Server :: Can Define Max Limit Of File Descriptor

Jul 7, 2009

We are facing problem of to many file open error because of that application become slow and in tomcat catalina log we get following error frequently Jul 6, 2009 12:27:57 PM$Acceptor run SEVERE: Socket accept failed

at Method)


no file limit,file descriptor limit for 300 user of tomcat application server and also oracle database server?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Maximum Of 1024 File Descriptor Limit?

May 4, 2011

I'm running nginx for static files and as a proxy server for a comet IM server on ubuntu Jaunty. On high load I'm hitting a limit of 1024 file descriptors. I've tried increasing this limit but still can't pass 1024. Does "more /proc/sys/fs/file-nr" gives me the global count of used file descriptors? Why do I see a maximum of 1024 open file descriptors in /proc/sys/fs/file-nr if this is the global count for the machine and each user should have at least 1024 allowed file descriptors by default? Is there a way to increase the limit while the server is running?

Some relevant info on my server:
sudo more /proc/sys/fs/file-nr
sudo sysctl fs.file-max
fs.file-max = 38001
sudo nano /etc/security/limits.conf
* hard nofile 30000
* soft nofile 30000

I also added this to /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf:
worker_rlimit_nofile 10240;
Uncommented the following line in /etc/pam.d/su:
session required

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General :: Open Local File Error When Creating File Descriptor?

Sep 14, 2009

error message when I ran my program that I couldn't open my local file. I have two files first one is called client, second one is called server I am using named pipes to sent a message from client to the other file called server in client I used mknod() to create the two named pipes,one for read,one for write and created new thread in client using fork() spawned a child process that executed the server file both named pipes are opened the client file got the message from the user and sent it through the named pipes to the server file when the server receives the message , it needs to verfify it is correct in the server file, a local file descriptor is created to read and send this verifing message when it is not correct but I am getting an OPEN() error when I tried to open this shared local array buff and attach it to a file descriptor where the message is kept why do I get this error in server file

int main()
/*both named pipes are open*/


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Server :: Concurrent File Read Limit

Jul 12, 2011

More of a "Knowledge" question... Is their a limit to the number of reads a single file can take? Say for example I have a file named config.xml in an htdocs directory and a XMLReader function from PHP reads some value(s) out of this file for every connection of Apache or NGinx. Now suppose my site receives a gigantic spike in traffic (but Apache stays opertational through it all)... Is their a point at which the underlying system would simply not be able to open+read config.xml anymore??

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Server :: Open File Limit On Debian Squeeze ( 6.0.1)?

Apr 28, 2011

I have a problem with open file limit. The software I'm installing claims "Open file limit (ulimit -H -n) too low (1014), need at least 6311" but when I check the linit I get the following

# uname -a
Linux server 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Mon Mar 7 21:35:22 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux


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Server :: Limit The Suphp User Memory Limit?

May 12, 2010

I have a VPS server with 512 MB memory. The php.ini is set so script memory limit = 16 MB. However, I have noticed in my top report, instances like the following:


5484 coldclim 25 0 46476 32m 5920 R 0.0 6.4 0:00.93 php

The bold number of 6.4 is the % of sever memory this process is using. 6.4 % of 512 MB of memory is about 32 MB of memory, so it appears that this isn't being limited by php.ini. Am I correct? This leads to the next question: Is there some way to limit the amount of memory a single suphp process can use? (Basically, something like the setting in php.ini which limits suphp processes in the same way.)

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Programming :: Get File Descriptor Of An Already Opened File?

Jul 20, 2011

Is there any method to get the file descriptor of a file which is already opened by some other process?

Or any method to get the File descriptor from the filepath ?

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Server :: New Open File Size Limit Is Getting Reflected In The Specific User?

May 16, 2011

Last weekend i have increased the open file size (ulimit -n) for the application user id i have update the limits.conf file with necessary inputs restarted the service and the server as well, when i check the ulimit value for the specific user by switching user from other user it shows the new value (10240) but if i login directly using the application id the ulimit value shows as 1024 which one is the default one.

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Programming :: Pyhon - Get The File Descriptor?

Apr 19, 2011

I create two script file name for "" and "", It's through socket connection.'s file writeing ",x)"create the file descriptor,but i don't know how to get the descriptor file with ""

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Programming :: What Does Closing A File Descriptor Mean

Mar 13, 2011

As we know, every process has a table with a file descriptor table, in which each entry contains a file pointer pointing to the corresponding file table which contains a v-node pointer pointing to the v-node table.

When closing a file descriptor, are all these data structure deleted?

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General :: File Descriptor Redirection And Duplication?

