Software :: Difference Between NX Or VM's?

Dec 13, 2010

Problem is the office in way out in the country. I have no interest in driving out there every day for such and such but just thinking of the best solution to a soho that is easy to backup and maybe easy to have the local users fix.

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Fedora :: Difference Between Su - And Su?

Aug 25, 2010

What is the difference between su - and su? Both ask me for password. Bothe report "root" when asked whoami

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General :: Difference Between Df -k And Du -sh?

May 5, 2011

df -k
/dev/sda6 25396228 21249088 2836240 89% /export
21G used[code].....

The 3.4G is correct because we have removed all non essential file but free space reported by df is not consistent with the actual free space that should be there.

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Ubuntu :: Difference Between 64-bit And 32-bit?

Jan 8, 2010

I'm planning to download ubuntu, but I don't know if I should download the 64-bit one or the 32-bit one? My computer can handle 64-bit, has 4 gb, 320 gb harddrive. What;s the difference between 64-bit and 32-bit?

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Ubuntu :: What's The Difference Between L And Ls

Sep 18, 2010

I've typed 'l' instead of 'ls' in the terminal by mistake a couple of times, and it seems to do pretty much - but not exactly - the same as 'ls' ('l' appends *, @ etc at the end of filenames which seem to indicate permissions and/or links).

I can't find any documentation on 'l'. 'l --help' gives exactly the same output as 'ls --help'. 'which l' gives nothing. There are no files in my filesystem called only 'l' either - just a couple of unrelated folders.

So what's the difference between l and ls?

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Ubuntu :: Difference Between Gdm Or Kmd?

Jun 13, 2011

I have two interfaces, Gnome and KDE. So sometimes I am asked to chose between the 2 display manager gdm (Gnome) or kdm (KDE). I've never noticed any difference. When I have problems with one I have problems with the other, and usually they both seem to function equally well. If you have ever been in a situation where one was better than the other could you please tell me about it? My question is related to troubleshooting a dual-monitor setting but this is another thread, here I'm just asking because I wish to learn a bit more about displays in general.

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Ubuntu :: Difference Between Rpm And Deb?

Jul 24, 2011

I know Ubuntu is based on solid foundation of deb. How about rpm?

Currently ubuntu supports installation using deb. Who supports rpm? red hat?

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General :: Difference Between GLX And EGL

Apr 4, 2011

the difference between GLX and EGL?

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Debian :: Difference Between The Dvd And The Cd?

Oct 20, 2010

There is a major size difference between the dvd and the cd and It seems that you can install debian from both so What's the difference ?

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General :: Difference Between C And Gcc

Oct 14, 2010

what is the difference between C and gcc...

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General :: Difference Between NIS And NIS+?

Feb 17, 2010

Last week in one of the Interview Dump Papers I read about NIS+. Anyone who can quick reference how the setting up NIS is different from NIS+.

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General :: Difference Between GUI And KDE?

Jul 12, 2011

what is the difference between a GUI and KDE..

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General :: Difference Between SSH And SCP?

Aug 4, 2009

I need to know the exact difference between SCP and SSH can somebody explain please as i am confused as both seem to do the same thing if so let me know what the difference is.

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General :: Difference Between Tty And Pts

Mar 16, 2010

What is the difference between /dev/tty and /dev/pts ??
I google a lot but didn't understand......

Thanks in advance

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General :: What Is The Difference Between |less And |more

Jan 29, 2010

What is the difference between |less and |more ?

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General :: What Is The Difference Between Two ISO's

Apr 12, 2010

I tried to download ISO file and saw ,Download ISO 1 and Download ISO 2 .What is the difference between two ISO's?

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Server :: Difference Between Tar And Cp?

Feb 2, 2010

What is diffrent between tar and cp? Which one is faster? Their application purpose etc

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Slackware :: Is There A Difference Between # And ##

Feb 16, 2010

I've noticed in different config files (inet1.conf, for example) that some lines are commented out with '#' and others are commented out with '##'

Is there any reason for this?

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CentOS 5 :: Difference Between /dev/sdx And /dev/hdx

Mar 17, 2009

While playing a bit (fdisk) with a new machine (Intel 2 Duo E6750) that I have (with 2 SATA disks), I found a "strange" thing. If I boot the server from a Knoppix distro, fdisk sees 2 scsi HDD devices (sda and sdb). Ok, this was the expected. But if I boot the machine with the centOS 5.2 x86_64, while doing the partitioning the disks are recognized as hda and hdb, that is, IDE disks.

