Server :: Redirect Different Domains To Different Internal Servers

Apr 23, 2010

I have several web servers running apache on my LAN. Each internal server hosts a number of domains.I would like to make these available to the internet and make sure they all get to use port 80 and 443.My idea was to put Apache on the firewall and have all http(s) traffic from the Internet to my firewall be redirected by Apache to the different internal apache servers. This, in theory, would allow me to keep the standard http(s) port.

Can this be done? I was thinking of mod_rewrite and mod_redirect but in all honesty, I'm a little at a loss on where to start.Can someone point me to relevant documentation or give me the basic idea on how to start?

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Server :: Configure Postfix To Relay Mail To Multiple Internal Mail Servers With Different Domains?

Aug 6, 2010

Two exchange servers internally. One is setup for ( and the other is setup for ( Both are behind a single public IP.

I want to use postfix to sit in front of the two exchange servers. Postfix will accept mail for both domains and relay to the appropriate server. I have postfix installed with only defaults at this point.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Redirect To Another Internal Webserver?

Feb 26, 2010

I have two servers on my network One with ubuntu 9.10 server And one with openSUSE 11.2.The ubuntu server is my webserver and runs phpsysinfo and my website. On the openSuse server i have a webbased application and some files that i want people to be able to reach by using wich points to my ubuntu server. Is there any way to do this?

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Server :: Bind9 - SERVFAIL On Some Internal Domains Not Others

Jul 24, 2011

I'm running bind9 on Debian 6. I have a primary domain,, fully configured and working dynamically (the server also runs DHCPd and updates the DNS records properly).


To access my externally-facing website, which has a blog and a forum which are keyed to the external domain, I set up the domains in bind so they would resolve to the server's internal IP. This worked great for a few months, then inexplicably ceased working. I didn't touch anything, but it coincided with our router dropping its VLANs. I've moved the server to a different location and it's still not working properly. Whenever I try to lookup the external domains, I get SERVFAILs. This is annoying because the internal domain is fully working and I copied the basic settings.


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Fedora Servers :: Apache External IP To Internal IP Redirect

Feb 18, 2009

I would like to redirect a external IP to a internal IP, all done with Apache. Is that possible.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Using A Web Server With Sub Domains?

Mar 12, 2010

I've tried to set up an old laptop with Ubuntu server - need to use it as a web server for a group of students on a local network only. I managed to get it working fine for just one user publishing webpages etc to a folder called VAR/WWW I could FTP files into the folder and access them again via FTP or a browser. I then decided to create some subaccounts (one for each student) I did this by typnig the following commands:

Sudo usermod -g www-data student1
Sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/student1
Sudo chmod -R 775 /var/www/student1

(In this example student1 is intended to be a subfolder of www and act like a sub-domain with write authority- at least that was my intention) Problem I then get is that if I use Filezilla to access each account I cannot see where to publish the files - wherevever I place them they are not accessible from the browser. Do any of you experts out there know the answer to my problems please.

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Ubuntu Servers :: OpenLDAP Multiple Domains On One Server?

Apr 17, 2011

I work for a college with many departments. I'd like to just deploy one LDAP/krb5 server (plus slave replicas) to authenticate all users in all departmentsIs it possible to do this?The proposed DNs for the departments matches what is done for NIS now.If anyone has any pointers or URLs that describe how to properly do this.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mail Server For 400 Small Domains - Which One To Use?

Sep 1, 2011

I am going to try and replace our crappy Windows/imail server with a new ubuntu 10.04 LTS based machine. It will end up with about 400 domains on it with around 3000 users total. 96% of the domains have very light use. 4% of the domains have heavy use but do not send any bulk mail.

Can someone here recommend a mail server software package that would be easy to administrate and easy to backup/replicate? All we need is POP with webmail. We do not need IMAP or want any group/collaborative functions.

What do you usually use for anti-spam on a linux mail server? We want to keep it all open source if possible.

For hardware we are looking at an HP DL360 G5 with dual Xeons, 4G of ram, and the P400 controller with 6 SAS 15k drives. Do you think a server like this will be able to handle the mail on linux? Volume is around 400k messages a day inbound with about 10% being legit/90% being spam. The server will be dedicated to mail hosting and will not host websites.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Forwarding Domains From Godaddy To Home Server?

Jul 1, 2010

I recently purchased a GoDaddy domain with the intent of hosting a website myself at home on a box First of all, I don't have a static IP, so I set up dyndns with my router. Do I want to just have GoDaddy forward traffic to my dyndns account? Or do I manually change the nameservers? To what? Also, this seems to work for http(s) traffic only. What happens if I want to use ssh/ftp/smtp? And do I need to configure anything on my end aside from installing/configuring the appropriate server binaries? Is there a way to update GoDaddy when my ip changes?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mail Server Setup For Multiple Domains?

