Software :: Finding A 3D Composing And Rendering App?

Jan 17, 2011

I am looking for 3D composing and rendering software which has a text-based scene file format. I saw that there was such software that was free open source (e.g. GPL or BSD licensing) a couple years ago, but forgot what that was. I looked at Blender just now, but its format is binary.

The purpose for this is to, in step 1, compose a scene that acts as a template, and in step 2, generate additional elements for the scene, or modify the scene, with specific data used to control those elements. This data will change each time step 2 is done. The purpose is to do a 3D image of certain measured source data. And step 2 needs to be doable w/o the GUI interface so it can be run on servers. Step 2 will be done w/o any human activity (e.g. an hourly cron job, for example).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: QuickTime Renderer Was The Only Rendering Container That Didn't Result In Sped-up/compressed Video Or Correct Rendering For Just Fifteen Seconds?

Mar 7, 2010

I downloaded an FLV video and placed an extra MP3 file over it. Two files. Total: 30 MBI experimented with about seven rendering containers, and QuickTime renderer was the only rendering container that didn't result in sped-up/compressed video or correct rendering for just fifteen seconds.How in the name of all that is holy did this rendering end up with 570 extra MB?

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Ubuntu :: Forum Login Times Out While Composing A Post?

Oct 9, 2010

I've used the forums infrequently, being more of a mailing list kind of guy. But I'm currently tinkering with an old laptop I got as a "gift" which doesn't have an ethernet port, And if I wanted to use my cable modems usb connection to apt-get etc for the installed Ubuntu Lucid, I had to disconnect my router. This pc isn't yet configured with my mail client etc... So I thought I'd try the forum again...I noticed that using: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100423 Ubuntu/10.04 (lucid) Firefox/3.6.3 Which has not been modified yet (except to add the scroogle search bar) I keep timing out.

IEI logged in to ubuntu forums, found an existing thread related to something I'd like to do with it.clicked on quote, and began composing a followup. When I was ready to preview the thread I got an error that said I wasn't logged in. and suggested I use some included form to try again. The form looked like it wanted my username and password but wouldn't let me enter the required info into the blank fields... I had to simply log in again with the login link at the top of the forum page, and use the back button (alt+leftarrow) several times until my reply was recovered so that I could preview, fix typos & submit..I searched the forum for "forum login timeout" and found one relevant post which appeared to say the only reason it's OP had a problem was do to making changes to his copy of firefox but that it was fixed ([solved]) without saying how he fixed it. There was a reference to using about:config which is beyond my skill level...How does one keep the from login session from timing out while one's browser still has an open window to what was a logged in forum page anyway

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Sound For Music Composing Software

Jun 24, 2011

i am using music composing software like nted and denemo.the problem is that when i play the score, i dont hear anything.this is not the case for other programs like videos on firefox, or playing dvds or listening to mp3s.the problem is only with these music composition softwares.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: "Nvidia: Direct Rendering Failed, Attempting Indirect Rendering"

Apr 3, 2010

I recently downloaded Frets On Fire and the HRP Polymer pack for Duke3D...Duke3D runs fine with just EDuke32 and no mods, just Duke3D and EDuke32. But when I try the HRP Polymer pack, it says in Terminal "NVIDIA: Direct Rendering failed, attempting indirect rendering." This is fine...if I want the game to lag like hell, I'm sure my video card and the driver for it support DR, the video card is a NVIDIA Geforce FX 5200, the same message appears in terminal when I run Frets On Fire, I think it does with other games too, if someone could explain how to enable Direct Rendering.

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Ubuntu :: Glx Rendering In 10.04?

Jun 26, 2010

I'm having serious problems in making glx rendering work in ubuntu lucid lynx. This is related to difficulties in installing fglrx. If I type glxinfo this is what I get:


name of display: :0.0
Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".
Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".
Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".


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OpenSUSE :: Kdenlive Not Rendering DVD

Mar 29, 2011

Having upgraded to from 11.3 to 11.4 I now am unable to render in KDENLIVE. I've installed MLT, FFMPEG and KDELIVE with dependencies from Packman.

What is different from my 11.3 install is MLT has moved up a notch. 0.5.10 to 0.6.2. Does 0.6.2 work with KDENLIVE 0.7.8? I would think it should.

I have see MLT 0.7.0 is released but will wait for the RPM to be released on Packman.

This is the message taken from terminal.


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General :: What Is Indirect Rendering

Feb 20, 2011

What is indirect rendering and what sort of implications does it have on graphics performance?Also, is it a Linux-specific term or can it be used in the context of other operating systems?

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Ubuntu :: Pdftotext Rendering Between OS?

