Ubuntu :: 11.04 Sporadic Fuzzy / Distorted Sound

Jul 18, 2011

Have been using the exact same hardware setup for a while now (last 5 or 6 releases) and since 11.04, occasionally my sound will go really strange and fuzzy / distorted. It usually happens when I change music tracks I am listening to, but it will then effect all system noises. It will then go away as suddenly as it happened, again if I pause the track a few times to stop the distortion.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Sound Issues : Fuzzy , Distorted / Fix It?

Feb 17, 2010

So I recently installed Ubuntu 9.10 on my second hard drive. I also just got a new pair of speakers. When I plugged in these speakers, they sounded pretty crappy ie: bad bass, distortion, etc. At first I figured it was because I bought cheap speakers and I was going to send them back. But instead, I booted up windows and voila... The sound was much better.

So I'm trying to figure out whats up (mind you I'm pretty new to Ubuntu) I looked up my sound card: nVidia AC97 and Ubuntu recognizes and apparently has drivers for this. I also followed the sound problems guide posted in this forum. Got as far as the "ALSA driver Compilation" step without much luck. It installed some stuff, but didn't follow what that guide said it would do.

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Ubuntu :: Bass Does Not Working - Fuzzy Sound In Natty

Aug 3, 2011

I'm having a problem with my sound in the Natty Narwhal version of Ubuntu, where my bass doesn't seem to be working and is coming out as fuzz instead. I don't really know the technical terms for what I'm trying to describe, but instead of the deep part of a piece of music, I get this kind of v sound in the background instead. I get the same problem on headphones or from the speakers, and turning the volume up or down doesn't make any difference. Alsamixer tells me that my card is called HDA Intel, chip ALC272X. I've already tried turning down the PCA volume, as I've seen recommended in other places, but no luck.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Updated NVidia Drivers Cause - Sound Got All Fuzzy/scratchy

Jun 2, 2010

I just installed 10.04 (64 bit, in case that matters) last night. I have onboard sound and video, and they working fine until I installed the proprietary drivers for my video card. When this happened, my sound got all fuzzy/scratchy. I can go back into the Hardware Drivers and remove the proprietary ones and then the sound is fine. My problem is that I want to use better drivers for my video, but not at the sacrifice of sound quality. I went to the nVidia site, and they have drivers from April 24, 2010 on there, but there's a couple problems with that. I don't know if they are any different than the ones I already installed through Ubuntu, and I don't know if they will cause the same issue. Since I'm fairly new to linux, installing the drivers from the .run file seems like more of an undertaking than I want to do right now, and I don't want to mess anything up and not be able to revert my changes. With the Hardware Drivers utility, I can easily remove the drivers and the sound works, but I don't know if that will be the case.

I have an ECS GeForce7050M-M motherboard. I can't really find specifics for chipsets, but the nVidia site detected a GeForce GTX 480 for video. If I recall correctly, my audio is some Realtek HD thing. I had this same problem when I tried 9.04, but I didn't narrow it down to the nVidia drivers at the time.

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Debian Hardware :: Fuzzy Sound While Playing Online Media

Mar 17, 2010

When I play any media whether through ...../video.google/totem/rhythmbox it comes out all fuzzy. Are there packages outside of the base alsa ones that come that I should install?

$ dpkg -l | grep alsa
ii alsa-base 1.0.17.dfsg-4 ALSA driver configuration files
ii alsa-utils 1.0.16-2 ALSA utilities
ii gnome-alsamixer 0.9.7~cvs.20060916.ds.1-2 ALSA sound mixer for GNOME
ii gstreamer0.10-alsa 0.10.19-2 GStreamer plugin for ALSA
ii libpt-1.10.10-plugins-alsa 1.10.10-2 Portable Windows Library Audio Plugin for th
ii libsdl1.2debian-alsa 1.2.13-2 Simple DirectMedia Layer (with X11 and ALSA
ii libsox-fmt-alsa 14.0.1-2+b1 SoX alsa format I/O library

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Distorted Sound After A While Using Mic?

Jun 9, 2011

I run two sound cards on my system, one dedicated while the other is built-in on my motherbard.

cat /proc/asound/cards
0 [NVidia ]: HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia
HDA NVidia at 0xdfff0000 irq 23


I am not able to get any sound recorded through my mic using my XFi card. It records the sound my computer makes, thought. In other words, if I play a song, it'll play through the capture channel making people on voip application hear it. For some reason. But I am not able to get any sound through the mic.

I have tried to mute and unmute every channel in alsamixer, and tried to change the soundcard profile as well in gnome sound preferences. No luck.

