Ubuntu :: 10.04 Won't Boot After Upgrade?

Dec 12, 2010

I downloaded recommended updates and restarted the computer (Lenovo G550). As I clicked my user name and typed in my password the video went haywire for a split second and it made a horrible audio sound.

Now when I try to boot up it just returns me to the login screen over and over I booted off of a liveCD and can see the folders on my hard drive but root and home have an X on them and I am denied permission to view them. I tried Ctrl+Alt+F1 and I am able to login in text mode. The folder I am trying to recover is on my desktop and it is named Jim Barfield (2 words). When I attempt to navigate to this folder it says that the folder or command does not exist. Does anyone have any ideas? I have replaced the hard drive and Win7 runs fine- I do not think it is a hardware problem. I really need those files- it is a customer's backup of all thing!

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Fedora Installation :: F15 Upgrade - Cold Boot Error "Your System Last Boot Fail Or Post Interrupted Please Enter Setup To Load Default And Reboot"

Jun 30, 2011

I just upgraded to F15 and it went well. But at the next and each subsequent cold boot the BIOS reports "Your system last boot fail or post interrupted Please enter setup to load default and reboot". The board is an asus P5N-D. I press F1 to blow past the error and all is well until the next cold boot. Restarts are fine, no errors at all.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Boot Win XP After Upgrade To 11.04

Apr 30, 2011

Today I've upgraded Ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04 and upgrade installed without errors but when I chose to boot in Win from grub menu screen goes black tries to boot and then goes back to grub menu. It just lets me boot in Ubuntu from grub. How can I repair this. Windows were first installed then Ubuntu 10.10. Here is boot info.

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
Boot Info Summary:
=> Windows is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda

File system: ntfs
Boot sector type: Unknown
Boot sector info: No errors found in the Boot Parameter Block.
Operating System: Windows XP
Boot files/dirs: /boot.ini /ntldr /NTDETECT.COM .....

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Ubuntu :: Won't Boot After Upgrade From 8.04 To 10.04

Sep 17, 2010

Here's the message I received:

init: ureadahead main process (2393) terminated with status 5 libudev: udev_monitor_new_from_netlink: error getting socket: invalid argument Mountall: mountall. c3206: assertion failed in main: udev_monitor=udev_monitor_ init: mountall main process (2396) killed by ABRT signal general error mounting filesystems. A maintenance shell will now be started Control-D will terminate this shell and reboot the system Give root password for maintenance(or type Control-D to continue.

I finally figured out what my root password was by dumb luck. It just takes me to a root prompt. I'm actually communicating through a live 10.04 installation disk.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot After Upgrade To 9.10?

Feb 18, 2010

I was happy with my Jaunty on my Asus X53 with ati radeon hd2600 and restricted driver, until two hours ago. I've started (after a long wait) to upgrade my Jaunty, everything was fine after upgrade, but I've noticed video was running with "ubuntu driver" and 3d wasn't available, so I started to install a fresh release of ati driver. But before I've saw in /usr/share/ati the previous copy of my restricted driver so before install the fresh copy I've run "sh ./fglrx-uninstall.sh" it had remove all telling me there wasn't any istance of fglrx (of course I thought...) ...and so before start with new installation I've thought about a reboot for first, but after it I'm unable to boot...

from normal boot it simply hang after a while, I think when it try to initialize video card. but more worse, also after choice recovery option at grub loader it hang after a bit, without give me any prompt.

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Ubuntu :: Machine Will Not Boot After 10.04 Upgrade

Apr 21, 2010

I upgraded from Ubuntu 9.10x64 to 10.04x64 today (figuring I'd get in before the rush tomorrow). I rebooted, got past grub, and all I got was a flashing cursor... To get a better idea of what was going on, I edited the line I was booting in grub ('e' on the line) and removed the "nosplash quite" options. The machine began to boot and I got the standard stuff that you'd expect to find in kern.log. The system then mounts my drives and that's it, no more output at all. If, however, I plug in a USB device I do get the USB plugged in kern.log message, but the machine never boots into Ubuntu.I'd really like to not reload the machine, it isn't a horrible problem as /home is a separate partition, but I have a lot of stuff I'd hate to have to reinstall. Does anyone have any ideas on how I might get into my installation?

