Software :: Find Out What The Default Shell Is Been Used?
Mar 28, 2010I have downloaded Fedora 12. How do I find out what the default shell is been used? I wish to determine a user's default shell.
View 3 RepliesI have downloaded Fedora 12. How do I find out what the default shell is been used? I wish to determine a user's default shell.
View 3 RepliesI want to change my default shell to tcsh. I used
usermod -s /bin/tcsh username
command as given at url
But if I open a new shell, it is still a bash shell.
How do I make my default shell as tcsh?
shell scripting in Fedora14I want a script"Find in curent folder for files, and it copy first file he find with name gived by user, if name already exist then echo error message and finish"command usage " bash scriptname copyASname"
smthing like Code: #!/bin/bash
for files in /home/user/*
anyone knows how to change the default width for shell window in Linux(Ubuntu), so that I don't have to re-size it every time I open it up?
View 2 Replies View Relatedi'm pretty new to ubuntu. I was "playing" trying to change my default shell and failed. Now, after logging in, i open a terminal window and type "su". Ubuntu asks me a password, i give my password and i get this error "unable to execture /bin/bsd-csh: file or directory does not exist". Any idea on how to solve this problem restoring my old shell.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm running ubuntu natty with gnome 3 installed. I was installing some gnome 3 shell themes, and I now I want to revert back to the default gnome 3 shell theme (adwaita) but i forgot to back it up (I thought I had) I'm just wondering where I could find this shell online. How do I revert back to where I was.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have looked almost everywhere for how to change my default shell prompt. When I open my bash shell, the prompt is [fedora-dev@Fedora-Dev Documents]$. I would like it to open at fedora-dev@Fedora-Dev]$.
Can someone tell me where to change this at. I have looked in .bashrc, etc/profile, and environmental variables.
I want to make gnome shell my default window manager. I have it installed, and can get it to run from the terminal with gnome-shell --replace.
the effects aren't permanent though. I tried setting gnome-shell to be a start up application but this hasn't worked. I dont want to remove compiz or metacity before knowing if I can get gnome-shell to run by default somehow.
So, how can I get gnome-shell to be my default windows manager?
Is there a way to make it so that opening an executable text file will automatically run, rather than prompt me to run, edit, or something else?
View 2 Replies View Relatedmy shell is giving default upper case letter.where and what changes i need to make so that it should give lower case letter..
View 5 Replies View RelatedI came across this script a while back that i found. What i want to do is edit the script to create a default web page in /var/www/html a new user is added through the script.What the script does now is adds a user and sets a password for the user. What possible way (either through a combination of python or c or some other language) could i add to the shell script to do this? I've tried just dointhe command to touch index.html /var/www/html but it puts it on the desktop. Here's the script....
# Script to add a user to Linux system
how can I get the default wallpaper GNOME-Shell (such blue with stripes)? the text translated by Google Translator
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow to enable the Gnome Shell with an AMD 6950 graphics card and the default Fedora 15 drivers? I may try the AMD Catalyst proprietary drivers but from history those usually lag behind the Fedora versions. I also read some people had issues with the current AMD Catalyst drivers in the Catalyst guide thread.
Also, the AMD 6950 graphics card fan is at full speed all the time in Fedora 15. I do believe you can with the Catalyst drivers using aticonfig but was wondering about the default Fedora 15 drivers?
I have a usb to serial converter which i plug in to Ubuntu Natty.I see that on every reboot this seems to come up as a different device name, say ttyUSB0, ttyUSB3 etc.I want to write a simple shell script to get the name of the device in a shellscript.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have two shell scripts:
echo "First script"
echo "Now calling second one"
echo "Second script"
In this shell script, I want to print out which shell script called this. In this case, called So, I want to print out "".How to achieve?