If I use my NVidia built-in sound card however, I am able to talk. But after a random period of time, the sound through my headphones begin to distort, badly, while the voice from my mic comes through clear. People can hear me clearly, but I can't hear them at all because of the distortion. It sound really, really bad.

At first I thought it was a bug with skype, but it happens in other voip clients such as gTalk.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Popping And Distorted Sound On 10.04?

Jul 6, 2010

I did a clean install to 10.04. Not too many issues except any sound I play sounds like it's underwater and pops while playing. I have tried to do the Pulse Audio install, but every time I loaded pauvcontrol (I think was the title), it would pop up "Connection Failure: Connection Refused." I tried to follow other guides, but they'd all fail because I'd be missing half of the files it changed. I have a Creative Labs X-Fi Fatality card that has given me troubles in the past, but usually, it works. I tried to install Creative's open driver, but again, I had an error when I attempted to Make the directory.

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Ubuntu :: Distorted Sound When Plug In Audio Jack

Mar 15, 2010

I am running Karmic (9.10) on an MSI U120 Wind. I dislike netbook-remix but that is beside the point.

Last night I made the biggest mistake of my life which is causing a loss of still counting hours. I decided to do an update, due to having enough bandwidth, and security updates to download.

So it finished, and I went to sleep.

This morning I went to plug in my speakers to the audio jack so I can listen to music loud, and it was all distorted. I changed al 8 or 9 volume controls and nothing. I unplugged the wire from the audio jack, and the sound is perfect on my netbook's speakers.

I have tried different wires, speakers, editing config files, removing and purging related packages, and nothing works...

I have been google-ing for hours and everyone seems to have the same problem, but all of the supposed fixes do not work for me...

Here is a pastebin of my Alsa info : [URL]

I fear switching back to winblowz..

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Ubuntu :: First Half Second Of Sound Distorted In Maverick (PulseAudio)

Oct 10, 2010

Any sound playing through pulseaudio is distorted for the first half-second or so. Sounds like a buzzing or crackling or something. This happens, for example, in Pidgin and Clementine (music player). If I set these programs to output through alsa instead of pulseaudio, there's no such problem. Also no such problem existed in 10.04. And I tried the fix in the sticky, nothing changed. Probably less than a half second of distortion, really. Maybe 100ms.

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Ubuntu :: Skype : No Sound With Pulse, Distorted With Esound?

Dec 5, 2010

I've been working at this issue myself for two days and still haven't come up with anything. On the default system config with Pulseaudio, Skype 2.1 has absolutely no sound, worse, if I call, or somebody calls me, the program becomes unresponsive and I end up having to either reboot or log out and in again. The only option Skype gives me in the sound settings for anything is PulseAudio Server (local) which, (obviously) is incorrect.So after a few hours of trying to sort it out with pulse, I found a workaround involving the REPLACEMENT of Pulse with esound following these commands in a terminal:


killall pulseaudio
sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio
sudo apt-get install esound
sudo rm /etc/X11/Xsession.d/70pulseaudio

This works to an EXTENT. I have output sound, Skype makes all it's little beeps and blips and what-have-you, I can hear the other person clear as day,and I'm able to select different sound card settings now. But when I talk to someone or call echo123, my voice comes through choppy, garbled and extremely distorted.Words are run together at a super fast pace, and sometimes even quickly repeat.So then I tried yet another supposed workaround, this involving modifying .asoundrc as seen here:

#asym fun start here. we define one pcm device called "dmixed"
pcm.dmixed {
ipc_key 1025
type dmix[code]...

After applying this, I not only changed my settings to asymed, but ALL the new settings it gave me. This time my words are run together AND I sound like some kind of deep voiced monster.Now, once and for all, to save me another two days of searching through google and topics with unanswered pleas for help, can somebody tell me what is going on here and how the hell do I fix it? T_T.I'm running Skype 2.1, (latest build) on Xubuntu 10.10 with a C-Media CMI8738 sound card. Sound works on all other applications and the microphone is solid, since I just switched from Windows and it worked before now.

P.S. just to avoid people thinking I'm stupid and asking this, yes I am positive that none of the sound settings are on mute. XD

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Ubuntu :: Sound Does Not Work - Completely Disfunctional - Distorted

Jul 27, 2011

I've had sound problems for a very long time with Ubuntu. It once worked fine. Then it got distorted, but I used headfones so that solved that. But now it seems its completely disfunctional. The sound doesn't work at all.

