Ubuntu :: Any Good Internet Security Software?

Oct 18, 2010

I am new and i am worried about my data. So i want an Internet Security software for ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Security :: Basics Of Good Security Of Small Commercial Website?

Jan 17, 2011

1. I understand you can protect your files or directories in your website by setting file/directory permissions. The meaning of r w x is clear to me, but I'm not sure how to proceed... Starting with the index.html file, if I wanted to make it so that anyone in the world can read it but can't modify it, do I set its permissions to rwxr-xr-x? If I set it to rwxr--r--, would that mean the file couldn't be served? I mean, what does the x setting do on a .html file, how can a .html file be executable?

2. If file permissions work on the lines of owner-group-others, in the context of a website, who is 'group'? As far as I can tell, there's only the owner, which is me, and others, which is the world accessing the site. Am I correct in thinking that by default, say when creating a website on a shared hosting server, there is no group unless I specifically set one up?

3. My ISP allows the DynDNS.org service, meaning that I could serve a website from my home. It's too early to go that route just yet, but for future reference, I would like to ask about the server software called Hiawatha. It is said to be secure, but having read some evaluations of it, it doesn't seem to offer anything that couldn't be accomplished with Apache or Cherokee, it's just that its security settings are simpler and easier to configure. Am I right about this? Or does Hiawatha truly offer something that the other major server packages don't?

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Security :: Good Firewall To Use With Ubuntu?

Aug 13, 2010

I am new to the Ubuntu/Linix world (less than a week).

I have tried the search, but have had difficulty finding threads on this.

Can someone recommend an excellent firewall to use with Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Security :: SSH Keys Only Good For Specific PC?

Feb 11, 2010

I have enabled ssh key based logins for one of my servers and disabled normal password based logins. It just occurred to me that the public key which I generated on my pc, and uploaded to the servers authorized_keys, may in fact only apply to my local PC / user account. So basically if my system crashes I would have no way to login to the server...? Is it not possible to "share" public keys so other people (PCs / accounts) can use them?

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Ubuntu Security :: What Is Good IP Filter / Firewall Program?

Jun 10, 2010

What is a good IP filter/firewall program? Seeing as how I like free softwares, I download a lot of torrents. When I was using Windows, I used PeerBlock (the newer fork of PeerGuardian), however, it's not available for Linux. What would be a good alternative for this in Linux? I tried iplist as it has a GUI, and it was extremely buggy and blocked random web pages even after I put them on the exceptions list. And MoBlock has no GUI from I understand, nor has it been updated in years.

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Ubuntu Security :: Need Good Hardware Firewall To Run On An Older Pc

Oct 2, 2010

I'm looking for a good hardware firewall that will run on an older pc (ie 512 MB RAM and 1GHZ CPU) FOSS is preferable, but not required. I've tried Astaro, but it refuses to load after a restart. I'm hoping for AV as I support Windoze clients, and a VPN. Past that, I can deal with anything.

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Ubuntu Security :: Blackbuntu - Good Pen Test Distro?

Apr 14, 2011

I recently came upon an ubuntu variant called blackbuntu. Its in early release stages at this point, but its being marketed as a pen test distro. Exactly like Back Track, but in Ubuntu form. Was just wondering if anyone has had a chance to use this yet? All software that the distro uses is readily avilable in the ubuntu repositories already.

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Networking :: Good Internet Boosting Software For Ubuntu?

Mar 7, 2010

I was looking for some good Internet boosting software for Ubuntu, like speed connect for Windows that I can use. Mainly because I get terrible bandwidth In my dorm room and also because I share my laptop internet with my PS3 since it doesn't have a wireless card.

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Ubuntu :: Looking For A Good Internet Resource For Bash Scripts?

Jan 10, 2011

Where would be a good place to point my browser for good internet resources for bash scripts and or alias customizations for .bashrc.

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Security :: Where Are Good Places To Check For Backdoors?

Oct 11, 2010

rc.scripts, cron jobs, what else? Can hidden files be executed simply by going to a directory that has that hidden file inside it?

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Security :: Any Good Comparison Software To Scan Files?

Apr 23, 2011

I had a hack on my oscommerce website recently. I have put in the relevant security patches but I need to check whether the hacker left any code changes in my files. What is a good file comparison software for linux? I need it to scan though the current files and folders and compare it the original default oscommerce installation so I can check the code.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Good Internet Radio App - Equivalent To TuneIn For Android And IPhone?

Dec 20, 2010

I've just discovered the app TuneIn on my Android phone, it allows you to access radio stations that broadcast over the net, as well net-only ones, in an easy searchable interface (the 'backend' is the website radiotime.com).