Feb 10, 2011

I had a working pdftotext script working and custom made a parser for the info in it, but upon moving from CentOS 5.5 to Ubuntu (version unknown) and installing poppler-utils, pdftotext works, but the rendering is different by quite a bit causing a ton of issues. I also tried on another CentOS (5.2 this time) and it rendered the same as Ubuntu. I'm trying to figure out the problem so it renders the same, I'm using the same code and everything.

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Fedora :: Font Rendering Bad Only In Firefox

Jun 10, 2010

I'm running Fedora 13 x86_64 on a Dell Precision Workstation with a Dell Flatscreen Monitor. My fonts render well everywhere, using Dejavu fonts, but in Firefox and Epiphany they have these terrible yellow outlines and jagged edges.Has anyone else seen this? I've only noticed it recently (since the upgrade to Fedora 13), but it also happens on a Fedora 12 machine at home.

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OpenSUSE :: Subpixel Rendering In GTK Applications?

Jan 9, 2010

Hi! I configured subpixel rendering in GTK and it works, but it seems there is a difference in font appearance in GTK and Qt applications.

The fonts in GTK seem thinner, more sharp and aliased while in Qt they are more fat and smooth. This is with the same font name and size.

I also found that the same behavior appears in Fedora, but in Ubuntu all fonts appear similar in both GTK and Qt (fat and smooth as in Qt in SUSE).

So my question is how to make GTK fonts to appear as in Ubuntu.

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OpenSUSE :: Font Rendering - KDE & Gnome ?

May 20, 2010

In the next couple of days I'm intending to move to openSuse after a year of vacillating between XP, Vista, 7 and Ubuntu/Mint. One of my main uses for a computer is word processing, but I've noticed font rendering is not at its best in much of Linux. Ubuntu made a great leap as of 9.04, and therefore so did Mint, but whatever was done with the configuration, despite the free and open source factor, hasn't been implemented in many other distros, including I think openSuse. Even Kubuntu is behind - the settings don't seem to alter no matter what is picked in the relevant configuration panel. Several versions of KDE 4 have come and gone without this being seen to.

I am going by live CDs, for example I have 11.2 KDE version which I tried again today and found the same mysterious lack of change as occurs with Kubuntu when the settings are altered. So, has this since been put right with an update or user's tweak, or do people not even know or notice what I'm meaning? Using Open Office's word processor, the fonts aren't correct, often too skinny or spidery, which is what made me hesitant about Linux when I first dipped in, with Ubuntu 8.10.

I've tried the last four openSuse Gnome editions, and with the 'slight' settings for lcd screens the colour fringing is very apparent, as with Ubuntu 8.04 and 8.10. The 'medium' and 'full' settings cause fonts, Roman type especially, to become skinny and spidery.

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OpenSUSE :: 11.4 Not Rendering Crispy Fonts

Mar 20, 2011

I have been noticing that openSUSE and many other Linux distributions are not rendering fonts as the way they should be. The fonts are rather fuzzy. I wish it was lot a crispier as like in Windows or Mac. Is there any solution to that?

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Ubuntu :: Opengl Rendering Is Not Continuous?

Mar 27, 2010

I have openGL working fine on my system.The only problem is that when I try to run the executable file, nothing appears unless the full scene has been rendered.In fact, it appears in parts, i.e. updates after a second, then after another second etc...However, earlier, the rendering used to be continuous and I could see each pixel getting rendered in a continuous fashion.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: CPU Doing All Video Rendering?

Oct 21, 2010

I am completely new to Ubuntu and so far am pretty happy. I am running into an issue playing web videos, ..... (flash) as well as html5. What is happening is that the CPU is doing all the work instead of the GPU causing the video to skip/stutter, here are the system specs.

MSI K7N2 Delta 2 LSR (latest bios)
AMD Athlon XP 3000+ (Barton)
2GB's PC3200
nVidia 6800GT (AGP)
Ubuntu 10.10 32bit (fresh Install
nVidia driver 260.19.06

When video is played the CPU's useage climbs to 100% and video lags. Again I am completely new to Ubuntu as well as Linux but I am trying, lol.

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Ubuntu :: Font Rendering Gone Wrong

Dec 7, 2010

Since a few weeks the fonts in Maverick aren't rendering right anymore. The rendering goes wrong in Maverick itself and other such as Firefox. Tried to change the font in the appearance preferences dialog. Changing the default font in Firefox also hasn't any effect.

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Ubuntu :: Rendering Of Characters In Firefox?

Jan 29, 2011

I have a weird issue in Firefox on Ubuntu 10.10, and sadly it's a periodic mistake that I don't know how to initiate... Sometime in firefox some of the characters seems not fully rendered, and as I recall it can also happen in menu fonts sometimes. In the attached screen-shot you can see that it's the a character that has the problem - but only for one font type or? But I have seen this with most characters I think - and as stated this happens randomly.For instance right now I looked again in the tab in firefox where I just 5 minutes ago did the screen-shot and now all characters are correct?? I have tried to reload or even restart firefox when it occurs, but this is now guaranty for a solution... When it happens it makes many homepages unreadable

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Ubuntu :: (10.10) Differences In Font Rendering Between Qt And Gtk?

