Slackware :: Installing Lilo With RAID/LUKS/LVM - 13.1(64)?

Mar 9, 2011

Basic Problem: I have been trying to install 13.1 (64-bit) and have not been able to get lilo to install.


1) partitioned drive /dev/sdc 1GB (Linux RAID) and 499GB (Linux Raid)
2) copied partitioning scheme to /dev/sdd
3) set up RAID-1 arrays md0 (sdc1-sdd1) and md1 (sdc2-sdd2)
4) write random data to partitions
5) set up LUKS on md1 (swluks)
6) set up LVM on swluks (80GB /, 375GB /home, 20GB swap)
7) ran setup, chose partitions, installed software
8) setup lilo (mbr, selected /)
9) TRIED to install lilo


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Slackware :: 12.2 - RAID-1 - LVM - LUKS Encrypted Root

Dec 17, 2008

I am trying to get Slackware 12.2 running on a system with two identical harddiscs using RAID-1, LVM and LUKS.

Here is what I get:


The system is still the same, however, the results of upgrading or installing 12.2 are different. The system refuses to boot. The screen messages during boot seem to suggest, that the RAID system is "seen" by the system, but the encrypted filesystem is not.

I can boot with the installation DVD, however, and


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Slackware :: Add Raid Device To Lilo?

Mar 14, 2010

I look after some small office where computers run ubuntu. Sometimes they phone me for help. For that reason, I decided to install ubuntu alongside with my slack.I seem to have problems with lilo configuration. Ubuntu is installed on software raid :

/boot = md0 (raid 1 of sda1+sdb1)
/ = md1 (raid 0 of sda2+sdb2)

That's lilo.conf:


append=" vt.default_uft8=0"
boot = /dev/sda
bitmap = /boot/slack.bmp



Fatal: open /vmlinuz-2.6.31-9-rt: No such file or directory

I can mount md0 without problems and the file name seems to be correct.

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Slackware :: Software RAID 1 Versus LILO / Kernel-generic - ERROR: No /sbin/init Found On Rootdev

Jul 1, 2011

I'm currently trying to setup Slackware 13.7 on a server, using software RAID 1. I'm using the README_RAID.TXT document at the root of the Slackware disc as a reference. Anyway, here's what I have so far.

/dev/md1 -> /boot partition
/dev/md2 -> swap partition
/dev/md3 -> / partition


[root@raymonde:~] # fdisk -l /dev/sd{a,b}
Disk /dev/sda: 41.1 GB, 41110142976 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4998 cylinders, total 80293248 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes


I created an initrd image using mkinitrd -F, added an according stanza to /etc/lilo.conf and ran 'lilo' after that. Now I can boot on the vanilla huge kernel all right. But I can't seem to boot on the generic kernel. Whenever I try to do this, the boot process stops short on the following error message:


mount: mounting /dev/md3 on /mnt failed: Device or resource busy
ERROR: no /sbin/init found on rootdev

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General :: Installing Slackware / LILO On Two Hard Drives?

Apr 15, 2010

I have one machine with two disks that I'd like to install Slackware on. I'd like to have the root folder and installed folders on hdb, and just have have hda as a disk I can use for storage (without any home directories, etc.). My problem is, I don't know how to make this boot, as I think LILO is installed on the primary drive, but the boot folder is located on hdb. I tried doing this before and was having problems booting, so I was just going to go through the whole process again, but don't really know the correct procedures.

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SUSE / Novell :: Encrypted Root With LUKS On LVM And RAID-1 ?

Apr 15, 2009

OpenSuSE 11.1 is by far the best SuSE version in a long time. It's generally up to competition or ahead of it. It's admirable, how thoughtful this system is set up, and how clean and fast it is compared to its predecessors. It ssems, that SuSE is fighting its way back to where they came from before the Novell "merger."

Having said that, it is even harder to understand, IMHO, why the installer doesn't support encrypted root partitions. Of course, there is a manual solution:

However, this HOW-TO doesn't explain how to combine LUKS encryption with LVM on a RAID-1 system, as described for Slackware 12.2 here:


Is there a similar guide anywhere available for OpenSuSE 11.1?