Jul 4, 2010

Im moving all my websites on a dedicated box. I had a cpanel hosting account, and now moving to a terminal and ssh system.I need some advice on choosing my mail setup. I need POP, SMTP, with multiple domains, as host for a few clients.I would like the most simple version.The server will only send +- 100 mails / day.I currently running Ubuntu Linux 10.04.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mail Server Setup - For Multiple Domains ?

Oct 10, 2010

I have recently setup an Ubuntu 10.04 Minimal x64 Server. I plan on setting it up as a mail server. I need a secure server, that has spam prevention on it. Im setting up around 50 domains and would like a web based control panel. What is the most secure mail server, that i can setup for multiple domains?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Make It A .com - Redirect DNS To Server IP?

Oct 26, 2010

I'm hosting my own dedicated server with Ubuntu Server 10.10. I have it set up with a static local IP, and I've configured DynDNS to link up with my router and allow my server to go live to the internet. I have all the appropriate ports unlocked, with the exception of port 80. This port is blocked by my ISP (Charter) and I can't use it. Due to this, I configured my router to listen on port 81, and direct it to my server.

So, In order to view it, you need to go to the IP Today, I registered ( in hopes of getting around my current mask (provided by ( So here is my dilemma, When I go to the host of my domain name , I want to redirect my DNS to my server IP.

I can't seem to do it though? They want a strict IP address, no port extensions. How do I get around this so that my domain name and IP address link up? I'm thinking I may be missing a step, or maybe I needed to register a domain name that simply redirects? I'm starting to get confused on what I should do next. Can I even do this?

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Networking :: Redirect Marked Packets To Internal Website?

Dec 17, 2010

I found this really cool guide / info about creating an internet portal where users have to register (their MAC) with the server to use the internet. basically if users MAC's are in the list they get routed to the internet if not they get routed to an internal page asking them to register. It works great and works well. I was wondering if there are some smart people out there who could help me reverse the process.. eg if your mac is not in the list you can access the internet if it is, you are redirected to an internal page saying "youve been blocked"

The firewall rules are as follows.
Code: IPTABLES=/sbin/iptables
# Create internet chain
# This is used to authenticate users who have already signed up
$IPTABLES -N internet -t nat
# First send all traffic via newly created internet chain


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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache Virtual Host To Access Internal Server?

Apr 20, 2010

I'm not sure is this is possible or not, but what I would like to do is take my public address and configure a virtual host only instead of having the content on the same server I would like it to point to the IP of my virtual machine that is in my private network and display that page publicly. Does anyone know if this is possible, or how to do it? I have done this with port forwards, but would like them both to be on the same port.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup A Local Mail Server For Internal Testing On Development Work?

Dec 10, 2010

how to setup a local mail server for internal testing on my php development work. For example if I sent an email using php script to [url]....I should be able to check the mailbox of 'someone' either in Outlook or SquirrelMail.I have done some reading about this. All I know is that I need Postfix with Courier. But I just don't know to get it working.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Domains To Run - What's General Avg

Jan 11, 2010

To start off, I realize this type of question is very hard to answer and there is no general rule. My intention is to merely get an understanding of what others are doing. Models: 1) small piece of a big pie, but many small pieces 2) big piece of the pie, but few pieces. Which model do you guys do? If one can make $100 from a site which little or know effert, why not create 100 sites like it? Benits: diversified with multiple revenue streams, hard to manage so many etc etc. OR Work hard on 1 site, focus, narrow the niche and make loads of profits. drawbacks: all eggs in 1 basket Which model do you guys employ?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup More Than 2 Sub Domains On 9.10?

Jan 29, 2010

I've built a web hosting server with ubuntu 9.10 desktop edition at home and it's up and to get and set subdomains. What I mean is that I have a purchased domain [URL] and I want to add as many sub domains as I want such as [URL] so on. And more importantly every single subdomain must belong to each account.

sub domain      account name
-------------------------------------------   john   steave   myname

In this case, there are three accounts for ubuntu and each account has a permission to the corresponding sub domain only. p.s My DNS is managed by my domain company and it provides a web page where I can forward(not sure, but there are fields that I can type my sub domains) subdomains and my external IP addresss up to 20(just in case this info matters).

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Ubuntu Servers :: Associate The Domains To Vps?

Jul 19, 2011

i've bought a vps server with 2 ip. I also bought 2 domains "" and I want associate them to my vps How can i do?

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Fedora Servers :: Multiple Domains With Postfix

Aug 4, 2010

I have Postfix + Unix Accounts + Virtual Domains. I have a bunch of domains hosted on my machine, let's call them [URL] [URL] and [URL]... etc Until know,, were mapped in virtual domains to [URL] So this is how /etc/postfix/virtual looks like:


Like I said, all mail accounts are unix accounts, so, if for example I have the user "paul" this user will receive e-mail for ALL DOMAINS. [URL]But as it turns out, I now need a COMPLETELY ISOLATED domain... let's call it [URL]. So If I create a new user, let's call it "steve" I want steve to receive e-mail ONLY on [URL] and not on all others.