Mar 7, 2011

I've got a slight problem here, and have had it for a while: When I use the "Sharp'N'Clear" .fonts.conf from Here, and set an optimized font like Arial, gtk-based applications render correctly, while Qt-based ones don't As you can see, the top window(Firefox) has it's fonts clean and nice. The bottom one(Dolphin) does not. Both are set to Arial 9. I've tried it with a number of different applications, including some custom PyQt4 stuff, and it's clear that it's -all- Qt-based applications and not just one or two.

For further information, I've had this problem ever since I upgraded from Kubuntu 9.10 a while back - That version worked correctly on both Qt and gtk, but nothing since has.

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Software :: Radeon HD5450 And Kde 3D HW Rendering?

Mar 4, 2011

i am having big trouble to have working the HW 3D acceleration. First of all i have 2 simple questions:

1) Is there anyone that have successfully working this card, with 3D HW accel (OpenGL) on KDE, using opensource drivers (radeon + libgl1-mesa-dri)? 2) Or better, is this board fully supported for 3D HW acceleration ? Actually, only software rendering and XRender are working for me, with a really poor performance in kde.


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Slackware :: Bad Font Rendering After Upgrade To 13.1?

Jun 4, 2010

i have upgraded my desktop from 13.0 to 13.1 and the font rendering suffered big time (did the same procedure on the laptop but no problems there). anyway, the fonts on kdm are really bad as well as konsole and firefox. other qt apps don't seem too bad but should be much better. xterm and xmobar don't seem to be affected at all. the machine is running the 13.1 sbo of nvidia drivers.

i have tried a few things: playing with the anti-aliasing settings in kde control center (all the settings offered differnet level of 'badness' and no 'goodness') and trying to use the settings in the nvidia control panel but that didn't seem to have any effect.

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Slackware :: .pcf Font Rendering In GTK2?

Feb 25, 2010

I've installed some custom programming fonts, namely Speedy.pcf. Its a .pcf, so I just coped it into /usr/share/fonts/misc, and ran mkfontscale, mkfontdir. I can use the font fine in 'xfontsel' and 'urxvt', but when GTK2 tries to render this font. its not even the same font, its just using some default font.

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Slackware :: Does Font Rendering In Slackware64 13.37 Look Bad?

Apr 29, 2011

Is it just me or does the font rendering in Slackware64 13.37 look bad? It reminds me of the bad old days of having to recompile freetype with the then-patent-encumbered option to make the fonts look decent. When I print, everything looks normal. On screen it doesn't look right. I don't really know how to describe it other than it how things used to change after a freetype recompile. Is there anything major that changed between 13.1 and 13.37 WRT fonts in KDE, X, or freetype for that matter? FWIW, I did a clean install with a new .kde instead of using the old one.

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Debian :: Apache Downloading PHP Files Instead Of Rendering

Aug 4, 2015

I have some scripts that need to use a newer version of PHP, Im running Debian 6 which has PHP 5.3.3 support, I found I could install php 5.4 using [URL]. This worked, it updated my PHP to a newer version, the only issue is that when the install completed apache now downloads the PHP file instead of rendering it.

Im guessing this has something to do with the Apache configs, but I don't know what to do.


Select alltom@vps:~$ dpkg --list |grep -E '(apache)|(php5-)'
ii  apache2                                  2.2.16-6+squeeze12           Apache   
HTTP Server metapackage
ii  apache2-doc                              2.2.16-6+squeeze12           Apache                                                                                                                   
[Code] ...

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Debian Hardware :: No 3D Rendering With AMD Catalyst Legacy 13.1

Jul 27, 2014

After seeing disappointing FPS in games with the open source AMD driver, I decided to install the proprietary one using the instructions on the Debian wiki. As I have a Mobility Radeon HD 3670, I needed to install the legacy driver. Everything installed fine, and I was able to configure my GPU by putting

Code: Select allSection "Device"
Identifier "My GPU"
Driver "fglrx"

in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-fglrx.conf. I then restarted the computer, so that the open source driver could be blacklisted. In addition to the base driver installation, I installed the legacy Catalyst Control Center and the 32-bit fglrx OpenGL library. The problem is that, whenever I run fgl_glxgears, the rendering window is just a black screen. KDE renders just fine, and I am currently typing this using Iceweasel. I have tried using aticonfig to disable fast TLS, but the problem still occurs. The packages that I have installed are:

fglrx-legacy-control amd64
fglrx-legacy-atieventsd amd64
fglrx-legacy-driver amd64
fglrx-legacy-modules-dkms amd64
libfglrx-legacy amd64 and i386
libfglrx-legacy-amdxvba1 amd64
and libgl1-fglrx-legacy-glx amd64 and i386

. Also, when I type fglrxinfo, the renderer string is my GPU and not a software renderer.