If not: Would it be possible to do all the low-level setup work, like partitioning, setting up the logical volumes and encrypting everything, with Slackware, following the document above, and then install OpenSuSE 11.1 on that system? Would that work?

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Slackware :: Install Puppy 525 On Slackware 13.37 PC As A Dual-boot Using LILO?

Jul 18, 2011

I'm trying to install Puppy 525 on my Slackware 13.37 PC as a dual-boot using LILO. Puppy is living, all on it's own, in sda6, a 6 GiB partition. It got there by using the Puppy Universal Installer and selecting a 'Full' install, not a 'Frugal' install. I cannot find 'LILO' type instructions, only 'GRUB' type instructions.

Has anyone succeeded in doing a hard drive install of Puppy with the LILO boot loader?

Edit: I'll probably regret it, but I used Puppy's GRUB installer.

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Slackware :: Lilo Not Booting Slackware Correctly - Errors Inside?

Mar 1, 2010

I'm fairly new to Linux so I'm going to need a step-by-step guide to get me out of this rut. The install of Linux was fine but when I booted up I got this error. VFS: Cannot open root device "302" or unknown-block (3,2) append a correct "root=" boot option;here are the available partitions;

0800 78150744 sda driver:sd
0801 47428608 sda1 <-- this is my Windows partition
0802 30719552 sda2 <-- this is my Linux partition
0b00 1048575 sr0 driver:sr
0b01 1048575 sr1 driver:sr

Kernel panic - not syncing:VFS:Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (3,2) I guessed from reading this error Lilo isn't pointing to the right partition to boot from? How will I fix this? I read another thread about boot problems on these forums and a guy said to do this:

#mkdir /slacktemp
#mount /dev/device /slacktemp
#chroot /slacktemp
#cd /slacktemp/etc <-- for me it told me that doesn't exist
#vi lilo.conf <-- couldn't do nothing and was frozen
#lilo -v -t -b /dev/device
#lilo -v -b /dev/device

The above solution did not work for me. Can anyone shed a light on a Linux rookie?

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Slackware :: Windows Raid-O Install Virtualbox, Will Slackware Install Raid-o Without Raid Driver?

Feb 28, 2011

If I have a windows installed in raid-0, then install virtualbox and install all my linux os,s to virtualbox will they be a raid-0 install without needing to install raid drivers?

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Slackware :: Dual Boot With Lilo On Btrfs - Slackware 13.1?

May 29, 2010

I just did a fresh install of slack 13.1 on a separate drive to the one I was previously using. I've been having trouble getting lilo to work, so that I can choose between either drive. Lilo is currently installed to /dev/sda, with the old system on /dev/sda1 and the new installation on /dev/sdb1. I keep getting errors like these:

Code: Fatal: Trying to map files from unnamed device 0x0011 (NFS/RAID mirror down ?)
I managed to install lilo from the old system by copying the kernel image from the new system into the /boot/ directory and running lilo. I am now on the new system and trying the same thing in reverse but it isn't working. I have searched around a bit and there's a lot of talk of chroot-ing into the other partition to run lilo. I don't understand why the process isn't working both ways though. I can't run lilo on my new installation even with the two kernel images in the local /boot/ folder. Is this something to do with btrfs or am I missing something to do with lilo? This is my lilo.conf file. I am trying to run lilo using this file from my new installation on /dev/sdb1 and getting the error given above.


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Software :: Installing LILO On USB External Hdd

Jul 6, 2009

I have not seen a clear cut or concise way to do this. I have copied my Linux system (Debian Lenny) from my internal hdd(hda) to a 160 GB external hdd(sda) hooked up through USB. I want to be able to boot from this external hdd. The system BIOS will allow ... supposedly ... booting from a USB device. I am using LILO with the internal and would rather continue using it. I don't know if it is installed correctly on the external. I seem to doubt it.Can anybody tell me where to look for more info? Or perhaps enlighten me on how to install LILO into the MBR of an external USB hdd.

Any other tips would be great as to how to boot my Linux system off of the external

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing Over Existing LUKS+LVM Partitions

Sep 2, 2010

I installed on LUKS+LVM, and I want to preserve my /home without moving the data to any external media (I don't have any). My partition layout is as follows:

sda1: /boot
sda2: encrypted volume (sda2_crypt)
sda2_crypt: LVM volume group, with /, swap and /home.