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Ubuntu :: Windows Won't Boot After Upgrade To 10.4 ?

Apr 24, 2010

I upgraded my ubuntu to 10.4 the other night. Everything went well and 10.4 worked great. However, I tried to boot up Windows this morning and found that after selecting XP from the grub menu, all I got was a black screen. I can access the drive from linux and can save the music and photos I store on the HD with windows, I'm afraid I was not paying enough attention during the upgrade (late night!) when I got to the point where I was asked about installing grub on various drives and I may have installed it over the mbr/pbr? on the windows hd. Does anyone have an guess what I might have done?

Here is the output from fdisk -l

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Boot Into 10.04 After Upgrade

Apr 30, 2010

I made a mistake while upgrading the GRUB options - when choosing "install the maintainer's version vs. keep the local version"...in the drop down menu, I chose the local version option. On reboot, GRUB works, but I can't boot into 10.04. My old entries (kernels) are still there, but when I choose them, there's an error that says something like "disk not found". However, I am able to boot into Vista.

So do I solve this problem by fixing GRUB? If so, how? I have a Live CD of 9.10, would that be necessary to use it to solve this problem?

refer to [URL], under GRUB.menulst: maintainer's version vs. keep the local version. I read it afterwards (I should've read it before)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot Into XP After Upgrade To 10.04

May 1, 2010

After going through the upgrade (alternate cd) I now can't boot into XP, even though it's in the GRUB2 menu.
I have fixed up the boot sector as described at this site Attached are my results from the boot info script

SDA1 is XP
SDA3 is 10.04

sda3 has this strange error: Quote: Grub 2 is installed in the boot sector of sda3 and looks at sector 66800445 of the same hard drive for core.img, but core.img can not be found at this location.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 To 10.4 Upgrade - Can't Boot ?

May 2, 2010

I dual boot Ubuntu 9.10 and Windows XP. After an upgrade to Ubuntu 10.4 online, I can boot XP, but not U10.4 It looks to me that U10.4 does not find the MBR. Fortunately I can boot into XP.

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Ubuntu :: Windows Won't Boot After 10.4 Upgrade?

May 8, 2010

I have a 64-bit dual-boot system. During the Ubuntu upgrade4, the installer crashed. GRUB shows the new Ubuntu installation and the default boot item is Windows 7, but Windows won't start.I have a Windows backup (Acronis) but afer I select any option from the Acronis CD options menu, the keyboard and mouse are no longer recognized. The keyboard and mouse are fine and work as expected when attached to a notebook computer.The computer has 4 internal hard drives and one external USB drive. I have tried changing the boot order with the hope that Windows would start, but have had no luck.sda1 = 1.00TB = "System Reserved" - Ubuntu (105GB), Windows (316GB), Data3 (579GB), Ext4 (46), Swap (8GB),

Ext4 (52GB)
sdb1 = 1.50TB = Data2 (734GB), Media (766GB)
sdc1 = 0.25TB = Internal Backup (250GB)


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Ubuntu :: Cannot Boot Windows XP After Upgrade

May 10, 2010

Recently I upgraded Ubuntu 9.10 to Ubuntu 10.04. But now I can not boot Windows XP through grub menu. Grub menu is showing "Microsoft Windows XP Professional (on /dev/sda1)". When selecting this item nothing happening.

Boot info of my system is

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in partition #8 for /boot/grub.


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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.4 Upgrade Will Not Boot

May 20, 2010

Have had a torrid time with upgrading to 10.4 and now regret it. The initial workaround from [uRL] works for me and I can get booted, but the attempt to permanently edit that into the kernel boot parameters dos not work, and restart just returns to the original problem. How can I edit the kernel boot parameters or what am I doing wrong? I enter the commands as given. I assume the vertical line and line break mean I hit enter in the terminal then.

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Ubuntu :: Bios Upgrade Allow Usb Boot?