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Fedora :: Sound Distorted In F12 - Works Fine In F11

Nov 19, 2009

New build to F12. Sound was fine in F11. Now, massive distortion. I have tried every possible permutation of settings. With the main volume control in the top taskbar, there are two positions of level setting where the audio drops to a normal level and sounds OK but any application changing the level or starting to use the Pulseaudio changes the level and its loud and massively distorted again.

In the Pulseaudio manager->sink->alsaoutput.pci-0000-00-11.5.analog-stereo -> properties-> show volume meter, the audio is always maxed out in level. I have tried everything, its unworkable right now. Its possible to start alsamixer from terminal and adjust settings for good audio but any future change reverts to distortion. All changes in Pulseaudio Dev mgr or vol control etc change the audio as they should but do not affect the problem.

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Ubuntu :: Playing Cd Or Listening To Radio Online Sound Distorted?

Oct 2, 2010

i am using ubuntu10.04 , the sound is distorted booth on playing cds or listening to radio online . it sounds like a record where the speed keeps changing

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Encoding Video For DVD - Distorted Sound (AC3)

Aug 1, 2011

It is well known that mencoder can be used to encode video to be burned on DVD with a tool like dvdauthor. The whole procedure is described here:
7.8. Using MEncoder to create VCD/SVCD/DVD-compliant files

Sound for a DVD is normally encoded with AC3. I encountered some cases where the encoded sound was badly distorted. As it seems, the default for the input changed to float at some point. The fix for this is to use:
instead of "acodec=ac3".

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General :: Distorted Sound / Intermittent Slow Internet On Feodra & Ubuntu

Nov 30, 2010

I have a core i7 machine on which I have dual booted Ubuntu 10.10 and Fedora 14. I am facing a weird problem on both the Linux distributions. Currently, I am facing three major problems which are causing me to use my laptop instead of this machine.Most of the times the sound gets distorted ( like the tempo is very slow and some cracks), but some other times it just works fine. ( I experienced this on both Ubuntu and Fedora)Internet at times is very fast and works great, but suddenly it slows down and takes a whole lot time to load. sometimes it just never gets fast.The low resolution flash videos, gets this very weird high pitch sound

Also, I noticed ( I don't think there is a relation between the two or is there?) that whenever the internet is slow, the sound is also distorted and when internet is fast sound works great.The intermittent nature of the problem is making it difficult to debug.

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Debian Multimedia :: Sound Distorted While Viewing Online SWF Files

Jul 9, 2011

I have distorted sound when viewing SWF files on browsers. Tried both chrome and iceweasel. I have a Dell XPS with debian testing (64 bit), alsa is 1.0.23. Sound is working properly when playing formats other than swf.

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General :: Flash Videos Playback - Sound Garbled And Distorted

Aug 11, 2010

I play a flash video, and then play music natively the sound doesn't work. Or I can play flash and have sound but not play music with sound that's on my PC. Or I play my music on my PC, say one song, and the other is high pitched distorted, and rings. I have to exit the program and start it again for it to play nice. How do I resolve this most irritating bug?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Native Spotify Has Distorted - Clipping Sound Wuality In Offline Mode

Sep 17, 2010

I recently bought a monthful of Spotify Premium to enjoy music at the school with my laptop and Nokia E71 with the offline mode - the WiFi at our school is too laggy to stream online music. Under wine, it works quite fine, however, I would totally like to use the native client (yes, I'm too a "yay linux" person like all of you here ), but the music quality is very poor on offline mode. It clips, goes forward, a second back, then back forward etc. The bitrate sounds to be high, an the quality is very good except the annoying clipping.

Anyone else experiencing this? I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 Beta release with Samsung N510 so the cpu power should not be an issue even though the native client uses the resources very greedily. Interesting enough, on my desktop computer (Core2Quad @ 3,3GHz, 4GB 900MHz DDR2 RAM) with the same OS version and software plays offline playlists smoothly (only some occasional clipping)

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Ubuntu :: Why Is Cd/dvd Media Mounting So Sporadic On 10.04

Nov 7, 2010

for some reason/s in ubuntu 10.04 lucid i get the most sporadic and seemingly random results for mounting cd's or dvd's. most of the time they just don't mount and i have to reboot my computer and then they seem to mount. I've been reading the forums and there seems to be many, many many..... posts about this problem in 10.04 as it would seem many people are having issues relating to this.i've tried every thing i can think of to resolve it (although i'm still a bit of a newbie so that might not mean much to the advanced users out there). my system is up to date, i've tried the "boot up with cd/dvd in the drive option", switching my boot order in bios, adding a /media/cdrom0 dir and using mountmanager to automount that drive at bootup but none of these options work for me.


my installation of 10.04 is a fresh install so i don't see why i should be having the fstab issue noted in the posts but maybe i'm wrong.
here's what


dpkg -l hal



| Status=Not/Inst/Cfg-files/Unpacked/Failed-cfg/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)


if there is someone's expertise that i can draw upon i would be most sincerely appreciative. in fact that is such an understatement having this issue resolved would be as amazing, for me, as the entire world suddenly becoming friends (...like in the non-facebook kinda way).