Having many previous (sad) experiences with completely borked experiments and data loss, I've decided to try the trick in VirtualBox first. I've installed Debian (testing, netinst, Dec 2009) with encrypted LVM, and touch'd a file in my $HOME so that I'd know if the contents were preserved. Then proceeded to install Ubuntu 10.04.1 from the alternative CD. After the installer started and loaded some of the basic components (but before it entered the partitioner) I've switched to a shell and read a scroll of identification:


$ cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda2 sda2_crypt
[entered the passphrase]
$ lvm vgscan
$ lvm lvscan

* Another concern; after the installation, I've noticed that the contents of my $HOME were overwritten by Ubuntu's default skeleton (pictures, desktop, music, templates, and other crap). The control file I've touch'd after installing Debian wasn't there.

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Slackware :: Lilo Can't Boot 13.1

Nov 8, 2010

i installed slackware 13.1, previously i had slackware 13, i made the following partitions:


everything went fine until i rebooted slackware after installation. lilo didnt boot at all, just a black screen. i booted with the DVD, and checked the lilo config file. the contents on lilo looks fine, just like any other lilo on google. for example i have this: boot = /dev/sda

i installed lilo on the MBR., i then changed this to boot = /dev/sda1 , on root and nothing same thing lilo always complains at the end: Partition entry not found , but how come , /etc/fstab shows all partitions are mounted ,( i am doing this in KDE environment). i reinstalled again , same thing. I also get a warning: video doesnt not support VESA mode, i changed to vga = normal again it complains that video doesnt support vesa even when i set it to normal, (note that i am running lilo after i made those changes, even rebooting , and same thing happens.

when i installed lilo, it let me choose video modes for the boot screen because lilo showed that my video card supports vesa mode, but then it doesnt boot at all. did slackware 13.1 changed so much that my laptop is no longer supported?? everything was fine with slackware 13 or is it because slackware needs a separate /boot partition, if so how come i just installed slackware 13 with just / and swap?

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Slackware :: Lilo Not Activating ?

May 16, 2011

I finally got everything installed and then slackware setup prompted me to reboot. then i did and it just took me back to windowsxpx64. so then i tried booting off my usb, and it worked, however when i login as root, i just get the bash commandline and not interface or programs or anything. i cannot login as any other user and the setup did not prompt me to make another user account. so how would i activate lilo or make it so i can boot with it to slackware? i rather use grub but for now i would just like to get slackware working right.

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Slackware :: Adding A Volume To A LUKS/LVM Setup?

Mar 21, 2010

I have been following Alien Bob's README_CRYPT.TXT on the install disk and playing around with LUKS and LVM as highlighted in the section Combining LUKS and LVM. I got this working following the examples in the readme however I now wish to add another volume to the volume group. I have got this working and extended the group with an encrypted volume so it's now bigger. I want the two included physical volumes in the volume group (which are both encrypted) to be opened on bootup.

As it is now I am prompted for a password for the first physical volume (the passwords are set to be the same) and that opens and boots the volume. It has a problem with the second PV I have added and doesn't open this. There are errors on boot up about this and pvdisplay give this:

Couldn't find device with uuid 'JVirxL-lmqH-SUym-3lXG-MnXx-Qjk8-JZRha8'.
Couldn't find device with uuid 'JVirxL-lmqH-SUym-3lXG-MnXx-Qjk8-JZRha8'.
Couldn't find device with uuid 'JVirxL-lmqH-SUym-3lXG-MnXx-Qjk8-JZRha8'.
--- Physical volume ---
PV Name /dev/block/253:0


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Slackware :: LUKS Decryption Fails In Dolphin?

Nov 25, 2010

I've just did a fresh Slackware 13.1 install on a 32-bit box for friends of mine. It's an older machine with an AMD Athlon XP 2500. Generally everything works just fine, with one exception, however.Connecting a LUKS encrypted USB harddisk is notified by KDE. Clicking on the device icon in Dolphin opens the dialog asking for the LUKS passphrase. No error message appears, but the file system is not opened and mounted, anyway.However, before another attempt I have to "remove" the device in Dolphin.Output of dmesg:

# Nov 25 23:58:24 mycomputer kernel: device-mapper: ioctl: unable to remove open device temporary-cryptsetup-3023


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Slackware :: USB Keyboard Won't Respond On Luks Login?

