Software :: Recommendations For Software To Create Spatial Plans?

Jun 21, 2011

Which FOSS software would you recommend to create spatial plans? Specifically I am doing some tree gardening. The first phase is a survey of the house outline and existing trees by tape measure so I will end up with a matrix of points and distances between them. The site is essentially flat so this is 2D work.

AFAIK neither of the drawing packages I know slightly (OOo Draw and Gimp) are well suited.

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Ubuntu :: Plans To Make Work With Different Devices?

Jul 11, 2010

are there plans to make ubuntu work with different devices - tuners, printers, scanners, local net etc?
nothing of mine isn't working - there are no drivers.

no for lexmark z35
no for scanner mustek bearpaw 1200 cu plus
no for tv tuner aver media 507

no local net with sharedfolders (I don't no how install it - in windows xp local net appeared itself i have only connected my wi-fi router and gave names to the local net and pc) it is sad - I should use Windows to have everything work good Manual searching and installing such drivers are so terribly difficult ubuntu or other linux OS is good idea to have alternative OS but it's no chance to use it for most of people - it is too difficult no make it good

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Programming :: Understanding Oracle Execution Plans?

Mar 30, 2010

As part of my job I often have to write queries in Oracle (10g) and I am experienced enough to see where I should be using an index where possible etc. Most of the time I just let the CBO come up with the best plan however sometimes it obviously doesn't!Now, I know in general that full scans of large tables aren't good however I don't fully understand an execution plan - ie, I could not look at a complex piece of code, look at it's plan and say "oh, the reason that is performing badly there is because the SBO has chosen to use nested loops rather than a hash join, so if I hint it then it will run quicker!" - this ultimately is where I'm trying to get to

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CentOS 5 :: When Centos RH Plans On Upgrading Php In Future Distros?

Sep 8, 2010

Recently upgraded to Centos 5.5 and was suprised to see that the distro still is running php 5.1.6.Anyone know when Centos RH plans on upgrading php in future distros?

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Hardware :: Recommendations For USB Camera?

Jan 26, 2011

I'm thinking of making a surveilance camera for my home, but I'm unsure what camera to buy. HD quality image would be great. Recommendations?

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Hardware :: Recommendations For Web Cams?

Jan 13, 2011

I've been using an old Logitech Quickcam Express with the qc-usb drivers for years. It functions fairly well on older kernels with the patches that became available. Works on a Slackware 11 box with a kernel, but I can't get the driver to compile on newer kernels, and I don't want to spend days trying to find patches that may or may not work.

I'd like to get a cam that I can use without too much difficulty on a Slackware64 13.1 box with a >2.6.36 kernel.

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Server :: Recommendations For CMS Software

Nov 16, 2010

I have agreed to set up a server to run an existing website from a hosted solution. This is no problem I have setup Centos 5.5 64 bit, all running OK. The existing site is single directory HTML with a very small amount of Java script.The user has no technical knowledge and would like to be able to go in and modify their site, sadly vim is not an option

Has anyone got any suggestion of single or multi site CMS solutions that are easy to set up and use. I would also need to import the existing site. I do not have weeks to spend learning a new product at the moment though I would love to do so.

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Fedora :: Recommendations For Version Control?

Apr 27, 2010

I am in need of recommendations what software to use to keep track of development files in my office. I wish to have a central server which holds the source code of our software. There will be two dev staff working concurrently on the same files. Also i need it to be accessible by Eclipse or any equivalent IDE software.

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Fedora :: DVD Movie Repair Recommendations

Aug 8, 2010

I have a dvd movie that has been a little neglected, scratched, and otherwise foobared. In the dvd player, it freezes ... put's out ugly quality, etc.I would like to copy it to my computer, repair as needed, re-burn to a shiny-new-unscratched DVD.I would appreciate some recommendations as to what software package(s) are well suited for the task.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: DJ Software Recommendations For 11.2?

Nov 28, 2009

Does anyone have any recommendations for a good DJ program for OpenSuSE 11.2? A couple of friends have asked me to DJ their wedding receptions so it doesn't have to be a really huge professional program.

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Ubuntu :: Distro Recommendations For Someone On Dial-up?

Mar 31, 2010

He's on dial-up so getting updates and installing packages such as restricted extras would be painful. I'm thinking Mint but have little personal experience with distros beyond Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: What OS Actually Works Out The Box With A G4 PPC - Any Recommendations

Apr 19, 2010

having no luck with 9.10 i am wondering what linux is recommended that actually works? ie no internet problems with videos etc. ie recognising cd and dvd and playing them back. ie a cd/dvd drawer that opens and waits until it's told to close instead of chomping discs. ie no colour issues. ie better than 800+600 resolution without having to stick a new graphics card in place of the stock card? etc etc, ie something that works and means i don't have to buy a new apple os. this is the machine i have running, apple power macintosh g4 450 dp (gigabit) [url]

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Ubuntu :: Web Based FTP Replacement Recommendations

Jul 29, 2010

I am looking for a FTP server replacement that is web based. Something like you see services have out there. I looked at a product called SynaMan from Synametrics Technologies and it really looked like it would do what I wanted but I could never get it to work with Ubuntu.Does anyone have any suggestions. This is for corporate use.Average users just don't get FTP

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Ubuntu :: Recommendations For Ensuring Site Is Up?