Sep 19, 2010

im on an old (8 years?) hp that doesnt support booting from usb. will a bios upgrade change that?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot After Upgrade

Oct 1, 2010

I have a ubuntu 10.04 LTS and a Windows 7 installed on my laptop with wubi. everything worked well until i upgraded my ubuntu today (oct 1st). After upgrade, i restarted ubuntu and chose ubuntu from the OS list. Right after that, my laptop restarted. No error showed. I have tried several times, same thing happened everytime.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Won't Boot After Upgrade 9.10 -> 10.04?

Oct 3, 2010

I installed Ubuntu like 3 days ago with a cd I got when I bought a magazine about Ubuntu. That cd contained Ubuntu 9.10. After a couple of hours I desided to instal 9.10. After using 9.10 for 1 day and installing some programs like java and flash player, I checked for updates and desided to update to 10.04. The installation seemed to go all smooth, but after I clicked on the 'reboot now' button, my laptop couldn't boot no more. A little purple screen with "Ubuntu" written on it popped up for like 5 seconds and then it dissapeared, and there I had a nice black screen. I waited 4 hours, but still nothing. Yesterday I installed 9.10 again, and now I still want to update to 10.04 or 10.10. But I can't seem to use a Usb flash drive with my Toshiba laptop, and I only have 1 cd left. My rabbit kinda destroyed the 10.04 cd and now I only have 1 cd left. Shall I burn 10.10 on a cd and check if that one will work properly, or is my laptop just to old and slow ( Centrino 1.6ghz, 512mb ram ) to run one of those versions? I'm really new to ubuntu and my English sucks as well, because I come from Holland.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Boot After 10.10 Upgrade

Oct 18, 2010

I initially installed 10.04 using the Ubuntu Windows Installer and everything was running fine. When I would boot up the computer it would first hit the Windows Boot Loader and give me the option of booting Windows 7 or Ubuntu. When I chose Ubuntu GRUB (I believe) would then load asking if I wanted to load Ubuntu or Windows 7. This was fine as it would work and that's all I cared about. Now after running the 10.10 upgrade from within Ubuntu (not from a CD) when I select Ubuntu from the Windows Boot Loader it acts as though Ubuntu is going to load, the screen goes black and then the computer reboots itself. I would prefer to fix the problem, if possible, instead of doing a fresh install.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Boot After Upgrade From 10.04 To 10.10?

Oct 19, 2010

I just upgraded Ubuntu 10.04 (32bit) to Ubuntu 10.10 (32bit) desktop edition using Update Manger. After installation, the system restarted and it boots straight into a grub> command line. I cannot but into Ubuntu.

I am currently dual booting with Windows XP. I also fired up a LiveCD session and opened up GParted, but it does not list my Ubuntu partition. It only lists the Windows partition.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Won't Boot After Upgrade To 10.10

Jan 6, 2011

Desire to try ubuntu at work but also not to break my work machine so i opted for the windows installer desktop edition.

10.04 64bit AMD version installed, after getting flash installed everything was great, very impressed.

Something telling me there was a newer version, so i went to the updater, ran it, it found 10.10, i proceeded, got to the clean up step, said something about x# of files not needed, clicked remove, ask me to reboot. I reboot and it gets to the OS choices screen, i choose ubuntu and i see no messages, it just flicks me back to the bios.

I can't seem to find this problem documented anywhere. Is it best to just re-install or can it be fixed?

Secondly, is the windows installer version decent enough? Are there many disadvantages? I'm just a bit wary of trying the conventional method in case i mess up the partitions/MBR or windows which would be disastrous on my work machine.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Won't Boot After Upgrade

Apr 30, 2011

I just upgraded to 11.04. When booting, I can only start through "Linux older versions". Otherwise, with the first booting option, I only get "Ubuntu" on a fixed screen. Windows 7 also works fine. What can I do?

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Upgrade From 10.10 Hangs At Boot

Apr 30, 2011

I was running 10.10 until this morning when I upgraded to 11.04.{Some minor grub complaints in the install but mainly due to me having customised the entries.}I rebooted and went to the new installation, it goes purple and says Ubuntu 11.04 with dots going across, then it hangs and goes to the background text and the last thing it says is "Checking Battery State.I'm on a desktop, so I'm sure the battery thing isn't an issue, it's probably something before or the next command that freezes it.

