Software :: Way To Execute Bash As Interactive And Run A Command?
Jun 20, 2009
I'm trying to start bash with a command and have it interactive like this:bash -i -c "echo Welcome!"As in, execute the command and allow me to use it as an interactive shell afterwards. (I'm doing something more complicated than echoing, but this doesn't work.)I've tried this from a running gnome-terminal, from one gnome-terminal to a new one withgnome-terminal and from the Alt+F2 program launcher (with "Run in terminal" ticked).
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Feb 25, 2011
I am trying to write a perl script which will give an interactive session to a user to execute command on the server. I have written a small script to do this :
Code: !/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Net::SSH::Perl;
my $host = '';
my $username = 'user';
my $login_passwd = 'test123';
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May 21, 2011
I'm using a java application that runs as an interactive command line (in a terminal). My problem is that it's rather unfriendly as an interaction mode as it's minimalistic: it doesn't allow going to and fro with arrows, there's no history and so on. So I have to type all commands every time and have to retype it if I missed something at the beginning of the line, or I have to copy and paste from a txt editor. The strange thing is that I have seen the same application running on a Windows box and allowing for all the sugar. So I'm not sure if it's because of the shell script I run (as opposed to the .bat) or whether it has to do with system or profile settings in my shell.
For information, the shell script starts with:
I've replaced it with:
In hope I would have something closer to my normal terminal. The app runs but it doesn't change anything to the interactive mode. I'm rather clueless regarding sh/bash and so on. I've seen the manuals but I'm not entirely at home understanding and using their options. I know that there's a .bashrc and perhaps something like a profile somewhere, but I don't really know how to do things with these without risking messing up.
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Mar 19, 2010
I have a big bash script ,its goal is to download movie one by one . But I often get into a problem: if this script is executed in cron,it often does not completely download the movie.I often find the movies it downloaded are several KB while the movie is actually 20MB.So I think it is because it did not wait for finishing one task ,and jump to download another.So I want to know ,is there a way to force the bash script to wait until one movie downloaded completely and then start to download another movie ?
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Mar 24, 2011
I am trying to process a column separated data file, with a few bash command. For example, I have
file1 aaaa yes
file2 aaaa no
file3 bbbb yes
Let say I want to create new file with the output of first column and do something else with the output of 3rd column. Of course there are many ways to process this data file, but I wish to know by using awk, how could I do it. I'm trying:
awk '{system("touch $1")}' datafile
but the shell command will not able to get the awk '$1' output. How do I get this done ? And for another question, if the data file contains the variable name of a shell variable, how could I make use of it during a awk output ? For example I have a datafile1:
server1 yes
server2 no
And in another server declaration data file, I got this datafile2:
And in my awk script, I want to achieve something like (the syntax is definitely wrong, just to demonstrate what I assume it will like):
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Dec 1, 2008
Is there a way to execute some command and then after the command completes utomatically reboot the system and then after the system reboots execute another command ? For example look at the sequence shown below(1) Execute command-1(2) After the command-1 in (1) is completed,reboot the system (3) Execute command-2(4) After execution of command-2 reboot the sytemIs there a way i can automate this process so that i need not reboot the system manually
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Jan 10, 2011
This is an old question asked many times, which, however, is NEVER answered directly in any manual I've checked. So...I'm writing a bash install script (instead of a rpm or .deb package) that must be run by a normal user. change to superuser (asking for password and receiving it) and the rest of the script to be executed in the superuser mode in order to install what I mean to install.I know how `sudo ...` or `su `root"..."` or `gnome-terminal -e ...` can achieve this purpose by creating certain batch files and then give them as argument to these commands. That's NOT what I'm asking, however.I want to know how I can make the script interactively switch to superuser mode and go on running the rest of the script (can be a lot of code) in that mode. I don't mind if it oens a separate terminal window to do that; just how can that be achieved?
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Aug 30, 2010
If I have an interactive program, e.g top, which, after launch, can be fed with key strokes and changes its behavior, for example, after launching top and then pressing "1", you can see the CPU utilization per core. I was wondering if there is a programmatical way to do so, so I don't have to press "1" every time. I would think it is an easy task, but so far my attempts have failed.
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Feb 18, 2011
Intuitively I think that the Login Shell and the Interactive Shell are the same applications but have access to different environmental variables.It this true? Why is there more than one type of shell anyways? You can change users with the interactive shell, why not log on with it to?
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Jan 19, 2011
As I have posted here [URL], my laptop powered down during an update because I forgot to plug it into the mains power. Anyway, after going through the thread I referred to above, I learned that I must chroot into the existing installation and patch it up. I can do this using a live CD but unfortunately, I gave my most recent live CDs away and the Live CDs I have left don't recognize the file system on the current Ubuntu installation. (If I remember correctly, the current [broken] installation is 10.04). Downloading a new live CD is a bit difficult as internet speeds over here aren't very fast. I was wondering if there is another alternative bootable CD that I could use to get a interactive command line which I can use to "chroot".
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Sep 28, 2010
I wanna delete a directory with its files and I wanna do that as follows: rm -r dirToDelete Unfortunately, I always get asked for EACH single file if I wanna delete this because it is write protected.... Is there a way to suppress this feedback message so that just the whole directory with its contents disappears?
