Software :: Internet In Ubuntu Vmware?

Mar 7, 2009

I am running ubuntu 8.04 as a guest with vmware. My host is vista home premium. I have NO internet it was working a year ago but now after i reinstall nothing!

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SUSE :: VMware And Internet

Feb 6, 2009

I am configuring a Vmware on my linux box Opensuse 11.0 and want to ask if i am supposed to be on the internet before you can have access to the OS on the VMware.

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Slackware :: No Internet In VMware

Mar 18, 2011

I wanted to try Slackware on VMware just so I would know what it is and the differences between it and others. I installed it in VMware, and I am having two problems:

1. X does not start automatically for some reason.

2. I can't make the internet work. I tried typing knetworkmanager in terminal, but it tells me there is no such command. Then, I typed ifconfig in terminal, and it told me that wasn't a command either.

Did I install something wrong, or does Slackware KDE come with nothing in it?

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Ubuntu :: Necessary Steps In Order To Get Myself Connected To Internet Through VMWare?

Aug 28, 2010

I am having some problems getting my Ubuntu connected to the internet via VMWare. I use a wireless internet connection on Windows 7, however when I boot Ubuntu, it tries to connect to a wired connection called "Auto eth0", It says that it is connected to "Auto eth0" but when I try to open Firefox, it tells me that I do not have an internet connection. I have tried setting up a wireless connection but that does not appear to work either.Is anyone here willing to help me take the necessary steps in order to get myself connected to the internet through my VMWare?

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General :: VMware Cannot Connect To Internet ?

Jun 14, 2010

I am using Fedora 13 vm on XP host. It has been working great until today. I am trying to browse websites, yum software, but they do not work.

Ifconfig shows on eth0. The network seems to work fine when pinging the XP host at and ping the router at

However, ping does not. I am not sure what i have done recently that causes this connection problem.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect To Internet From VMware Workstation 7.0.0?

Dec 15, 2010

I have Ubuntu Server 10.10 installed which is guest OS on a XP host. The problem is I cannot connect to the internet. I am using bridged network but still it fails to connect. what configuration should I change in VMWare or should I have to modify anything in XP.

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Networking :: Network & Internet In BT4 - With VMware Workstation 7

Dec 6, 2009

MY OS IS (Widnows XP ) I'm Using VMware Workstation 7 to run My BT4-Beta (backtrack 4)

in my OS Windows XP I have Internet I'm in big network our administrator using Cyberoam Client for Corporate to allow people using Internet.. so if any people connect this network they should has id in Cyberoam if they don't has id will can't connect to the internet.. they will redirect automatically to the log in page in Cyberoam.

So ! in VMware Workstation 7 i configure network adapter to Bridged and i see internet icon with green color but dose not browse internet and also i can't ping my computer this is mean network dose not appear to backtrack my computer is in the network when i try to do ping this is what happened.

And this output to try run network!

PHP Code:

And this is my ifconfig

How to do Step by Step to connect the network using VMware WorkStation!

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Networking :: VMWare Sharing - Cannot Connect To Internet

Apr 11, 2010

I am using ubuntu on a vm with 2 network eth0 ( internet, getting the ip by dhcp on modem adsl) and eth1 ( In other vm an windows machine with / / / I can ping to linux and windows with no problem. Then to share I used

modproble iptable_nat
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

But I still cant connect to internet on windows vm.

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General :: Cd's - Sound And Internet Access Through VMware ?

Oct 2, 2010

I want sound and internet access thru Linux using VMware. It will give me confidence to add it as a dual boot to my hard drive. I have sound and internet access thru Windows 7. I have sound thru the sound card test but I'm not able to hear cd's. I see the time elapsing thru the cd player but no sound.

I'm having problems with the network configuration, I get the message, "cannot activate the device etho:1 no link found". I have a DSL connect thru windows. Shouldn't I be able to get the internet thru VMware? If so how?

