-prtected, mounting read-only
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sr0, missing codepage or helper program, or other error
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
dmesg | tail or so

How should I go about with removing Ubuntu, and re-installing MAC OSX?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Can't Connect Bluetooth Mouse And Keyboard - CD Drive Doesn't Mount Anything

Jan 14, 2010

I used a live CD burned onto a DVD-RW and it booted up and worked great. So I installed it using the entire hard drive, Ran Update manager, enabled the driver for the wifi card. Before I was using 10.5 with all recent updates done. A few things don't work. It fails whenever I try to connect my Bluetooth mouse and keyboard, CD drive doesn't mount anything, I thought it would bring up the restricted nvidia driver but it doesn't so the video is slow and sketchy.

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Ubuntu :: Where Is IRC Room List In Empathy?

Jun 3, 2010

I am having a tough time trying to get Empathy to download a list of rooms. Typing /list does nothing in Empathy's join room. How the hell do I get the IRC room list? I'm about ready to go back to a dedicated IRC client.

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Ubuntu :: Make Room For The Last Tcp Command ?

Oct 22, 2010

I want to make room for the last tcp command (increase the height) check the pic please advise

background yes
use_xft yes
xftfont HandelGotD:size=9[code].....

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Ubuntu Installation :: Get More Room In /home Folder?

May 1, 2010

I installed UNR 10.04 the other day, and it was my second time to install due to complications in the first go around. I installed UNR specifying partitions manually, and erased my first install and used that partition for my current one. In the process I shrank the swap area from 5G to 2G in order to match up to my RAM and free up 3G of space I could now use. Here is where I goofed: I was left with around 114G of free space, then the 2G of swap, then 3G of more free space. Well I specified the 3G to be mounted at /home hoping it would just add that free space to the big 114G space. But, alas, now I have a home folder that has only 1G of free space, and more music and movies I wish to save. How can I get more room in my /home folder or merge it somehow to all be in the main install space?

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Ubuntu :: No Room For Updates On Default Settings

May 6, 2010

Alright, I searched the forums, and made google my friend, but I can't find out how to do this. I installed ubuntu earlier today, and it installed right beside windows like it usually does, but it apparently didn't give itself enough room for updates on the default settings. So, here's my gparted screen shot Sorry if that screenie is HUGE. The most I've gotten toward a solution is formatting the unalocated space and then trying to merge things, which I'm trying now. However, any other help, including details more specfic other than "format the unallocated and then try again" would be awesome.

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General :: No Room For Updates In 9.04

Aug 3, 2009

Just loaded 9.04 side by side with XP. HDD says it has 138 of 149 remaining....When I try to load updates in Ubuntu it says there is not enough space on HDD. Did I make a mistake loading side by side? Updates are many, so I also wonder if I can choose the ones I need.that is.....once I recognize what the hell, individually, they are.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Adding A Router To Dorm Room?

Apr 27, 2010

I am currently attending college and living in the dorms we have 3 either-net ports and 3 people in one room. So we bought a router so we could have more then three things plugged in. I figured out via wikis how to set it up to run as a switch but I would like to run it as my own subnet. I have search far and wide for a guide or explanation on how to do this but the only one that seemed to be what I wanted was a bit beyond me.


Picture of how we get internet
internet comes in through wall from schools router(s)
| ___
====|=======|___|==several pcs plugged into router


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General :: Empathy Chat Room

Dec 17, 2009

try to use empathy to use yahoo chat or some kind of chat but just cant figure it out can someone explain how to use the room feature

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Ubuntu Networking :: Atheros AR5001 Only Works If In Same Room As Router?

Mar 2, 2011

A Toshiba 35MX-S114 laptop with Atheros AR5001 works but unless the laptop is in the same room as the router I am not able to connect.

After a relative gave me their old laptop, I installed 10.04 Lucid but I am having problems with the Atheros AR5001 based wifi. I've been able to update the OS using wifi with the laptop in the same room as the router. If I move about 9 metres away from the router into another room, with applet showing 3/4 blue bars and effectively still within line of sight of the router, I lose the connection. Wifi receive is working so well that the Network Manager Applet detects several of my neighbours' routers but not well enough for me to connect to our router.