What is best way to replace the 1 and the 3 below with a 0 using a shell script? It is in a text file with lots of lines and similar lines:
lots of text
lots of text
I'm running Intrepid and so far have failed to come up with anything other than detailed instructions on how to compile/install Gnome-Shell. Has anyone come up with a binary of gnome shell? It seems I once saw a link to a PPA...or maybe I'm just hallucinating
View 3 Replies View Relatedthe below tag is in the xml file. Now i want to find and extract the value of application name test1 and test2 one by one in the unix shell script. how to do this
<application name="test1">
<application name="test2">
I was trying to find a shell script that will encode video to a an iso that I can burn for a dvd. It seems I have lost a few of my dvds and I backed them up into mkv and I need to convert it to pal so it will work until I find them. My search was leading to other formats, but I was wanting to use pal because it is smaller. My search lead me here, but this shell script is not in pal.I need a solution that would work with slackware.
View 2 Replies View Relatedam trying to write a shell script to find the size of a particular log file and if the log size grows, script should mail the changes to the administrator or a any user so script should monitor the log file continuously in a time interval, how can i do that?
I tried with these codes to find the file size but it throws me error says command not found
$s=$( stat -c %s mylogfile.log)
echo $s
Bash shell could not find "kfontview" command, although kdebase-4.2.1-2.fc10.i386 already installed?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm relatively experienced with UNIX and Linux, but this has me thrown for quite a loop, and it seemed like such a simple question. How would I go about finding the newest file in a file system? I thought something like:
ls -ltr `find /usr -type f`
would work, but I seem to be exceeding the argument maximum for ls:
ksh: 0403-029 There is not enough memory available now
I thought something involving xargs might work, but I really suck with that command.
I wrote a small script that gets me the list of enabled system accounts in my system.
I figure '*' & '!' (in field #2 of /etc/shadow) mean that the account is disabled or they cannot login, hence 'safe-to-ignore'
for i in `cat /etc/passwd` #get each line in the passwd file
var1=`echo $i | cut -d':' -f3` #get user ID field
if [ $var1 -lt 500 ] && [ $var1 -gt 0 ] #compare to extract relevant IDs
BTW i figure the following command gives me the list of system users, but i am not able to find a way to process it further... :-(
awk -F":" '$3 >= 1 && $3 < 500 { print $1 }' /etc/passwd
I need to find TCSH shell and gzip version number by running a acript on several boxes through ssh. How can i do that? I made a script for tcsh but it is not working by ssh , it only works on my box . I dont know from where to find the gzip version info.
View 5 Replies View Relatedthis is srinath,newbie to linux and shell in need of shell script,which have to checkout the source code(C/C++) from CVS server to a specified directory and compile that source code and get all its dependency files to a specified directory.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to find / write a shell script that will go through a file organized like this (but with thousands of lines)...
...and check the region of each line between the second and third pipes (the 6-digit numbers) against the values in the first column of a separate text file in CSV format like this...
274326,"Wnt family of developmental regulators"
114745,"FOG: Hormone receptors"
100379,"Transcription factor tinman/NKX2-3, contains HOX domain"
...and when they match, replace the value to the right of the third pipe (e.g., with the value in the second column in the CSV file associated with that number.
I'm trying to fix my booting problems on 10.04 by following this guide. Except the grub file is not in /etc/default. Grub is definitely installed (0.97 legacy) and the computer boots ok-ish so it must be somewhere.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I installed Ubuntu 10.04 a few days ago, what appeared was a page with software categories down the left side and a menu bar along the top. I've since learned that the default desktop has two menu panel, one at the top and one at the bottom and that the top panel contains three menus - Applications, Places, and System.Could someone please tell me how to find this default desktop, it's got to be there somewhere!?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI need to open a telnet session using a shell script that follows this format:
expect "Password:"
send <password>
send "pen" (till the end of lines generated as in |more.... usually we use like 8 space bar buttons after "pen" to generate all)
and I want to redirect the whole generated result of "pen" to results.
Where can I find all the preinstalled and default wallpapers of Fedora (current and all past versions)? Is there an archive or repository somewhere?
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