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OpenSUSE Network :: 11.3 And VMWare Player 3.1.3 - No Internet Connection

Jan 24, 2011

I am using vmware player 3.1.3 and mounted in it an .iso of OpenSuse 11.3. Everything works fine, except the internet connection. For example, when I try to go to a website with firefox the page never displays. What do I have to do, so that the internet works?

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General :: VMware Host-only Networking Internet Access

Aug 16, 2011

I am running a Ubuntu Linux VM using VMware Player on a Windows 7 host.

I don't want to connect directly to the network or use NAT; I need host-only networking but also need Internet access. How can I do this?

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Networking :: Sharing An Internet Connection Virtually - VMWARE

Mar 8, 2009

I have no internet in Linux due to my only way to get internet is through my blackberry curve phone sharing ( I think some call this tethering) internet to the pc. It works fine in winblows of course with the provided winblows software, so I booted over to Linux, fired up VMware workstation 6.5, set up the internet in it, and I have internet in my guest os in vmware which is 32 bit xp media center. I right clicked the connection from "network connections" and went to share this connection. Now I'd like to share it to my host os, 64-bit Ubuntu 8.10 in Raid 0. Do I need to be using NAT or Bridged. I've set up internet sharing before but not virtually.

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Software :: Installing Wine To A VMware Without Internet Connection

Feb 18, 2011

At the moment I am installing a VMware Ubuntu machine. This machine has no internet connection.

I want to install wine, so I can install software that only runs under Windows.

I cannot find the packages to install wine under the VMware machine that will download to windows.

I have no clue on how to handle the source of wine, so I can download the source of wine, copy that to the VMware machine and use 'make' there.

How to proceed?

Ok, tried to compile source of wine on the VMware machine. It gave an error, since it was missing package flex. Compiling flex from source gave an error, since it was missing package m4. Trying to compile m4 gave an error, see make_install.log.

These were my steps:

Went to /usr/local/bin/ and unpacked m4 there.
Went into the m4 directory (m4-1.4.14).
make install

I can't get the configure log uploaded as an attachment, since it is too big. Splitting it into smaller sizes doesn't help either , since it will become more than 3 files (and 3 is the max to upload). If you want that log, please let me know and I will e-mail it to you.

What are my next steps to proceed? I want to compile the m4 package so I can proceed with flex.

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Ubuntu Networking :: When Tried And Failed To Install Vmware Virtual Machine Now Have No Internet Connection At All?

Jul 6, 2010

I have a problem with my wired connection. The problem started when I tried and failed to install vmware virtual machine.... now I have no internet connection at all that I can see. This is output of:

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 90:e6:ba:97:64:f0
inet6 addr: fe80::92e6:baff:fe97:64f0/64 Scope:Link


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Networking :: Setup VMware's Network Configuration For Red Hat Can Access Internet?

Apr 7, 2010

I installed and tested both Windows server 2003 and Red Hat 9.0 with vmware workstation7. After installing 2003 can access internet but Red Hat can't. I want to test squid proxy server, send mail server, webserver etc. So, I would like to know how to setup WMware's network configuration for Red hat can access internet.

Below link is the configuration of VMware network setup both Server 2003 and Red Hat.

Here is Red Hat Configuration:

Here is Windows Server 2003 configuration:

I am using wireless connection to access internet.

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General :: Connect To The Internet Through The Program Being Slax-6.1.2 VMware Workstatio ?

May 15, 2011

I want to know exactly how to connect to the internet in slax-6.1.2 VMware Workstation program being through what it is asking how to do it on the website, I can find on Google.

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General :: Running Ubuntu 10.04 Inside VMware Player - Windows Vista - Can't Connect To The Internet

Jun 10, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 inside VMware Player running under Windows Vista and I can't connect to the internet or the host computer from the Ubuntu.

I have set all the VMware services to manual (like VMware DHCP Service), but starting them manually doesn't help.