Originally on the Toshiba laptop under XP there's supposed to be a hotkey Fn+F8 which enables/disables the wifi antenna, in contrast Fn+F9 does disable the touchpad as stated in the manual.

My router is recognised but I cannot connect. Is it a driver issue?

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Debian Multimedia :: Baby: How To Listen Into Another Room Through Mic

Aug 23, 2010

how to setup a monitoring wifi-less (so with cable) and non negative field of waves. We've got enough all around us. For the temperature I have found a controller which can be pluged onto *nix box. I would like to get the sound from a room and listen it to another room.


with that I can record my room sound.

arecord -Dplughw:3,0 -f cd -vv "$FILENAME2"

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Debian :: Running Out Of Room In System Partition

Aug 9, 2010

I use Debian Lenny in a dual boot system on a desktop computer with a 40 GB hard drive. There are two partitions used by my Lenny installation, one containing /home and one containing the rest of the directory tree, including /tmp. I guess that I could soon encounter problems using kpackage to obtain security upgrades to already installed packages or backing up files to CD; is that correct? I have plenty of space left in the partition containing /home but have under 500 MB left in the other partition (4.1GB), which is 93% full. A year ago I was fine, but the various package upgrades seem to usually add stuff, so I've gradually filled up the partition.

I have looked at the directories in the filling up partition, and there are not really any huge space hogs, just a lot of packages adding up to filling up 93% of the partition. The fattest directories in the almost full partition are
/usr/lib 1.1GB
/usr/share 1.6GB

Installing another Lenny on another desktop (no more dual boot for me!) is now a high priority, and I hope to accomplish that over the next month or two, but until then I am concerned that my current desktop computer may soon become unusable. I guess that if I tried to simply use the linux mv command, as root, to try to move say the entire /usr/share directory to /home/usr/share, I would not only not free up any space, I'd only move the directory itself, which I guess would possibly render various packages I have installed unusuable. Is there any reasonably simple/safe way to do something like this:
1. cp /usr/share to /home/usr/share
2. replace /usr/share files with symbolic links to new locations.

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General :: How To Change Ownership Of Mp3 Player From Room?

Oct 16, 2010

I am a Linux Noob of the major kind.I have an MP3 player that is owned by root. I have a SANDISK it in also. I can copy files to the player despite it being owned by root but I can't copy them to the SANDISK which is also owned by root. So what is suppose to be after the colon?How do I determine what that is if it is a directory?How do I change to root to change ownership if that is what I need to do?Is there an application that I can use to change ownership easy and what user do I have to be to do that.

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General :: How To Create Persistent Room In MuCKL?

Aug 22, 2009

I have followed the link:http://www.ejabberd.im/muckl and setup ejabberd. I installed muckl too. I can see http://<ip>/muckl running well.But the Issue is I am unable to create Rooms.Any one who have hands on this?

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General :: Which Is Best Tool Used For Meeting Room Planner?

Jul 29, 2011

we are using opensuse11.3 in our organisation on every pc.i just want to know which is the best tool used for meeting room planner, calender and like we can schedule our tasks.

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Software :: Yahoo Chat Room For Fedora

Dec 3, 2009

i know that using pidgin software, i can use yahoo chat...but i can chat only with my contact friends (those, whose email id is in my contact list)how to use chat room for chat ?is it any other software(similar to pidgin) which supports chat room ?

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General :: Meeting Room Planner / Booking System

Aug 2, 2011

I wanted to configure meeting room booking system,

Fatal Error: Failed to connect to database

does anyone know about the meeting room booking system, if so help me to configure it. if you know about the other source also thats not a problem. . All i need to do is to configure meeting room booking system software on linux. .I am currently using opensuse11.3 distro. .