I booted into recovery mode repaired grub (no change) then went into failsafe graphics mode and it worked ok.My guess is that because failsafe graphics was ok, it might be to do with the graphics driver (ATI HD6970 fglrx driver) but I've no idea.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Boot After Upgrade To 11.04

May 2, 2011

Yesterday clicked the "update to 10.10" button - after some hours it rebooted and asked if I'd like to upgrade to "11.04" - after several hours of downloads, it was still "at it" so I left it overnight - following the demanded reboot, all I get is a stroppy prompt demanding "login" and "password" - tried everything I can think of in the way of both,still locked out.

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Ubuntu :: System Won't Boot After Upgrade To 11.04

May 5, 2011

I just finished upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04 and restarted my system. It had been working fine, but now, after the POST test, the screen goes black, then a box floats around the monitor saying "Input Not Support." Pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL reboots the system to the POST screen, then the same thing happens. No hard drive activity, no boot, nothing. I really don't want to lose everything on my hard drive with a fresh install.

My system, a Compaq Presario, has diagnostics, so I ran that at startup, and it says I have no active partitions.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Boot After Upgrade

May 20, 2011

I just upgraded my Ubuntu server from 10.10 to 11.04 and now it won't boot. I don't even get the grub menu, just a grub> console. I've looked at some other threads with similar problems but haven't found a solution yet, I'm not even able to start any kernel. I've run the boot info script and the result can be found here: URL...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Boot Up After Upgrade?

Jul 4, 2011

After installing the upgrade package to 11.04, ubuntu cannot boot up and shows the following:

/sbin/init: /opt/NAI/LinuxShield/lib/libc.so.6: version 'GLIBC_2.10' not found required by /lib/libdbus-1.so.3)
[1.972459] Kernel panic - not synching: Attempted to kill init!


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Ubuntu :: Boot Hang On Upgrade To 10.04?

Jun 21, 2010

Upgraded dual boot XP / Ubuntu 2.6.31-22 (still works) to 2.6.32-22, which hangs on boot. "2.6.32-22 recovery mode"(and "continue" dies at "Checking battery state". Ctrl Alt F3 gets a prompt and the login works.

The machine is a Thinkpad g40, which has worked on 9.10, except for wireless distance issues (the G40 has the Atheros AR5211, which seems to be a problem, at least per the forums, and my distance limits experience)

I get the same mount and chroot messages, followed by scrolling msgs, and then a blank screen on attempting to boot 2.6.32-22. And, as indicated, 2.6.31-22 boots and the apps I checked work fine. On the upgrade, there were several msgs about non supported apps and a grub question, which I (naively) answered as use the package version (and was somewhat surprised when dual boot still worked - but impressed and happy

I cloned my hard drive prior to the upgrade, so can revert to 9.10, but would like to run 10.04 LTS. Any suggestions. or should I wait for a while to upgrade?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Won't Boot After Distro Upgrade

Jan 13, 2010

I've just attempted a distro upgrade (to 9.10) and have been left with a machine in an unbootable state.

I tried using a recovery boot through Grub and can see that the boot process hangs after outputting:

swap: waiting for UUID=$random-string$

If I ESC to get a prompt, I get:

General error mounting filesystems

I can't run dpkg-reconfigure as I get a read-only filesystem error.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot After Attempt To Upgrade

Jan 17, 2010

Can't boot at all. At first, was able to boot using LiveCD USB but now whether I plug it or not, computer freezes at blank screen with blinking cursor at the top left of the screen.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Boot After Upgrade To 2.6.31-19 Kernel / Solve This?

Feb 6, 2010

Can't boot after upgrade to 2.6.31-19 kernel. Boot procedure stops on "Mounting root file system..." stage with message:
/init: line 218: syntax error: 0xhda1.

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Ubuntu :: Upgrade From 9.04 To 9.10 - Boot Up (Blank Screen)

Apr 7, 2010

Last night I upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10 in search of faster internet (which I got by the way), but now whenever I try to boot it goes to a blank screen for about 10 minutes befor going to the desktop. Its completely blank and has no cursor or anything. It's a huge problem and I could really use some help. 9.04 never did this.

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