I would have to redo the whole thing from the beginning. I'd have to comment out the $mydestination parameter in the file and start using only virtual domains. So if I have the following users: paul, steve, sally, megan, jenny and I want paul and steve to ONLY receive mail for, sally and megan to receive mail for and jenny to receive mail for, my /etc/postfix/virtual file would have to look like this:


I'd have to create the unix account and then start modifying the /etc/postfix/virtual file.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Multiple Domains With One Public IP?

Jun 21, 2010

I would like to set up an ubuntu server to forward outside requests directed to different domains to different computers on my local network. The bind is I only have ONE public IP.

Here's an example of what I want to do.

- if a request is sent to, I want to forward it to a local server (say

- if a request is sent to, I want to forward it to a local server (say
and so on...

I will need to forward these requests not only for web sites but for other services such as SSH, mail, RDP, VNC, etc etc PS Once it hits those local servers, I know how to use iptables to forward them as desired.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Unable To Create Sub Domains Too

Aug 3, 2011

I followed this tutorial: [URL] But the links i created are not accessible. Is it to do with [URL] not working? I was doing [URL] and [URL], but didnt work

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Ubuntu Servers :: Redirect DNS Lookups To Other Servers?

Jan 12, 2011

Removed the thread; figured out that this does work in the zones config:

<Record you want redirected to another nameserver><tab>IN<tab>NS<tab><name server to redirect the query to>

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Fedora Servers :: Error - Server Encountered Internal Error Or Misconfiguration - Unable To Complete Request

Feb 27, 2009

I use web server apache use php fastcgi (Centos 5.2, apache 2.2.9 , php 5.2.5 and fcgi-2.2.4 ). I receive error : "The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error. I view log :


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Ubuntu Servers :: Lucid: Mailgraph + Dspam - X Suexec - "500 Internal Server Error"

Jun 17, 2010

I am setting a Lucid mail server, and got dspam and mailgraph installed. dspam requires suexec module for apache, but it breaks mailgraph with "500 Internal Server Error":


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Fedora Servers :: Sendmail / Genericstable / Virtual Domains?

Feb 18, 2009

WTF am I doing wrong with sendmail? I am trying to reverse alias a user as follows:


That is how I have the entry in the genericstableWhen he sends mail, it comes from USER1@MYDOMAIN.COM, so I have the domain rewrite correct. The forward mapping in virtusertable works fine as well - he gets all mail redirected to the user1 account as specified.My file has this:

VERSIONID(`setup for linux')dnl


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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't Send Email To External Domains

Jan 9, 2010

I've set up a mail server using Postfix + dovecot. It works just fine sending email to users in my domain. However, I can't send email to external domains (like gmail, yahoo, etc) different than mine. I've tried sending from a remote connection using Evolution and I get the following message on mail.log

Jan 8 10:45:20 mail postfix/smtpd[14911]: connect from unknown[]
Jan 8 10:45:21 mail postfix/smtpd[14911]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from unknown[]: 550 5.1.1 <>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local recipient table; from=<> to=<> proto=ESMTP helo=<[]>


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Ubuntu Servers :: Postfix Not Relaying To External Domains?

Jan 16, 2010

I'm having a problem with a new install of postfix... it won't relay mail to external domains. Internal mail is fine.I'm using virtual_mailbox_domains so that I can have multiple domains, and I've set dovecot to use local files with encrypted passwords.Here's my

alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases


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Ubuntu Servers :: Sending Mail From Multiple Domains?

Apr 6, 2010

how can i configure my server to send mails from about ten different domains i use google apps and want to know if its possible. Because it sends mail but all goes to spam and i have a static ip

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Ubuntu Servers :: Serving Multiple Domains To One Website

Aug 5, 2010

I have a site up and running on my server. I just bought, and I would like it to point to the same site on I am not sure how to go about doing this.I used zoneedit for my dns. So far I have pointed my 2 new domains to the same dns as my .com on zoneedit and I have created (A) ip address for them. If I did this correctly, the new domains are pointing to my server and all is left is to edit the virtualhost?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Fail To Receive Emails From Other Domains?

Oct 7, 2010

My email server (Postfix + Courier + virtual dropboxes) can receive internal emails, but if the email is sent from the exterior (like Gmail or Hotmail) this email is returned to the 3?rovider (like Gmail):Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:xxxx@xxxxxxx.xxxTechnical details of permanent failure:Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 550 550 sorry, no mailbox here by that name (#5.1.1) (state 14).

----- Original message -----MIME-Version: 1.0I've tried a lot of things, I've used this guide: Ubuntu Server is 10.4 (Lucid), I had the same configuration with a previous Ubuntu version and everything was right.

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