In VMware, the network seems to work (there is a green dot beside the network icon) and I have tried both Bridged and NAT settings.

ifconfig doesn't show the eth1 interface, unless I give it as a parameter (or use -a). I think this means that Ubuntu thinks that the network isn't connected at all.

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General :: Windows XP Vmware Guest Unable To Access Certain Internet Hosts

Jan 28, 2010

I have annoying problem. My setup is the following: debian Linux, 64 bits, VMWare workstation 7 host, with Windows XP running as guest. From Firefox, or Internet Explorer, I am unable to access few sites, for example, osdir. Basically get connection timed out, on the other hand ping works to those sites. Moreover, Slashdot loads very very slow and sometimes gets horrible text-only version.

everything works fine on Linux host

I suspect it has something to do with routing on Linux, I recall having similar problem long time ago, which was fixed by setting something in /proc.

I tried setting MTU and TCP window size on Windows lower, but did not help

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General :: RHEL 5 Internet Connection When Used As Guest - VMware - On Windows 7 Host

Apr 12, 2010

I have RHEL 5 installed on VMware 6.0 and the host OS is Windows 7. My Host is connected to internet using a wireless connection and works on shared IP. Earlier when I had Windows vista as host I have managed to get the internet connection on the RHEL but do not remember how I managed it. Now I need help in setting the internet connection on RHEL. I have set up a NAT connection. But of no use.

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Networking :: Isolating A VMware Virtual Machine From It's Host But Still Alowing Internet Access

Oct 31, 2009

I have a WindowsXP virtual machine which I need to isolate from the host machine completely (have the host act as a bridge but not be visible on the IP layer at all.) It still needs to have Internet access. Obviously it has to be able to contact the router but I would like to be able to block port 80 (or even just block all SYN packets addressed to the router.) I also want to allow port forwarding from the router to the virtual machine. I can use basic iptables but this is way beyond me.

The host OS is probably going to be Debian Lenny but this is not built yet so if someone can recommend a different distro which is as lightweight as possible but will support VMWare, iptables and tcpdump then that would be great. I was thinking of Slackware but I have not used it in ages and from what I can remember their is no real package management.

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Ubuntu :: Open VMware Tools Aren't Detected By VMware Workstation

Jul 17, 2011

I have installed the latest version of Ubuntu Linux (11.04) into latest VMware workstation (7.1.4 build-385536). I have tried to install the VMware tools ISO that came with VMware workstation but It didn't work and the installation seemed real sloppy anyways.

I installed the open VMware tools from synaptic within the guest linux and restarted, everything seemed to have been installed just fine but VMware Workstation doesn't detect it. I'm not sure if the tools are outdated, silent errors happened, or if any manual post installation steps need to be taken.

getting any form of VMware tools to run in Linux and detected by VMware Workstation.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet - Cannot Connect - But Can Connect Through XP On VMware

Aug 15, 2010

I had put my computer on standby and when i restarted it, it powered off within a few seconds. I turned it back on and after that i've lost connectivity to internet on Ubuntu 10.04.

However I have VMware (XP) installed and internet/network works on that. I'm a newbie with Linux.

Here are some outputs:

I have tried to edit the connection using System>Preferences>Network Connections. I entered manual settings for IPV4, but whatever i enter there, it doesnt get reflected when i type ifconfig in the terminal window. I tried setting it to Automatic DHCP as well. Doesnt work.

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OpenSUSE :: Install Snow Leopard 10.6.6 VMware AMD Edition (which Downloaded) On VMware System?

Mar 17, 2011

Is it possible to install Snow Leopard 10.6.6 VMware AMD edition (which I downloaded) on VMware linux? It is under Windows 7 so I just need to know if everything of VMware linux (like Hardware Virtualization) is the same under linux as for Windows.