May 9, 2011

I just installed slackware 13.37 64 using luks and lvm by following this. However, when its time to enter the password, my usb keyboard won't work. I included the uhci-hcd, and usbhid modules when running mkinitrd,

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General :: Installing To One Drive And Booting From Another Lilo?

Mar 10, 2011

Im planning on installing a beta of my favorite distro to /dev/hdb from a mounted iso on an /dev/hda partition.Im not exactly a newbie, but i cant say i have ever done this before. Anyone aware of any issues i might encounter? Is lilo ok booting from one drive to another? Is it ok to just install lilo on the mbr of /dev/hda to boot a distro on /dev/hdb?

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Slackware :: 13 Cryptsetup Luks Wrong Device Name In /dev/mapper/*?

Mar 3, 2010

Slackware 13 Kernel have three hard drives. Root is on own drive sda1. sdb and sdc are raid via mdadm with two partitions. one for /home raid0 md0 one for swap raid1 md1. md0 is encrypted vi cryptsetup. md1 is encrypted vi fstab. everything boots fine and is accessible. However, /dev/mapper/* shows sda1 as block device connected to the raid md0. swap crypted device is correct in /dev/mapper/*. fstab is set correctly. problem seems to be with initrd. I would like the correct device in /dev/mapper so that I can access drive info; size, available space, etc. now info shows only sda1 info

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Slackware :: Pondering About Encrypting The Keycard For A LUKS/LVM Partition?

Aug 15, 2010

So I was wondering about the dilemma of how to encrypt the password file on a key card to unlock your harddrive without having to enter any password. I came to the conclusion that that the scripts could do this without storing any passwords in plane text them self. Have a few extra steps to the scripts that would:

1. Read the UUID of any disks coming in.

2. Attempt to use that ID to decrypt a password file stored in the initrd.

3. Use the decrypted password file to unlock the the keycard partition.

4. THEN use the password files on the keycard to decrypt the main partition and boot the system.

However, if somebody stole your key card and didn't know what the unencrypted information was, then it's harmless for them to have it anyway. And if they did know, you wouldn't be any better off with it being encrypted because they probably can gain access to your computer anyway; leaving them to just pop the key card in and automatically decrypt the drive.

I suppose encrypting the keycard would give you extra assurance that the information would be much harder to recover if you destroyed the key card in a hurry. So would this extra security step even be worth it?

I guess the most secure thing would be to only have a password and type it in every time... unless you are concerned about the aliens/government stealing that from your brain which would probably mean they wouldn't need your password anyway.

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Slackware :: Xfce Automount Luks Lvm External Drive

Apr 5, 2011

I have a luks-encrypted external drive with lvm on top. When I plug it in xfce prompts me (twice as usual) for the encryption phrase. Then, unlike when I have a regular file system on top and it automounts, I need to activate the volumes and manually mount. Is there a way to make these steps happen automatically?

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Slackware :: Xfce LUKS Handling Randomly Fails?

May 24, 2010

Anyone else experiencing the random LUKS fails? Anyone know of a solution?I filed a bugBasically I have a USB hard drive with two LUKS partitions on it (sdb2, sdb3). When plugged in, it asks for the password in Xfce (like it did in Slackware 13.0), but instead of the previous "asks twice for password" bug, now it asks once, but nothing pops up on the desktop. It's rare to see either of them put an icon on the desktop (usually nothing results).

I see /dev/mapper/luks_crypto_{UUID} get populated, so they are successfully being unlocked (LUKS), but no icon appears, and no mount point for the volume label (i.e. /media/BACKUP /media/ASUS) is populated.Does anyone know how I could produce a more useful bug report? I'm wondering if "strace startxfce" would produce anything useful or if I should alias Thunar to "strace -o /tmp/thunar-`date`.txt" would be in order.

