Server :: Finding Files With Wildcardnames In It

Aug 8, 2010

How do I find files with wildcardnames in it ?

For eg:

If i have files called, "hello123", "hello?","hello1" and "hellohoware" in the system and I want to list only the file "hello?" with the "find" command, how do I do it ?

find / -name hello? doesn't work as expected and also lists "hello1". I don't want "hello1" to be listed do I list only "hello?" ?

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Server :: Finding X2go Log Files?

Dec 8, 2010

Where does x2go log the time at date of client logins? or dosnt it log anything? i have searched far and wide, and even contacted the x2go dev mailing list, but i have found no answer anywhere.

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Ubuntu :: Finding A Cc Cleaner Equivalent To Clear-out Temporary Files / Internet Files / Etc?

May 23, 2011

Is there a cc cleaner equivalent for linux to clear out tmp, internet files, etc.?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Finding A Program That Converts AVI Files To VOB Files?

May 23, 2011

Is there a program for Ubuntu that converts AVI files to VOB files? This is the only type of file that will burn to a DVD and successfully play on my DVD player. I can use DVD Flick on Windows but I'm sure this can't be the only way. There has to be a way to get VOB files on an Ubuntu operating system.

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General :: Finding Files To Backup?

Mar 12, 2011

I have a situation where a directory has about 1.5 million files in it. On an hourly basis, I want to be able to find any files that have changed in the last hour, compress them, encrypt them and then copy them to both a local backup machine and an off site backup.

Is there any kind of utility or kernel module that creates some type of log of modified files? I know I can use find, but the search for -mtime in this directory takes quite a while and will not suffice for an hourly backup.

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General :: Finding All Files Starting With A .

Nov 29, 2010

To find all files recursively starting with a . (period), is the following OK:

find ./ -name '.'*

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General :: Finding Files Exactly 7 Days Old?

Apr 19, 2010

i am a newbie in linux ,i am writing a bash script to identify the files which are exactly 7 days ( a week old) i tried this command find /var/backup -mtime +7 -exec ls -d {} ;but this gives me even the files which are older than 7 days

[root@proxy access]# find . -mtime +7 -exec ls -d {} ;


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General :: Finding Words In Files?

Apr 23, 2010

I am looking for this `struct messages_sdd_t` and I need to search through a lot of *.c files to find it.However, I can't seen to find a match as I want to exclude all the words 'struct' and 'messages_sdd_t'. As I want to search on this only 'struct messages_sdd_t' The reason for this is, as struct is used many times and I keep getting pages or search results.The directory I am searching in, has another directories so it will have to search recursively.I have been doing this without success:Code: find . -type f -name '*.c' | xargs grep 'struct messages_sdd_t'and thisCode: find . -type f -name '*.c' | xargs egrep -w 'struct|messages_sdd_t'

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Ubuntu Networking :: Finding Internet Files In /etc/?

May 1, 2010

I have is that I can't update anything at all, my update manager isn't working because I created a few internet files in my /etc/ somewhere so that I could use the internet through a wingate network and now I need to get rid of those files because I'm on a direct connection now. I'm running Intrepid Ibex. .

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Finding The .dev Files For Libx264?

Jun 3, 2010

were do i get the .dev files for libx264 0.98 i think is the version it is asking for.I install the latest libx264 from git or does that install the .dev file also.

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Ubuntu :: Finding Intersect Of Lines In Files?

Aug 3, 2010

I have several text files that list hundreds or thousands of words each. I need to find the intersect of each of these sets. (i.e. print only lines that occur in each file) Is there a CLI utility that can do this?

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Ubuntu :: Way Of Finding Common Strings Between Two Files?

Jul 7, 2011

I have two text files in the form:1 ItemA [value]2 ItemB [value]3 ItemC [value]Some of these items are common for both files, while others are missing from either one or the other.I want to compare the values for each common item in the two lists, but don't know how. I have a vague idea that probably grep might be useful, but I don't know how to use it for this purpose.So, to sum it up, what I would like to do is to take to text files containing lists and merge their common items into a third file in the form:

1 ItemA [value_from_list1] [value_from_list2]
2 ItemB [value_from_list1] [value_from_list2]
3 ItemC [value_from_list1] [value_from_list2]


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SUSE :: Finding A Program To Burn Avi Files To Dvd?