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Oct 13, 2010
I want to have a script (tcsh/bash/python) that launches a bunch of gnome-terminals (or 1 with multiple tabs). And I want it to execute a command, but keep the shell interactive. Currently, if you type gnome-terminal then it launches a new interactive shell, but if you give it the execute flag, then it executes the command and quits (or stays open, but non-interactive depending on the users gnome-terminal settings).
I have this command which I want to run automatically before I start working. What the command does is dynamic and different for each shell. It takes arguments. So it's not something I can take care of in a .cshrc type file.
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Jun 18, 2010
Code: cmd='date | wc'
$cmd If this script is executed, an error is generated. The reason written was that "The execution fails because the pipe is not expanded and is passed to date as an argument".What is meant by expansion of pipe. When we execute date | wc on the command line, it goes fine.then | is not treated as an argument. Why?
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Aug 19, 2009
I have a script which builds a project and then runs junit tests. However, if the build fails, the junit tests fail with the same error message.Therefore the command which runs the junit tests should only be executed if the build was successful.
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Feb 13, 2011
SU results in Cannot execute bash: No such file or directory.
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Jan 31, 2009
I want to execute a bash script in a C program. Bash script return some message and I want to store this message in a C program. Anybody know how can I do it.
I know I can use 'system("bash")' command in C. But I want to store the message which script return.
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Mar 23, 2011
I'm playing with perl and found that I could just go:
"perl /home/me/"
and it would execute, even though it's not a perl script. Is that just a feature or is there something I'm missing? Why does perl do this?
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Jun 29, 2011
how to execute three processes by one script in linux
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Mar 26, 2010
What i want to achieve si simple (i think).
I have this shell command:
echo -e 'ka 0 00
' > /dev/ttyS0
and i want to execute it from html or php with a button maybe or a link.(it's a command to turn off the monitor)
I am running Ubuntu 9.04 desktop with apache and php installed .
already searched the forum but didn't find/understand how to achieve this functionality.
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Apr 11, 2010
In my bash file I have asked to navigate to some subdir, unzip a file and stay there but when I type pwd I can see i'm always back to home dir.Any way to get shell stick to subdir?
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Dec 24, 2010
All of a sudden,i can't execute a simple script as follows:
exit 0
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Nov 29, 2010
I create a bash script that writes another bash file. But in the generated bash file I want to write a bash command in the file and not executing it.Here's my bash file:
cat > ~/ << END
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Jul 28, 2011
I have a computation going which takes a long, but uncertain, amount of time. I have another computation which needs to be run, but _after_ the first one is done. I won't be at the computer at that time to manually start the new process. I've done some Googling, and I found how to delay execution by a specific amount of time (e.g. "start process x in exactly 8 minutes from now), but that isn't quite what I want to do. Essentially, I'd like to tell the shell, "When process #nnnn finishes running, then start process x". Is there a way to do this?
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Jun 8, 2010
I just installed amanda-backup_client-2.6.0p2-1.rhel4.i386.rpm on my Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 system. But I don't know who to check if it successfully installed or not. When I try to run amrecover from root, I get:
-bash: /usr/sbin/amrecover: cannot execute binary file
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Aug 24, 2010
I have some bash and python scripts. Is there any way to encrypt them but still be able to execute them encrypted?
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Jun 5, 2011
I got a problem with terminal, since i'm really a noob with terminal i don't know how to fix it.Everytime i type in a command it shows for example:
-bash: ls: command not found
Even the basic commands don't work... just cd <directory> and those things works
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May 9, 2011
I downloaded a program called tonespace which I extracted and then tried to execute the executable file with ./tonespace. This gives me the following message:
bash: ./tonespace: No such file or directory
When I use the command: file ./tonespace I get this: tonespace: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.15, stripped
I dont get it. The file is clearly there, yet when trying to execute it bash doesn't seem to recognize it.
It has permissions rwxr-xr-x and is not owned by root. Am I overlooking something?
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Sep 20, 2010
I have a web server in my kitchen with apache running on it. Since the upload speed is quite low due to my isp I would like to execute a bash script that uploads a file to another server through a website (which is htaccess protected) The idea in general: Someone with access to my website browses through a folder, copies a file path to an input form and presses "upload". Rather than executing a bash script directly I could have a cron job running in background that finds the path and then uploads the file to the other server I have userspace on and is accessible via sftp/ssh. The file would be than erased later after a couple of days or so. That person would be able to access the file with higher speed some time later without logging in via ssh and doing all that manually.
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Feb 4, 2011
I have a situation where I am in a non-interactive shell. I have tried from within my non-interative shell to spawn an interactive shell but my output still does not goto me. Isn't there a way I can somehow go into /proc or somwhere and make the output my /dev/tty1? Or some way else to remedy this?The situation arises because I drop from my restricted shell environment (a sort of CLI interface), into the actual Linux shell. I cannot change the code of the CLI environment I am just faced with being in the linux shell environment and its non-interactive. Its very annoying to have to put > /dev/tty1 after every command I type.
Not to mention it seems damn near impossible to get pagers like more and less to work properly when your in a non-interactive shell.
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May 3, 2010
Is it possible to allow a group/user to execute a command, where one of the parameters of the command is a group as well? example that does not work as intended:
Cmnd_alias SU=/bin/su -l %group1 This example works sortof, it treats the "%group1" literally. I know I can list out the "/bin/su -l <eachuser>", but as you can imagine that is impractical. In this example, I want people in group2(not shown for brevity sake) to be able to su to someone in group1
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