Dec 23, 2010

I have a site that is currently on an unreliable server. Yes, we're fixing that; suffice to say the situation isn't permanent. I would like to know how to set up a fail check on the site. There are plenty of services out there, but I've got a server that I can add scripts to in the crontab. What elements would you recommend I have in the script?

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Ubuntu :: Any DVR Surveillance Software Recommendations?

May 27, 2011

Apart from ZoneMinder, does anybody know of any DVR software that I can use with my CCTV camera, and a purpose built linux computer. Looking for motion detection.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Does Anyone Have Any Recommendations For Partition Sizes?

Jan 27, 2010

I am way new to Linux and am getting thrown into the deep end. My company is rolling out a Linux environment to support an application we are using. We are using RHEL for the OS. Does anyone have any recommendations for partition sizes?From what I can tell that appears to be the default values if you do a 'wife install' (yes, yes, yes, yes, yes) on RHEL.

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General :: Recommendations For A Suitable Replacement?

Mar 21, 2011

I noticed over the weekend that there don't appear to be any new stories showing up at Does anyone know what's up? Any recommendations for a suitable replacement?

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Hardware :: Recommendations For A New Desktop System?

Jan 19, 2010

I'm probably being a little lazy asking for recommendations here; the LQ HCL and other online resources, while quite good, seem to have TOO many devices listed. I'm looking for systems people have working and are happy with, doing some of the things I wish to do.

I'd like to keep it under a kibidollar (Ki$). I'm planning on doing some development, so while I'll have a couple of Windows versions partitions, and possibly a BSD partition, my main distro of comfort is Kubuntu. Most importantly though, I'd like a Ubuntustudio partition for multimedia creation including audio and video recording/editing/processing.

So I'm looking at recommendations for a 64-bit quad processor (it seems to me the general consensus around Linuxland is something AMD), appropriate motherboard, good soundcard (I've experience with the M-Audio 2496), TV/video capture card, decent graphics card, and, er, what else?

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Software :: Getting Recommendations For Application Alternatives?

Mar 14, 2011

I am searching for recommendations for some applications I am currently using and would like to know what the members of this community are thinking:

1-Gwenview: prior to version that came with KDE4.5.1, Gwenview used to be very fast and easy on the system resources. I am not quite sure if it is because I am using XFCE or just because Gwenview got bloated like KDE, but it is very frustrating to have to restart Gwenview after 10 minutes of work or so because it became too slow to respond and constantly lag behind... After a few file operations, it gets so slow that copying a picture of 1MB solewhere else on my HDD takes more than 5 sec. It just becomes sluggish. Anybody know an alternative to Gwenview that would have the same look and feel and the same basic features ?

2-Okular: Really dont know what happened and I tried to reinstall it several times, but it simply no longer runs.. If I launch Okular it will open, but if I open a PDF file by double clicking on it, it will launch Okular and it will immediately crash. In konsole I see:


okular: relocation error: /usr/lib/kde4/ symbol gzopen64, version ZLIB_1.2.3.3 not defined in file with link time reference

I really tried to google this and to reinstall the poppler libraries, no success. For now I am stuck with XPDF and feel I am back in 1974 with pre-commodore technology.

3-Not a big deal, but I am using Thunar as my file browser and really miss Dolphin's features such as shortcuts (places) and general look and feel. I do however prefer thunar's speed. Anybody knows of a good file browser and if not, how to add shortcuts to thunar like in Dolphin?

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Slackware :: Bluetooth Adapter Recommendations

Oct 13, 2010

I am looking for advice and recommendations for USB Bluetooth Adapters. My primary use will be using a Wii controller/remote with XBMC (compiled with 'cwiid' support).Secondary use is general data transfer; other peripherals keyboard/mouse etc.But more than anything I would like to buy a product from a manufacturer who has open support for GNU/Linux and to stay away from others who don't (BlueSoleil software, WinBond - and others).

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Looking For USB WiFi Recommendations?

Mar 7, 2009

I'm looking for a rock solid stable USB wireless driver supported in CentOS 5.2 or even 5.3 (when it's released). I'd like specific manufacturer and model recommendations if possible. I want to stay away from zd1211rw and ndiswrapper.