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Ubuntu :: Sporadic GRUB Error : Out Of Disk

Jun 21, 2010

I just replaced the HD in my computer with a larger one (1tb) and installed Ubuntu Lucid 64bit onto two partitions (100gb for / and the rest for /home). I rebooted and it loaded up fine. Did some stuff, had to restart (NVidia drivers) and it stopped at a GRUB rescue prompt, reporting the error "Error : Out of Disk". So I rebooted again and it worked no problem. But since then, every second bootup or so delivers this error, while other times it loads Ubuntu fine. I've tried running update-grub a few times and this always seems to work. But ultimately, the problem never goes away. I also had a look at this [URL] But it seems the advice given to change the 10_linux file must be only for an earlier version of GRUB2 as the file on my machine is very different.

EDIT: I've attached the output of a Boot Info Script that I got here: [URL]

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Ubuntu Servers :: Sporadic Timeouts - Access Via No IP

Apr 24, 2011

I was having a problem where my server would go unresponsive to it's No-IP redirected name while access via local net IP was unaffected. Access via the No-IP name would usually be restored within 5 minutes or so.

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Ubuntu :: Sporadic Grub Error 18 Prevents Boot

May 12, 2010

In the past month or two I've run into a strange problem where Grub gives error 18 "Selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS". Strange because:
1) after a few tries it mysteriously starts working again without any change on my part
2) I am not running a dual boot system, which seems to be the usual cause of this problem
3) though I have SATA hard drives, I have the RAID capabilities disabled in the BIOS, which can also apparently lead to this problem.
I'm currently running lucid but it also happened once before I upgraded. It seemed to start happening not too long after I installed a new 1TB drive, though that drive is only mounted under /mnt/backup, and not anywhere else of importance, so it may be a coincidence.

Here are some specs on my machine:
BIOS is ALive NF6G-VSTA P1.80
I have 2 SATA drives (no IDE drives except DVD-ROM):
/dev/sda is a 200GB Samsung drive with two partitions
- sda1 is about 197GB and includes / (including /boot)
- sda2 is about 3GB of swap
/dev/sdb is a 1TB Western Digital Drive
- 1 partition mounted at /mnt/backup
If the problem is that I don't have a separate partition for /boot, shouldn't the error show up every time I boot, not just once in a while?

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OpenSUSE :: Sporadic Xorg Hang With 11.3?

Aug 15, 2010

I've been running 11.3 for about 3 days, and have been noticing that it seems to crash with depressing regularity. The symptoms are, from the users perspective, the screen just locks up, mouse cursor won't move, won't respond to any keystrokes, and just dead in the water. But, I can go to another system and ssh back into this one. When I do a top I see at least one and sometimes two Xorg processes owned by root that are grabbing every available CPU cycle. This box has dual cores, so it can support two processes running close to 100% CPU. I tried sending the runaway processes a SIGQUIT signal, which did stop them and did restore normal system operation. But I couldn't find the expected core dump anywhere. If I don't do anything to stop the runaway processes, eventually the whole system locks up, including the ssh session.

I haven't been keeping a real close track, buy my general impression is that this only happens when we have two X sessions running. My wife and I usually keep separate login sessions that we switch back and forth from during the day. I realize this isn't a lot to go on. Any suggestions on what I can do to collect some more info. I particular what do I have to do to get a core dump from the runaway process and what should I do with it if I can get it.