Mar 3, 2010

i've checked the link, and it makes it better. but it doesn't include all the information. i'll continue searching the internet. However i have seen an example of creating a fd:

exec 5<&1
echo "TEST" >&5
exec 5>&-

as in the page, this was intended to redirect the stdout to the fd 5 and create it, and close it. i have the following questions:- what is exactly the meaning of second command? is it to redirect the command stdout "test" to the fd 5? and how i can see the contents of the fd 5? - in the first command, why the < is used instead if > and what is the difference between the below two commands as in the info bash *Redirection section It will be helpful if anyone could include a graph for file descriptor before and after different command execution.


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General :: Command For Short File Descriptor?

Jun 25, 2010

the short file descriptor of an ISO file. I have been assigned with a task to match the short file descriptor of an ISO file(to be provided to the customer) to check if thats "Kudgo Support tools" or not.What linux command should I use?

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General :: Input To Sudo - What Is Its File Descriptor

Aug 5, 2011

Where does input to sudo go? I mean when we give password to sudo prompt where it actually goes? If it goes to a file what is its name or what is its file descriptor?

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Software :: Bad Tty & File Descriptor Error While Building RPM On F13

Dec 20, 2010

I have an FC13 x86_64 server and having trouble building RPMs, but I don't think it's specifically an RPM problem. I think it's a tty management or other type of problem.

When spec files have a "%files -f filelist.txt", which contains the list of files for the RPM, it calls the /usr/lib/check-files script, which sorts the files that are supposed to be in the RPM and compares them with the files that are in the built RPM before they are packaged.

The trouble is that the sort fails.

Here's the trace from the check-files script:

The above doesn't show that the output from sort is redirected into those /tmp files. The first sort succeeds because it reads data sent by the "find" in the same shell. The second sort fails because (I think) it cannot read data from stdin for some reason.

What could possibly cause this? I've checked various permissions, libraries, even used strace extensively, all of which is inconclusive.

This is one of my test server boxes, so this problem is something that I've caused, but I have no idea what.

libc controls input and output, correct? Could it somehow be a glibc problem, or a devpts problem? I can run a simple command and pipe it to sort with no problem. It appears to only be related to sub-shells.

I also replaced sort with cat and just tried to redirect stdin in that file to a temporary file, and that also fails.

I've tried running it with selinux disabled and that has no effect.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Starting Jack - Bad File Descriptor

Dec 10, 2010

I am having problems starting jack everytime I try to start it either says bad file descriptor a bunch times or it wont connect to server as client sometime. Other times It just say sorry cannot start jack.

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SUSE :: Get File Descriptor From Major And Minor Number?

Nov 15, 2010

Is it possible to get a file descriptor from the major and minor number. If so, how can this be done? I am trying to see if a port(eg ttyS2) is opened without using the fdopen or open or fopen functions. is there a way to get the file descriptor of file or port that as already been opened, without using the functions I mentioned above. These functions reopens the port. I am trying to avoid that.

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Programming :: PyGTK: Send Output From A File Descriptor To A Textview?

Jul 22, 2010

Within PyGTK I'm using gobject.spawn_async to launch a bash script. I would like the output of that bash script to be displayed within my application. I have a textview set up to receive the text ...

Here are the commands that launch the program:

def run_command(command):
global keep_pulsing
(cpid, cstdin, cstdout, cstderr) = gobject.spawn_async(command,flags=gobject.SPAWN_DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD|gobject.SPAWN_STDERR_TO_DEV_NULL,standard_code....

Here are the two callback functions. But like I say ... I have no idea how to get that data from the 'cstdout' file descriptor into a textbuffer.

textview = wTree.get_widget('textview1')
def update_textview_callback(fd, condition):
global keep_pulsing
if keep_pulsing:

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General :: How To Define File Type For Wget

Jan 25, 2011

how can I define file type for wget to download . for example I do not want to download *.html or I just want to download *.jpg files . or if it does not support any of them do you know any other suggestion ?

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Ubuntu :: Define Application To Open A Certain File Type?

Jul 20, 2010

I have installed Gantt Project (project management application) under 10.04. The system identifies the .gan files produced by the program as xml files. How do I tell the system to open .gan files with the GanttProject application?

I tried right click on the file to open and using "Open with other application" but the GanttProject application does not appear to be in the list of available programs.

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Debian :: Version Lenny: Define A GW In The Interfaces File?

Jan 28, 2011

Do you have to define a Gateway in the interfaces file?

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Programming :: BASH: Read + Define + Modify A Numeric Value From/to A File?