Is there a way to do a similar thing on Opensuse? Currently I have a small list of stations in banshee which I had to manually add - a very painstaking manual process. Is there a plugin for banshee or another program that does this well?

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Ubuntu Security :: Internet Security Status Feeds Via Conky?

Mar 29, 2010

Conky can be used to display a variety of information on the users desktop. I wanted to use Conky instead to display the current status of security as reported by:

SANS Internet Storm Center
IBM Internet Security Systems
Symantec Threatcon
McAfee Threat Center

I therefore created 4 small scripts which download the current status from these sites, and set the colour of those status's depending on the current value.The conky configuration allows for a semi-transparent background - though this is optional.Attached is an example image showing the 4 different colours.Also attached is an archive with the 4.sh files, .conkyrc and draw_bg.lua (from here http:[url].....

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Security :: Full Internet Security Software For Ubuntu?

Dec 16, 2010

Do you know guys are there any good reliable Internet security or Anti virus software for ubuntu OS? Don't tell me linux is virus free os. I have dual boot PC so i want some security suite for that?

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Ubuntu Security :: Security Key For Internet?

Jan 11, 2011

I chose not to use a security key upon installation to access he net but now wish to change this.I do not understand the help section.It has a login key but I don't understand how it works or how to edit or see what the command for it is

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Ubuntu Security :: Secure My Server From The Internet

Feb 3, 2010

I am running UFW, which is set to deny everything but SSH on port 22, OpenVPN on port 1194 and HTTPS on port 443. SSH is set to only allow private key logins, and the root account is disabled. I have AppArmor running for all of my daemons (OpenVPN, Apache2, OpenSSH) and I have Fail2Ban running.

Is there anything else I can do to secure my server from the Internet (it is directly connected, there is no NAT between the Internet and my server).

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Ubuntu Security :: Remote Desktop Used From Internet?

Mar 21, 2010

Today I noticed my Desktop was being controlled remotely from over the Internet even though I had it set for 'local network only'. Foolishly I relied on this setting and hadn't specified a password or other security. The remote user had opened my Firefox passwords page and was perusing this when I pulled the plug.

All external checks confirmed that my router/firewall is actively blocking correctly. How could this happen? How can I prevent this in the future? I had recently install the Firefox extension for Weave Sync and wonder if that had anything to do with it?

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Ubuntu Security :: Crontab Disabling Internet From 7pm To 7am?

Apr 11, 2010

I administer a desktop computer with ubuntu 8.04 in an university library. Since it works almost all night, to enable students to study, after some time I noticed some misuses of the computer during the evening, when there isn't many students. My goal was to disable users from accessing internet from 7pm to 7am, but also enable it if certain user was logged in (I use that user for torrent, and I seed on that computers from time to time). So I created a script that's being called by root's crontab, and here is the script's code:

NUM=`who|grep myuser|wc -l`
#echo $NUM
if [ $NUM -le 0 ]; then
/sbin/ifconfig eth0 down
/sbin/ifconfig eth0 up

Since I created the script, I actually never seeded anything, so I'm wondering now if that's going to work at all, and (also) is there a better solution for this.

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Ubuntu Security :: Chroot Without Internet Connection?

Oct 26, 2010

I was hoping to set up a Kubuntu 10.04 Chroot on a PC with no internet access (I only have dialup anyway, not Broadband). All the information I have been able to find refers to downloading debootstrap in order to do this.I purchased a set of DVDs with all of the Ubuntu packages on them and created a single repository of them on my harddrive.Is there some way that I can create the Chroot using the packages on my hard drive without having to access the internet to download stuff as I do it?

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Ubuntu Security :: OpenVPN Connects To VPN But No Internet (10.10 64-bit)

Jan 5, 2011

I use vpntunnel.se and followed their tutorial for OpenVPN and it connects and assigns an IP. However, once the sequence is initiated and I open my browser I cannot connect to a webpage and get a "cannot resolve" error. I e-mailed their support and they suggested I change the DNS of my network settings. I did that but the same problem. Once I close OpenVPN my internet works again. It works in windows, so I know it is not my router...I use a wireless connection with my router. I don't know if this has something to do with anything...

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Ubuntu Security :: Allow Internet Between Certain Hours Using Iptables?

Jan 6, 2011

I typed this into the command line:sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -m time --timestart 12:00:00 --timestop 23:59:59 --days Sat, Sun -j ACCEPTI get this error:iptables v1.4.4: unknown option '--days'How do I do something similar above in which I allow the internet to start at 12 o clock on Saturdays and Sundays

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Security :: NFS Shares Over Internet?