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Debian Installation :: Vmware Workstation 7.1.4 - Can't Complete Compile Modules Of Vmware

Jun 6, 2011

I want to install debian on vmware workstation 7.1.4 but there's a problem! when I try to install vmware tools or open-vm, it can't complete compile modules of vmware. It is a big problem... It seem problem of kernel version after 2.6.37... But I can't find solution. logs.... Before you can compile modules, you need to have the following installed...


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Software :: Importing A Vmware Virtual Machine File Vi Vmware Server 2.0.2?

Jul 27, 2011

I completed the installation of VMWare Server 2.0.2 onto a CentOS 5.4 64-bit distribution. There is a VMware virtual machine file on the server in question, and I want to activate it through the application console.

I did not see anything readily apparent that would facilitate the importing of the virtual machine file. Does anyone have a procedure that can accomplish this task?

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General :: VMware Snapshot With VMware Tools Loses Network On Restart - Host XP - Guest Fedora

Oct 3, 2010

I have been using VMware Player for some time to host Fedora VMware images on Windows XP. I have been using Fedora 11 and 12 (both 32 and 64 bit) and recently started to use Fedora 13.

I use as a base the images provided by thoughtpolice.

I usually install VMware tools and also keep the images updated (yum update) which sometimes changes the kernel.

I have recently had problems with the snapshots not having a network when I restore them. So far I don't have the problem with Fedora 11 and do have it with Fedora 12 (but used not to). I do have it with Fedora 13.

In each case the problem goes away when I uninstall the VMware tools and comes back when I install them again.

One of the symptoms is that SElinux complains about not being able to do something with /var/run/vmware-active-nics.

It looks to me that something is incorrect in the actions being taken when the snapshot is being restored. It does not happen every time and sometimes the network restores itself.

The network can be restored by rebooting the image.

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General :: Access The VMWare Console From Firefox Using The VMWare Plugin

Aug 5, 2010

I'm trying to access the VMWare console from firefox using the VMWare plugin. The problem is that it doesn't work on Firefox version 3.6.8. So how can I access the console?

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Software :: Gnome - Vmware - When Trying To Browse - Open Vmware Images

Mar 28, 2009

I am running an up to date Debian Lenny system with vmware 1.08 server installed.

When I run vmware, it appears to start normally. However, when I try to open a previously created image (from a different machine), everything is fine until I hit browse, which causes a screen to pop up that syas "The folder contents could not be displayed VFS error: Invlalid paramteres." and the following shows up on the command line:


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CentOS 5 Networking :: CentOS In Vmware Always Losing Internet?

Apr 21, 2010

I installed CentOS on Vmware server 2.0.2

I took a snapshot of my machine with internet working

If I reboot my machine I lose internet. This makes no sense to me.

I ifconfig eth0 down then ifconfig eth0 up and still no internet

Weird thing

I check ifconfig and my bcast ID is when it is supposed to be

(When the internet is working if I check ifconfig the bcast ID is

IF I change my bcast my internet stops working

If I reboot my machine my internet stops working

I checked /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and I see that in my snapshot (where the internet is actually working) the bcast is at

Without rebooting if I edit that script and I put it to .45.255 my internet stops working

If I reboot my machine at any time my internet stops working

I have also just realized that I cannot ping my gateway..

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OpenSUSE :: VMWare Workstation 7 Error "Before You Can Run Vmware, Several Modules Must Be Compiled And Loaded Into The Running Kernel"

Sep 21, 2010

im running suse 11.3_x64 clean install along side with Win7 Pro _x64 had a big fight installing Vbox 3.2.8 PUEL edition but i need to test some VMWare products like 'VMWare vShpere (ESXi 4..0.1 - which i couldn't install in a vm in Vbox) ' before putting it in production enviroment in some of my clients. version: VMware-Workstation-Full-7.0.0-203739.x86_64 The installation of vmware was quite simple with no errors. the problem kicks in after the first reboot when i try to run it. before installing vmware i installed the following:


When i try to run vmware workstation the 1st error kicks in: Before you can run vmware, several modules must be compiled and loaded into the running kernel:


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