Mar 25, 2010

I want my bash file to read from "input.dat" the two values emin emax. My input file looks like that:

#cat input.dat
emin 10.00 !minimum energy
emax 30.00 !maximum energy

Now this seems to be not so hard with the command awk

awk '{FS=" "}/emin/{print $2}' input.dat
awk '{FS=" "}/emax/{print $2}' input.dat


So far so good. Now, I want to define two variables (e.g. e1,e2) in the bash file, so that their values would correspond to 00.00 and 30.00, as read from the input file. This one I have not found yet, thus asking for your advice. At the end, writing echo $e1 $e2, I should get 10.00 30.00 This is even harder to me: I want to replace the values emin,emax in a new file "modify.dat" which looks like that:

c---- energy interval
emin = 1.00
emax = 2.00

with the values e1 and e2 I have in my bash file. In other words, I want to call "modify.dat", find these two lines and replace the numeric values with the e1 and e2. At the end, my file should be like:

c---- energy interval
emin = 10.00
emax = 30.00

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Server :: Define How Old Logs Should Rsyslog Keep

Aug 25, 2010

I was wondering how could I specify for how long the logs will be kept. Rsyslog doesn't have such an option (at least I didn't find it).Do I have to use logrotate for this, or is there some other option?

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Debian Installation :: Define Partition Table Type In Preseeding File?

May 5, 2010

I'm trying to define the partition table type (I want to set it to msdos) for an automatic installation using preseeding file. (Why? I want to setup a software RAID 1 with two 2TB disks, by default the installer uses gpt partition tabless on those disks, where it's tricky to install grub(2), as there is no mbr, and the root partition is on a md device) During manual installtion it is possible to set the partition table type (by setting debconf priority to low).


Does anyone know what I have to put in my config file so that a msdos partition table will be created Also any other solution is welcome. I just want to have my root partition on a raid 1 and have grub installed, so that it boots up (No other OS is installed on the boxes. Debian squeeze is used)

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Server :: Can Not Create Object Class In Openldap / Where To Define These?

Jan 6, 2010

I am using slackware 13 and openldap 2.4
with webmin.
whenever I start my server i get following error "root DN missing".
when I try to create root DN I get error "unable to create object class".
where do we define object classes?

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General :: Limit On File Size - Doesn't Allow User To Create File Which Are Greater Than 100Kb

Jun 13, 2011

I was just testing specifying limit on file size to a user and have added the following to /etc/security/limits.conf bob soft fsize 100 This basically should have said not to allow bob to create anyfile greater than 100Kb in size.

But the interesting thing is, if bob already has any file which is greater than 100Kb in size, it even doesn't allow to log him into the system both from console and SSH. Also nothing is logged in logs.. How do I configure it so that, bob can login to the system even though he has any file greater than 100Kb (but doesn't allow him to create file which are greater than 100Kb) ??

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Server :: Define A Global Group Made Up Of Other Groups In LDAP?

Apr 13, 2011

I'm trying to create a group called Domain Users, that will include several other groups that are populated with users inside of the LDAP database. In the LDAPdatabase, for a group entry, there are memberUid entries that can be filled. When I try to use another "Group" name, it just lists that name and not the people in that group. So if group "A" has Jim, John, Sue, and I include group "A" in the memberUid of the Domain Users group, I want that to reference the people in that group, not the group name. Testing access right, having the group name listed in "Domain Users" group, does not grant user access under the group rights on a directory. Should be simple, but I don't know the syntax to use for this reference.

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Security :: Define An Appliance Based On Suse For An Application Server And Web Server Apache - Best Network And Security?

Feb 6, 2010

We are trying to define an appliance based on Suse for an application server and Web server Apache, so we would like to know configuration best practices for network and security, is there any paper/doc about best practices?

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Software :: Pam_limits(sudo:session): Wrong Limit Value 'unlimited' For Limit Type 'soft'

Dec 28, 2010

my secure log is flooding with these messages..

sudo: pam_limits(sudo:session): wrong limit value 'unlimited' for limit type 'hard'
Dec 28 22:42:29 yn54 sudo: pam_limits(sudo:session): wrong limit value 'unlimited' for limit type 'soft'
Dec 28 22:42:29 yn54 sudo: pam_limits(sudo:session): wrong limit value 'unlimited' for limit type 'hard'

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CentOS 5 :: File Limit Set To 2GB?

Dec 20, 2010

I'm running CentOS 5.5 64bits. I tried today to create a 5GB test file as unprivileged user and the process limited the size at 2GB:

$ ulimit
$ time dd if=/dev/zero of=test.bin bs=5000000000 count=1
0+1 records in
0+1 records out


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General :: 8 Characters Limit In Iso File

Jul 20, 2010

I have a problem with both genisoimage and mkisofs. Both of them are limited to 8 characters. There are very many options for them. Which one would remedy the issue?

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