Oct 27, 2010

i am looking for a linux program to burn some avi files i have to be able to watch them through my dvd player onto my t.v. i have tried devede and it works but the files i used were iso files and i am not sure it would work with a avi filese?

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General :: Finding A Script To Copy Files?

Nov 27, 2010

give me a script for copying all the files in a directory that are not directories to another directory. May be this could work:


FILE=(ls -l|grep ^-)
for i in $FILE
cp $i /destination/path/$FILE

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General :: Finding Files That Relates To Certain Applications

Jan 28, 2010

I'm wondering if you can share some tips in regards to finding .conf files in programs when installing using package managers. I'm scratching my head on the fact that when you install a program through yum/apt-get, I don't know what and where the software is being installed at. In Windows, I know that when it installs an application, it goes into the Program Files directory, it's that simple.I know Linux has predefined directories for applications but sometimes it installs configuration files in /etc or some other locations in /usr which I have a tough time sifting through.

Is there a way to trace what .conf or any files for that matter which relates to what software that needs it? It's just hard for me to understand what file relates to what application at the moment. As much as I would like to learn more about Linux, this process for me takes up alot of time. I hope you can help me out on this one.

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General :: Finding Files Under The Current Directory?

Oct 5, 2010

Assumed y directory structure looks as follow:


-- dir1
-- dir1-1
-- dir2
-- dir2-1
-- dir2-2

And under each sub dir there are some log files ended with .log. Now I want to list all these log files. How to to that?

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Programming :: Script For Finding The First X-GB Of Files In A Directory?

Jun 23, 2010

I once had a script that when run would find the first 800GB of files in a directory (including subdirectories) and write them to a file (ie: ./ > manifest.txt).I used this to create manifests of 800GB worth of data from large directories in order to dump to tape (LTO4).I'm sure its gotta be a pretty simple script, but I am not very skilled at writing bash scripts.

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Fedora :: Finding Files With Wildcards In The Actual Filename?

Sep 5, 2010

I am trying to clean up a collection of music files, often in windows i receive errors on the collection because some of the files have a "?" question mark in the file name, in windows this is not a valid character for file names. How can i search/find files with a question mark in the name? Each time i try to search for "?" i receive a list of items that match a wildcard search where ? is a wildcard. I want to find file names that actually contain the character "?".

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General :: Finding Files Based On Date Without Using `find`?

Aug 11, 2011

I know find can do what I am looking for, but I am wondering if there is an alternative way to find files on the filesystem either created before/after a certain point, or at a certain time.

Typically I rely on updatedb & locate for most of my file searching needs. Issues with those tools, though, are that it only has directory and file names, and it only creates a database of local directories, not anything mounted via CIFS|NFS or via -o loop (eg, .iso images).

So if I need to find files created after yesterday across the entire system (local and remote filesystems), I am currently needing to use find.

What other tools, if any, would accomplish this in a similar fashion?

I have tried ls and grep, but that requires (in my attempts so far) multiple searches:

ls -lR | grep Aug | grep 10
ls -lR | grep Aug | grep 11

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General :: Finding A Tool That Can Detect Glitches In MP3 Files?

Aug 24, 2011

My collection contains some MP3s which have some glitches like

displaying the wrong duration on loading
minor jumps
suddenly ending despite the duration claims another minute remaining

I'm looking for a tool that can detect as many of these glitches as possible and fix those that can be fixed (obviously e.g. noise can not simply be eliminated in most cases).

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Debian :: Finding A Program In Lenny To Convert Swf Files To Mp3 And Ogg

Feb 2, 2010

Is there a program in Debian Lenny to convert swf files to mp3 and ogg?

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Debian :: Finding Kernel Headers Files Difference?