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Fedora :: How To Improve Firefox Rendering Speed

Jan 25, 2010

improve rendering speed in Fedora? I notice it's very, very slow compared to Firefox on Windows, and Safari on Mac. I know my hardware is quite old, but it should behave similar to Windows...

Thinkpad T42
Pentium M 1.7Ghz
ATI Radeon 7500 Mobility 32MiB
320GiB HD@7200rpm

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Fedora :: To Get Font Rendering To Subpixel Smoothing In F15?

Jun 7, 2011

How to return to original state To get font rendering to Subpixel smoothing in F15In a normal user terminal (non root)

cat >> ~/.fonts.conf << FOE
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">


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OpenSUSE :: Fonts Rendering In Ubuntu With Best Configuration?

Jul 9, 2009

I'm trying to achieve in Ubuntu the same fonts rendering like in openSUSE, which has the best configuration. [ubuntu] Font rendering on some websites.. - Ubuntu Forums. Also Fedora has the same problem like Ubuntu. Fonts are too wide and big, but only on some websites. How to reconfigure fonts to have proper size?

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Ubuntu :: Fonts Not Rendering Properly In KDE Applications

Jan 25, 2010

I've seen a few people are having this issue, so i wanted to start a main thread. My problem started... After installing qt4-designer onto my Ubuntu 9.10 Gnome OS, the fonts in certain applications looked distorted like enlarged bitmaps. I tried uninstalling designer, reinstalling components, using qt4-config to restore fonts, but nothing has fixed this issue.

The issue seems to be specific to KDE applications such as: qt4-config, Amarok v2.2.0, skype, akonaditray, ktorrent, etc. Also, in qt4-config it seems to be specific to fonts between the sizes 9 to 12 inclusive for all font faces. All other font sizes seem to be okay. I've attached some examples.

When i first tried to install qt4-designer, it indicated the following dependancies: fontconfig-config libfontconfig1 libfontconfig1-dev When i try to remove fontconfig-config, it indicates that it is dependent on nearly every application in my system (including drivers and xscreen). Hence, I would need to uninstall everything and reinstall everything!?

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Ubuntu :: Inconsistent Font Rendering In Firefox?

Sep 17, 2010

able to find anything on this particular issue. The problem I'm having is that the contrast ratio of text in firefox seems very inconsistent. For example: if I'm reading an article on NYtimes, from one paragraph to the next it looks like some sentences are in bold-face and others are not. If I refresh the page, it'll be different areas that are or aren't bf. Sometimes they even change (getting darker or lighter) as I'm sitting there reading. I tried to take a screenshot but unfortunately the text all becomes uniform as soon as I hit prt-scr so the image doesn't show the effect.

Another example is viewing my personal favorite forum where threads that I haven't read are in bf as opposed to those I have read which are normal. The problem is that when I do a mouse-over of the bf threads the font rendering becomes more greyed out. It's still bold-face, just not as dark.

A final example is in text-entry boxes. As I'm typing this right now the line I'm on looks normal but the paragraph above seems to go from regular to bold-face from one line to the next. The paragraph above that looks entirely bold-face...

It did occur to me that this could be a monitor issue or even a vid-card issue. But it's definitely not monitor because I can scroll the whole screen and the variation moves with the text... And it's not vid-card because I installed Chrome as a check and it doesn't have the same problem. None of the above symptoms carry over to that application.

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Ubuntu :: Unity Will Not Start / Direct Rendering?

Dec 24, 2010

Version: 11.04 (At least that's what the About Linux file tells me)
Graphics Card: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)
System: Dell Netbook. Nothing remotely fancy.

After a night of trying to adjust the graphics settings to work with a reasonable game, I powered down for a few days and went hiking in the woods. Never got the game to work, but I had no problem restarting X and continuing to work. Thus, I assumed nothing was wrong. The only real change was the installation of DRIConf. Upon my return, I started up only to see my desktop background image load, and no GUI. No cursor, no Unity, nothing. When I boot up in recovery mode, GNOME seems to work perfectly fine. If I open DRIConf, though, it says that no devices can be found that are capable of direct rendering. My glxinfo output is below (clearly indicating that direct rendering is working). I assume there's a relationship between these problems. I just switched to Ubuntu a few months ago and am obviously a bit beyond my depth.

name of display: :1.0
display: :1 screen: 0
direct rendering: Yes
server glx vendor string: SGI
server glx version string: 1.4
server glx extensions: .....

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