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Slackware :: How To Trace Sporadic Lockup

Mar 23, 2010

Slackware 12.2.0,,ibm thinkpad a21m, current patches, xfce 4.6 laptop runs continuously uptime 261 days once till power outage it was running, opened the lid, couldnt get any response from xfce, tried to ssh but couldnt, checked logs after reboot, couldnt see anything weird, message log set a mark a few minutes before i powered down and rebooted is there anything else i can check for possible lock up?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Sporadic Connection To 2wire Router, All Other Routers OK

Sep 7, 2010

One day I lost my WiFi connection while doing nothing particularly interesting. OK then...I investigate, and I find that it only connects occasionally, and when it does, even then it will render a page almost none of the time. I can't even ping anything. I tried going to the router's config page ( for this one) and found that even that won't load. I power cycled the router, and it did nothing. I thought that the router was dying, but I realized when I switched to Windows 7 (this is a dual boot machine) it works fine. Also, when I went back to Ubuntu and tried connecting to a neighbor down the block's WiFi, it also works fine (this is what I'm using to post this message.) I did all I could to fix this, even to the point of dismantling the machine and moving cards around and such, but it did nothing. I finally formatted my Ubuntu partition and reinstalled, and it also did nothing. It also doesn't work from the Live CD. The router works fine on all the other computers in the house, wired or wireless, and also my phone and PSP's.

While connected, in Firefox, sites sit at "looking up", "waiting for", or "connecting to". It seems to be at random which one. They all time out, none of them say server not found. I thought it was a DNS problem, so I tried some DNS's I know (Google's, OpenDNS, DNS Advantage etc.) but it did bupkis.One thing I notice is that while connected, I have a fantastic signal strength of about 85%, when before any of this happened, it was more around 70%. I didn't move the antenna anywhere or anything having to do with the reception. Also, once connected, it stays connected, it's just getting it initialized that's the problem, but even while connected it doesn't seem to work well.

This is incredibly frustrating, as I did not change anything with the router at all, in any way shape or form. It just spontaneously decided to not like Linux. The router's model is 2700HG-B.Could it be that my wireless card is dying? I've had the thing for 6 years, and had no sign of it failing. I'm thinking that can't be it because it works with the same computer and network, but with a different OS. Could there be something wrong with the Ubuntu driver for my card, ath5k? I was going to say there's something up with wpa supplicant, because I use WPA-PSK for authentication, but I turned that off from another computer and it still does not work.

Again, the problem is that Ubuntu works with every router I can connect to EXCEPT mine, and Windows 7 on the same machine works with the same router. My router works with every other device in the house. I have changed nothing networking related, and even reinstalling Ubuntu did nothing. I would try it with Ubuntu on another machine, but my machine is the only wireless one in the house (and I can't put Ubuntu on the wired ones, that would PO some people),and I would try it with a different wireless card/USB thingy, but I don't have another one.

EDIT: I got some other Live CDs out, I tried Kubuntu 10.04, and Ubuntu 9.10. NEITHER WORK!

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Ubuntu Networking :: Sporadic Wifi In Natty With Thinkpad X201?

Jun 7, 2011

I've had recurring problems with Ubuntu wifi on my Thinkpad before. Usually powering down and toggling the physical wifi switch off, then toggling wifi on again after the system has booted would solve the problem. This time that isn't working. Wireless is completely absent from the network-manager applet. Wireless works for me 99% of the time for me, but every few months will "disappear" for some reason. Does anyone have any advice or know a thread they can point me to? I've posted the results for 'lspci -k', iwconfig and 'lshw -C network' bellow:


$:lspci -k
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Core Processor DRAM Controller (rev 02)
Subsystem: Lenovo Device 2193
Kernel driver in use: agpgart-intel


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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Lucid Firefox Font Fuzzy / Fix This?

Apr 30, 2010

I changed the gnome font settings to make the fonts sharper, but firefox doesn't listen to gnome settings apparently, and the fonts are fuzzy on my screen. i found some methods to fixing it in 9.04, which i did and it worked, but i'm not finding any posts on how to fix this in 10.04. has anyone figured this out yet?

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 - Display Fuzzy After Wubi Installer

Feb 22, 2010

I ran the Wubi installer for Kubuntu 9.10 from XP on my old IBM Thinkpad T30. After install the system rebooted (complete with grub menu) and the KDE desktop launch successfully, however the task bar and menus are fuzzy, distorted and unreadable when I click them. Do I just need to change my display resolution? How do I do this without being able to see a menu?

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Ubuntu :: System Monitor Window Is Fuzzy And All Lines?

Apr 28, 2010

I have an old windows Small biz server that has been decomissioned and I have been dying to try ubuntu 9.10. I loaded the desktop version on this box:

PowerEdge 1800
graphix card:
Radeon RV100 QY [Radeon 7000/VE]

Everything looks great, but the system monitor window is all lines and fuzz. I don't even know where to start looking for a fix.

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Debian :: Fonts On Computer Are Always Fuzzy

Jul 3, 2010

The fonts on my computer are always fuzzy,is there any way to make them look sharp and pronounced, without going into massive hacking and altering? I know that is problem with GNOME on many other distros, but is there any simple solution to overcome this?

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