Jul 3, 2009

I usually custom compile my kernel and generate the header files with the following command:


fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=generic-ide kenrel_image kernel_headers

However, I noticed that there are some difference in the headers files that get generated with the above command as compared to the header files that are available from Debian repo. For example, the header files for 2.6.24 kernel have files like:


debian:/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-etchnhalf.1-686/arch/x86# ls Kconfig Kconfig.cpu Kconfig.debug kernel Makefile Makefile_32 Makefile_32.cpu Makefile_64 However, if I custom compile the above kernel from Debian sources (2.6.24), the headers files does not have the above files:


debain:/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-generic-ide/arch/x86# ls
boot ia32 Kconfig.cpu kernel lib mach-es7000 mach-visws Makefile mm pci vdso xen
crypto Kconfig Kconfig.debug lguest mach-default mach-generic mach-voyager math-emu oprofile power video

As you can see from above output, files like Makefile_32, Makefile_32.cpu are not present, if I generate kernel headers files using the make-kpkg command as mentioned in the beginning of the post. I happened to notice the above issue, while I was trying to compile a out-of-tree kernel module and the "make" command for those sources (some graphics card drm module) worked with the default header files (linux-headers-2.6.24-etchnhalf.1-686) but did not work with (linux-headers-2.6.24-generic-ide) because it did not find the Makefile_32. Although I was able to fix the problem by copying the Makefile_32 from linux-headers-2.6.24-etchnhalf.1-686 but I would like to know why there is a difference. This is bit of a concern because it unnecessarily breaks the out-of-tree module compilation process because of trivial reasons.

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General :: Finding Website Links In HTML Files?

May 29, 2010

I have a website that has a massive list of royalty free stock photos and I want to download all of them. I have bought a membership for [URL] so I am able to download as much as I want from them for the next month.

Instead of going page by page and manually downloading each set of stock photos manually, I would like to automate this process. Here's my idea:

1. Download the website with the links to hotfile [URL]

2. Use grep to retrieve all the links to [URL]

3. Feed the links I recieve from grep into wget and download the works of them.

The problem I'm getting is when I use grep, It retrieves the entire line of html code where "" is shown. So here is an example of one link I receive in the output:


./1776-santa-claus-vector-set.html:<div align="center"><a href="" target="_blank">HotFile</a></div>

Is there a way to just have the link shown in the output?

PS: I have everything else working, I just need an automated process of getting all the links.

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General :: Finding Files With Ctime Older Than X Seconds?

Jun 8, 2010

how to find a file with a ctime older than. let's say, 5 seconds? What I would like to do is to move all "new" files in a specific folder but not files that has not yet finished uploading.

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General :: Grep -- Finding Files That Contain Two Separate Strings?

Dec 9, 2010

I've got a quick grep question. I'm trying to work out a command I can use to locate all of the files in a directory that have sql database connection details. I want to do it by looking for the strings "localhost" and the name of the database.find . -type f -exec grep -l -E '^(localhost|DATABASE_NAME)' {} ;

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Programming :: Finding Copies Of Files Based On MD5SUM?

Jul 13, 2010

I have a directory with some data files in it. I did an md5sum find, and built an index of all the files contained:

find ./* -type f -print0 | xargs --null md5sum > MD5SUM

Now, based on my new index, I want to find the copies of these files as they appear in a new directory, where they have been renamed and reorganized.

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CentOS 5 :: Useradd Command - Finding 10 Last Files Sorted

Apr 6, 2009

I work under centos 5, I would like to know which command to use in order to find where the useradd command is geinstalled. Second How can I find the 10 last files sorted (reverse) from the /etc directory.

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Fedora :: Installing Programs And Finding A Program That Plays FLV Files?

Mar 28, 2010

how to install programs, that i downloaded onto my windows XP computer,and they are for linux, i downloading it off a site.i just need to learn how to install it,and i need to find a media player that plays FLV files, as well as MP3 files, with the codec preinstalled,or how to install sorry im really new to linux, i was considering switching to Mint, is that any better for media?

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General :: What GUI Linux Programs Are There For Finding Files Based Upon Their Contents?

Sep 18, 2010

What GUI Linux programs are there for finding files based upon their contents?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Finding Files Related To Specific Software?

Feb 16, 2010

I am doing a project related to system restore concept in linux. There i am planning to perform application wise rollback in case of failure!! Is there any way to figure out what are all the files used by an application in the system??

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