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CentOS 5 :: Difference Between 5.3 And 5.4

Mar 24, 2010

We are using Centos 5.3 32-bit Linux. However, we want to upgrade the Linux 32-bit to 64-bit. I wanted to know what is the new features or packages in Centos 5.4 64-bit over 5.3 64-bit?

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Debian :: Any Difference Between Sid And Aptosid?

Jan 18, 2011

I am interested in this as I am new to Debian and want to make an informed decision. Since installing Debian in virtualbox I have learned quite a bit. I know aptosid is based to debian sid. Is there a difference between the two?

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General :: Difference Between NIS And LDAP?

Jan 10, 2009

What is the main difference between these two ? NIS and LDAP ?

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Fedora :: Difference Between 586 And 686 Kernels?

Jan 6, 2010

I have a fairly aged Pentium 4, RAID, desktop computer with Fed 11. I started off with the 686 PAE kernel and update it whenever the update software tells me to. Some time ago I downloaded an NVidia driver which said it needed the 586 kernel so I installed that as well.I then uninstalled the NVidia driver as it caused some minorish problems without any improvement to the graphics. The bottom line is I now have the last three 686 kernels and the last three 586 kernels, which I'm pretty sure I don't need. The machine seems to run fine whichever I use with no discerable differences.My questions are, what is the difference between the two types, which should I actually use and how do I get rid of the other. It would at the very least reduce bandwidth use when updating.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 32- And 64-bit Difference?

Sep 29, 2010

Not much of an expert with computers and completely new with Linux. I am considering installation of openSUSE 11.3 and I know for a fact that my PC can handle the 64-bit version. Questions:

1) Do the 32- and 64-bit versions install with the same kind of software packages?
2) Does the 64-bit version have more/less/equal available software in the repositories for download?
3) If I wanted to set up a workgroup with another PC that has Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and Windows XP Pro (both 32-bit) installed, would it matter which bit version of openSUSE I use? (In terms of ease in creating the workgroup, access of files, etc.)

4) If I install the 32-bit version now, can I switch to the 64-bit version later? What are the caveats?

As I said at the beginning, I am not much literate on these things so I hope I am not asking nonsense questions...

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OpenSUSE Install :: Difference Between CD's And DVD's?

Jul 23, 2011

On the downloads page I notice the cd's are not upgradable, but the dvd free version is.. This seems backward to me. The cd's have less stuff so they should be able to be upgraded to the fuller version via the repos - or at least get all the stuff it's missing. Where as the dvd's are stuffed with over 3 gigs of things one would think it should not need any upgrading.

Or are they talking about being upgradable to the paid for version? or something entirely different?

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General :: Difference Between Linux And BSD

Mar 12, 2010

I want to know the differences between Linux and BSD .Which is efficient. Because they have some of the similarities with them.

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General :: Yum Vs Self-Compilation / Difference Between These?

Mar 19, 2011

Can anybody please explain me how source code compilation gives more performance than yum?

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General :: Windows - Difference Between A PC And A Mac?

Apr 19, 2011

Possible Duplicate: Is it possible to install Mac OS X on customized hardware? Well I think the title is the main question here and aside from that: What is it that does not allow the MacOS to be installed on a normal PC ? How do I install the MacOS on a PC ?

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General :: Difference Between /dev/hdc And /dev/sr0, /dev/cdrom

Apr 19, 2011

I created 2 virtual machines with VMware Workstation 7. They have identical hardwares. One guest is CentOS 5.6, another is Mandriva 2011.
When I try to mount the cdrom in guest OS, in CentOS, I should execute

mount /dev/hdc /path/to/mount

in Mandriva, I should execute

mount /dev/sr0 /path/to/mount

I also remebered in some other Linux variant, I had to use

mount /dev/cdrom /path/to/mount

What's the difference between hdc, sr0 or cdrom? Is there a consistent way to mount cdrom in all Linux variants?

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General :: Difference Between &> And >& In Bash?

Sep 14, 2011

What is the difference between &> and >& in bash? tldp did not mention the latter one. Is it really a redirection operator?

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