Apr 27, 2010

CentOS5.x We have a auto backup system that rsyncs all our vital data to a backup server over our network. The final step in this is to get the backup server to rsync with one of our remote sites for the off site backup. We have lately been visited by the boys from .ru and .ro due to good passwords we have managed to keep the visitor out of the network, we also changed out ssh port away from the default for better security.

We would like the backup system to be totally automatic, when I was reading up on the bruteforce attacks I read recommendations that we should have ssh that need passwords to be manually inserted for extra security. How secure is sharing NFS folders over the internet. we would configure only one host to have access to the share is this enough for us or should we think deeper here.

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Ubuntu Security :: Internet Logs - Privacy With Firefox

Jan 8, 2010

These files seem to contain browsing history:
~/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxx.default/cookies.sqlite ~/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxx.default/formhistory.sqlite ~/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxx.default/downloads.sqlite ~/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxx.default/places.sqlite ~/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxx.default/places.sqlite-journal

Therefore I have cleared these files using an erasing program. I am wondering if there are other locations where such log files are stored for Internet browsing. I have looked in the /var/log directory and cannot see anything - for example doing a grep on http:// after browsing in Firefox does not reveal anything obvious.

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Ubuntu Security :: Set A Time Limit On Internet Priveleges With 9.04?

Apr 15, 2010

Is there a way to create a guest account and have Ubuntu "automagically" limit the amount of time the user can access the Internet? So, for example, could she set up an account for her son and limit his Internet access to an hour at a time?

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Ubuntu Security :: What Ports Does Firefox Use To Connect To The Internet

Apr 24, 2010

What ports does Firefox use to connect to the Internet?

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Ubuntu :: What's With Todays Updates - Internet Security Fixed

Oct 23, 2010

What's with todays updates? Webkit librarys and Firefox updates. Was there a security issue that's just recently been fixed? Just wondering, I'm obviously going to install them.

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Ubuntu Security :: Firestarter Prevents Internet Connection?

Jan 1, 2011

I am running ubuntu 10.10. I recently enabled the firewall and installed Firestarter to configure it. Bad decision apparently. I can't connect to the internet using Firefox unless I first stop the firewall using Firestarter. After I do that, Firefox connects to the internet just fine.

If I uninstall Firestarter, will the ubuntu firewall function as it did originally, before I configured it? Or will it continue to function the way it does right now, which doesn't allow me to connect to the internet?

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Internet Access After Security Cleanup?

May 17, 2011

i installed many security programs as a switching from windows guy and decided to get rid of them last night. I uninstalledgufw, clamav(and all based packages), firestarterusing synapticbefore i rebooted the system the internet was well and working. but after i rebooted i had no internet access;firefox couldn't retrieve, update manager and apt-get couldn't connect.the computer knows it's connected to the router i see the connection established sign but I can't even connect to the router by typing "".the computer can ping itself( but can't ping itself in the network (the dhcp address is and replies "operation denied" or something like that.I rebooted using live-cd and connected with no problems; the my internet connection is fineany thoughts will be appreciated P.S.: I did a fast check on the forums and couldn't find anything related; i didn't check thoroughly though.

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Ubuntu Security :: Restrict Internet Access For Kids?

Jul 28, 2011

I'm running Natty and have made two logins on the system. One for myself and family and one for the kids (teens 14-15yr) to play in without Internet access via Admin "Users and Groups". I have hidden the Internet software icons on their screen amongst others i don't want them to see on the menus. On our screen I use a Firefox addon called "Web Of Trust" that can be configured easily for the kids and another addon called 'Blocksite' that I can selectively use for them and myself etc.

I have found out that they have still been able to get on to the net somehow under their login. Will have to observe again!! In the users settings for the kids the tick box for 'Internet'and 'use modem' access is un-ticked so I presumed that would be enough! Not so!!

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Ubuntu Security :: Unable To Access Internet Utilizing Laptop

Mar 12, 2010

To start off I do not have the ability to post in the Networking/Wireless thread. I attend DeVry university and in my school they recently rolled out "Bluesocket." Now that they have done this I am not able to access the internet utilizing my ubuntu laptop.I am able to connect to the network. When I open my web browser I am redirected to the "bluesocket" login page where I am able to successfully log in. The next step to accessing DeVry's internet service is to allow Bluesocket to do a scan using a Java applet. That scan is successful.

The results of the scan inform me that I am not being allowed to access the network resources because I don't have an antivirus or firewall program installed on my computer. I do not wish to have an antivirus or firewall program installed on my laptop to utilize DeVry's network resources. My question is what steps do I need to take to bypass/trick bluesocket?

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