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Slackware :: Can't Add Ubuntu Into Lilo.conf

Jan 10, 2011

I finally installed Slackware and now I have Windows, Slackware and Ubuntu in my laptop. I installed Ubuntu at the last order and at that time GRUB the default loader. But I feel that I'd like to use lilo more, so I booted into Slackware and run "lilo" and then lilo became the default loader.But then I cannot access Ubuntu anymore. Because in lilo there're no information about Ubuntu. So I added some information about Ubuntu according to that of Windows in lilo. But that failed. I still cannot access Ubuntu. I searched for the posts about this problem, and this is what they say:



or something like this. But in my slack I cannot find the image or the initrd.

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Slackware :: Unable To Install The Lilo

Jul 4, 2010

I have been given a new old computer, Asus K8N-E with a 2GHz AMD Athlon 64.OpenBSD and Debian works like a charm. But with Slackware 13.1, LILO won't be installed properly. There are two disks: a 10GB ATA-drive with the system and a 250GB SATA-drive as a data repository.

Apparently the computer insists that the SATA is the first disk. Subsequently the bootable partition is not on the first disk and disables LILO to be installed. This is when I try to install LILO to a partition. When it is installed to MBR, it says something about overlapping and can't boot.

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Slackware :: Fixing Lilo After A Bad Edit?

Nov 20, 2009

I've read that you can fix lilo after a bad edit by booting from install cd1 and entering: Code:boot: bare.i root=/dev/hda X noinitrd ro at the boot prompt. Can someone confirm this or suggest a better way? I'm using slackware 13.

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Slackware :: Add Lilo Entry For Ubuntu?

Jun 30, 2010

I'm currently dual-booting slack 13.0 and ubuntu 10.04 When slack was originally installed, I had an earlier version of ubuntu on it, and lilo did not pick up the ubuntu. At that time, I didn't care, because I had no use for the 'old' ubuntu. When I installed ubuntu 10.04, the boot config file (/boot/grub/grub.cfg) did include an entry for slackware. Great! I am looking forward to upgrading slack to 13.1, but I want to make sure this time that I can also boot ubuntu, should I need to use it.

1)Slack installation instructions that would enable me to include the other distro in the initial install

2)Instructions on how to edit andprocess lilo.conf after the slack What follows is a dump of df from the ubunutu 'side'..


tim@bart:~$ df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda6 52866604 6227476 43953640 13% /
none 1478976 300 1478676 1% /dev


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Slackware :: How Do I Specify Root Disk In Lilo

Jun 13, 2010

With the continued growth of SATA devices, I have really been having problems with my boot loader. In the old days, it was pretty easy to make sure that the IDE devices stayed put. However, now everything is an sd device. Specifying a root directory of /dev/sda1 in lilo is no longer a sure thing. If you have a USB device plugged in or an ESATA device, your sd devices are no longer guaranteed to stay put.In reading through the lilo documentation, it appears that you can specify root devices by UUID or even by LABEL.

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Slackware :: Booting Ubuntu 10.04 With LILO?

Aug 31, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.04 on a spare partition, but didn't want to install Grub since I'm sure Ubuntu isn't going to be around for more than a little test drive. The problem I have is that lilo doesn't like the initrd.img file, complaining that it's too large. I'm assuming this file should be in the initrd line for the lilo entry. If someone is booting Ubuntu 10.04 with lilo it would be nice to see the lilo entry or any tips.

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Slackware :: Can't Add Ubuntu Into Lilo.conf?

Jan 10, 2011

My thread "Can't add Ubuntu into lilo.conf" was merged with this one.That problem has been solved, As I solved that problem, I got several more questions: When applying the changes by run "lilo", there's a warning about "large-memory". How come and how to solve? When loading into lilo, there's a capital character "U" in front of "Ubuntu". At the same time, there's nothing in front of Slackware or Windows. I wonder why. And, now that lilo read the booting info from slackware, if sometimes slackware get collapsed, could I still be able to access lilo? If I can access lilo, can I still boot into the other OSes?

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Slackware :: Repairing Lilo From Live CD

Jun 25, 2010

During the upgrade of my slackware from 13.0 to 13.1 an electric problem happen on my sony laptop. So the upgrade is fine, disk is fine but no time to run the lilo for configure the new boot. Now impossible to boot. I boot on a backtrack live CD, and can't repair my lilo.Is someone could help me. I use slackware since the 3.2 (kheops in french).

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