I've tried a zd1211rw based SMC device with miserable results. I backported the USB IDs from 2.6.25 to get it working, as well as tried the RHEL 5.3 backported module. With both, zd1211rw intermittently creates a soft lockup situation where all ptys and ttys freeze. Pings, and other non-{p,t}ty services still work okay, but I have to halt via the power switch then reboot to get things back to normal.

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CentOS 5 :: UPS For Server At Home - Any Recommendations?

May 15, 2010

I just installed 5.4 on a home machine and I would like to get a UPS that will auto shutdown the server if the power goes out. Here an inexpensive tripplite from Costco. [URL] I only need it to shut down the 1 centos 5.4 machine if the power fails. Tripplite has linux software now that will shutdown machines. [URL]

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Debian Hardware :: Recommendations For USB Sound Card?

Oct 5, 2010

I just spent an hour surfing the net to find a decent quality linux-compatible USB sound card, coming away more confused than ever. Several candidates sounded promising from reviews, but are not long available. Very high-end products are out of my price range. Linux compatibility seems to be iffy.

My main use is sound encountered on the web. I have pretty good quality klipsch speakers. In short, looking for nice clean sound.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Want Recommendations For External DVD Burners?

Mar 24, 2010

I'm tired of burning coasters in both Linux and Windblows. The builtin DVD burner in this Dell Studio 1745 laptop (HL-DT-ST DVD+-RW GA11N) won't even burn properly in windblows What external (USB) burners are forum members using?

I've looked at many on the web and eliminated most due to bad specs and reviews but did find three promising ones.

1: Digistore DIG-71042
2: Iomega 34427
3: Lenovo 41N5565

Any comments on those either good or bad? Or suggestions of what you use and how it works in linux?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Webcam Recommendations For 11.X And Skype?

Sep 28, 2010

I have much given up on my VX 3000 because not only the microphone doesn't work but also Skype crashes when I actually want to use it. The video only works in the settings/test video view but not for a video call.So: can anybody recommend a webcam with a microphone that works reliably on Suse 11.X and with Skype? I'm currently using Suse 11.2 but might upgrade to Suse 11.3, so it would be nice if the webcam would still work in 11.3...

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General :: Streaming - Recommendations For A Really Good DVB-T Card?

Feb 4, 2010

I am so fed up with my Sony HDR that is already obsolete. As I am a linux geek, I have been thinking on building my own media central. Reading various hardware support list gives some information about if a card works or not, but not if its good. Also, I would like to buy a card from a vendor that actively supports linux. Can someone recommend a really good DVB-T card?

I would need: DVB-T support.Radio as an option.Two or more channels, three seems like the maximum that I would ever need, but who knows. Doesn't matter if its one or two cards, as long as it works. CAM support. Additional card or built in. I have no idea of how this works actually, but I think the CA module must support mpeg4 too? HDTV/Mpeg4 support (Software is fine, I guess.) I would also need a good remote control (bluetooth) that not neccesarily needs to come with the card, and a decent fanless graphics card that handles hdtv on linux...

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Ubuntu Security :: Recommendations For Luks Encryption?

Jan 8, 2010

When 10.04 is released I'll encrypt my /home partition using luks. I've read that xts is good for hard drive encryption and aes is good for cipher encryption. I'm looking for something that is fairly secure without sacrificing a lot of speed.

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Ubuntu :: Recommendations For Recovery - No Route To Router?

Mar 24, 2010

I messed up my Karmic install on my laptop trying to get wireless networking connection to behave better I'm not really sure what I did, but the problem I have is that, though it connects to my wireless network, it does not get a route to it. Any attempt to reach the router with a ping yields a destination unreachable. Trying to fix it in true hack fashion, I tried messing around with the static routes. I added an explicit route for my router (route add wlan0) with no avail. I ensured there was a default route to the router which is a gateway outside of my LAN (route add default wlan0 gw I have another route to my LAN network with a gateway of "*". I've done all this but the results are the same.

So, I'm interested in recommendations to fix this. Is there some networking setup/install procedure I can rerun? Does a recovery boot work? Or is it best to go back and reinstall Karmic? Are there other places that you might suggest I look to in order to fix this?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Recommendations For A Music Player?

May 5, 2010

What's new as far as audio players ? I still like vlc for videos.

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Ubuntu Installation :: File System Recommendations For 10.4?

Jun 21, 2010

I'm about to do an install from scratch of Ubuntu 10.4 and was hoping to get some advice on file systems. My plan is to use a solid state drive for the OS and a couple terabyte drives for data (64-bit machine, linux only). Should I use ext4 for everything (over, say, ext3)? I found a couple of threads here and elsewhere with mixed reviews but thought I'd ask again now that both the ext4 file system and the Ubuntu 10.4 release are a little more mature. Is the performance upgrade significant? Does anyone still see data issues with large files?

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