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General :: Need To Delete Old Files To Make Room On Drive

May 7, 2010

I have a Dell Netbook which came with Ubuntu Linux 8.3 (I think) in 2008. The drive is a SSD 3gb unit and the drive was nearly full when I received it. There was only 758mb free on the drive and I wondered why they would sell a computer with so little free space on it. When the updates was installed the drive was full. Is there a way to retrieve some space on the drive without deleting programs which came with the computer? I have tried ordering a new drive online without getting one, including Dell itself. In Windows you can delete old files which will free up some space and is wondering if the same thing is possible under Linux?

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SUSE / Novell :: How To Expand OS Drive / When Have No Room Left?

May 29, 2009

I have a hd5 (?) of 10 GB for the system OS. I had used about 7 GB and believed that adding software from a NIC would not greatly exceed space on this drive but was wrong - it now has about 40KB remaining. The system has a 2GB swap drive elsewhere on the SUSE 10.1 Enterprise desktop system, 127GB HD total. The total HD has about 63 GB of "unused" space - in the hd6(?).

I could not expand the hd5 partition using the on-board partition software and did not know how to handle it so rebooted. Now the system will not start since there is not enough space. My questions: 1) How can I/can I us the on-board partition expansion SAFELY to expand the 10GB to 20GB from a scripting bootup or similar? 2) I have GNU-parted but could not install it on the Linux before rebooting - not enough space. Can it/should it be expanded on a floppy drive or similar and be used to expand the hd5 partition? I do not have another Linux machine. How can I get out of this fix?such as creating another partition, 20 GB as hd7, moving all hd5 info. into it (by script since I cannot boot up?), then deleting the orignial hd5, and renaming the new partition hd5?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Make A Distro For Laptop In The Living Room?

Apr 7, 2010

Im kind a new to open suse, though I think its a very nice alternative to the ordinary Linux distroes.Recently I tried to make a distro for my laptop in the living room, -the only thing its supposed to do is play music, and be able to connect to the internet from time to time. However, I must have forgotten some packages or something, cause when I booted the engine after installing,-(wich btw went smooth:-)) -I cannot play any music, -getting some fail message. -Now iVE installed all the g-streamer packages and the totem player, what else do I need ???. -Have been looking through the packages, but I dont seem to find any other packages related that i think i shound use...

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Ubuntu Servers :: Run Scripts Via Web - Switch On And Off Lights - Regulate Room Temperature - Open Windows

Aug 25, 2011

I have a very basic problem: My computer is attached to various light switches, central heating, powered windows etc. via RS232 and USB, using homemade custom logic boards. With this I can switch on and off lights, regulate room temperature, open windows etc. all by running some shell scripts on my system. I would now like to create a simple web frontend for this home automation.

What I want is a basic website with buttons, and when someone clicks a button on that website I want the webserver (apache ? ) to execute a script on the the server machine, triggering the rs232 hardware. The website is to be served by apache to make use of an existing structure. How (in what language) could I accomplish that? Javascript and Java are obviously out since they execute on the client, as far as I know PHP can't access the shell (which is probably a good thing), so what's left?

CGI? This will be deployed on an isolated private network secured the old-fashioned way (steel doors, guard dogs, landmines...), so I am not overly concerned about security, but of course it would be nice if the implementation offered at least some basic resistance to bored script kiddies...

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General :: Setup A Named Server For A Class Room With 10 Imaginary Hosts?

Mar 30, 2011

I need to setup a named server for a class room with 10 imaginary hosts the sub domain managed by this name server is s123456.eca.edu.au where 123456 is to be replaced by your student id. The named server will forward unresolved queries to the dns server.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot With Backtrack4 - Partition Drive To Make Room For Bt4?

Nov 28, 2010

finally got mostly everything fixed on my opensuse 11.3. 11.3 is my only os on my laptop right now and I want to be able to dual boot with backtrack4. I used to have bt3 but it was on a usb loading up with winxp. Anyway, I've downloaded the iso image and after hours of forum reading I figured out how to mount the iso image. Doing so allows me just to look at the files. Is there an install file somewhere I'm missing?

Also, couldn't ever figure out how to partition my drive to make room for bt4. Tried downloading gparted and failed. Tried using the expert partitioner program that came with this system but it won't allow me to create another partition. Couldn't ever find a reason why. Will bt4 allow me to create a partition upon installation? How do I install?

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